"...That sentence really shouldn't have come out of your mouth as a Servant."

In Kirei's somewhat surprised heart, some Archer's anger at his teacher's impoliteness arose, and at the same time he also felt a little bit of Archer's purpose for coming to him this time.

"Is it that boring? Tokiomi-sensei's order."

"Ahh, it's just too boring. Talking about getting a universal wishing machine is simply a meaningless wish."

All the things that magicians dream of are brought by the hero king Yixiao, but for Kirei, it is understandable.

"The desire for "root" is unique to magicians, so it is incomprehensible to outsiders."

"If you say that, you are someone else, right? Kirei, as far as I know, you were originally on the opposite side of a magician, right?"

Regarding Kirei's complicated position, it seems that Archer has already heard about it. Although this man looks like a domineering man all day long, he is surprisingly sensitive.

Kirei crossed his hands and pondered in silence. If he does not look at it from the standpoint of Tohsaka Tokiomi, but from the standpoint of a church, the representative of the Eighth Secret Society, what is the significance of Tokiomi's Holy Grail War? Woolen cloth?

"...the road to the "root" can be said to lead to the "outside" of the world, that is to say, it cannot bring any influence to the "inside", that is, this world, so it is necessary to focus only on As far as the "inner" church is concerned, the pursuit of the magicians is simply meaningless, and we can only understand this behavior as a meaningless attempt."

Hearing this, Archer nodded.

"I see, indeed, I am only interested in this universe that is my garden."

Proclamation as if the whole world is his own, worthy of being the King of Heroes, with such an arrogant attitude, but he has the right to be arrogant.

"I don't have any interest in areas beyond my control, so I don't care about the "root" at all."

Kirei smiled wryly, this Archer was simply on the opposite side of the magician.

As for Tohsaka Tokiomi, who is an out-and-out magician, it is not unreasonable to feel helpless against him.

"If Fuyuki's Holy Grail is only a specialized device that exists to search for the "root", no matter how red-eyed magicians fight for it, the Church of the Holy Church will just sit idly by. Wish fulfillment is "omnipotent."

"The Holy Grail has a "mysterious" power that can change even the "inner side" of the world. If this powerful power falls into the hands of heretics, it will become a threat to our faith. That's why the Church of the Holy Church chose Tohsaka Toki minister."

"Rather than letting it fall into the hands of heretics, let it be wasted on "boring and pointless" things, but it seems that my father also had some other purpose in the first place."

Shaking the wine glass slightly to shake the red liquid in it, Archer asked.

"So that means, the Masters other than Tokiomi, they are competing for the Holy Grail for a purpose different from Tokiomi's?"

Regarding the King of Heroes' question, Kirei nodded.

"While Shi Chen is a typical representative of magicians, he is also the one who pursues the most among magicians. What other guys are pursuing is nothing more than the glitzy favors in the world. Prestige, desire, power... everything is in the world. A wish that can be fulfilled from the "inside" of the world."

"Isn't that great? It's my favorite thing."

"You are nothing more than a king who reigns over the apex of these vulgar things, Gilgamesh."

Archer shook his head and picked up the two chess pieces on the coffee table.

"Although we can't see how much the Holy Grail is worth now, it doesn't matter if it's broken metal. This king has found fun beyond the Holy Grail."

"In this ugly world full of fakes that you laugh at?"

Kirei asked.

"This is still the case, but this king wants to see the Holy Grail War to the end. This king likes arrogant lives. I don't know how much I have, but people with great ambitions. As long as I see them, I will feel happy .”

As he spoke, Gilgamesh held the wine glass in his right hand and the wine bottle in his left.

"The size is too small, and the desire is too big. The former is just a fool that can be found everywhere, but the latter is rare."

"Both are equally stupid, aren't they?"

Regarding Kirei's culture, he asked rhetorically.

"Rare stupidity is more noble than ordinary wisdom, isn't it? Born as a human being, but with an inhuman pathetic wish, the position gave up the status of a human being. This king will never get tired of watching this kind of people's sorrow and despair. "

Archer took another sip from the wine glass, continued to shake it slowly, and said with a smile.

"Then what about you, Kirei, what wish do you want the Holy Grail to fulfill?"

Being asked such a question, Kirei hesitated for the first time since the beginning of the conversation.

"Am I..."

Yes, this is the biggest question, why does Kotomine Kirei have a Command Seal engraved on his left hand?

Why can he be recognized by the Holy Grail?

"I... don't have any special wishes."

In response to Kirei's ambiguous answer, Archer's red pupils shone bewitchingly.

"How is that possible? Isn't the Holy Grail only summoning those who have wishes?"

"It should be like this, but... I don't know why, why did the Holy Grail choose me to participate in this battle without any ideals and desires to achieve?"

"Is this kind of thing that confusing?"

Seeing Kirei's serious thinking expression, Archer couldn't help laughing.

"It's neither for ideals, nor for any desire, but the simple pursuit of "pleasure" isn't it enough?"

Chapter 46 Some changes have taken place in Ma Po's mentality (first update)

"What are you kidding?!!"

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