"No, it's impossible. Given the previous conflicts between Lancer and Saber, it's impossible for them to cooperate. In other words, is this the unilateral help of Lancer's master?"

Kotomine Kirei also spoke at this moment.

"It seems that Lancer's Master is a naive guy, and he is willing to give up something as precious as the Command Spell."

Tokiomi continued at this time.

"No, Kirei, just judging by the opponent's performance in the previous battle, he doesn't look like a reckless person. That guy must have other plans, but we haven't noticed it yet..."

"Kirei, you are indeed a highly skilled agent, and I know that you are very confident in your ability, but in the current situation, doesn't your decision seem a bit rash?"

As if feeling invisible pressure, Kotomine Kirei subconsciously nodded to the air even on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, I will definitely think more carefully in the future."

After the communicator fell completely silent, Kirei got up and walked out of the basement.

Just when he opened the door of his own room on the first floor, he suddenly felt a sense of incongruity as if he had entered the wrong room.

It's neither a change in smell nor a change in temperature, just a significant change in the overall feel of the room.

Kirei's room, which was originally simple, now seemed to be filled with the luxury and elegance of a palace.

The furnishings and lighting in the room have not changed in any way, the only difference is that there is a man sitting on the bench in the room as if no one else is there.

This man who occupied other people's house for no reason was a task that surprised Kirei slightly, and he frowned slightly in surprise.


The blond hair standing like burning and the ruby-like eyes.

The one who appeared in front of Kirei was none other than Tohsaka Tokiomi's Servant, King of Heroes Gilgamesh.

What Yinglin was wearing was not his original golden armor, but a patent leather jacket and leather pants with fur that were full of modern feeling.

Since being summoned to the present world, this Heroic Spirit, who has been traveling everywhere with his ability to act alone, suddenly got tired of touring in spirit form recently.

Simply appearing in the entity, put on casual clothes and play on the streets at night.

Although Tosaka Tokiomi had already heard about Archer's idiotic behavior, Kirei never imagined that he would appear in his room at all.

Not only did Archer not show the slightest bit of shame for his behavior of casually entering other people's rooms, but he casually took out a bottle of red wine from the closet, opened it, poured it into a glass, and took a sip gracefully.

"Although there are not many of them, compared to Tokiomi's collection, yours are even more top-quality. What a disgraceful disciple."


Kirei, who didn't know the purpose of Archer's visit, looked at the empty wine bottles lined up on the table.

It looks like Archer has taken out all the wines in his house and tasted them one by one.

While it may seem a bit surprising at first glance, it's not surprising when you think about it.

Kirei has a habit of buying the best wine whenever he hears about it.

Alcohol, if you look into it carefully, is an endless and profound world.

In other words, wine can fill the emptiness in the heart through the sense of taste. It is also a good way to use alcohol to get yourself drunk when you are empty. This seeker who is walking in a dead end thinks so seriously.

But so far, he has not tasted it once.

It's just that the quantity of good wine is constantly increasing, even when entertaining guests, I never thought of taking out these good wines.

Not to mention the current drunk who casually drank up other people's wine collection, no matter how much he praised his own wine collection, Kirei didn't have any welcoming attitude towards him.

"What's the matter with you?"

Facing Kirei's inquiry without any emotion, Archer raised his wine glass and looked at Kirei with meaningful eyes.

"People who feel bored, it seems that there are other people besides me."


Upon hearing such an answer, Kirei immediately realized the meaning of Archer's magnificence.

Although I don't know when Archer knew about it, but this Heroic Spirit already knew about Kirei acting alone against Tokiomi's wishes last night.

"What's the matter, Kirei? Are you also unsatisfied with just following Tokiomi's orders?"

"...Are you not satisfied with the contract until now? Gilgamesh."

Kirei didn't answer Archer's question but asked back with a slightly displeased expression.

Although the other party was the legendary King of Heroes, there was nothing to fear for Kirei.

Chapter 45 Do you want to pursue "pleasure"? (fourth more)

No matter what Shi Chen personally thinks about it, a Servant is a servant of the Master.

Compared with himself as Tokiomi's direct disciple, they are equal to each other, there is absolutely no need to worry too much about him.

Archer didn't pay attention to Kirei's attitude, but just snorted and took another sip of the wine in his glass.

"It was Tokiomi who summoned me here, and he was the one who gave me magic power, so no matter what, I must treat him with the etiquette of a subject."

Just after this unexpected speech, a gloomy haze flashed in Gilgamesh's red pupils.

"But frankly speaking, he is really a boring man, it is too boring."

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