Quadruple split

Chapter 83 The Two Heroes of the Empire

The atmosphere of the reception reached a climax after His Majesty the Emperor finished his meal. Many nobles began to dance on a dance floor temporarily cleared by the waiter. The rest of the people took their seats on both sides of the hall, and the topics between them gradually became more and more interesting. Things started to get romantic. After all, we can never finish talking about the so-called 'business', and those complicated exchanges of interests are not suitable for talking too much on this occasion~

Mo and Ji Xiaodao were still sitting in their previous seats. During this period, no young man came over to invite any of them to dance. Obviously, Duke Garros' previous words still held considerable weight.

The Grand Duke was still staying with William at this time. The lower-status nobles had dispersed one after another, leaving only a few of the emperor's confidants and several powerful nobles. Although they were talking and laughing, few People's expressions at this time were not relaxed. Most people were paying attention in that direction intentionally or unintentionally. No one really believed that this banquet was just a whim. Everyone was watching and waiting...

But Mo didn't pay attention there. He just leaned lazily on his seat and shook the glass of bright red wine in his hand, looking indifferent to everything.

In fact, he did not need to care, because Garros would soon relay the content of the current discussion to him intact, and he could roughly guess what those people were currently discussing, which was not The reason why Mo came here for the banquet tonight...

He was just here to wait for someone, two people.

A man who needed to be killed, and a perfect executioner.

ten minutes later

"Quiet, ladies and gentlemen." The court mage beside William smiled and said through a small amplification magic: "Our Majesty has something to say."


Everyone present looked solemn at the same time. The hall that was originally full of laughter and laughter fell silent for an instant, and everyone acted as if they were all listening.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you all at this time~" The approachable emperor raised his glass and smiled, then winked in a certain direction in the hall: "Especially little Poke, I think you should be able to get Emma right away. The lady made an appointment in the back garden."

A certain young earl heir immediately stood up and leaned slightly towards William: "Thank you very much, my Majesty. With your words, I feel that I have succeeded more than half of the way~"

An aristocratic girl sitting next to him covered her face with a small folding fan and looked away shyly.

There was a sound of good-natured laughter all around.

"Come on, young man." William gave him a thumbs-up, then stood up and toasted to everyone: "Let us toast to Chauvin."

"For Chauvin!" Everyone stood up straight, repeated with a smile, and then drank the wine in the glass.

William nodded, slowly sat back on his seat, then took out a pearl of excellent quality from his pocket, and suddenly asked: "Does anyone know where this pearl comes from?"

The smiles on many people's faces disappeared. If this question had been asked a week ago, few people might have guessed it. After all, there must be at least a dozen places in the Chauvin Empire that can produce pearls, but at this time At this moment, there should be only one possible answer...

No one spoke, and most of them lowered their heads, with an unknown sadness on their faces.

After a few seconds, an unfamiliar voice broke the silence.

"Ningcai Pearl." The newly minted baron wearing a mask said softly: "One of Banser City's most famous specialties. It is pure white. It can preserve at least five colors after special processing. It has a certain elemental conduction ability. It is a good choice whether it is used for viewing or as a material for primary magic scrolls."

Everyone present was in an uproar. No one was unaware of the massacre in Banse City that happened not long ago, and no one was naive enough to think that the pearl in His Majesty William's hand might have come from somewhere else. However, almost no one knew what the pearl was called. , what’s the use, what can I do...

But this sinner knew it!

Not only did he know it, he also dared to say it when he didn't know His Majesty the Emperor's intentions.

"Yes, Banser City's Ningcai Beads. Since I became the emperor, the Ningcai Beads exported to major mages guilds and the Northern Continent can bring at least three million gold coins in profits to the empire every year. But now, Banser The city no longer exists." William sighed deeply, then looked at the unfamiliar young man in the corner: "Sin Lord?"

Mo nodded slightly.

"Do you know Ningcai Zhu very well?" William asked him with interest: "Although there are not many people who know this knowledge, most of them are businessmen or professionals."

Several wealthy businessmen shrank their necks subconsciously. They really didn't know that much. At best, they only knew how much one was worth.

"I didn't know about it before, Your Majesty..." A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Mo's mouth: "I just accidentally wrote it down when I was investigating in Banser City. Although it didn't help the progress of the investigation, I still I hope I can remember that once prosperous and beautiful city from multiple perspectives."

The heartfelt sorrow in his tone deeply touched many people who originally didn't care much about the Banse City tragedy, and even made them feel a little ashamed...

"Dear Bart, you must have been immersed in the research and exploration of magic for too long. Your head is a little stiff, and you actually gave him a baron." William raised his eyebrows at the Grand Duke of Garros beside him, and then turned around He glanced at Mo deeply and said with a smile: "At least the word hereditary should be added."

Mo calmly saluted the emperor in front of him: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

This attitude of not being surprised by honor or disgrace also moved others. Maybe a small hereditary baron is nothing in the eyes of most people here, but for a newly promoted nobleman whose ancestors have made mistakes, 'hereditary baron' 'The weight of these two words is definitely not heavy.

If the baron is equivalent to a three-bedroom apartment you rent, then when hereditary is added in front of it, the house becomes completely yours.

It seems that there is not much difference in treatment, but the meaning is completely different.

"I believe that the tragedy in Banser City is not a natural disaster." William turned his head and said to everyone in a deep voice after Mo sat back down: "The Chauvin Empire has never done anything outrageous, and everyone must put this matter into perspective. Take it seriously, the lives of 37,000 people of the empire are by no means a child's play. I must investigate it thoroughly. Master Farah thinks the same. You must not have a child's play mentality that has nothing to do with you. The unknown darkness is coming. , we must be prepared!”

This middle-aged man who looked like a businessman rather than an emperor most of the time stood up, with a solemn look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "The investigation team has temporarily evacuated Banser City, including the royal capital from now on. All cities in the city are under martial law and all overseas trade operations are temporarily suspended. The losses of merchants during this period will be borne by the empire. Grand Duke Garros..."

"Here!" Duke Garros stood up solemnly.

"Have all Tyr's people withdraw, assemble your hurricane mage group, and wait for news from Master Farah."


"The Grand Duke Fosset."


"Inform the Kaguya Sect that we need the support of more high-ranking clergy."


"President Arthur."

"In the!"

"Notify all large-scale chambers of commerce and financial groups that I don't want to see a chaotic market and skyrocketing prices during the martial law period. No one can make any small calculations. You must know that your emperor is also a shrewd businessman."


"Then..." William frowned slightly and looked to his left.

A strong wind blew by.

"Sorry, I'm late." A tall old knight appeared in the center of the hall. He was wearing a set of thick and exquisite black armor, and a dark gold long sword was embroidered on the broad black cloak behind him. Bai Que was still in high spirits. He knelt down on one knee in front of William and said solemnly: "The Knights of the Tsar's Sword have been reorganized and are ready to set off at any time."

Mo's originally lowered eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally saw the person in front of him.

Head of the Knights of the Tsar's Sword and Marshal of the Chauvinian Empire - Galahad Waldstein!

He was once a lowly half-orc refugee, but by chance, he was rescued by William's grandfather, the previous emperor of the Chauvin Empire, and became a free man.

Later, Galahad joined the Imperial Knights and made a lot of achievements in countless wars against pirates and enemy countries. Twenty years later, he had taken the position of leader of the Knights.

Galahad was loyal and brave, and the old emperor had great trust in Galahad. Before his death, he named him the first marshal of Chauvin and granted him the title of hereditary duke.

It can almost be said that he grew up watching William.

It can be said that in the Chauvin Empire, in addition to the emperor with the highest status, the second most important person is the elder of the three dynasties and the mysterious and powerful protector of the country, Farah.

And the people William trusts the most are also them.

Despite his old age, this great lord-level knight is still the absolute force of the empire. Galahad and his knights are definitely one of the entities that many forces in the southwest continent are least willing to face.

"Get up, Grandpa Galahad." William smiled affectionately: "I feel more relieved now that you are here."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Galahad nodded vigorously and stood up amid a sonorous sound: "I and the good boys in the Knights are ready."

William nodded: "Now we are waiting for the news from Master Farah. Our great astrologer seems to have noticed something. If possible, I hope you can act with him by then and ensure your own safety as soon as possible. Solve this crisis.”

"Okay." The tall old marshal smiled slightly: "I hope that old guy Farah can figure this out. Your Sword of the Tsar will always be fearless, as long as we know who the enemy is and where he is~"

A silver curtain of light suddenly appeared next to Galahad. Farah, who looked slightly tired, walked out with a wry smile. He first bowed to William, then glared at the old knight next to him: "I am the only one. I don’t want to be called an ‘old guy’ by this old lion like you.”

Everyone here is a little confused. You must know that the two imperial heroes, the Protector of the Country and the Grand Marshal, who have a very high average age, rarely appear in public. This shows how much His Majesty the Emperor cares about Banser City. Be careful.

"The crystal on his chest..." Ji Xiaodao whispered into Mo's ear: "It's exactly the same as the one that broke when you activated 'that' before."

The latter just nodded lightly without saying anything, and then smiled at Farah, who happened to be looking over here.

Farah also nodded at him, then turned to William and said: "Your Majesty, I foresee a terrifying dark force. This is by no means alarmist. If possible, I hope that in three days I can immediately lead the people to Banser City with the marshal to start a fight. The Great Retrospective Array."

"I have no objection." Galahar shrugged: "As long as your thing is reliable."

Farah rolled her eyes at him, and then continued to William: "I hope to get some spellcasting materials to arrange the great retrospection spell and enchant the warriors. If possible, it is best to let Duke Garros and his hurricane mages accompany us. , the Grand Duke was the leader of the search team before, and the mage team allows me to speed up my spell casting and fight the enemy when necessary."

"No problem, I have already explained it to Garros just now." William nodded: "As for the spellcasting materials you need and the supplies and necessities for the Knights along the way, as long as they can be purchased, it is not a problem."

Galahar sighed leisurely and muttered: "If your stingy father had had the same awareness as you back then, we knights would have been able to live in a shabby tent for many years."

Although he was mumbling, the old knight's voice was really loud. There was a cough in the hall, and everyone hung their heads in embarrassment or blinked and looked around.

"What are you coughing for?" The marshal glared: "I'll cut you off!"

Suddenly everyone was afraid to speak out...

You must know that if this man really takes action, even a high-level mage of Garros' level will be beaten up. Except for Farah, there is absolutely no one in the entire empire who can be the opponent of this old knight. .

"if you can……"

At this moment, Sin Lord, who had always had a strong presence from the beginning to the end of the night, stood up.

"I hope to go to Banser City with Master Farah and the Marshal." Mo Chong saluted William, and then lifted a corner of his mask, revealing a wisp of skin shrouded in darkness behind: "I have been cursed by that patch of skin. The pollution of the land, and he was also the first person to set foot there after the incident, so he should be able to help to some extent."

His smile is clean and his voice is gentle and sincere...

But that eye behind the mask is filled with endless evil and madness...

Very simple, very clean evil...

Very pure, very gentle madness...

Chapter 80: End

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