Quadruple split

Chapter 923 Interlude of Qihao Archives

After a while, Lorelei returned to the little thorny wolf in the center of the team, then skillfully opened the friend bar, issued a series of concise commands, and then continued to 'watch the show'.

As for those members of the 17th Special Forces Group who kept silent and only dared to fight against the knight statue, they began to adjust the battle rhythm as soon as Lorelei's messages were sent out, and when the last batch of them received After the people under the command completed their positions, the structure of this front line had undergone tremendous changes.

Needless to say, the target of this change can only be the beautiful girl mercenary group who have no intention of stopping.

Obviously, Lorelai was preparing to 'break the peace a little bit' as she just said.

Of course, as a senior executive of Joban Studio, this woman with maturity, beauty and wisdom had no intention of harming Kasena and others from the beginning, even if there were no people like Zordon and others from the Archaeologists Association here. It's very simple. Unlike many profit-oriented studios that only care about money, Joban Studio has always attached great importance to its own image and reputation, so Lorelei naturally did not do anything like "let the 17th Special Forces directly crush the beautiful girl servant" The Corps' operation can easily arouse public opinion.

It is necessary to mention here that paying attention to image does not mean that Joban Studio is upright from the inside out. In fact, even the studios and even clubs with the best reputations are absolutely impossible to be 'spotless'. , and the Joban Guild naturally has such a group of people, who are directly responsible to Boss Sakaki. Before officially settling in the World of Innocence, Little Thorn Wolf and his partner Shinmon Musashi Mori Fujiwara Genshin also had roles in it. However, because their strength is far inferior to their larger counterparts, they are often beaten away when they do bad things. (PS: Unlike Innocence, most games allow the creation of multiple characters).

All in all, although the studio is not without its own marketing team and public relations team, Lorelei is obviously unwilling to add extra trouble to the 'family'.

In her opinion, if Kasena, Lucie, Mika, and Christina are 70% as beautiful as they are in the game in real life, then as long as these girls want to bring the matter to an end, they will even send a video to complain. Yes, the PR team will probably not be able to do much else in the next two weeks.

So Lorelai chose to use a gentler way to hurt this harmony.

First, let the 17th Special Forces Regiment guide the main force of the Knights to the left wing through formation changes, gradually shifting the focus of the battle area, instead of turning it into a barrier to receive even force as before.

Although this operation greatly increased the pressure on the members of the special force who were stationed on the left, the pressure was just pressure after all. Under the superb cooperation of everyone and the linked-up encirclement and suppression with strong damage digestion ability, those knight statues caused some damage There were some troubles, but the special operations group still stabilized its position before they began to cause effective casualties in batches.

And in the process, the beautiful girl mercenary group headed by Kasena didn't encounter a single monster!

You must know that the number of those knight statues is not large at all. Even if a large number of them are diverted to the other side of the battle, they are not as dense and dense as before, but they are still dense, and they will never be so dense. Kasena and others seemed to have entered a safe zone. No matter how they walked around, they could not attract any hatred, and they could not even touch the monsters.

Combined with what Lorelai said before, even Kasena can guess that this is definitely a situation deliberately created by Studio Tokiwa.

There was no strong hostility. The 17th Special Forces Group just calmly created a 'safe zone' centered on these girls.

A safe area in the middle of a war zone, but completely untouched by any monster.

In this case, Kasena and others naturally cannot wait for a chance to fight, and no fight means no contribution.


"It's not like there are no loopholes to exploit."

Lucie saw that the expressions of Kasena and Mika began to become gloomy, and the looks they looked at the members of the 17th Special Forces Group became more and more dangerous, so she sighed softly and reluctantly He raised his little hand and threw out a fireball the size of a basin.

Although I don’t know why, the fireball had already become the size of an egg when it arrived at its destination, but it still successfully completed its mission and accurately hit a fireball that had just appeared in the front after the two of its kind fell, and had not yet been attacked by anyone. The knight statue affected by the attack exploded with sparks on its faceplate.

As mentioned before, the combat mode of the 17th Special Forces Group is very methodical, and it can almost instinctively use the optimal play style in this PVE battle situation, so it is able to operate in a situation where the average strength does not actually have much advantage. He controlled the situation perfectly, which can be said to be very professional.

However, at this moment, this 'professional' has become the breakthrough point of the beautiful girl mercenary group. Not to mention Kasena, Mika and Christina, at least in Lucie's eyes, since the people of the special battle group no matter what The so-called optimal solution can be adopted at any time, so there will be no secrets in the other party's actions in her eyes.

So she only used a fireball the size of an egg to successfully 'catch' a monster for her elder brother who was always thinking about fighting.

"Praise the sun!"

Accompanied by a flat female voice that was completely inconsistent with the style of painting, the statue of the knight whose face was covered by the fireball jumped directly on the spot, passed over the shield-wielding warrior in front of him who was really unresponsive, and swung the heavy sword with great force. Shen jumped and slashed towards Lucie.


The warrior, who was around thirty years old and had been poisoned by the two-dimensional culture since elementary school, subconsciously exclaimed.

"Sister Nani!"

The orc shaman behind him cursed angrily, extinguished the healing wave in his hand, turned his head in the direction of the beautiful girl mercenary group and raised his chin, looking at Kasena's slim body of nearly two meters tall suddenly suddenly Appearing in front of Lucie, she had a head-on fight with the knight statue and said in a dry voice: "Those beauties are starting to take the initiative."

The fox half-orc mage in the team rolled his eyes: "It will really cause trouble for people."

"Nothing to trouble."

As the captain, the elf thief raised his hand and threw two throwing knives at a knight statue not far away. He took the opportunity to complete a kill and smiled at his partner who gave him a thumbs up and smiled: " We can just use Plan B."

After saying that, he held his pair of daggers, which were both of the highest quality, and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, the fox half-orc mage next to him had finished chanting, raised his staff and lit a dark purple thunderbolt, which hit the knight who was facing away from them and fighting with Kasena and others. picture.

The ranger who was relatively behind also fired a [Powerful Sniper], aiming directly at the armor interface on the back of the knight statue.

Even the orc shaman who was a healer, in his busy schedule, threw out a gale that didn't look very powerful.

A thunderbolt, a powerful arrow, and a ball of strong wind. Because the attacks are relatively hasty, the damage of these three attacks is actually not very high. Especially the ball of wind, the effect is infinitely close to zero, and it is impossible to How much damage is caused to the knight statue with high magic and physical resistance.

But what if there’s more to it than that?

What if the attacks that hit the knight statue were not three, but six, ten,... forty-one?

The results are obvious!

Accompanied by a series of endless explosions, the knight who withstood a total of forty-one long-range attacks in an instant, and was even stabbed twice in the back by two thieves fell down without any suspense!

You must know that the members of the 17th Special Forces Group are all high-level professionals. Even if they launch hasty and uncoordinated attacks, they will not be weak enough to be directly immune. Except for a few healers who are really serious Except for those who have more than enough power and lack of strength, most of the attacks can achieve the most basic "defense breaking". As long as these attacks can cause an average of 2%-3% damage to the knight statue, the latter will only be defeated. It's a matter of seconds.

From a God's perspective, we can clearly find that, including Lucie's initial fireball, the damage caused by the Pretty Girls Mercenary Group to the knight statue accounted for 12% of its total health. damage, and the remaining 88% is dealt by the 17th Special Forces Group.

If we analyze it more strictly, it is the special battle group that brings the enemy into combat (which can also be said to attract monsters). It is the beautiful girl mercenary group that deals the first effective damage. Nearly 90% of the damage output is from the special battle group. , the final blow also belongs to the special operations group.

According to the data analysis repeatedly collected by Joban Studio, in this case, assuming that the contribution and experience of knocking down a knight statue are both 100 points, then the beautiful girl mercenary group can only get about 5 points each at most.

This level of loss is completely acceptable.

"I see."

The monster in front of her that she had just snatched was killed instantly by focused fire. Lucie, who was stunned for half a second, nodded slightly, shrugged and said: "Okay, I can't do anything, let's rest."

She was telling the truth. After noticing the 17th Special Forces Group's Plan B, Lucie could basically conclude that Kasena would not be able to have a good time today, even if she could find a way to steal some monsters from the opponent's mouth. , the latter only needs to be done one by one in the same way. Although it will waste a lot of magic and physical energy to release skills, if these consumptions are evenly distributed to everyone, it will not be much more.

In other words, if nothing else happens, they will definitely be the spectators today.

"Of course, big brother Mimi, you can also try to attack each other directly, beating both humans and monsters."

Lucie pointed at the members of the 17th Special Forces Group who were watching intently around them, and said calmly: "As long as you are not afraid of being beaten to death."

Mika twitched her lips. Although she was not afraid of death, she was still repulsed by such a ridiculous way of death. It was really embarrassing to be killed by her teammates for causing trouble in a mission.

Kasena smacked her lips after a brief silence, hung the [Overlord's Roar] back on her back, turned around and walked towards Mo Tan and others who had been paying attention to the situation behind.

"Just forget it?!"

Mika yelled from behind with some reluctance.

"Forget it, forget it."

Kasena didn't look back, but waved her hand indifferently: "Let's stop messing around. Anyway, our main goal is to get rid of the curse of the two kobolds, isn't it? And it's Mimi, you rush first If you give me the middle finger, it’s your fault.”

"I'm not afraid that they want to harm you!"

"That's not okay, we are girls."

"Haha...brother, you are so embarrassed to say that!"

"Why can't I say that I haven't given my middle finger to anyone since the third grade in school."

"Yeah, you've been going straight up to fight since the fourth grade."

"But I stopped fighting after my second year in high school!"

"Yes, because everyone knows that no one can beat you."

"Shut up!"

"Ha ha."

In this way, the beautiful girl mercenary group, which was still aggressive just now, returned to the protective circle with thunder and rain, and no longer tried to cause trouble with the knight statues and the Viridian Brigade.

Although both Kasena and Mika were holding back their anger.

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Mo Tan smiled at Kasena, who was squatting next to him with a dark face. He hesitated for a few seconds and then whispered: "How about, after this mission is over, we can find time to discuss and learn from each other? That's it. That kind of thing.”

"It's a deal."

Kasena hugged her knees and groaned. She gave Motan a thumbs up without looking back. Then she turned to Lucie who was sitting next to her and asked curiously: "How do you know that as long as I This guy will come to me for a date just because he looks like he’s constipated?”

Lucie: "Honest man, easy to use."

Mo Tan: "..."

Ji Xiaoge next to him laughed like a badminton ball and started rolling around on the ground.

Yingshi, who had been on the alert for a fight between the Pretty Girls Mercenary Group and the Tokiwa Brigade since just now, also breathed a sigh of relief, put away the arm crossbow under his cloak, and continued to appreciate the pleasing battle of the 17th Special Forces Group.

In this way, in a relatively relaxed atmosphere, the first one hundred or so knight statues and the more than fifty knight statues that followed from behind were wiped out.

Total time taken - 39 minutes.

In Little Thorn Wolf's task panel, his team's contribution in the final stage has reached 93%, his individual contribution is 75%, and his team's contribution is 27520. Although he does not know the specific calculation process, it must be It's the undisputed number one.

Next, the large army continued to move forward, and ten minutes later, at PM15:12, the game time, they arrived at the first stop of the ruins expedition, which was also the primary target of the Wangwang team and the beautiful girl mercenary group - the warehouse!

"Please send some people from the Joban Brigade to help guard the surroundings."

Zordon looked excitedly at the huge golden oval building in front of him, which at first glance looked like a gymnasium, and rushed forward with a blushing face: "Others, follow me in! Be careful not to damage the literature inside... Brother Mo?"

"We want to study that side first."

Mo Tan, who had raised his hand for a while, smiled, raised his hand and pointed to the unspecified magic crystal board next to the main entrance of the warehouse, and made an application.

The three words [check-in place] written in ancient common language are scrolling on the magic crystal board, shining brightly in red.

Chapter 916: End

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