Quadruple split

Chapter 726 Soul Refining and Soul Suppressing Cauldron

two seconds later

Just as Yuchen and Nangong Na hugged each other and closed their eyes, preparing to withstand the impact, Bai Zhen in the driver's seat gently shook his index finger, and then the whole car moved on the road like lightning. A strange 'S' roared past the panicked truck and continued to speed towards the station.

At the same time, on a rooftop about two kilometers away from this elevated section, two middle-aged men who seemed to be about the same age breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at each other, their expressions were very fucked up.

"As expected of the 'White Angel True' who was the signature of people on the fringes of S City back then. Even if she puts aside her best physical skills, her level of spells and talismans has already reached the level of perfection."

The man on the left wearing toad glasses, a hurdle vest and flowery pants smacked his lips and sighed: "In just one second, she not only typed out three 'Xun' characters but also laid out a [Xiantianxiaxian] Shocking Wind], and also seamlessly connected with [Fred's Wide Area Copying Curse] and [Gilderoy's Memory Correction Technique], so that all those around him ignored the 'Rattlesnake Maneuver' just now, it was like a fortress! "

This man who looked as if he had just returned from Hawaii was none other than the grandfather whom Cordoba said he was not related to by blood. He was among the group of people who seemed to be inextricably related to the game "Innocence". The one known as 'Boss Du', whose nickname is Du Tian, ​​has a good reputation in the industry.

"We obviously just met a few months ago, old man, who are you introducing to?"

Another fair-skinned man who looked younger and had a rather elegant appearance laughed dryly and rolled his eyes: "Besides, no matter how high the technical content of Xiao Zhen's hand just now was, it still couldn't hide that she completely used the 'brake' The fact that objects and the concept of 'slowing down' have been forgotten, MMP, more than 20 years have passed, how can this woman still drive with such virtue?"

He covered his cheek, shook his head with sadness and anger, and sighed deeply: "MMP."

Obviously, this is Cordoba, the father of classmate Cui Xiaoyu, and the godson of Boss Du next to him. His surname is Cui Mingfan, his nickname is Tianshu, and his stage name is Shenshu. He claims to have one hundred and three thousand novels in his head. A man with a pornographic record and a deep criminal record.

The reason why these two people appeared in this place at the same time is naturally not a coincidence.

But by chance

"Why didn't you go to that discussion in March?"

Cui Fan casually took a bottle of beer from Du Tian, ​​who was sitting on the air-conditioning box. He opened the lid with his teeth and asked vaguely: "And he kept missing after that. Xiao Yu asked me many times if his grandfather was I was put in a trap again."

Du Tian shrugged, spread his hands and said: "There is no special reason. On the one hand, I am afraid of trouble, and on the other hand, if I were there, you guys would definitely pester me and ask questions, which is very annoying. "

Cui Fan rolled his eyes, leaned on the railing and said leisurely: "You old man is a good calculator. If not, who would you ask?"

"Watch your words, young man."

Du Tian curled his lips, stretched out his index finger and pointed at the tip of the other person's nose: "Now you are the master of calculation, and I am just an old cadre who has retired for many years."

"Okay, veteran cadre."

Cui Fan didn't dwell on this topic anymore, and just glanced at Du Tian with an unhappy face: "So, what's the third reason?"

"What third reason?"

Du Tian blinked, looking confused.

"You have to make it clear to me, right?"

Cui Fan snorted, raised his head and drank half a bottle of beer: "Of course the reason is other than fear of trouble and being questioned by everyone."

Du Tian was shocked: "Is there such a thing?!"

"Stop pretending. Anyway, we are the only two here now. Please give me a happy word."

Cui Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice: "What are you and Ji Wutong doing secretly? Why do you want to hide it from everyone?"

Du Tian was stunned for a moment, then coughed slightly and said, "It's a long story."

"It doesn't matter. It's normal for people to become more chatty as they get older. Just speak slowly."

Cui Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I have always been very patient."


Du Tian sighed, with an expression on his face, and after a while he whispered: "In the past six months, Ji Wutong and I have been to the Underworld Realm several times."

Cui Fan frowned and repeated with some confusion: "Underworld?"

Du Tian nodded slightly and said seriously: "Yes, we went to the underworld several times without telling everyone, just to find something."

"What are you looking for?"

Cui Fan stared at Du Tian. Although he was far inferior to the latter in some areas, Cui Fan thought he could still do it if he could just tell whether Du Tian was lying.

"Soul Refining and Soul Casting Cauldron."

Du Tian answered happily under Cui Fan's gaze.

"Soul Refining and Soul Suppressing Cauldron!?"

Cui Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he lowered his voice and asked, "What are you looking for that thing for?"

Du Tian smacked his lips: "It's a long story."

A thick, hardcover, and antique "Playboy Anniversary Edition" suddenly appeared in Cui Fan's hand. He gritted his teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!"

"Huh? What are you doing? Want to fight with me?"

"No, it's just that it's more powerful to speak like this."

"Okay, it seems that you are quite self-aware, after all, since you were..."

"Stop talking about those useless things, tell me now!"

"Oh, it's just Ji Wutong who wants to change the cooking pot for his family."

"What on earth is he going to do?!"

Cui Fan was just halfway shocked, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he went through Du Tian's words just now, and came to the conclusion: "What this old ghost just said seemed to be that Ji Wutong wanted to change his family's words." The conclusion of "pot" made me feel relieved at that time.

"Well, you also know that girl Ye Xi is good at everything, but her cooking skills are too special."

Du Tian sighed deeply and said helplessly: "Now the eldest daughter of their family is also obsessed with cooking, and her skills are almost the same as her mother's, even if she can only come into contact with the more common ingredients, such as eggs, radish, and pork. After a few years, Ji Wutong really couldn't bear the green onions and the like, but he was afraid that his wife and children would be sad, so he secretly found me and asked if there was any way to solve it."

The corners of Cui Fan's mouth twitched but he said nothing.

"Then I told him that there is no way, but the difficulty level is a little higher."

Du Tian smiled quite proudly and continued to explain: "After all, the craftsmanship of those two ladies is already terrible at the law of cause and effect. Using normal methods such as cooking training and improving the quality of ingredients is simply nonsense, so if If Ji Wutong wants to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, he must find another way, such as "

Cui Fan's eyes were twitching and he asked with empty eyes: "Change the pot?"

"That's right, let's start with kitchen utensils."

Du Tian nodded vigorously and said: "At that time, I happened to know from a certain channel that the soul-refining and soul-suppressing cauldron that disappeared hundreds of years ago was in the underworld. If you use that thing for cooking, it will be considered as an ingredient. No matter how deep the resentment is, it can be suppressed, so as soon as we put it together, we decided to do this."


Cui Fan gritted his teeth.

"What a lie, I'm telling the truth."

Du Tian quit at that time and betrayed his teammates with a backhand: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Ji Wutong!"

"Keep lying."

"I really didn't lie to you!"

"It's quite deceptive."

"You hold the Book of Heaven in your hand and you still can't tell whether what I'm telling you is the truth?"

"God knows what evil tricks you, old devil, have done!"

"Ahem, I can swear on my grandson's lifelong happiness that I will never lie."

Seeing that Cui Fan was already a little uneasy, Du Tian quickly comforted him: "It just has nothing to do with the matter you just asked about."

"You two are free too"

Cui Fan also lost his temper and had to sigh: "So, what are you secretly doing?"

Du Tian chuckled, but still did not answer, but asked: "Then how did you know what we were secretly doing?"


Cui Fan snorted angrily.

"Then why don't you just figure out what exactly we are doing?"

Du Tian looked at Cui Fan kindly.

The latter looked at him with gritted teeth: "If I could figure it out, would I still ask you?"

"Well, then I'm relieved."

As a result, Du Tian actually looked like he was relieved, and then he looked serious before Cui Fan could speak, and said in a deep voice: "You are right, Ji Wutong and I are indeed making some preparations, but these things are... At this stage, we must not let anyone know, including you.”

Cui Fan, who was categorically rejected, was not angry. He just frowned and asked: "Not even a contemporary god like me can know about this? Is this matter so serious?"

"This matter is not serious."

Du Tian shook his head, spread his hands and said, "But if you know about it, it might become serious."

Cui Fan frowned even more tightly, then lowered his head and muttered: "According to what you said, even I might lose my calm after knowing about it. Instead of cooperating with you, it might become a variable. etc"


Du Tian suddenly interrupted him loudly, waved his hand and said: "Don't think about it anymore, absolutely don't think about it anymore. From now on, forget about those things you calculated before, and don't make the same mistakes again."

Cui Fan's expression suddenly changed when the other party mentioned the 'mistakes of the past', and then he actually kept the idea that just came to him firmly in his heart, nodded and said: "I know."

"Well, very good."

Du Tian nodded with satisfaction, then held his cheek and asked: "Let's talk about something else. Why did you come to S City? Don't say you are here to see me. I, these guys Yue has paid great attention to the hiding place, it would be too embarrassing if you could find out even this."

Cui Fan flipped through the book in his hand that transformed into "Playboy 2019-2048 Deluxe Collection" and said without raising his head: "It's just by chance. I didn't come here to find you. The specific reason is eh. .Actually, it was my wife who asked me to come. She seemed to have performed a fuzzy divination on Xiaoyu the day before yesterday. I’m not very sure about the result. After all, I really can’t play with tarot cards. Anyway, the general meaning is to let I’m coming to S City for a casual walk.”

"I remember that Playboy stopped publishing paper versions as early as March 2020. What's the situation with this collection of yours?"

Du Tian came to Cui Fan with some curiosity and looked at the liberal contents with good taste, joy but not obscenity on the pages of the book. While urging Cui Fan to turn the page quickly, he asked: "So, did you gain anything from this trip? "

"The reward is that I caught you, and by the way, I got to witness the real guy's driving skills as before, and then he disappeared."

Cui Fan answered casually, and then glanced at Du Tian with disdain: "Electronic magazines are evil. Even if you don't print hard copies for me anymore, I can still spread the contents on them through the heavenly book and flip through them. Don't you agree?"

"Has anyone ever said that your habits are like those of an old antique?"

Du Tian disdainfully took out his cell phone, and while searching for the issue Cui Fan was flipping through, he asked, "How have my dear grandson been these past few months? Has he grown up?"

Cui Fanpi twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile, and said dryly: "That boy is already two heads taller than me, the father, and he is still taller?"

"Yeah, that's true. That kid is almost 1.8 meters tall before he graduates from junior high school. The neighbor thought you were feeding him golden crap."

Du Tian smacked his lips and asked while swiping the screen of his mobile phone: "By the way, when will Xiaoyu leave for City B? The transfer procedures should have been completed a long time ago, right?"

"Thank you on behalf of your grandson."

Cui Fan glared at Du Tian and said casually: "Xiao Yao has always been very efficient in doing things. The procedures have been completed a long time ago. If you want to set off when, well, let me think about it, you should be on the bus by now, right?"

Du Tian was shocked: "So soon? Isn't it still two months before school starts?"

"We blasted him away."

Cui Fan said something leisurely, and then smiled slyly: "That little bastard knows how to stay at home all day long, it's better to send him away early."

Du Tian quit at that time and said angrily: "That's your biological son! If you don't love his grandfather, you still love him. No, hurry up and ask Xiaoyu to change the contract. I'll go back with you right away and keep you company." grandson."

"I said, old ghost"

Cui Fan turned to look at Du Tian and said sternly: "It's not impossible to ask him to come back, but you have to think about it. This kid is not as smart as his father and I. He has gone to school for so many years, except for his grades. Outside of that, he is absolutely useless. He is more than 20 years old and has never even taken a girl to his home. He just hangs around and screams FFF every day. There are not many girls in the social circle who don't talk about it, and the few he knows are already married. You think to yourself, should you let him stay at home for two months to enjoy family happiness with you, or should you let him quickly go to City B to familiarize himself with the campus environment and meet two female classmates by the way?"

Du Tian narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean, kid?"

"Do you want to hold your great-grandson soon?"

"Damn! I'll call Xiaoyu later and tell him not to come back even during the National Day."

"That's right, hahaha~"

"I didn't even come around the bend for a while, hahahahaha!"

Chapter 719: End

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