Quadruple split

Chapter 84 Kalan City

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

"Otherwise, will you sleep with me?"

[Reconnection begins...]

"It's so humorless..."

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

East of Innocence Continent, outside Kalan City

"Alas~" Mo Tan took a long breath, raised his head and pouted at the starry night sky: "Am I so suitable to go online at night?"

He rolled his eyes, and then walked towards the city gate not far away while quickly sorting out the information he had obtained in Tianzhu Mountain.

Although he had already done some analysis when he was a lawful good Mo Shi, the focus of Mo Tan now was obviously different from what he was paying attention to at that time, whether it was the confusing light and shadow apocalypse or the very confusing one. Whether a person cares about the degree of collapse of the world, it all makes him find it very interesting~

As for the few hours of blank period that reappeared before, Mo Tan was not too concerned about it at the moment, because he had already found some clues about the matter, and the next verification link was related to his upcoming actions. It’s not a conflict, so just proceed step by step...

[That virtuous me is called the light of revelation, and the so-called activation of the artificial soul and the breakthrough of the rune puppet all refer to Cordoba, plus the apocalypse who has not been found for tens of thousands of years... 】

"They all seem to be closely related to us 'players'." Mo Tan grinned and whispered: "Although I don't rule out the possibility that it is just a 'game background', I always feel that it is a bit too real. And what if a hundred players hear the story that will increase the degree of world collapse after knowing it? Is it necessary for another meteorite to completely destroy the Innocence Land... Wait a minute..."

When he said this, his feet suddenly stopped, and after pondering for a moment, he suddenly chuckled and said: "The Founder of the Frontier, the Sun Dynasty, and the Independence of Ondorshere."

[You have unlocked the story illustration: "The Rise of the Sun Dynasty", civilization attribute: knowledge +5]

"Haha, hahaha~ Is this kind of operation possible?!" Mo Tan covered his mouth and lowered his head and let out a long laugh, so happy that he couldn't help himself.

Fortunately, there were no pedestrians in front of Kalan City at this time, otherwise it would be too easy for others to think of him as a lunatic.

Although, he does seem like a madman now...

"Very good, very good! Then the next step is..." Mo Tan snapped his fingers casually: "The Slave King of Oxen, the Unfallen City of Underhill, and the seemingly awesome Dragon Empire. Duzi, big meteorite escape~"

[You have unlocked the story illustration: "The Fall of the Sun Dynasty", civilization attribute: Knowledge +1]

Mo Tan, who had completed two story illustrations for himself within one minute, suddenly sneered: "Tianzhu Mountain, Rune Creation Project, Artificial Soul Experiment, and... Cordoba."

[You have unlocked the story illustration: "The Birth of the Rune Puppet", civilization attribute: Knowledge +1]

Mo Tan nodded with satisfaction, and then said tentatively: "Cordoba...is it particularly unlucky?"

This time there was no system beep.

"Well, it seems that his tragedy is not the story, but the present continuous tense that has not yet ended." Mo Tan shrugged, and after a long silence, he spoke again: "Tianzhu Mountain, independent space rules, have nothing to do with strength. natural ability.”

[You have unlocked the illustrated book: "Conceptual Space", Civilization Attribute: Knowledge +1]

Mo Tan waited for a long time, but did not hear the prompt of 'World Collapse +1%'. This expected but unreasonable conclusion made him think for a moment, and then it seemed like nothing happened. Walking towards the city gate just around the corner with a smile on her face...

He wasn't going to waste time standing here.

The scale of Kalan City is not large, and its population and prosperity are much lower than that of Pato City, which Motan had previously harmed. After all, although the latter is also a neutral town, at least it has the Patin Knight Academy. There are two landmarks like the Holy Church Chapel.

Of course, this is a city after all, not an ordinary village or town. There are also quite complete bases for various neutral organizations and trade unions.

This is enough for Mo Tan~

After briefly asking a drowsy guard for directions and taking the other person's money bag, Mo Tan walked into this innocent, neutral, boring, and harmless house while humming a tune with a happy face. In a small town where it's not time to go to bed yet...

twenty minutes later

Karan City, second floor of ‘Air Pump’ Hotel

After sending away the noisy little waiter with a silver coin, Mo Tan walked to the innermost guest room on the second floor and knocked gently on the door.


The little priest Ai Fanye, who looked a little tired, opened the door from the inside, and immediately his eyes widened: "Sir! You are finally here!"

The girl quickly stepped aside to let Mo Tan enter the room, then nervously turned her head and saluted the latter, and whispered: "I thought you wouldn't come to us."

Xiao Ai still wore the same old-looking priest robes, and her tired little face had a hint of implicit joy. It was completely different from the first time Mo Tan saw her before. This petite-looking trainee priest obviously She has matured a lot. The destruction of the Nuanyang Team and Dave's betrayal made this girl grow up a lot in a short period of time. And after not seeing each other for a few days, the original temperament that was still a little confused and immature has almost completely faded...

"In most cases, my promise is quite credible." Mo sat casually on a chair in the corner of the room and glanced at Xiao Ai, who was a little nervous next to him: "It seems that you have thought through a lot of things these days. ~"

The girl nodded slightly: "Well, it's not so much that I've figured it out, it's better to say that I've accepted it... I always felt a little unreal before, but now it's okay. Sometimes when I'm sad, Cole also Will comfort me."

"Very good." Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "Give you another chance. If you leave here and go back to Pato City now, you can still live a peaceful life. I think the couple who are glowing with their second spring should I don’t mind taking care of you…”

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head firmly: "I still want to follow you. As I said before, this life that should have been lost was given by you, and everyone's revenge was avenged because of you. , I am willing to follow you forever."

"Oh~" Mo Tan whistled: "When you are awake and taking such a serious oath, you should expose your breasts, right?"

"Huh?!" Xiao Ai was obviously stunned for a moment, and then...

[System warning: You are suspected of deliberately inducing NPCs of the opposite sex to behave in extreme impulsive ways. Please correct your game attitude. 】

Then the system prompt sounded.

"Tsk, tsk, is that really the case~" Mo Tan curled his lips and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "It would be okay even if someone like Yaya rushed over to lick my face with saliva, because she subjectively wanted it. Do this, but..."

Mo Tan waved his hand at Xiao Ai who looked confused. He had no intention of letting this girl show her breasts. Rather than teasing her, it was actually a sudden idea to tease the system~

As a result, the system is very serious...

[So, the judgment of sexual harassment still depends on subjectivity. Fanye obviously doesn’t want to show her breasts. Although I may affect her choice, even this can still constitute harassment. Well, I don’t know if the NPC is willing. How far can this be achieved? Are you trying to find a dwarf girl with a thick beard to fall in love with...]

Mo Tan thought carefully about this kind of thing that was of no use now, and finally decided to give up the terrible idea of ​​finding a dwarf girl to fall in love with...

"Just kidding~" He stretched, and then asked casually: "Where's Cole?"

"He went to the Thieves Guild." Xiao Ai looked at the sky outside and said with a smile, "He should be back soon."

Then the door was pushed open by Cole from the outside just like in the novel~

"Sir." The young thief put his index and middle fingers together, placed them on the side of his neck, and bowed to Mo Tan as a follower: "I'm back."

Mo Tan nodded and chuckled: "I remember that I never told you to collect intelligence or anything like that..."

"It's just some relatively ordinary news." Cole, who was wearing ordinary cloth, shrugged: "Most of them are about Kalan City itself. I have occasionally noticed the caravans coming and going, and there are also some messy things. Rumors and the like, after all, it’s not a place I’m familiar with, so I took advantage of my free time to inquire a little bit about it.”

Xiao Ai also whispered to the side: "I have also learned a little bit about the church and beliefs here, although I am not as good as Cole."

"Not bad~" Mo Tan clapped his hands gently: "You are very good,"

The two young men, who were about the same age as the 'sir' in front of them, laughed. After all, although they didn't say it out loud, Cole and Xiao Ai naturally spent part of their energy doing this in the hope that Mo Tan would treat them better. satisfied.

"Then let me explain a few things to you two..." Mo Tan leaned lazily on the chair with only one leg on the ground, and said with a smile: "First of all, Cole, you have recently been focusing on inquiring about the Violet Empire in the south. Intelligence, if possible it would be best to find some clues about slave trading, is there any problem?"

Cole shook his head: "No problem."

"Very good." Mo Tan looked at Xiao Ai again: "Fanye, you'd better go to the church more often. If you hear any news related to cultists, pay close attention to it, even if it's just a general rumor, it doesn't matter. , In addition, occasionally try to use magic without praying to the gods, this is not mandatory, just try it when you have time."

Xiao Ai nodded. Although she didn't know why this gentleman asked her to make such an incredible attempt, she still didn't raise any questions. You must know that many high-level clergy have the ability to instantly cast low-level magic. Of course, I don’t know if they prayed during this process.

"And..." Mo Tan pondered for a moment and asked Cole: "When you go to the Thieves Guild these days, have you ever heard about the dragon falling in the ruined city of Underhill in the northwest?"

Cole was stunned for a moment, frowned and shook his head: "No, but I can go and inquire about it tomorrow."

"That's it." Mo Tan nodded, then stood up and walked to the door: "You guys should rest first, I will come again~"

Looking at Mo Tan's leaving figure, the two young men couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. It wasn't because of how much pressure the gentleman put on them, but because of the inexplicable news that the other man had come to this city. A sense of solidity arises.

In Pato City, he easily killed Dave, who was about to become a hero and a paladin. While talking and laughing, he destroyed the Whispering Sect's plan that had been planned for many years, and attracted the high-level paladins of the Holy Religion Alliance to destroy the evil. The leader of the cult, Lang En, killed him and left in a swaggering manner under his eyes. He also burned down the cult stronghold that no one had ever found...

Even though that gentleman was full of mystery, even though he always seemed crazy and swaggering, even though he looked unreliable at all, he miraculously still had a reassuring power.

The two young men, who rarely leave Pato City, looked at each other and smiled. The anxious and heavy atmosphere of the past few days disappeared in the blink of an eye...

five minutes later

Calan City North, Central Avenue

Mo Tan stood in front of a two-story building with trusses and parchment scrolls carved on both sides. He gently fiddled with the harp in his arms and walked in with a smile~

There is no difference between the Traveler Hostel in Kalan City and the 'branch' in other places. The atmosphere is somewhat similar to the 'Forest House' tavern in Pato City. Some unknown warm-colored plants are carefully decorated on the magic crystal lamp, which is snow-white. The walls are covered with all kinds of common musical instruments, and there are many exquisite wooden shelves on the walls, stacked with stacks of scrolls and many familiar poetry books. There are no rows of tables and chairs like those in ordinary pubs or hotels. Instead, there were some soft cushions. As soon as Mo Tan came in, he saw a few bards who were suspected of being drunk sitting on the cushions and playing...I mean chatting~

"Welcome to Gu~"

Nuo Nuo's voice sounded not far away, and a black man trotted briskly to the door, showing Mo Tan a smile with a sugar level of nine plus: "Hello, guest~"

"Thank you for your hard work." Mo Tan stared at the girl in front of him for a long time before sighing leisurely: "The job requirements here are high enough."

The girl was wearing an outfit that looked like an improved version of a maid's skirt. She was holding a tray in her left hand and a rag in her right hand. She had a pile of plates on her head and two glasses on her slender shoulders. However, her body miraculously remained intact. Balanced, he shook his head with a smile: "No hard work~ The guest wants to eat, or are you ready to stay?"

"None of them~" Mo Tan shook his head.

"Oh, then get away a little bit~"

Chapter 81: End

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