"Luoyang." Mu Han touched Wang Yuyan's small head and said with a smile.


Wang Yuyan asked curiously, "Why are you going to Luoyang?"

"Because there will be a good show there." Mu Han said lightly.

On Wang Yuyan's pretty face, she became more and more curious: "What's the fun?"

Mu Han smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes."

"I know." A'Zhu on the side suddenly interrupted.

"You know?" Mu Han glanced at A'Zhu and said with a smile.

"If A'Zhu's guess is correct, the young master probably went to Luoyang for the leader of the Beggar Clan, Qiao Feng." A'Zhu said.

"How do you know?" Mu Han asked strangely.

The purpose of his trip to Luoyang, but he has never told the three women, how could this Ah Zhu guess so accurately?

"Young master came to Yanziwu at the beginning because of Mr. Murong, south of Murong and north of Qiaofeng, and Luoyang is where the head of the Beggar Clan is located, so I guess you went to Luoyang, most likely because of Qiao Feng " A Zhu said with a smile.

"Ah Zhu, you are really smart."

Mu Han exclaimed, he didn't expect that A'Zhu was so smart, but soon he was relieved, A'Zhu was originally the smartest among the heroines in Tianlong World.

"Sister Ah Zhu, after what you said, I also want to meet that North Qiaofeng, to see if it is as powerful as our Mr. Mu Han?" Abi said.

Mu Han also smiled faintly. Like Abi, he was looking forward to the battle with Qiao Feng.

The boat docked, and Mu Han took the three daughters back to Gusu City, first to buy a carriage.

The journey to Luoyang is not too short. If there is no carriage, it may not be very convenient.

Mu Han brought three girls who were as beautiful as celestial beings, which attracted the attention of many passers-by.

"My lord, should we put on some makeup?" A'Zhu asked.

She also knew that with the beauty of the three of them, they might cause a lot of trouble when walking in the rivers and lakes.

"No need!" Mu Han shook his head and smiled lightly.

Accompanied by three super beauties, it is pleasing to the eye. As for trouble, Mu Han is never afraid of trouble.

If someone doesn't open their eyes, then Mu Han will not be polite.

After purchasing the horse 617 carriage, Mu Han took his three daughters and bought some daily necessities before heading towards Luoyang.

With three daughters to accompany him, Mu Han will not be bored along the way.

Hurrying on the road during the day, and sleeping with the three female quilts at night, along the way, I was very happy.

After several days of rushing, a quaint city finally appeared in front of Mu Han and the three daughters.

The quaint city is magnificent, like a huge monster, crawling on the ground, giving people a very shocking feeling.

And on the city wall, there are two big characters written: "Luoyang!"

"This is Luoyang?"

Looking at Luoyang, Wang Yuyan, Azhu and Abi all exclaimed in amazement.

The buildings in the south of the Yangtze River are mainly small and exquisite, while the grandeur and grandeur of the buildings in Luoyang amazed the three girls.

"Let's go, let's go into the city." Mu Han said with a smile.

Driving the carriage, Mu Han led the three daughters into Luoyang City.

In Luoyang city, there were people coming and going, bustling and buzzing, which made the three girls even more excited, chattering and looking around.

"Come on, let's go eat something first."

Looking at the appearance of the three girls, Mu Han said with a smile.

Hearing Mu Han's proposal, Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi felt their stomachs rumbling and nodded repeatedly. . "

Chapter 69 The news of the beggar gang meeting, picking flowers (3/3)

"Four guest officers, please come inside."

Mu Han took Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi, and stopped at the entrance of a restaurant named Zuixian Pavilion, and the waiter of the restaurant hurriedly came to the door to welcome the four of them.

When the waiter saw Wang Yuyan, Azhu and Abi, he was slightly startled, and was amazed by the beauty of the three girls.

However, the waiter in this famous store is considered a veteran, and soon realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly looked away.

"If you dare to look around again next time, I'll goug your eyes." Mu Han said coldly.

Feeling the coldness emanating from Mu Han's body, the waiter was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he hurriedly pulled the carriage to the backyard of the restaurant, and welcomed the four of them in.

"Guest officer, what do you need to eat?" the waiter asked tremblingly.

"Bring up all your signature wine and dishes." Mu Han said.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Mu Han looked around, the Drunken Immortal Pavilion occupies a rather spacious area, and there are many people from the world talking about it.

These people from the rivers and lakes are all second- and third-rate warriors. After drinking two glasses of wine, they even started talking nonsense.

"Have you heard that the beggar gang held a beggar gang meeting in Xingzilin outside the city today?"

"Ah? Really? What is the so-called beggar gang holding a beggar gang meeting?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I heard it's a very important matter, related to the life and death of the beggar gang."

"So serious? Under the leadership of Bei Qiaofeng these years, the Beggars' Clan has flourished day by day. I'm afraid only Shaolin and Vulture Palace can compete with the Beggars' Clan. Is there anything that can affect the life and death of the Beggars' Clan?"


People from the rivers and lakes on the side discussed loudly, their voices were extremely loud, and they wanted to show that they were knowledgeable.

"Master Mu Han, the Beggars' Clan is holding a beggars' gang meeting in Xingzi Forest, so North Qiaofeng should also appear in Xingzi Forest." A'Zhu said.


Mu Han nodded and said, "Let's eat quickly, and we'll go to Xingzilin to see the excitement later~~."

The three women all nodded, and their eating speed increased by three points.

But at this time, a young man at the side table dressed in a strange outfit and with green hair dyed, holding a wine glass, with a lewd look on his face, came to Mu Han and the third daughter drunkenly.

"What a beautiful girl!"

The green-haired young man looked at Mu Han jokingly, and said, "Brother, the beauty is not shallow, but three chicks, I'm afraid you can't handle it, how can I help you?"

Before the words finished, the green-haired youth stretched out his hand and touched Wang Yuyan's face.

People in the surrounding arena watched this scene jokingly.


The next moment, the green-haired youth let out a scream. Before everyone saw what happened, they saw a bamboo chopstick stuck in the palm of the green-haired youth and nailed it to the table.

The green-haired young man's face was distorted in pain, and there was cold sweat on his forehead, and he looked at Mu Han in horror.

"Boy, how dare you hurt me? Do you know who I am?" the green-haired youth said sharply.

"Are all the disciples of Xingxiu so arrogant?" Mu Han sarcastically asked.

According to the system, Mu Han has long known that this green-haired young man is Ding Chunqiu's ninth disciple, named Caihuazi, and his cultivation is only at the first-class stage.

"Is he the disciple of XingXiu old monster?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, the expressions of the people in the surrounding Jianghu all changed.

Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi were also slightly moved, the three of them had also heard of the Xingxiu School.

Especially Ding Chunqiu, the head of the Xingxiu sect, Xingxiu old monster, is a master of the evil sect in the martial arts world. He does all kinds of evil and kills people like hemp.

"Bold, you dare to insult the teacher?" Cai Huazi shouted angrily.


But before Caihuazi finished speaking, another scream came out.

Mu Han inserted a bamboo chopstick into Caihuazi's palm again.

The blood gushing out frantically made the people in the surrounding Jianghu feel terrified. They never thought that this young man who was as handsome as a fairy would be so vicious.

"Boy, are you really not afraid of death?" Cai Huazi's face twisted in pain, and cold sweat also appeared on his forehead, dripping down his cheeks.

"Hehe, I am naturally afraid of death, but a mere Ding Chunqiu may not be qualified enough to let me die." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"go to hell!"

A vicious look flashed in Caihuazi's eyes, and with a sudden wave of his left hand, a handful of poisonous powder was thrown towards Mu Han in the palm of his hand.

However, Mu Han had expected that before Caihuazi released the poisonous powder, he would cast the star shift, and Caihuazi's left hand seemed to be out of control, and the poisonous powder in his hand was actually sprinkled towards his face.

"."what! "

All the poisonous powder fell on Caihuazi's face, Caihuazi's face was instantly corroded by the poisonous powder, and a lot of poisonous powder was also sucked into Caihuazi's mouth and nose, and his face began to turn blue.

"Tell me, where is Ding Chunqiu now, maybe I'm in a good mood and I'll let you live." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Don't think about it."

Cai Huazi looked as if he would rather die than surrender, but he also secretly complained in his heart, there are so many people here, if they tell Ding Chunqiu's whereabouts by himself, if it reaches Ding Chunqiu's ears and let his master know that he betrayed him, he may not be able to survive, please. Can't die.

"In this case, then..."

With a wave of his palm, Mu Han's palm was as strong as a knife, and he chopped off the five fingers of Cai Huazi's right hand.

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