Quadruple split

Chapter 922 Sparks in No. 7 Archives

The middle finger flick is very fast, cool and subtle.

The sound is very clear and loud.

Immediately, the faces of the five people who deliberately missed the blame immediately darkened, and their eyes became extremely gloomy.

Although this group of people don't really care about insulting gestures, and there are many bad friends among each other who usually treat each other as if they were their own children. It is commonplace to scold a mother and give her the middle finger, but this kind of Once the matter is placed on 'outsiders', the nature changes.

Especially when the 'outsider' is a young and beautiful girl like Mika, it's strange that a few gentlemen can show off her face.

You must know that although Mika's movements are very fast, even the lowest-strength Colonel Mojin is still at the mid-level level (any combat profession is level 20 or above), and he can still catch the mere movement of extending his little hand and raising the middle finger.

And since Colonel Mojin can see it, Zordon, Yingshi, Mo Tan, Zhou Lan and others will naturally be able to see it more clearly. Except for Ji Xiaoge, whose dynamic vision is only at the level of an ordinary cook, everyone's expressions are... It's Yi Ning.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to simplified Chinese and Mandarin corresponding to the common language, and traditional Chinese characters corresponding to the ancient common language, some things that are highly universal in reality are also applicable to Guilty Continent, such as the middle finger, thumbs up, and ring wearing methods. And so on, and some sayings that are only spread in certain areas may not apply to this world, such as: yellow represents the harp, wearing green on the head is unlucky, etc.

In other words, even Zordon and Fluorite, who were indigenous NPCs, could see how rude Mika's gestures were to the members of Viridian's 17th Special Forces Group, and they suddenly became nervous subconsciously.

If internal strife really breaks out, it won't be good news for everyone present.

And Mika's gesture just now is very likely to cause the situation to quickly evolve to the worst degree! You can tell just by looking at the gloomy faces of those gentlemen that they are almost dripping with water.


Zordon Nightcrawler sighed softly and winked at his old friend next to him. The latter immediately understood and focused his attention on the beautiful girl mercenary group without leaving any trace. The arm crossbow under his cloak also quietly opened. Open a section to ensure that it can be taken at any time if necessary.

[Just wait and see what happens, but be careful to protect the underpowered beautiful girl mercenary group]. This was the hint Zordon had conveyed to Fluorite before.

This is not to say that the branch president is a wretched person who likes to facilitate beautiful little girls, but simply because if the two sides cannot restrain themselves from fighting, the beautiful girl mercenary group will definitely be 'extinguished' in a short time. Those who look like The large knight statues lying on the ground like rubbish are the best evidence.

From the perspective of the Archaeologists Association, which never wants to see the two sides fighting each other, the first step is to protect the weak first, and then try to stop the fight depending on the situation.

What's more, in the eyes of Zordon, Fluorite and other NPCs, this matter was originally initiated by the 17th Special Forces Group.

They don't know what mission contribution points or system rewards are. From the perspective of Zordon and others, it was just the leader of the beautiful girl mercenary group who rushed up to help, but not only did he not get the cooperation from the other party, he even The latter's deliberate actions put her in crisis. If her teammates hadn't arrived in time, something might have happened to Kasena who was facing the three knight statues at the same time.

In this case, even if her partner does some drastic behavior, it is definitely excusable.

On the other hand, if the Joban Brigade does not handle this matter properly, the initial goodwill that the Golden City Archaeologists Association has finally built up towards them will definitely disappear in minutes.

Of course, neither Little Thorny Wolf nor Lorelai would let things evolve into that situation. As studio executives, they are not only excellent in game play, but also good at human relations, so as long as they put themselves in their shoes, the two of them will It is not difficult to guess how Zordon and others will view this.

Sometimes, you need to be arrogant and tough to avoid being regarded as a soft persimmon.

Sometimes, you need to be kinder and more diplomatic to get the maximum benefit.

Without expecting Mika to have such an extreme reaction, both Little Thorn Wolf and Lorelai knew that the latter was the only correct answer at this moment.

So the only thing that needs to be decided now is who to take action.

"Little Wolf, continue to command."

Because strictly speaking, Little Thorn Wolf and the 17th Special Forces Group are not in the same organization. Although his dominant position in this mission has been determined before, if he is asked to come forward for 'coordination', it may still cause trouble. The members of the special forces group were dissatisfied, so Lorelei immediately made a choice. She patted the former's shoulder lightly, and then walked from the center of the corridor to the right wing of the crowd, that is, the beautiful girl mercenary group and others. direction.

The members of the 17th Special Forces Group, who were always fighting with the enemy, and each team stepped forward to carry out strangulation operations, remained silent. Some mages even shut up and stopped singing when Lorelei passed by. They would rather He was unwilling to attract the attention of his eldest sister despite suffering the backlash of magic.

There is no other reason, that is, everyone who is very familiar with his eldest sister knows it very well. There is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth, and the phoenix eyes behind the lenses slightly narrow Lorelai, and now she is in a very bad mood.

Walking through the raging battlefield as if no one else was around, Lorelei stood in front of the combat team who had been given a middle finger by Mika, and lightly stamped her foot.

The next moment, the knight statues next to him should have been knocked down long ago, but because the enemy made frequent mistakes due to high tension, they persisted until now. The knight statue froze in place for an instant, followed by a large number of sharp ice edges from its armor. The interior exploded. In less than five seconds, the three knight statues were stretched twice as if someone had implanted an expanding sea urchin in their bodies. Their knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists were All of them were pierced by a large amount of ice amidst bursts of crisp crackling sounds, and they fell apart like this.


Lorelai, who was clearly not on the personal combat power rankings but managed to kill the three knight statues in a moment, asked in a rather relaxed tone, then raised her hand to hold it lightly, condensing a crystal clear sword from the air. The knight's spear, exuding a cold air, flicked towards one of the knight statues that was fighting against the beautiful girl mercenary group.


With two roars, golden and red flames exploded at the side of the knight who was constantly hacking at Christina's shield, and actually volleyed directly into the air and melted the shield that was very likely to help them kill the powerful enemy. Ice crystal lance.

Mika looked at Lorelai coldly and snorted.

Lucie, who subconsciously cooperated with her friend, yawned and continued listlessly driving the scorching flames around her to carry out targeted saturation bombing on the enemy. The lethality was average, but the statue and the jammer were stunned. All the movements of Na's passionate knight figure were severely out of shape, and they were unable to display their strength at all.

As for Lorelai, she just smiled faintly at Mika, then turned her gaze again to the five men in front of her who were silent and dared not speak. She raised her eyebrows and said, "You won't say it, right? Okay, then explain why. Why would you take your own initiative and let one more monster go after I only gave her an order to 'let her work for a while, without a chance to affect the team battle'?"


"That girl should be a berserker. The defensive attributes are not worth looking forward to. When facing three elite monsters at the same time, she may be killed in seconds if she is not careful."


"You are all professionals, can't you see this kind of thing?"

"Sister Lorelai, we..."

"You want to kill that girl in front of an influential organization like the Archaeologists Association so that we, Tokiwa, can become famous, don't you?"

The smile on Lorelai's lips remained, but her eyes gradually turned cold.

"No, eldest sister! We definitely didn't want that girl to die!"

The healer among the five looked horrified and quickly explained loudly: "We just..."

"You just want to put that beautiful girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky into crisis, and then play a hero to save her?"

The smile on Lorelai's lips became brighter, and she smiled: "For example, when she is about to be killed, add a mouthful of blood at the right time? For example, when she is forced to the corner, she rushes forward to block the last step for others. one strike?"

All five of them were so frightened that their limbs were cold and their spirits were out of control.

"You...do you like being a joke that much?"

Lorelai sneered, then waved her hand gently, and handed down the verdict without any doubt: "Each person will be deducted 80 DKP (Dragon Kill Points, Dragon Kill Points, which are widely used as the basis for the distribution of loot in many games. The ways to obtain them include (but not limited to full attendance, outstanding contribution, participation in killing difficult bosses, stable substitutes, etc.). If you join the death squads in the next three large-scale and difficult missions, you will receive a 50% discount on annual leave and a 50% discount on this month's performance."

The five people with ashen faces nodded in unison, like a row of wilted eggplants.

"Very well, keep doing what you have to do."

Lorelai waved her hand and blasted away the five unlucky ones, and then stood there quietly watching the four beauties from the Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group fight with the two knight statues until the two monsters were buried separately. After Kasena's bloody slash and Lucie's three stacked fire pillars, he slowly stepped forward.

The hot-tempered Mika took out a bottle of mana potion and took two sips, then glanced at it: "What are you doing?"

"I just want to apologize to you on behalf of some of my friends."

Lorelei pointed to a few wilted eggplants not far away and said with a smile: "Those bears actually have no ill intentions, they just want to be clever and create a situation to save the beauty. I have already severely criticized and punished them. "

Although Lorelei's generous attitude was very helpful, Mika, who was holding back her anger, still curled her lips and said: "Oh? Then what should I say about the fact that I helped you increase blood before and was called trouble by someone? "

"Okay, Mimi."

As a result, Kasena grabbed Mika by the collar from behind, threw it behind her, and waved to Lorelei carelessly: "I'm very satisfied with the way you handled it, and we also have something wrong. Let this end here.”

"What's wrong with us...woo!"

Mika's little face suddenly appeared next to Kasena's shoulder and was directly pushed back by the latter.

"Is this really good?"

Lorelai blinked, as if she didn't expect that Cassena, who looked the hottest, was so easy to talk to.

"I said it's okay, it's okay. Also, you are a studio, right?"

Kasena held up her extremely ferocious [Overlord's Roar] and raised her chin at the handsome men not far away: "Don't deduct their money for this matter. It's not a crime."

Lorelai was slightly startled and nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, then it'll be fine."

Kasena smacked her lips, then picked up the warhammer and continued to rush forward to 'hunt for wild food'.

"Please wait a moment."

As a result, Lorelai seemed to have eliminated the friction between herself and the ground, and strangely 'slid' to Kasena, and said calmly: "I hope you can help me with something."

"What's the matter?"

Stopping helplessly, Kasena looked impatiently at the OL-style red-haired beauty in front of her.

"If possible, could you please ask Captain Kasena and your partners not to take action in the future?"

Lorelei bowed gracefully and said softly: "In other words, don't take action until your safety is threatened. As compensation, the Viridian Brigade is willing to give you 20% of the proceeds from this escort mission. The specific amount should be About eight thousand gold coins.”

Kasena frowned: "Huh? You have so much money that you're so worried?"

"It should be for mission contribution."

Although she had not reacted immediately before, after Lorelai said what she just said, Lucie quickly guessed the other party's true purpose and asked calmly: "Your goal is to exceed 100 % mission completion?”

Secretly surprised by the insight of the mage girl in front of her, Lorelei nodded slightly: "Yes, if possible, I hope Little Thorn Wolf and the others can get more than 150% in the second stage of this large-scale regional mission. contribution.”


Lucie, who confirmed her suspicion, nodded, with a satisfied expression on her face, and then stopped talking.

Kasena, on the other hand, grinned after a moment of reaction, strode past Lorelei, and said without looking back, "We refuse."


Lorelai was not angry, but turned around and asked with some curiosity. She thought that using eight thousand gold coins to exchange for the other party who was destined to not get a high contribution from the whole stroke would already cause a lot of bleeding.

"Because we are not short of money, at least not now."

Lucie followed Kasena and walked past Lorelai, and said calmly: "Of course, if we are short of money, we will definitely agree."

"This is a game, this eldest sister~"

Mika, who was walking next to Lucie, smiled and said with a raised corner of his mouth: "The most important thing is to have fun."


Cristina nervously apologized to Lorelai and trotted after her.

"That's it."

Lorelai shrugged and pushed up her glasses slightly, sparks seemed to flash in her eyes...

"Then, I can only hurt the harmony a little~"

Chapter 915: End

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