Everyone has entered the dream of their target at this moment, and the girl sitting beside Xia Qing is also the same.

After a brief moment of weightlessness, she forgot how she came to the dreamland, only remembering that she opened a door.

Then... what I saw was a scene of chaos.

The world, or space, made of black and hazy psychedelic light is as deep as the endless night sky that can be seen when you look up at night.

"What exactly is this……"

The girl didn't even dare to take a step forward, because there was no place for her feet to stand, and even the place where she was standing now was nothingness.

Above is an indistinguishable deep night, but below is a clear water surface, through the reflection of the water surface, you can see the washed blue sky, under the almost transparent water surface, without any impurities, you can only see The reflecting blue sky, and the infinitely extending underwater world.

"What is going on in this guy's dream..."

At this moment, the world began to collapse.

The night on the dome became more and more chaotic, only the lights of various strange colors were flickering, and they were finally sucked into the darkness. Finally, the girl saw the scene where the black clouds in the night sky were pushed aside.

It looks like a full moon, but it is red. In the red moon, you can clearly see three still jades...

In the real train compartment, Xia Qing, who was sitting on the seat, had already woken up at this time, maintaining the posture of leaning back on the chair, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, and in the scarlet eyes that slowly opened, three hook jades appeared impressively. appear.

Then, he turned his face and looked at the girl beside him who woke up with him.

"Yo~ you're awake."

"You...how could-"

The black eyes were shrinking sharply, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and he passed out with the heavy blow to his neck.

Xia Qing withdrew his hand, and moved his head over his shoulder. After letting the girl fall into a coma by the car window, Xia Qing followed the same pattern and directly stunned the other controlled passengers who were in a dream.

It's not that he can't wake them up, but that he can't help them at this moment, and it will make them panic.

Doing so will only slow down your ability to resolve the incident.

Xia Qing stood up, then raised his head and glanced at the top of the carriage.

"Is it up there..."

The current Xia Qing could see the figure standing above the carriage, but there was something wrong with the internal organization of the opponent's body, as if he was assimilating with the train.

"Fire... the train man!?"

What the eyes see may not be real, but Xia Qing, who has Sharingan, can now see its essence.

Therefore, what is standing above the carriage at this moment is indeed Nightmare's body, at least for now.

boom----! !

With the sound of the roof of the carriage being blasted away, Xia Qing's figure jumped into the air, and then landed on the roof of the carriage a little further back.

Xia Qing's sudden appearance caused a slight change in Nightmare's expression.

"Why...you woke up so quickly...?"

Human beings want to have a dream of happiness, and the desire for their own Lydmond is obviously very strong. Why is this guy able to escape from the dream so quickly...

Afterwards, Nightmare saw the 【Sun Wheel Knife】 that Xia Qing pulled out, and an 'innocent' smile appeared on his face.

"Ahhh~ it's golden...it's you~ the lord said that he wants to kill you as well!"

Chapter 4 My lord, times have changed. (4/[-])

"Heh... kill me...?"

Xia Qing smiled and murmured.

"Yeah, my luck is really good, it came to me so soon, it's like a dream, as long as I kill you, then I can get the blood of Master Wu Mi again. "

When he said these words, the veins on Nightmare's face had already started to bulge.

"If I get stronger again, I can start a bloody battle like a wounded ghost...!"


Xia Qing suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing...?"

Nightmare didn't understand the meaning of Xia Qing's laughter at this moment.

"No, no, I just feel a little ridiculous."

The smile on Xia Qing's face did not stop.

"You said... you want to initiate a bloody battle against Shangxian?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, what's so funny about it?"

Nightmare raised his hand while asking the question. On the back of his hand, there was a mouth, and at this moment, he uttered the "whisper of compulsive drowsiness and hypnosis".

"Go to sleep!"

The moment he heard this voice, Xia Qing felt a special force trying to invade his spirit and make him fall asleep.

However, the current him, in this aspect, will definitely not be weaker than the other party.

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