A cold, arrogant and vicious woman like Mrs. Wang is obediently submitting to herself now. This sense of conquest is absolutely exciting and satisfying.

"Qingluo, how is it?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"You are my enemy."

Mrs. Wang slid her fingers lightly on Mu Han's chest, and said reproachfully.

Now on Mrs. Wang's pretty face, there is still a blush that has not faded away, and her whole body is sore and weak, like an octopus, attached to Mu Han's body.

"Who told you to provoke me?"

Mu Han's big hand walked over Mrs. Wang's body, the warmth from the big hand made Mrs. Wang involuntarily let out a low moan.

"But don't tell Yan'er about this matter yet." Mrs. Wang said softly, she was worried that Wang Yuyan would not be able to accept it.


Mu Han nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret."

Although the mother and daughter are married, it is not the time to talk about it, so Mu Han also decided to hide his relationship with Mrs. Wang first.

"Qingluo, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Mu Han said slowly, "Duan Zhengchun is dead."


Hearing this, Li Qingluo exclaimed, with a look of surprise on her face, she immediately became normal, and said indifferently: "If you die, you die, what does it have to do with me?"

"You don't have to hide it from me. I know about you and Duan Zhengchun. Yuyan's biological father is also Duan Zhengchun." Mu Han said.

"How do you know?" Mrs. Wang's face changed slightly, she was surprised.

"I know far more things than you imagined, but Duan Zhengchun is dead, you will follow me from now on, no one dares to touch your hair." Mu Han said with a smile.


Mrs. Wang nodded and responded softly.

Hearing the news of Duan Zhengchun's death, Mrs. Wang felt a little strange. There was no sadness in her heart, as if it was a stranger who died.

Seeing Mrs. Wang's appearance, Mu Han smiled lightly.


Mrs. Wang felt the changes in Mu Han's body, and her pretty face turned red again.

It's good to be young, to recover so quickly!

"Mother, mother..."

Just when Mu Han mounted his horse with his gun and was about to fight Madam Wang again for [-] rounds, Wang Yuyan's panicked voice suddenly came from the door.


Wang Yuyan pushed open the door, but saw that Mu Han and her mother were naked, sitting cross-legged on the bed, her mother's eyes were closed tightly, her face was flushed, and Mu Han's palms were pressed against her mother's jade back. On the top of the two of them, white air was blowing out.

She was waiting for Mu Han in the room before, but because she was worried about Mu Han, she came to the courtyard where her mother lived, but found that there were more than ten dead bodies in the courtyard. This scene.

"Yuyan, why are you here?"

Mu Han glanced at Wang Yuyan and said, "Your mother was seriously injured by an assassin, and I'm healing your mother."

"Then how is my mother doing now?" Wang Yuyan asked anxiously.

For Mu Han's words, Wang Yuyan has no doubts, and now she is most concerned about her mother's injury.

"Don't worry, I'm here, your mother is fine, you can wait at the door first." Mu Han said.

"it is good!"

Wang Yuyan was also worried about affecting Mu Han's healing of her mother, so she quickly retreated and closed the door...

When Madam Wang opened her eyes when she heard the door close, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart sank.

Wang Yuyan came too fast, and the two of them didn't have time to tidy up. Fortunately, Mu Han had experience before, so he pretended to heal Mrs. Wang's injuries, and the ten or so Xixia masters helped take the blame.

"Seeing that you are so proficient, doesn't it mean that practice makes perfect?" Mrs. Wang said with a chuckle, jokingly.

"Madam Wang, continue?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Continue? Yan'er is still at the station."

Mrs. Wang did not expect that Mu Han would be so bold.

But Mu Han didn't care about Mrs. Wang so much, he took Mrs. Wang into his arms with both hands, and it was another big battle...


"Yuyan, come in."

Wang Yuyan pushed the door open, and saw Mu Han sitting neatly on the edge of the bed, while his mother was leaning on the edge of the bed.

Mu Han looked at him with a smile, while his mother had a shy expression on her face, this expression was somewhat familiar.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Wang Yuyan came to Mrs. Wang's side and asked with concern.

"Yan'er, don't worry, mother is fine. Thank you Mr. Mu Han for saving me, mother is safe and sound." Mrs. Wang gave Mu Han a shy look, and said softly.

"Brother Mu Han, thank you for saving my mother." Wang Yuyan gave Mu Han a grateful look, and said. 0.9

Mu Han smiled, but secretly said in his heart: I wish I could "save" your mother a few more times.

"Yuyan, your mother needs a good rest right now, let's go back." Mu Han said with a smile.

After the fierce battle with Mu Han, Mrs. Wang was exhausted and really wanted to take a good rest.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Mrs. Wang's heart warmed slightly. She never thought that Mu Han was so considerate and considerate of herself.

Wang Yuyan nodded and said, "Okay, mother, you should rest well."

Mu Han led Wang Yuyan out of the room, and when Mu Han closed the door from the outside, he smiled at Mrs. Wang.

Seeing Mu Han's appearance, Mrs. Wang's pretty face was so charming that even her crystal clear earlobes and fair neck were flushed with a faint blush, she was extremely shy and charming. . "

Chapter 68 Leaving for Luoyang City (2/3)

"Brother Mu Han, is my mother really okay?" On the way back to the room, Wang Yuyan asked softly.

Mu Han rubbed Wang Yuyan's little head, and said with a smile, "Don't you trust your brother Mu Han?"


Seeing the gentle smile on Mu Han's handsome face, Wang Yuyan blushed slightly.

Seeing the shy Wang Yuyan, Mu Han smiled, stretched out his hand to embrace her, and the two walked back to the room slowly.

And A'Zhu and A'bi had been waiting in the room for a long time, and they were also relieved to see that Mu Han was safe and sound.

Looking at the nervous appearance of the three women, Mu Han's heart warmed up slightly, but there was a wicked smile on his face.


In the days that followed, Mu Han was served comfortably by the three daughters Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi, and from time to time sneaked into Mrs. Wang's room in the middle of the night.

Now Mu Han is sleeping with Wang Yuyan, Azhu and Abi, but he still hopes to add Mrs. Wang.

But now the time is not yet, Mu Han is not in a hurry.

More haste less speed!


In the middle of the night, after Mu Han and Mrs. Wang had some lingering love.

"Are you leaving 14?"

Mrs. Wang is extremely intelligent, and she can tell at a glance that Mu Han is a little different from the past.

Mu Han nodded, and said, "I've also stayed in Mantuo Villa for a long time, and I want to go out for a bit of adventure."

The Tianlong world is full of splendor, and Mu Han can't stay in Mantuo Villa all the time.

"Are you going to take Yan'er away?" Mrs. Wang asked.

"If Yuyan doesn't want to leave, I won't force her." Mu Han said lightly.

"Hmph, you know Yan'er will definitely follow you, that's why you said that."

Mrs. Wang snorted softly and said, "Then when will you come back to see me?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "When I finish my work, I will naturally come to see you. It won't be too long."

Looking at Mrs. Wang's proud figure, even he was a little reluctant to leave such a stunner.


A few days later, Mu Han was ready to leave Mantuo Villa.

Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi all scrambled to follow, Mu Han agreed one by one, with his current cultivation level, it was enough to protect the safety of the three girls.

"Mrs. Wang, thank you for taking care of me these days."

On the pier, Mu Han was dressed in white, with long jet black hair loosely loose, looking handsome and elegant.

Facing Mu Han's pretended politeness, Mrs. Wang's beautiful eyes showed a hint of rebuke that others could not detect, and said, "Master Mu Han, I will trouble you to take care of Yan'er."

"Mother, I will take care of myself." Wang Yuyan said softly, with a slight blush on her pretty face.

She was also a little surprised, she didn't expect that her mother would let her leave with Mu Han.

"Mrs. Wang, I will take good care of Yuyan. Let me go."

Mu Han clasped his hands together, and boarded the boat first, and Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'zhu followed suit.

The maidservant of Mantuo Villa, scull the oar, and the boat slowly sailed away from Mantuo Villa.

"Brother Mu Han, where are we going next?" Wang Yuyan asked excitedly when she went out for the first time.

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