Quadruple split

Chapter 727 Email

Real time AM08:48

After finishing his routine (lawful good personality limit), feeding the cat and helping the sanitation lady sweep the floor, Mo Tan opened the door of his house, walked into the kitchen with heavy steps, sighed sadly, and then began to prepare breakfast for himself.

It's not because of how tiring it is to feed cats or help others sweep the floor. The reason why Mo Tan is feeling heavy at the moment is very simple, that is, he is tired of being thrown into the game for a whole night, which translates into nearly twelve hours of game time. Yu Ying's feeling of guilt.

Although Yu Ying's strength is indeed not bad, as Mo Tan calculated last night, even if she is not affected by her mentality, the girl can last for one hour under the siege of countless monsters. So if nothing happens, She is now 80% on the street, and her hard work for half a year has been wiped out in an instant.

The direct reason for this consequence is that I did not choose to go online immediately after changing my personality last night, use [Sebata's Final Oath] to appease the undead creatures and then take Yuying to the next level. Instead, he went directly to bed to sleep.

How could this not make him angry or sad?

"It seems like I haven't experienced this feeling of being tortured to the point of crying by my own bad behavior for a long time."

He skillfully placed the eggs in the frying pan on a plate, and sprinkled a little sugar, light soy sauce, seafood sauce, sesame oil, and minced garlic on top with a special sauce with a ratio of 2:6:2:1:1. Carrying half a bag of toast that had been left to dry for three hours, he walked back to the computer desk in the living room. While eating his meal with a bitter look on his face, he casually started up the antique-looking machine in front of him in normal mode, but its performance was too high. Changji's famous computer murmured in despair: "The only possibility for her to survive is to log off before being pulled into combat. But judging from the item description of that pair of gloves, as long as I wear those As soon as the thing disappears, the surrounding monsters will definitely be dominated by instinct again in a short period of time and attack the living. According to Yu Ying's character, she will definitely start by waiting for me or trying to call me, so she will probably miss the best opportunity, alas. .”

He ate a half-cooked omelette and half-dry toast with a tasteless taste, casually opened the forum of Innocence, and habitually logged into social software in an invisible state while scanning the screen without interest. While trying to think of a way out for Yu Ying.


【no! Even if those undead creatures could no longer be reset after Sabata destroyed itself, the remaining numbers were not something that Yuying could handle alone! 】

Mo Tan rubbed his hair and murmured in a low voice: "She was able to sustain long-term high-intensity battles without suffering from lack of physical strength. It should only be because of a certain talent or skill that requires the cooperation of teammates. In this way If so, Yuying's battery life will definitely be greatly reduced after I go offline. In this case, even if she had hidden 20 to 50% of her strength before, she would never be able to break through that corridor alone... Wait a minute."

He frowned, suddenly stopped eating and fell into deep thought.

half a minute later

"Sure enough, even if all the conditions are met, the probability of her surviving successfully will never exceed 30%, although it is not hopeless."

Mo Tan ate the last piece of the omelette, then smiled to himself, picked up the plate and the dried toast pieces that were almost the same as before, and walked to the kitchen, his voice full of dryness: "But in the final analysis, this idea is It’s just self-comfort at the lowest level.”

Real time AM09:23

After washing the dishes, mopping the floor, and doing the laundry, Mo Tan finally finished the housework that had accumulated during this period. He returned to the computer desk with a cup of coffee, preparing to tinker with the computer for a while before setting off. I finished watching the horror film "The Dog Knocks on the Door" after watching it for twelve minutes and was so frightened that I had to shut it down. It is a film with quite philosophical significance. It mainly tells the story of a society where the ratio of men to women has become increasingly balanced. The romantic feelings hidden in the crazy behavior of those young people who still can't find a partner are very novel in the two fields of character portrayal and atmosphere rendering.

Well, at least this is what Mo Tan under his current personality understands.

In the eyes of his "absolutely neutral" personality, this same movie was very scary. Other than that, he had no other thoughts. When he recalled it afterwards, his mind went blank.

Of course, unlike the blank space after the 'fragment' in the Innocence Realm, the above-mentioned blank space is just because Mo Tan, who has an absolutely neutral personality, consciously does not recall those crazy men and resentful women.

But the plan went as planned. Half a second before Mo Tan was about to click on the video, a pop-up window with a new email notification from his backup mailbox suddenly appeared in the lower left corner of the screen.

The title is [Haha, the selfies and videos I promised you before will come with a surprise! 】

The sender's email nickname is [Sister Roasted Pigeon], and there is a small linkage mark of the deputy moderator of the food area of ​​the Innocence Forum on the back, which looks quite high-end.

"Well, it turns out that the 'roasted pigeon sister' in the food area mentioned in Misha's diary is you."

Mo Tan smiled, and then after carefully confirming the address disguise, he opened the email on the intranet. There were a total of three files in it, including two photos and a video.

First of all, the first photo. It shows a beautiful girl with short hair and a bright smile. Although her appearance is just a rustic scissor hand, her appearance still makes people feel a sense of excitement across the screen. She is innocent, sweet, beautiful and cute, because this person is Ji Xiaoge, so we won’t say how beautiful she is. By the way, the background of this photo is the kitchen. The specific scene is not easy to describe, but that The resentment emanating from the charcoal-like fried chicken pieces on the plate can also be felt through the screen. It must be the most humiliating experience in his entire chicken life.

All in all, because Ji Xiaoge is not seen in real life, and he even faced the latter many times in the game without being forcibly suppressed by his "independence from the world", Mo Tan is still very promising and has not been in a daze or copied Baidu. Eighty copies were saved, but he opened another photo after a knowing smile.

It was a photo that could easily be mistaken for a promotional poster for a crime movie if the background were not a sunny terrace. The picture showed a girl leaning against a clothes drying rack with one hand in her pocket. She had beautiful, refreshing long hair and a beautiful appearance. She is very similar to Ji Xiaoge. She is wearing a long black windbreaker and is holding a clothes drying pole that looks very lethal but is actually just a clothes drying pole. She has a cold temperament, sharp eyes, and no expression, and is full of oppression. , there is also a text bubble randomly added to the lower right corner of the picture, the content is - 'Show you my twin sister! Isn’t it too cute? Just think of it as compensation that I forgot to send you last time, haha, but she seems to have a bad impression of you. Well, in order to change the image, I will have the opportunity to introduce you to each other in the game, meow~! ’

"So, why did we add a meow at the end?"

Mo Tan scratched his cheek, and then looked back at Ji Xiaodao's expression in the photo, which looked like he might shoot or wield a knife to kill, and couldn't help but sigh: "Well, Xiaodao-san really feels like that no matter what time he is. It’s all the same, okay, next.”

Turning off Ji Xiaodao's photo, he took a deep breath, rubbed his hands vigorously and looked at the video attachment in the email, trying hard to calm down his excitement, but the effect was not very good. .

["On the Last Love in Foreign Languages: The Thirteenth Degree of Blood Moon", I never thought that the script I stayed up half an all-nighter to write would actually have a chance to be adapted to the screen, er, stage! Although I feel a little ashamed now, this feeling is really inspiring]

Mo Tan moved the cursor to the video with his slightly trembling right hand, looking very excited.

This is normal. After all, even if he is a mentally ill person suffering from atypical split personality, even if he is many times more mature than most of his peers, even if he is a weakling from all aspects of analysis under his current personality, He is called a good young man who is a model good citizen, but in the final analysis, he is just a young man in his twenties. Having a correct outlook on life does not mean that Mo Tan in his current state will not do so at any time. Excited, impulsive, and emotional, on the contrary, he has never suppressed any of his emotions. At best, he only channeled them reasonably.

But at this moment, facing a stage play that he had completed by himself, and which according to Ji Xiaoge had not been modified at all by the devil, Mo Tan, who had no outsiders around him, naturally did not need to suppress his excitement.

So he didn't calm down anymore, but clicked on the video titled "This is my first time attending a school event in which my daughter participated, and I'm a little excited when I think about it."

The next second.

"It's coming, it's coming! Xiaodao is coming out! Wife, help me take out the tripod. Let's adjust the angle first! Yinan, go and kill all the guys in front of you who stood up to block the camera! Brothers and sisters, go Just buy a bottle of water, don't be polite to me, just keep the money to your husband, we don't care about each other."

A big face shouting loudly filled the entire monitor, almost frightening Mo Tan, who was eagerly awaiting the stage show.

It was a man who seemed to be in his early thirties. He had an above-average appearance and was wearing a casual outfit that was not very distinctive. He was talking to the people next to him and looking at the camera. .

Obviously, this guy is the father of the Ji sisters. According to Ji Xiaoge's description, the man seems to have a serious tendency to be a daughter-in-law. Today, he is indeed well-deserved.


[He should have said ‘Yinan’ just now. Well, it should be Uncle Yi, right? Yidong’s family seems to know the families of Xiaoge, Wan Yang, and Xiaoyu. 】

Mo Tan, who felt like he had discovered an Easter egg, smiled, folded his arms and leaned back comfortably on the chair to admire it.

"Ah tripod, where is the tripod?"

A weak and pleasant female voice sounded next to her, followed by the sound of something being turned over.

"You are the only one standing in front of the camera. If you need to take action, I will be happy to help."

Mo Tan recognized Yi Dong's father's voice, with a hint of pain in his indifference.

"Ah la ah la, Wutong-chan, you are too anxious. That brat just stepped off the stage. There should be a while before the next show."

Yi Dong’s mother’s laughter also sounded off camera.

"Baby? What baby?"

With a violent shaking, the camera focused on Gu Yanyue, who was wearing a sailor suit and knee-high socks, and her appearance seemed to have not changed at all compared to now. She was Yi Dong's mother, Gugu Jiang, the giant god in the COS world.

The latter tilted his head: "Huh? The show just now was not that calf flute performance."

"It's a flute solo."

Yidong's father squeezed into the camera with an expressionless face and pressed his wife's head: "Stop making trouble!"


Gu Yanyue stuck out her tongue and looked cute.

"The tripod was found!"

The weak voice suspected to be the mother of the Ji sisters sounded again, and then the camera shook violently, and finally settled on the large holographic stage not far away.

"Holographic stage"

Mo Tan smacked his lips and secretly lamented that Xiaoge and the others were worthy of being the rich second generation. When they were in middle school, they actually studied in a school worthy of the holographic stage. You know, even Tanhua University, which is well-known in City B, There are only two holographic stages of this size.

A few minutes later, the lights in the venue dimmed quickly, and a mess of unclear lines flashed across the center of the stage. In an instant, a magnificent school gate appeared in front of all the audience.

At the same time, a cumulus cloud also shaped by holographic projection gradually spread, and the red moon, as red as blood, loomed between the clouds, making the scene look particularly gloomy.

"Too strange"

Along with a soft murmur, a beam of light extending from the red moon quietly shone down, reflecting a slender shadow.

It was a girl in gymnastics clothes, sitting by the school gate. She was wearing a snow-white wig, her delicate face was so pale that she had no expression at all, and her pair of lifeless, blood-red eyes were like the crescent moon in the sky. The mutual complementation makes people feel an indescribable pressure from the bottom of their hearts.

"Too strange"

She repeated softly, slowly raised her right hand, blinked her eyes without focus and highlights, tilted her head to look at the eerie moon in the sky, pursed her lips lightly, and a wisp of edible red pigment mixed with it The warm honey water left from the corner of her mouth and dripped onto her snow-white palm.

"Daughter, ahhhhhh!!"

An extremely dramatic howl sounded from outside the camera and stopped abruptly the next second, sounding as if it was interrupted by heavy blows from three angles.

On the stage, the girl's figure seemed to tremble slightly, then she rubbed the blood from her palm onto her cheek, hugged her knees and curled up in a ball, and whispered as if she was dreaming: "It shouldn't be like this."

She just sat there blankly until half a minute later, she pulled out a hatchet from somewhere behind her.

"Whether it's this relationship or not"

"This world is better."

"Or maybe it's this longing"

"Everything should not be like this."

Chapter 720: End

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