Moths to the fire.

It is no exaggeration to use this idiom to describe the current scene.

Swarms of beetles rushed straight at Tokiomi's flame array, but they were unable to break through the defense, and they were all burned without a trace.

As an insect envoy, it is extremely stupid to challenge the flames head-on. Even so, Kariya did not slack in his attack, cutting his own life force drove the insects to charge in vain, like moths to a flame.This situation has made people unable to laugh anymore, for this extremely weak enemy, Tokiomi has surpassed the limit of contempt and began to feel sorry for him.

Soon, the flames would burn Kariya's bugs to nothing.

At that time, Kariya himself would have died of anger because he could not bear the pain.

Shi Chen only needs to pay attention to maintaining his magic, and just sit back and watch leisurely.

Under his impregnable defense, the outcome will naturally be decided.

But for Tokiomi, who upholds the noble way of magic, continuing to expose the ugliness of a fallen magician who has gone astray is the greatest displeasure.

"Intensive einascherung!" (Give our enemies an intense cremation)

Following Tokiomi's chanting of the second verse, the fire snakes in the defensive formation slowly meandered towards the eye fluid.

Kariya didn't even have defense. For this ready-to-learn magician, it was doubtful whether he had any knowledge of resisting attacking spells.

"Kill...kill you...Tokiomi...I will definitely kill you..."

Although he was being burned by the hot red flames, Kariya didn't even scream, but kept repeating the curse in a low voice.

His body, which was devoured from the inside by insects, may no longer feel pain.

Just as Kariya was writhing painfully as he shook off the flames covering his whole body, he slipped on the edge of the platform and rolled down the eaves, falling into the darkness surrounded by trees.

In the end, after Tokiomi swept away the bugs that were still entrenched in the surrounding area with flames, he disarmed the defensive formation, and sighed while arranging his clothes.

There is no need to confirm the corpse anymore, even if the other party is still alive, they will definitely not live long, and then just wait for Berserker who lost the Master to disappear naturally.


Looking back, this was the first time Irisviel felt uneasy since she set foot on Fuyuki's land.

She once again realized the importance of Saber who was always by her side, and the quiet confidence and tolerance emanating from that petite body gave Alice Filler great peace of mind.

Hisau Maiya, who is now following her instead of Saber, is not trustworthy as a guard, and Kiritsugu also speaks highly of Maiya's ability, not to doubt her.

So what's with this weird sense of unease?

Leaving the castle to escape, there was no dialogue between the two walking in the enchanted forest.

Indeed, Maiya didn't seem to be the type to chat, but the other party's complete silence was still too heavy for Irisviel.

Would she respond if she spoke first?

There's nothing to lose by trying, since the man is now in a safe zone cut off from the fighting, not in a crisis situation where he needs to be quiet.

In this case, just as she was about to muster up the courage to speak, but didn't know what to say, Irisviel forced herself to speak again.

There are as many things I want to ask as there are mountains, the meeting with Kiritsugu, the memories of spending time with him, the character of Kiritsugu in Maiya's eyes.

I am interested in any question, but I feel hesitant no matter which Irisviel asks.

Emiya Kiritsugu, whom she didn't know, Hisau Maiya knew.

If the answer Maiya said was shocking enough to destroy her husband's image in Irisviel's heart.

There can be no such thing, and there is absolutely no basis for such a denial.

Because for Irisviel, the short nine years from the time they met was already Kiritsugu's everything.

During that annoying circle, the silence continued, and although the atmosphere was obviously awkward, Maiya walked forward silently without paying attention.

'I'm really not good at dealing with this woman...'

While bowing her head and sighing deeply, an alarm flashed in Irisviel's mind.


Maiya looked at Irisviel who suddenly stood still with a surprised face.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

"... There are new intruders. One left just now, and now two more have come, so those who continue to walk will meet."

This was an expected situation, Maiya nodded calmly.

"Then make a detour, it's safe to go north from here."


Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Albert for the monthly pass*2!

Chapter 59 Kotomine Kirei (Second Update)

Irisviel was fascinated by using the "clairvoyant" magic to examine the appearance of the intruder, and did not reply immediately.

Wearing a pitch-black monk's robe, the tall man full of a sense of coercion, with short hair and a serious appearance was exactly the same as the photos in Kiritsugu's collection of materials.

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