Quadruple split

Chapter 799 Contact

"Thank you for the compliment, boss."

Jiawen walked slowly to the long table, and in the process she quietly transformed into a dark elf girl wearing a burgundy dress. She leaned forward slightly, staring unblinkingly with her charming bright red eyes. Looking at the other party, he chuckled and said: "I just tried my best. Without the support of you and Mr. Mu, I would never be able to succeed no matter how hard I try."

Mo glanced at the graceful dark elf in front of him with a beautiful face, and said casually: "I thought you could grasp the balance between 'self-effacing' and 'arrogant'."

"Of course I can, if I want to."

Jia Wen gently held a strand of silver hair beside her ear and said with a smile: "You, on the other hand, have always maintained that self-consciousness of unknown meaning. Don't you feel tired?"

Mo slowly shook his head and reminded meaningfully: "You'd better always remember your responsibilities as a 'tool' instead of doing some experiments that are destined to have no results."

"Ah~ I'm sorry."

Gawen covered her mouth and chuckled, then stepped away from the corner of the table without leaving a trace, retreated to the chair where Cedric had just been, and sat down gracefully. She folded her slender legs and stuck out her tongue playfully: " It's just an occupational disease. I'm very satisfied with my current working environment, so please don't fire me."

Mo nodded slightly, closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair as if he was sleeping, as if he had no intention of continuing the topic.

"Ah, by the way, boss, I have no money."

Gawen clapped her hands gently and said with a smile: "I changed my identity before and spent a lot of money to teleport back from Brorid Mages Guild. Now I only have 70,000 gold coins left."

Mo still didn't speak, but with a flick of his finger, the two pieces of parchment at the corner of the table were sent to Jiawen's lap by a breeze.

"Haha, aren't these two small chambers of commerce that I used a false identity to invest in the Palmyra Free Trade Zone before I left? Did they make so much in just two months?"

Gawen smacked her lips, shook her head, and stuffed the two bonus certificates from the Steam Consortium into her pocket. She glanced at Mo with her beautiful eyes: "What's our next plan?"

This time the latter did not remain silent, but said softly: "Tell me your suggestions."

"Okay, boss."

The corners of Gawen's mouth were slightly raised, a flash of undisguised joy flashed in her eyes, and her slender index finger gently crossed her cheek: "I think that since we have reached this point, the war in the near future is already on the line. , and under this premise, what we need to do can be roughly divided into two things. First, completely control this country and make you the de facto master of the chauvinist empire; second, how to protect yourself in the upcoming war. , and take the opportunity to reap some benefits.”

Mo nodded noncommittally and motioned for Jiawen to continue.

"These two things are not closely related in sequence, but personally, I would rather wait until the entire northwest continent is involved in the war before taking the opportunity to seize this country. Oh, by the way, this is for you. A gift, a souvenir from Brorid.”

Jiawen casually took out a boxy-looking mechanical device from her bag. She didn't know how she operated it. A few seconds later, a relaxing and clear melody sounded from it.

Mo just sat quietly in the deep darkness and did not make any comment on the souvenir Gawen brought back from Griffin.

"The first movement of K311, I played it myself."

Jiawen smiled and winked at Mo: "I hope you like it."

The answer was predictable silence.

"Well, where did you say that? Yes, wait until the northwest continent is involved in the war before considering the matter of seeking a country. After all, with your methods, as long as those ignorant people understand the true meaning of the so-called 'crime', they will naturally behave Bow down and bow your head."

Jiawen didn't care that her boss ignored her, and just continued: "In addition, Mr. Li Fo is also on our side. If you are willing, you can take this country into your pocket at any time, but Considering the extremely unstable factors of Tianzhu Mountain, we'd better wait until the current situation becomes more turbulent before considering taking action. After all, based on the information you gave me before, plus my own investigation during this period, the one from It’s really hard to deal with an organization that has no meaning in every sense of the word, and they seem to be very prejudiced against you, the kind of stereotype that kills you quickly.”

Mo lightly tapped the armrest and said in a tone without any emotion: "You don't understand the meaning of 'sin'."

"Yeah, I don't understand it at all, even though I myself am what the system calls a 'crime of treason'."

Jia Wen shrugged, spread his hands and said: "To be honest, I have been consciously looking for information about the 'crime' since the second day of secretly investigating you, but as expected, I found nothing. Although the magic Things like magic, magic, and curses are very common in this world, but the ambiguous existence of 'sin' has not been recorded in any classics. Of course, it does not rule out that I have not found it."

Mo opened his eyes and looked at Gawen with interest: "It seems that your 'secret investigation' is over."

"It was over a long time ago. After all, I couldn't find any valuable reference materials. I even started from reality, but still didn't make any progress, so I gave up, or gave up temporarily."

Jia Wen nodded naturally, and admitted in a tone that seemed to be just chatting that he had conducted an investigation on Mo before, and it was a very comprehensive investigation, and then continued after a brief silence: "Of course. , it cannot be said that there is no gain at all. In fact, although I did not find any clear settings about "sin" in the game, I unexpectedly found some traces in reality. Some may have been deliberately erased or tampered with. , with only a few traces of fragments left.”

Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the air around him condensed: "I don't mind if you go into more detail."

"Is this a deal?"

Gawen looked at the other party with a half-smile, not showing any discomfort in the suddenly biting air.

As a result, Mo shook his head and said lightly: "Of course you can remain silent."

"You are really free and easy and impeccable."

Jia Wen was stunned for a moment, then spread his hands and smiled: "It's a pity. Although I really don't mind going into more detail, even if the transaction is not established, what I just told you is actually all. Even if I used a lot of resources and connections to do the best I could at the moment, but I could only get some worthless traces."

The deepening darkness around them gradually faded away. After a while, the person behind the desk said calmly: "I heard that you found someone from the Dream Kingdom."

"Ah, yes, I have overfulfilled the task ahead of schedule, but it's better not to take credit for this on my head. After all, they took the initiative to find me."

Jiawen blinked and briefly introduced the person who contacted him: "Lamorlock, a combat consultant under the Dream Kingdom, a favored person of the Whispering God."


Mo repeated the name softly and asked playfully: "The man who bloodbathed a county in the north of the Griffin Dynasty a few months ago?"

Gawen nodded with a smile and said, "You really know everything. That's right, it's that Lamorlock."

"Dream Theocracy. Or is he a staff member of the Whispering Theocracy?"

Mo pondered for a moment, and then asked calmly: "What does he think?"

"My ideas coincide with yours, boss."

Jiawen put his hands behind his head and said leisurely: "But Mr. Lamorlock needs us to take the initiative. If you are willing, boss, I can ask him to turn on the friend switch now and let you communicate directly."

"No need."

Mo raised his hand to interrupt her and said casually: "I'll leave this matter to you."

The corners of Jiawen's mouth raised slightly, and she said faintly: "Isn't it too comfortable for you to be a hands-off shopkeeper?"


Mo said noncommittally and glanced at Gawen's pretty face with a reddish complexion: "Isn't this exactly what you need?"

The latter laughed happily, stood up and bowed to Mo: "Yes, this is exactly what I need. As long as you can always control me like you do now, Bai Fujin will be at your service."

"Bai Fujin?"

"My name is a small sign of sincerity."

"Insignificant indeed."

"Boss, you really can break a girl's heart."

Jia Wen covered her mouth with a sweet smile and gave Mo a wink: "It doesn't matter to me, but you can't treat Sister Ji Prayer like this."

The next second——

"No trouble."

Ji Xiaodao quietly emerged from the deep darkness beside Mo, casually placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of the latter, and glanced at Gawen indifferently: "And if I remember correctly, You should be one year younger than me, right?"

Gawen's eyes widened in surprise: "Miss Silent Prayer, when did you do this?"

"Been here since the beginning."

Ji Xiaodao slowly walked out from the long table, and while casually putting the chair where Gawen was sitting back to its original position, he said without raising his head: "If you don't mind, I plan to call you directly from now on. Jiawen, accordingly, you can call me by my name directly in the future."

Jia Wen immediately laughed enthusiastically, quickly took Ji Xiaodao's arm, and smiled sweetly: "How about calling you Sister Ji Zong? After all, you are one year older than me."

"Just call me Silent Prayer."

Ji Xiaodao frowned, then broke away from Jiawen's arm without leaving a trace, turned to look at Mo: "If nothing happens, we will leave first."

A breeze that wasn't too cold blew by, and the study door opened silently.

"See you later, boss."

Jia Wen blinked at Mo, then followed Ji Xiaodao and left the study.

five minutes later

Sin Lord's Residence, Attic

“Just the right amount of depression~”

Jia Wen looked up at the dim starry sky above the mansion, and shrugged at Ji Xiaodao sitting in front of her with a smile: "Although I don't know how my boss did it, the atmosphere here really makes me feel happy." People feel viscerally comfortable.”

The latter frowned slightly and took a sip of the richly aromatic coffee, and said indifferently: "I don't think so."

"I guess so. After all, you don't fit in here, dear."

Jiawen elegantly added some sugar to the fruit tea in front of her, and then gently pushed it in front of Ji Xiaodao: "The compatibility between you and this place is as bad as the compatibility between you and coffee, try it. Well, Eliza gave me a lot before she left, I believe you will like it."

Ji Xiaodao lowered his eyes and glanced at the orange fruit tea that Jiawen pushed, and asked lightly: "Are you talking about Her Highness Eliza Logan?"

"Yes, she and I get along quite well. Although His Highness is more playful, at least we are compatible in terms of personality."

Gawen smiled, picked up the cup of coffee that was only lightly tasted and took a sip: "I'm much more compatible with you than with Silent Prayer."

Ji Xiaodao nodded noncommittally and lightly brushed his fingertips on the outer edge of the tray: "It's normal. I have a bad compatibility with anyone."

"But if I have a choice, I would rather the person I can often sit with and drink tea and chat with is you, not Her Highness Eliza Logan."

Jia Wen made a face at Ji Xiaodao, then held his chin and looked at the latter steadily: "Sometimes, no matter how good the compatibility between two people is, no matter how similar their personalities are, even a glance You can understand what the other person wants to express, and it does not mean 'good impression' or 'like'. At least for me, I like you more than Eliza, who has been with me day and night for a long time."

Ji Xiaodao raised his eyebrows: "But I won't be happy about it."

"It's understandable. After all, you are an [unintentional sin]. Although I don't understand it myself, since it's unintentional, obviously you won't be happy easily."

Jiawen took out a crystal clear sugar cube and added it to the coffee. While stirring it gently, she said softly: "You know, if I had the choice, I would actually prefer to live leisurely in that small village, every day. Hang out with neighbors, stroll to the river to wash clothes and dry the quilt."

Ji Xiaodao sneered: "If I remember correctly, destroying that village was the first thing you did after you started working for Mo."

"Yeah, it's not easy to hide it from Mr. Li Fu without leaving any trace. It's really sad to think about it now."

Jia Wen showed an unknown smile and raised his glass to Ji Xiaodao: "I know what you are thinking, but that is not correct. I am a born rebel, although there did seem to be the so-called ' The choice is before me, but as long as 'I' is still 'me', the outcome will not change at all, but you are different, you really have a choice."

"Is it?"


"Then you've seen my choice."

Chapter 792: End

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