Quadruple split

Chapter 800 Fate (1/3)

Chapter 800 Fate (13)

real time

July 13, 2049, 07:03 AM

City B, ██ Academy of Sciences University, a laboratory B3 on the North Campus

Along with an imperceptible buzzing sound, the breathing light on the game cabin flashed several times quickly, and then slowly slid away from both sides.

Although the game cabins sold by Innocence Company have never had the setting of "the hatch slides open from both sides", for the person in charge of this laboratory, it is not easy to complete this level of process. Difficult, even quite easy.

By the way, the above-mentioned 'laboratory' is not some kind of evil, weird or extremely sophisticated bunker laboratory, but a very ordinary university laboratory.

But speaking of being ordinary, it is not easy to become the person in charge here. After all, people who can occupy a place in such a place, even if they are just ordinary graduate students, are absolutely rare, and they are very rare. horn!

The person in charge here is named Mu Changchun.

He is an old man who looks a bit short. He is sixty-four years old this year and his height is no more than 160 centimeters. Although his hair is not very sparse, his hairline is still far above the average of ordinary people. He is eight inches tall and tall. Alone, without a wife or children.

Of course, the talent is also compared to ordinary people. After all, this kind of place is like a huge treasury. Even if it is shining gold, it is difficult to stand out when surrounded by the same kind of people.

Mu Changchun did not stand out, and the laboratory he was responsible for was not outstanding. Although he had made many fruitful papers in related fields in recent years, compared with his colleagues who stood at the top of the pyramid, Mr. Mu was still It's not that eye-catching, but if I have to say something special, it's that there are a lot of graduate students in this laboratory. Although it's not the largest, it's still far above the average.

As for the reason, Mu Changchun is not very picky. Under normal circumstances, as long as those students who want to join the team are not too useless, Mu Changchun will basically not refuse. Because of this, as the number and scale gradually increase, , the average quality of the team naturally gradually became lower.

In addition, Mu Changchun is not strict, and can even be said to be very amiable. As long as students complete the set tasks, he will not be too difficult, so over time, this place has become one of the places where many students retire.

Yes, even retirement care is just one of the options, and it can be said to be quite featureless.

Mediocrity and mediocrity, although this kind of operation is difficult to achieve in this place, but after many years of management, Mu Changchun has really built the laboratory he is responsible for into such a place.

When asked if there is status, that is true. Those who can engage in scientific research here cannot have status.

When I asked if it had any special features, there really wasn’t any, at least not at all in this one-third of an acre of land.

This situation of being neither good nor bad would make people feel unhappy if it happened to any big boss, but Mu Changchun enjoyed it very much, or in other words, he could no longer expect more.

In order to conduct research, he must occupy a place in this kind of place, otherwise no matter whether it is equipment, funds or channels, a researcher with no background like him can easily obtain it.

But he doesn’t want his time to be wasted in places that are meaningless. In short, most of them can be accepted by the world and even benefit the world, so he wants to attract as little attention as possible. Places that are not popular become popular.

But even so, it is difficult for Mu Changchun to spare too much time to do what he really wants to do.

Until he encountered the game 'Innocent Bound'.

"Haha, at first I just wanted to prove what kind of technology can keep the human brain's health index above a certain standard in a highly active state. As a result, I can have such unexpected gains. It seems that my luck is also It’s not that bad.”

Mu Changchun stretched his thin body that was no longer healthy, walked out of the cabin slowly wearing a white coat that looked like binding equipment, grabbed half a hamburger from the experimental table next to him, and ate it.

As a standard born in the 1980s, he has liked Western fast food such as hamburgers and fries since he was a child. On the one hand, it is delicious, and on the other hand, because these foods are very satisfying in terms of nutrition and calories.

Twenty minutes later, after simply finishing breakfast and washing up, Mu Changchun, who changed into a new white coat, walked into the elevator, went up to the relatively public second underground floor, and opened the application for a project two years ago. After arriving at the small matrix, he began to concentrate on working on the huge virtual projection on the wall.

However, this job is not the job of Academician Mu Changchun Mu, but the job of the researcher named ‘Meilin’ from another world.

In the virtual projection, a golden long sword about three feet long and four inches wide is floating quietly. The hilt is deep blue and decorated with gorgeous golden patterns, while the sword body is silver-white with inscriptions on it. There are a large number of complicated carvings on it, and there is a layer of vague wind surrounding it. Every time it brushes against the sword body, the latter will briefly twist.

"Well, the Lion King's Oath Sword is already quite complete. We just need to find a way to attach the Breathless Wind Barrier to the model and we can officially start manufacturing it. Ha, although a lot of upgrades have been retained in accordance with Mo Boy's requirements. Space, but with that little prince’s current strength, it’s not easy to exert one-third of the power of this thing.”

Mu Changchun murmured in a low voice while quickly typing on the surrounding circle of keyboards that were also projected virtually, constantly adjusting the wind around the [Lion King's Oath Sword]. His eyes were shining brightly, and he continued to work motionlessly for three hours, until the wind around the long sword completely distorted the sword body wrapped in the center at a certain moment, making the latter seem invisible. He seemed to disappear in the projection, and then he raised his hand to wipe his sweat.

A minute later, after a small matrix calculation with a performance exceeding that of a four-digit home computer, an item description with a data accuracy of over 75% appeared on the small screen in front of Mu Changchun.

【Lion King's Oath Sword】

Maker: Merlin

Weapon Category: One-Handed Sword

Quality: The only epic - can grow

Attack power: strong - extremely strong

Attributes: Strength +140, Constitution +60, Dexterity +10, Wisdom +10, Leadership +30


1. King's Halo: Consumes 10% - 30% of physical energy to increase the attributes of all friendly units within a radius of 50 meters centered on itself by 15%. The duration is 15-30 minutes. Cooling time? ? ? (Calculation error)

2. Punishment Halo: Consumes 10%-30% of physical energy to reduce the attack power of all enemy units within a radius of 50 meters centered on itself by 10%. The duration is 15-30 minutes. Cooling time? ? ? (Calculation error)

3. Aura of domination: consumes 30% - 50% of physical energy to increase all attributes of designated friendly units within 50 meters from the user by 35% - 45%. A maximum of two units can be designated. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooling time is 1-2 hours.

4. Aura of Conquest: Consumes 30% - 50% of physical energy to reduce all attributes of designated enemy units within 50 meters from the user by 25% - 35%. A maximum of two units can be designated. The duration is ten minutes and the cooling time is 1 - -2 hours.

5. EX Oath Sword: Consumes 15%-25% of physical energy, swings a powerful slash in the designated direction, causing a large amount of physical damage to targets along the way, and has a cooling time of 10-15 minutes.

6. EX Sin-soaked Oath Cannon: consumes 30%-50% of the maximum health value, blasts a shock wave to the designated range, causing a large amount of true damage to all units in the range, and has a cooling time of 10-15 seconds.

7. Wind King's Barrier: There is a certain chance of making [Lion King's Oath Sword] invisible when attacking, lasting 1.5 seconds.

8. Unlocked: Lack of materials [Demon Spirit Steel], [Shadow Remains], [Gold Crystal], [Tianzhu Mountain Crystal].

9. Unlocked: Lack of materials [Holy Relic], [Holy Relic], [Blood of Kings], [Burning Victory Sword], [Black Dragon Victory Sword], [Brilliant Victory Sword], [Unmarked Victory Sword].

Equipment requirements: [Godkiller White King: Arthur Bohe]

System notes: High probability of being worthless, ignore.

High value remarks:? ? ? (Calculation error)

"Not bad, that's almost it. Haha, although children of Mo Boy's generation may not be familiar with it anymore, for my generation, the Fate series is an invincible good work, well, except for FateA. "

Mu Changchun had a rare moment of silence, and then spent less than three minutes memorizing the large piece of data on the other screen. Then he erased the projection model of the [Lion King's Oath Sword] floating in mid-air, and used The superb painter touched (drawn) a scabbard on the virtual crystal screen at hand and whispered: "Since Mr. Mo has said that the compatibility between Arthur and the sin-immersed system may not be too high, I might as well do it." Use the remaining scraps to strengthen the defense of the 'White King', how about calling it Avalon."

Immediately afterwards, the virtual projection in front of Mu Changchun instantly collapsed in a stream of light, and in the next second turned into a large amount of dense data and mathematical models.

"Here I come, mentor!"

With a 'ding' sound, a baby-faced girl wearing a white coat and glasses walked briskly out of the elevator and waved to Mu Changchun who was behind the console across the room in a particularly lively manner. , then looked up at the piece of projected data in mid-air, squatted down holding his head with a face full of pain, and wailed: "Teacher, why are you looking at these scary things so early in the morning! Can you have a good time? !”

Mu Changchun sighed silently, then casually saved the basic model of the scabbard he had just completed in an encrypted file, turned off the virtual projection, walked down from the console and looked happily at the girl squatting on the ground, pretending to cry: "Myself Just take a look, it’s not for you.”

"Teacher, can you please stop using the tone of talking about beauty magazines to describe those things! My head is about to explode. Tutor, have you turned off the projection?"

The girl squatting on the ground looked up and jumped up with a smile on her face. She made a scissor hand gesture on the spot: "Yeah! Resurrected with full health!"

Mu Changchun glared at him and frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about? It would be unlucky to just say that you are dead if nothing happens."

"I didn't say I would kill myself!"

The girl blinked innocently.

"They are all resurrected, so didn't they just die?"

Mu Changchun shook his head, walked to the small round table next to him and sat down. He held the thermos and took a sip of tea: "Isn't Tuesday a rest day in our room? Xiao Zhou, why don't you have a good sleep and come over to me? what."

Zhou Min, a graduate student known as Xiao Zhou, wrinkled his nose, took out his mobile phone and shook it vigorously in front of Mu Changchun, complaining: "It's not because of the work you assigned me before! I got the job that met your requirements last night I sent you the candidate information, but you never replied after the results were sent to you, otherwise I wouldn’t have come over!”

Mu Changchun was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he seemed to have told the little girl in front of him about this matter a few months ago. However, he himself had forgotten about it because his life had been quite fulfilling recently, but she remembered it very clearly, and even I even made a special trip.

"sorry to bother you."

He smiled, took the other party's mobile phone and clicked on the email at the top of the outgoing mailbox. After a few glances, he connected it to the projection device, while looking at the young people in the air with his hands behind his hands. photos and corresponding basic information, while casually saying: "But next time I hope you can use a cute lie like 'caring about lonely teachers' instead of telling me the truth that if nothing happens, you will definitely not come for a trip."

Zhou Min chuckled, walked around behind Mu Changchun, supported the back of his chair, and said with a smile: "Hee hee, that's so hypocritical. Teacher, you know I'm super scared of this place."

Mu Changchun chuckled, nodded and said, "Oh? Then do you want me to put your name on the list for the next issue?"

"Teacher, I was wrong!"

Zhou Min was frightened and said in a loud voice: "You old man doesn't remember the faults of villains!!"

Mu Changchun glared at her, then raised his head and looked at the candidates' information in mid-air that Zhou Min had obtained through special channels.

The main reason is that several students will leave the laboratory next year, so Mu Changchun wants to select a few good candidates before the start of the semester and stop them before they are admitted to other institutions. After all, as an academician, he has the skills There are still a few special recruitment permissions.

He needs someone low-key and talented.

For example.


After swiping the screen for the third time, Mu Changchun suddenly stopped and looked at a young man with a pretty face, but a dull expression and a crew cut, and then clicked on his information, which contained a list of people from childhood to adulthood. Award records, final grades, and other resumes that can be found through normal channels.

"What a thunder."

Mu Changchun, who just wanted to end the work as soon as possible, glanced at it casually, then yawned lazily. He turned to Zhou Min, who was rubbing his shoulders eagerly and asked, "What do you think of him?"

The girl replied without any time to think: "She looks too stupid, not my cup of tea."


"Ahem, I was wrong about my tutor. I think he is pretty good, especially in terms of science scores. To be honest, he is much better than I was a few years ago."

"Then it's him?"

"Don't ask me!"

"Oh, then let him."


Chapter 793: End

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