Quadruple split

Chapter 708: Turning the conflict into a big brother

【One minute left】

Cordoba recited silently in his heart, and at the same time, with his right leg as the center, his whole body was spinning in place like a top. In an instant, he threw out three punches and four kicks, breaking two bricks, a Molotov cocktail and Four weapons were thrown at him.

【Forty-eight seconds left.】

Aliang curled his fingers into claws and struck out with the last move of [Dog Tooth Crazy Crazy Fist], aiming directly at Cordoba's heart, but was intercepted by the latter's seemingly slow but unpredictable iron fist, leaving him panting. Half kneeling on the ground.

【Twenty-three seconds.】

Pang Hong, Da Zhou, Shuai Hu, Xiao Gao, Xiao Jiang, and Xiao Mao teamed up to use a combo skill [Chopping melons and vegetables]!

But I saw these six kobolds of different professions taking out a kitchen knife at the same time, standing in the shape of a six-pointed star and rushing straight towards Cordoba, drawing dazzling blades in mid-air, like several knife skills. A superb chef is preparing a sashimi dish at the same time.

【Twenty-one seconds.】

Cordoba's face remained unchanged, his two big hands full of mechanical beauty turned into phantoms, and he accurately met the blade that bloomed in front of him like a flower, and only heard a crisp "ding ding ding" The sound of dings exploded in the air intensively. Two seconds later, the six people who passed by Cordoba were already standing frozen in place with their arms covered. Their kitchen knives, which did not have much durability, simultaneously It burst into countless pieces of iron and scattered to the ground.

【Ten seconds.】

The kobold girl named Li Cuihua stepped forward and shot towards Cordoba under the chaotic long-range cover of her companions. When she was less than five meters away from the latter, she jumped up and stood before the handsome man. Hu and Xiao Mao each stepped on their heads, and while rising into the air, they used the [Feiyan Fold] move to borrow strength from the air, moved sideways to just above Cordova, and used a palm move that dropped from the sky.

【Eight seconds.】

Cordoba crossed his arms, firmly holding the overlapping palms, and then slightly staggered his upper body. Not only did he release all his 'strength', but it also made it safe under the skirt. The girl with the trousers in a "big" shape fell behind her with a thud.

【Three seconds.】

A Liang changed [Wind Riding Posture] to [Vajra Posture], then raised his head and took a sip of strong liquor he found from nowhere. His arm muscles covered with sweat beads were tangled, and a dog and a phoenix appeared on it. Yin Hong's pattern is exactly the [Tattoo] in his talent list.

The next moment, Aliang, who had a total of five buffs on his body, including [Flying Dog Kung Fu], [Bloody Madness], [Full of Fury], [Tattoo], and [Diamond Posture], rushed toward Cordoba with red eyes. He unleashed a move that even ordinary high-level professionals would not dare to be careless about, [King Kong Collapse Fist]!

Cordoba also launched a palm at the same time.

Bang! ! !

An irregular shock wave with no sense of beauty erupted between the two of them, knocking the people closest to them off their feet.

Cordoba retracted his fist lightly and said nothing.

"time up."

A Liang, who was also paying attention to the system time, grinned palely, pressed his right arm hanging limply by his side, raised his eyebrows and said, "How much blood did this punch knock out of you?"


Cordoba raised his eyebrows, and then added sternly: "It's 27 points of health, not 27% of the blood volume."

"You're such a monster."

Aliang, who had exhausted his last bit of physical energy, sat down on the spot and said with a wry smile: "I would like to ask, what is your health recovery speed?"

Cordoba smiled and answered honestly: "In combat mode, it automatically restores about fifty health points per second, and in non-combat mode it recovers about three hundred points."

There is no doubt that this is an answer that is enough to make most people who plan to compete with Cordoba or have doubts about this ten thousand-year-old second-in-command collapse.

A blow that was enough to make high-level professionals feel threatened, but only knocked out 27 points of this guy's health!

And his health recovery rate, even in a greatly reduced combat state, is still as high as 50 points per second!

What is this concept?

If hidden factors are not taken into account, relying on the information that has been published by the star player [Awakening Dragon], the pillar of the [Red Constellation] club, who has a half-step epic personal strength, two of the total thirteen pieces of equipment are uniquely excellent. , eight epics, two unique epics, and a legendary game genius. Even if Cordoba attacks with all his strength without fighting back, it will take at least two minutes to clear the latter's health points to zero.

Of course, the condition of 'not considering hidden factors' itself means that the above idea is just a dream, but even so, even if Xinglong's paper strength is doubled, he can resist the latter for one minute without fighting back. Erdoba is really a bit too much.

“It’s well-deserved.”

A Liang did not collapse, but he bowed his hands to Cordoba with some strength, and the younger brothers and sisters also stopped attacking and stood silently behind their elder brother.

The eyes they looked at Cordoba were very complicated, including frustration, horror, confusion, shock, and uncontrollable awe, but they were not at all dejected or lost.

Cordoba, who was originally very prejudiced against these stupid young men, shrugged his shoulders and suddenly felt that these guys were actually quite cute as long as their heads were covered.


He looked down at A Liang and his younger brothers and sisters, and asked sternly: "Am I the winner?"

[Is it fun for you, the second-best guy in the rankings, to bully us mid-range players? 】

Many people were roaring in their hearts, but no one said it out loud. They just curled their lips, laughed dryly, or rolled their eyes to express their 'acquiescence'.

Brother A Liang nodded happily and said without any trace of frustration: "That's right, you didn't move a step for three minutes, you win, we"

"Well, great, I don't need to delete my account."

Cordoba interrupted him cheerfully, and in a twisted blue light curtain, he transformed back into the alpha dog form with two sides. He casually sat cross-legged opposite A Liang and waved at Pang Hong. He waved his hand and said, "As promised, I will take you out to inquire about the situation later. If it is correct, you will let me go and apologize. Is there any problem?"

Seeing that this man casually mentioned the 'conflict' just now, everyone, including A Liang, was stunned.

After a while, until Cordoba's doggy face became a little impatient, Pang Hong said loudly as if he had just woken up from a dream: "No questions!"


Cordoba nodded with satisfaction.

"Then what."

Fat Hong saw this guy shaking his head and stopped talking, so he quickly asked: "Then what?"


Cordoba scratched the back of his head and wondered: "What next? What else do you want?"

Fatty Hong was confused: "We don't want to do anything."

Cordoba was also confused. He spread his hands and said, "Isn't that okay?"

Fat Hong almost cried: "The point is you. What else do you want?"

Cordoba chuckled: "I don't want to do anything."

Fat Hong couldn't believe it: "But the bet just now"

"Okay, Xiao Pang."

A Liang raised his hand to interrupt him, and said with a dry smile: "They never meant to embarrass us from the beginning, they just gave us a casual lesson. Think carefully about what Brother Cordoba just said, as long as we succeed in letting him He deleted the account after even half a step, but he didn’t say anything about what we should do if we failed.”


Pang Hong and the other people who had never been surprised for a while opened their eyes wide at the same time.

But Cordoba grinned and said: "Otherwise? Can I just bully people just because I am better than you? Force you to delete your account or kneel down and beat me up?"

The dogs looked at each other, and their first reaction was that the two possibilities he just mentioned were really possible based on the guy's previous look.

Of course, no one dares to say that. After all, even if no one here will kneel down and give this guy a slap in the face, if he can avoid being beaten to death, he definitely doesn't want to be beaten to death.

What they didn't know was that Cordoba, who only had 45% of his energy left, had to keep his last transformation for some reason, so even if he really challenged Ya, there would probably be no problem.

"Well, what can I say? I understand you guys now."

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Cordoba cupped his cheek and looked up and down at the group of kobolds in front of him with a rather social style, and curled his lips and said: "They are all quite courageous, and they are not bad people. They just have a little brain. It doesn’t work”

Li Cuihua, who was standing behind A Liang with her arms akimbo, stopped at that moment and glared: "What are you talking about!"

"Tell the truth!"

Cordoba snorted, not giving any face to the girl in front of him who didn't look like a girl at all: "Is there something wrong with calling you stupid? I won't talk about things like Xia Ji Bamboo and the like, why are you still here? Do you really think that this group of people can survive until now because they are great? Is it because of the power of the masses? Damn, they are all gamers. They have never eaten pork and have been on the forum, right? We gamers Let’s not talk about the group, how many NPCs are there than you in the bunker, don’t you know? If the old dwarf hadn’t repeatedly emphasized that there should be no blood as much as possible and no killing is allowed, you would have been killed long ago! "

Then no one spoke

It's not because Cordobado has a domineering spirit, but they have thought of this kind of thing a few days ago, but they still can't figure out why. Now that they know the truth, they suddenly turn red with shame.

"I said, the main responsibility lies with me."

After a long while, Brother Aliang first apologized for the mistake, and then gritted his teeth and explained: "However, although this misunderstanding is entirely our fault, it is also because we experienced one personally in the Violet Empire before."

In order not to let his brother be wronged in front of the boss, although A Liang was not willing to excuse his behavior, he still revealed the core reason why they were so hot-headed this time, which was that they had met in Marshall The slave-catching incident.

ten minutes later

"Oh, I still suffer the disadvantage of being uneducated~"

Cordoba looked at the gnashing kobolds in front of him, shook his head and sighed: "Don't you know that the slave trade was banned a long time ago? Whether it is a large neutral organization like the Mining Association or an artisan, How could a town like a high-profile place get together with those slave traders? Besides, even if there were a few trash with low moral character among those people, they wouldn't buy kobolds and come back to mine. ?After all, isn’t it because your brains are not working well?”

He spoke so confidently that A Liang and others were speechless.

"To be honest, I admire you very much. There are fewer and fewer good men these days."

After learning that A Liang and others once fought to the death with slave catchers for an innocent village and were wiped out, Cordoba raised his thumb, then changed the topic and said in a deep voice: "But your operation .emmm, at least the current channel seems to call on the weak to fight for freedom, but in fact it is an operation to incite people to die. It is really LOW."

The kobolds who had unknowingly adopted the position of trainees nodded silently. They also felt that they were quite LOW this time.

"A few of my friends, well, they were the first group of guys who got their shit kicked by you. Do you know what they did?"

Cordoba rubbed the tip of his nose, slapped his knees hard, and even told everyone what Ji Xiaoge had told everyone outside the game before, that the Wangwang team had fought to the death to rescue the orc slaves in the Cassero grassland. That was a mouthful, and it made a group of people, including Brother A Liang, excited.

"Damn, this is what I call a real cow!"

"Who says it's not the case? That's a cross-level fight!"

"One might go from rescuing to sending someone to death."

"Just like when we were in the Marshalls."

"Shut up!"

"Oh, people are so infuriating when compared to each other. Look at others, the bottom can defeat the top. Look at us, teaming up to attack the street, it's like MMP!"

After Cordoba ended the story with a strong save from Caselo overlord Darian Diesel, the actions of the Paw Team immediately aroused strong reactions from everyone.

"What does it mean to be more irritating than someone else?"

In the end, Cordoba was still not satisfied. Dang even glanced at the kobold who said MMP, and said with disdain: "Do you think you are miserable? When you were at a low level, you were involved in the incident, stepped forward, and ended up dead and reborn. , Isn’t it unfortunate that you are still a kobold after rebirth?”

In the end, the man actually nodded and asked, "Isn't it?"

"What nonsense, of course not."

Cordoba spat on the Talisman Energy Oil and sneered: "I, Cordoba, am a strong man who can be ranked among tens of millions of players. Bunker, right?"

Everyone was very confused, because logically they should nod, but they just didn't want to nod!

Cordoba didn't care, and just said to himself: "But, do you know how miserable I was when I first started playing this game?"

Kobolds:? ? ?

Cordoba took a deep breath

five minutes later

"Brother Cordoba!"

Brother Aliang, who suddenly stood up, held Cordoba's paws with tears in his eyes, and together with a group of younger brothers with also red eyes, surrounded Cordoba, trembling uncontrollably.

"Brothers, the reason why you persisted in the beginning was because of your tear-jerking inspirational post! Sign your name, idol!"

Chapter 701: End

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