"Reincarnation Eye" --- 150000 points!

"Samsara Sharingan" --- 200000 points!

When Xia Qing finished reading the data, he already felt a splitting headache.

"Ah, ah, it's so expensive, I can't even afford one now..."

However, although it is expensive, its power after opening is also very powerful, but the Kaleidoscope Sharingan has side effects.

Only the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan can be used completely without any side effects.

"It's impossible for me to exchange it now... I can only wait until later, when I have enough points."

What's more, to deal with the current situation, relying on a three-gou jade sharing sharing eye is completely enough.

【Offline [-]】The nightmare hypnosis will make people fall into a dream created by themselves.However, the dream that nightmares cause people to enter is not infinitely extended, but forms a limited dream circle around the dream owner, and outside the dream circle is the unconscious domain of the dream owner.

In the realm of dreams and unconsciousness, there is a "spiritual core" in the unconscious domain of the dream master. If the core is destroyed, the dream master will lose consciousness and become a disabled person. Even if he is killed, he will not have any resistance.

Usually nothing exists in the unconscious realm, although in the dreams of highly self-aware people, other things may appear in the unconscious realm.

Nightmare generally does not take the initiative to enter other people's dreams, because if the owner of the dream has strong self-awareness, Nightmare may resonate with it and be affected by it in turn.

Because it was a relationship in a dream, in Xia Qing's opened scarlet eyes, the three gouyu seemed to come alive, turning slowly, an invisible force caused the whole world to fall apart, shattering like glass!

"Let's compete, Nightmare..."


The flight attendant who went to the rear compartment was kneeling on the ground at this moment, begging to a hand with eyes and a mouth in front of him.

"I checked the tickets as you ordered, and let them all fall asleep. Please let me sleep too quickly, and let me see my dead wife and daughter... Please, please..."

That hand spoke at this moment, and what came out was a man's feminine voice.

"Okay, you are doing well, go to sleep and have a good dream with your family."

And the rest of the passengers "whose consciousness was controlled by the nightmare" all knelt and asked that hand at this moment.

"Excuse me...we..."

Chapter 3 The train turns into a ghost! (4/[-])

Turning the "eyes" towards them, the voice of nightmare sounded.

"After a while, the sleep will become deeper. Wait here first. The keen ghost killing team will sometimes wake up due to murderous or ghost breath. After approaching, be careful when tying it with a rope, so as not to touch it. For their bodies, I can't leave the front compartment for the time being, when the work is ready, you all have to work hard, so that you can have a good dream~"

What it is talking about is not an ordinary rope, but Nightmare's special ability - "Dream Rope".

"Dream Rope" - a special rope made by Nightmare, which has the special ability to invade the dreams of people tied by the rope.If the rope is broken with the sun wheel knife, the rope user who is not the owner of the dream (that is, the person who invades other people's dreams) will lose consciousness forever.

A group of passengers, half asleep and half awake, nodded in agreement.


But at this moment, Nightmare standing above the train raised her hands with a bewitched face, feeling the wind blowing.

"No matter how strong the ghost killing team is, the driving force of people is the heart and spirit. As long as the "spiritual core" is destroyed, it will be like walking dead. It is easy to kill them. The human form is the same, like a glass product. Fragile and fragile."

【Offline [-]】Nightmare's blood ghost technique - Nightmare's blood ghost technique can force the opponent to sleep and start dreaming, and then can control the people and things in the dream.The opponent can only wake up if he commits suicide in his dream.

Under normal circumstances, the body of the person affected by Nightmare's sleep vampire technique cannot move, because their consciousness will be completely separated from the body and locked into the dream created by Nightmare.

When the flight attendant checked the ticket, the tool used stained the ticket with nightmare blood ink, and in this way, the ability of vampirism was successfully activated.

Although it is troublesome, this method is the best. It is difficult to be detected. It is very important not to be detected. Before the dream is detected, it is reality.

For Nightmare, what he likes the most is the distorted expressions of human beings. It is very interesting for him to watch those guys who are struggling and struggling when they are defeated by the unstoppable.

Therefore, he likes to make people have nightmares after perfect dreams. Even if he wants to satisfy himself by going round and round, he will kill the ghost killing team accurately afterwards.


After tying ropes to everyone's arms, the passengers whose consciousness was manipulated began to use the ropes given to them by Nightmare, and tied them to the wrists of Purgatory Xingshourou and others, while the other end was Tie it to yourself, so that you can enter the "unconscious realm" in other people's dreams.

In order to directly destroy the "Core of Consciousness", as long as it is destroyed, people trapped in the dream will not be able to fight.

"Is it enough to tie the rope around your hands?"

a girl asked.

"Yes, don't forget what he reminded us of."

After some chatting, everyone starts attaching the rope to the target to kill.

Sitting next to Xia Qing was a girl with black shoulder-length hair tied into a single ponytail.

"Then take a deep breath, five..."





— to sleep.

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