Quadruple split

Chapter 68 Bard

At this time, perhaps only this kind of mocking, naked, sarcastic and even sexual harassment reply can make Futaba feel better.

That girl doesn't need other people's comfort or tolerance, and the false concern is meaningless. Of course, even if it is meaningful, Mo Tan will not do that at this moment. He is just treating this opponent like before. 'In response to ridicule and ridicule, but this is actually enough...

The only thing Futaba needs now is maybe someone who can tell her that you are not alone.

It doesn't really matter whether that person is a friend, a companion, or an old enemy.

As long as there is such a person here...

Even if he just makes low-level sexual harassment to you, it doesn't matter.

But at this time, Futaba has left the game and is sleeping peacefully in the small space that belongs only to her. Naturally, there is no way to reply to Mo Tan. Of course, the latter is very indifferent and even feels quite relieved.

"It's okay if you're not here~" Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief: "After all, I'm quite impatient when it comes to coaxing children. When she comes online again, she should be able to calm down more or less..."

Throwing the orange-haired girl with round glasses out of his mind, his expression gradually became serious.

There is no point in mourning and grieving if the dead cannot be resurrected...

If the outcome cannot be undone, then regret and trouble are of no value...

Mo Tan didn't want to be sentimental because of what had happened. What concerned him most at this moment was the present and future threats...

Everything that is uncontrollable, unknown, and unplanned is a threat!

Threats often affect fun, which he cannot tolerate. Although Mo Tan can even use death to add a touch of glory to those so-called plans and stages at this time... But he does not like this feeling of being unable to control...

Especially not being able to control yourself!

The clear memory is about to come to an end, and he is separated from Futaba, and then Ned's body appears in front of him, and Benai chases after him...

[Wait, something seems to be missing. 】

Mo Tan paused for a moment, and then thought that his mentality seemed to have changed before the class chased him, so in the end he did not keep walking in the set direction, but turned back to try to contain Futaba. I don’t know when the class will chase me.

If I remember correctly, my behavior pattern at that time was somewhat inconsistent with the 'Black Brahma', but more like...

"So that's it." Mo Tan's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and he whispered to himself: "In other words, it's not just the current 'me', but also the somewhat disturbing state?"

Although it was a question, there was no doubt in his tone.

[Then the next step is the assassin. He seemed to have said something after some low-end provocation...]

It started to take a bit of effort, just like an untrained person putting his head into the water and forcing his eyes open. A dizzying feeling of disgust suddenly came over him. Although he was prepared, Mo Tan still felt suffocated.

The first thing that became clear was Ned. His eyes had not yet closed, and his body was still bleeding...

Then there is the face in the class that is full of viciousness and morbidity...

【This is not the point! 】

Mo Tan, who had been standing quietly for some time, slowly closed his eyes and tried his best to clear away the fog.

After a long time, he smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, a rare feeling of powerlessness welling up in his heart.

"I just can't remember it anyway." Mo Tan blew a low-key whistle and wiped the cold sweat that had leaked from his forehead for some time. He felt a little useless.

[I must have done something. Although I can’t remember it, it’s not a blank memory like before, but an instinctive rejection. This can be explained psychologically...]

He sped up his pace slightly, and his originally stagnant thoughts gradually became more flexible.

[Combining the two previous situations, although I am not very willing to admit it, as the 'Black Brahma' at that time, I was very likely to be infinitely close to 'that me', although this was not enough to constitute the conditions for killing the squad. , but only because of the relative lack of conditions and information...]

A thin cloud blocked the hook-like crescent moon, and Mo Tan's body was looming in the shadow, with a cold light reflecting in his eyes...

[This game is really interesting. It can be basically concluded that there is definitely a 'me' existing on this continent during the recent memory blank period, although no reliable clues have been found so far. 】

He climbed up a small tree lightly, and after a few ups and downs, he leaned down and sniffed the grass on the roadside...

"It doesn't look like a game company that is making money at all, an AI that is extremely intelligent and anthropomorphic, a complete worldview that dates back to who knows how many years ago, a camp selection system that can even separate myself, Kordo Var's race, the Whispering Sect, and the degree of world collapse that are completely inconsistent with common sense." With a fanatical arc at the corner of his mouth, Mo Tan smiled unscrupulously under the night: "And my almost forgotten fourth Face', blank memory, known bugs that only appear on me, plus that elusive SUN..."

He took off the various masks on his face, looked up at the starry sky without any haze with his real face, spread his hands as if to embrace the entire night, his eyes flashed with madness and uncontrollable Excitement: “This is so fucking fun!”

The clouds drift away...

Mo Tan looked at the looming lights in the distance, covered his face again, adjusted his clothes, and also suppressed that crazy smile.

Then, like a traveling aristocratic poet, he walked calmly and behaved elegantly~

"Even I am not trustworthy now, haha..." He took out a simple wooden harp from his luggage and fiddled with it gently. He was immediately struck by the abrupt and not pleasant notes at all. Amused.

fifteen minutes later

In Misha Town, which is only a few dozen miles away from Kalan City, there is the [Drunk Bear] Tavern.

A minstrel with a mustache was talking loudly and frothing at the mouth. He squatted on the low table closest to the bar. In front of him was a slightly old and broken hat and a half-bottle of self-made wine that was a friendly gift from the boss. Brew ale.

This can be regarded as some kind of unwritten rule. If an eloquent bard is willing to go to a certain tavern to tell a few stories, then as long as it can attract customers or listeners, no matter the boss, he will not hesitate to do so. He brought a drink that would soothe his throat.

The lights are slightly dim, the sun has already rolled down the mountain, the tables have not been wiped for many years, the waitress who occasionally screams when she is carrying the tray, and the bar behind the bar is wiping the glasses while humming a tune. The bearded boss, the guests chatting and laughing loudly, the bard with a high-pitched and provocative voice, and the audience who stayed around for a long time but were unwilling to throw money into his hat~

This scene that no longer exists in reality is one of the most common scenes in the Innocence Continent...

"The dragon is soaring in the sky, its fangs are dripping with blood, its wings are stirring up hurricanes, and it is roaring to save the lives of its kind~" The mustache raised his head and drank ergot, with his face flushed and used his high-pitched male voice. The high-pitched voice said loudly: "The wild beast is raging in the abandoned city. Its skin is as hard as steel, and its roar is as powerful as thunder, but it is retreating steadily amid its loud war songs and shouts!"

A young man just happened to quietly open the door of the tavern, but no one noticed him except the boss who was also listening to the story with squinted ears and raised his eyelids.

"Blessed by the ancestors! The wise elder looked up to the sky. His youth and body have been taken away by the years, but the strength and glory remain deep in the soul. What is stirring in the totem pole is blood and thunder!" The bard! He clapped the small drum in his hand vigorously and shouted fluently in Common Tongue: "When the tribe was in danger, he took action!"

An orc next to him clapped his hands with shining eyes: "Okay!!"

But Mo Tan, who didn't know when he came around, had a little surprise on his face.

"But seeing the spirit of the earth and the power of the ancestors complementing each other, the rampant dragon on the ruined city suddenly fell under the power of the elder!" The bard whirled around in vain and smashed him hard. He was on the ground, but still holding his neck and shouting: "The hero finally defeated the dragon! The glory belongs to... which tribe does it belong to? Uh, forget it, the glory belongs to the tribe!!"

The surrounding audience burst into laughter, but no one cared about the last little flaw of the bard who seemed to have drank a lot, and there was finally a little more copper in the hat~

Only one person's expression is not right!

From the beginning, Mo Tan felt that the story told by this old man was a bit familiar. After listening to a few sentences, his expression immediately became strange...

"Who is that!" The orc who had applauded before said loudly to Mustache: "Can you explain what you just said more clearly? I can't quite understand it!"

In line with the principle that the customer is God, the bard immediately cleared his throat, then smiled at God and said: "There was a dragon on the ground that was being beaten by several orcs. As a result, an update came from the sky halfway through the beating. Seriously, the oldest one among the orcs saw something was wrong, so he took action like a bullock, but as soon as the old man took action, he knocked down the dragon with a 'bang'!"

"Okay!" The orc roared again; "He is indeed the boss of our orcs!"

Mo Tan: "..."

He almost understood it completely. He really knew the story told by the bard. Not only did he know it, he also basically witnessed the whole process from the perspective of the person involved.

That's not the case at all!

If I remember correctly, the one who was angrily criticizing Yalong was not singing a war song, but a hero song!

That dragon didn't come to help its companions, it was just that it was so tired that it stuck out its tongue and wanted to find a place to take a good rest!

The old orc man did knock Ya down, but he was the first one to shout 'misunderstanding' afterwards.

Overall, the degree of truth of this story...is basically equivalent to bullshit!

But even so, Mo Tan still approached the bard who had just gotten up from the ground with great enthusiasm, took out a gold coin from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand.

It needs to be explained here that the currency of Guilty Continent is basically gold coins, silver coins and copper plates. The ratio is 1:10:100. Although the currencies in different places are different, the weight and purchasing power are still about the same. In front of Mo Tan This mustache's income just now was about twenty copper coins, so...

So the way he looked at Mo Tan was immediately different!

The light contained in it is like...

It was like seeing someone who had been taken advantage of! It's very similar to the look in Mo Tan's eyes when he was blocked by the bad boy from the next class in an alley in the same personality state...

Makes you feel hairy~

Of course, Mo Tan didn't get all hairy, he just blinked at the other party: "Excuse me?"

"Okay!" The other party nodded crisply, but didn't even move a step.

Then, under Mo Tan's almost horrified gaze, he took out a booklet from nowhere, thrust it into his hand with a smile on his face, and said with a low laugh: "Brother, you know your stuff, I like this one too! "

! ?

Mo Tan lowered his head and looked...

【Tree Vase Plum】

Quality: Junk

Use: Not available

[Note: This thing cannot be opened, so you should accumulate some virtue! There are no resource seeds anywhere. Can we not be so persistent? You must know that we are a game for all ages. If this kind of thing gets into the hands of minors, it will be difficult for us to do it. Just look at the cover and enjoy it. Go, be good. 】

Mo Tan looked at the small booklet in his hand. On it was an elf girl with few pieces of cloth on her body. She looked pretty good.

Putting it into his luggage smoothly, Mo Tan glanced at the mustache who was constantly raising his eyebrows at him and smiled: "Is there anything else?"

"Uh..." The other party was immediately stunned, and then he rubbed his hands and said: "This is the only one I have available at the moment. Of course, if you don't mind, I have something else here, Ogre Luo Do you want to know about Li’s photo album and goblin girl bathing album?”

Ogre loli and goblin girl...

Mo Tan thought for a while and nodded to the other party: "Give it to me."

Suddenly, Mustache's eyes became more horrifying than Mo Tan's just now, and then he took out two brochures that smelled of barbecue from under his robe, and handed them over.

The latter took the two art works that seemed to have been stuffed with ham sauce and put them away, and then said with a smile: "These three books together shouldn't be worth a gold coin, right?"

"Uh, this..." Mustache suddenly showed bitterness: "It's not worth it, but I can't find it now. How about I give you two paragraphs?"

Mo Tan shook his head slightly: "That's not necessary. Just go out with me and chat. I'm quite interested in the story you just told~"

"Hey! No problem!" When the other party heard that there was no need for change, he was so happy that his teeth came out, and he quickly turned aside to make way for Mo Tan: "Please go first~"

After a while, the two came to the small square in the center of the town, each smiling happier than the other.

The bard laughed at this young man who seemed to have some problems with his aesthetics. He was really being taken advantage of.

And Mo Tan... then realized that he might have found a pair of eyes...

A pair of eyes that are everywhere!

Chapter 65: End

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