Quadruple split

Chapter 709 Changing Mood

As mentioned before, the reason why Cordoba became famous only two months after the server was launched is because he chose a pseudonym when he posted the post about a man silently crying and a woman crying (being killed like a super god), otherwise , he became a household name as early as one week after the launch of the Innocent Realm server.

To this day, his post titled "Malice from All Over the World" is still collected in the collection of the comprehensive section of the official forum of Innocence. As of one second ago, it had been read 297,664,309 times, with a total of 297,664,309 views. 297664308 likes, it’s so unscientific.

It is also this post that allows countless people who have been discouraged by the cruel death penalty of Innocence to grit their teeth and persevere, especially during the initial period when this game was not very popular. This post at least dispelled the idea of ​​more than five players abandoning the game.

And the phrase "You can still be as miserable as a super god brother" has become one of the buzzwords that is popular in the entire innocent world.

That's right, Cordoba's pseudonym has long been popular. Even if he never posted with that vest again after becoming the current Cordoba, the stage name "Killed Like a Super God" is not as famous as him. How much different I am.

And the hot-tempered Brother A Liang and his younger brothers and sisters happen to be the loyal supporters of the Super God Brother. They are so loyal that they habitually check in the post of "Maliciousness from the World" every day, and they are very loyal. Unobstructed.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the character of this group of people makes it difficult for them to survive smoothly in the world of innocence. Including Aliang himself, these people have not fully adapted to their status as 'innocent players' for a while. Guys are too easy to cause trouble.

But in this world, there are only two consequences for someone who likes to cause trouble without strength, one is death, and the other is a miserable death.

After watching over and over again what they have accumulated for several, ten or dozens of days of hard work disappear into nothing, few people can remain completely calm.

But when it comes to giving up, the appeal of the game Innocence is too great. In addition, due to reasons such as the game cabin guaranteeing exchanges and non-returns, there are not many people who are willing to give up.

At least Brother A Liang and his gang are not ruthless.

At this time, they accidentally discovered the post written by someone unlucky.

It is carbon in the snow, an umbrella in the rain, water in the desert, and a fire in winter!

I still remember that day when Brother A Liang pinched the cigarette butts from his fingers. He suddenly stood up in the middle of a group of brothers with red eyes holding mobile phones and shouted to the sky: "It's so inspiring!"

From that day on, 'Being Killed Like a Super God' has become everyone's idol. No matter how hard, tiring, or tragic the game is, as long as you think of that 'Super God Brother' with a beautiful voice, everyone will be able to Only by cheering up and regaining one's strength can one stand out in front of those powerful slave catchers without retreating, splashing blood for five steps, and show off one's true qualities as a hero.

Then, today, the idol came alive!

"Have I ever fought with Brother Chao Shen?"

A tiger-headed kobold's eyes were straightened, and he pinched his cheek hard: "I fought with Brother Chao Shen?!"

The partner standing next to him gave him an elbow and said excitedly: "What does fighting mean? It's a competition. We have competed with Brother Chao Shen!"

"The super god brother is the boss of Cordoba"

Li Cuihua blinked her big confused eyes and shook her head: "The two most popular Internet celebrities among the most famous Internet celebrities in the Innocence Realm actually expressed regret for wearing leggings for me?"

Fat Hong was sweating profusely, and he quickly grabbed Li Cuihua, who put her hands under her skirt: "Calm down! Calm down!"

For a time, everyone became a little uneasy.

The idol actually appeared in front of him alive!

The idol actually 'sparred' a few moves with his group!

The idol is not only the ‘super god brother’, but also the ‘(ten thousand year old) second brother’!

the most important is--

Like himself, he is also a kobold! !

Damn it, which bastard said that kobolds are destined to be unable to ride? !

As Cordoba shook hands with A Liang stiffly, the scene exploded in an instant!

All previous barriers have been thrown away, and everyone excitedly surrounded Cordoba in the middle, shouting!

At this moment, no one thought there was anything wrong with the rather wretched-looking kobold in front of them, and no one cared that this guy had just used his strength to bully others.

Yes, Cordoba is powerful, and his actions just now are obviously pretentious, but in the eyes of those who can almost memorize the post of 'Super God Brother', they only feel that the story has been sublimated It’s even more inspiring. Just imagine, a kobold who suffered setbacks but never gave up finally saw a rainbow after going through hardships and transformed into one of the strongest men in the world. This is such a wonderful story!

Looking at Cordoba's current skinny appearance, and thinking about this person's status as one of the strongest men in the world, Brother Aliang and his younger brothers instantly figured out that there were hundreds of thousands of words to say. In a small theater, an unlucky player not only did not give up after being disliked by the whole world, but also fought hard as a kobold, a race that is far inferior to the mainstream race, and finally became a generation of romantic figures, standing at the top of the strong. Being admired by thousands of people is so passionate, isn’t it?

As the saying goes, you can't hit someone with a smiling face. Although Cordoba wanted to continue to scold these dogs, after everyone's attitude, led by A Liangge, became unprecedentedly enthusiastic, they finally experienced the stars. Even though he was looking up at the moon, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, acting reserved.

It stands to reason that in this kind of atmosphere that suddenly changes from justice to celebrity meeting, many people will be unable to control themselves, selectively forget those unpleasant things, sit down and brag happily with everyone, and put aside their positions. All grudges and grudges are forgotten with a smile.

But is Cordoba this kind of person?

Of course he is! Who is he?

As a result, Cordoba half pushed himself to sit in the big brother's seat (the small mine cart) in front of A Liang, took a sip of the liquor handed to him with a flattering face, and said, "Cordoba Three" The knight of justice started blowing the bull's horn with foaming at the mouth,

Game time PM16:21

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"There is a group of people in the vast and beautiful Male Desert."

【Reconnection starts.】

"Grass mud horse~"

[Connection completed, reading character information]

"They are smart and beautiful~"

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

"They are cute and naughty~"

Free City, Sewer District, [Secret Fragrance] Hotel

"They defeated the river crabs to avoid being eaten by lying on the grass~"

Mo Tan, who appeared out of thin air in the room, opened his hands like God nailed to a plus sign. With a serious expression, he sang the last sentence in a high-pitched voice with a long note: "Then~then~was~four~zero" ~四~harmony~成~silly——ah→ah↗ah↗ah↗——beep↓↓↘↘→→↗↗↑↑!”

At the end of the song, Mo Tan, who was wearing a white robe, smiled humbly, bowed to greet the non-existent audience around him, smacked his lips after the convulsive impromptu performance, and turned to look at the fine man next to him. The finely carved sound-absorbing steel walls lamented regretfully: "The sound insulation here is just too good."

Shaking his head vigorously, Mo Tan glanced at the message he sent a few minutes ago that he had successfully recovered a group of dogs. Uh, Ma Zai. The paparazzi were not right either. Anyway, he just threw away the nonsense sent by Cordoba. He glanced at the system time and planned to continue his lurking work.

After spending a total of more than 30 hours of game time in the past few days, he has basically figured out everything about the Kevos family.

The conclusion is: not difficult at all, but still somewhat interesting.

"Finally, we will verify the details and we will be ready to close the net in a few days."

He wandered to the closet in the corner of the room and took out a rather gorgeous black dress. There were two family crests with blood-red bat wings printed on the cuffs.

This is the coat of arms of another blood-seeking family, and the two dark golden arcs in the center of the coat of arms indicate the noble identity of its owner.

"It's a pity that death is a bit cheap."

While Mo Tan mourned the previous owner of the dress with some regret, he took off his white robe and prepared to change.


The system prompt sound, which was not very loud in decibels, sounded, and a message from a friend that had just been received interrupted Mo Tan's movements.

Mo Tan first confirmed that the person who sent the message was not a certain tablet who was 1.5 meters tall, and then he calmly sat down on the soft sofa and opened the chat box.

two seconds later

"Oh, it's faster than I thought."

Mo Tan closed the friends list with a smile, and said between 'finishing the planned work first and letting the depressed Lesa feel relieved as soon as possible' and 'doing something else to change her mood and let the blood seekers go to hell. After hesitating between the two choices for about a tenth of a second, he rolled up the expensive dress into a ball and stuffed it back into the closet, and took out another outfit of his own from his bag.

fifteen minutes later

Game time PM16:38

Free City, Dark Alley District, No. 22 Brier Avenue

Wearing a dusty cloak and a large hood, Mo Tan opened the door and walked in. He whistled to the tall female assassin leaning against the fireplace: "Long time no see, my dear."

"Even if we agree to try not to mention each other's real names when we meet in private."

The female assassin, who had no emotion, glanced at Mo Tan, gently tugged on the red scarf at her collar, and frowned unhappily: "But I believe that besides the name 'dear', there are countless other A more appropriate title.”

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and smiled apologetically at Yu Ying: "You're right, please forgive me for my rudeness before, little tease."

Yu Ying: "What the hell are you?"

"Okay, hurry up and return the thing to me. That thing is worth more than you."

Mo Tan walked to the armchair opposite Yu Ying's fireplace and sat down in three unsteady steps. He crossed his legs and hooked his fingers at Yu Ying. In an instant, his temperament had changed from a graceful and sinister gentleman back to a 'nothing'. Mr. Tan', a frequent visitor to Yunyouzhi Hostel in Night District.

"Humph, you really can trust me."

Yu Ying curled her lips and threw a black card towards Mo Tan: "Let me just say thank you."

The girl bit her lip angrily. She really didn't understand why she would be ridiculed by this person as long as she cosplayed with other characters, but when she revealed her rather popular nature, she could make the other person's words less sarcastic. Ninety percent.

And then there are only about less than a thousand strands left.

"Because it's too fake."

Mo Tan stretched out his index finger and middle finger to hold the card lightly, said something casually, then lowered his head and glanced at the dark card in his hand with a white-faced snake pattern printed on it.

[Silver Flash Association’s senior invitation letter]

Category: Special

Quality: ordinary

Use: Show it to the right people in the right place, join the Silver Flash Association

Remaining times: 2/3

Recommender number: 0-7-714285

[Note 1: ████ cannot be mentioned]

[Note 2: Still can’t mention ████]

[Note 3: This thing is the most convenient way to join the Silver Flash Association~]

[Note 4: You still mentioned it, bastard! 】

Mo Tan put the card into his pocket and smiled at Yu Ying: "Very good, you are indeed a good and honest girl. Let's get along."


Yu Ying rolled her eyes and curled her lips and said, "If I didn't need your help for a mission, I would really like to sell this thing directly."

This is half true and half false.

As for Mo Tan, he smiled and said nothing.

Half a minute later, Yu Ying broke the silence, glanced at Mo Tan with a troubled expression, and said angrily: "I still haven't figured out how you got into the Silver Flash Association, and you are also qualified to be a recommender. .”


Mo Tan pondered for a moment, then showed an infectious smile: "Mainly because he is handsome."

Yu Ying laughed dryly and raised her middle finger.

To be honest, it is not unreasonable for this girl to be angry. After all, many people know that Yu Ying has always wanted to become a truly emotional female assassin in this game, a woman who comes and goes without a trace. A killer who travels thousands of miles, has no worries about food and clothing, is handsome, is a fortress, and is best able to be single.

However, contrary to expectations, [Dawn's Blessing], a talent that glows when excited, shattered her dream into pieces of glass.

But today, she has actually become a certain killer organization. And she is also a member of a top killer organization, just because of an invitation letter.

The person who casually took out the invitation letter was Tan Mo.

The killer organization that recruits people happily is called [Silver Flash Association].

The organization is a good organization, but Tan Mo is a real scumbag.

This strange sense of disparity is the source of Yu Ying's dissatisfaction.

"Hey, what's that look in your eyes? I'm also a cunning professional. Why can't I be a recommender in Silver Flash?"

Seeing the unacceptable look on the girl's face, Mo Tan quickly comforted her with gentle words: "Don't belittle yourself too much. In fact, there are many famous killers with temperament (zhang), quality (de), and type (chou) these days. As long as you are willing to work hard. , there will definitely be a time to shine in the future.”


"Why are you scolding me? I'm obviously trying to comfort you."

"Please don't say the word 'brackets' or the content in the brackets when you comfort me next time!"

Chapter 702: End

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