Quadruple split

Chapter 67 Fanatics also sigh

It’s two o’clock in the morning in the real world

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether...]

"Wake me up immediately!"

[Received, it is January 9, 2049, 2:10, you will wake up in one minute]

When Mo Tan opened his eyes in the game cabin, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat. The short minute from the moment the system prompt sounded to now seemed particularly long.

Holding open the hatch cover with one hand, Mo Tan immediately stood up and washed his face. Too many things happened today, and he urgently needed to calm down quickly at this moment.

The tap water in winter was always extremely cold, but the chill that made his skin tingle slightly made him feel a lot more relaxed. After simply wiping his face, Mo Tan immediately returned to the game cabin in the living room. , and then lay down without hesitation and started the device.

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

one minute later

The realm of innocence

At this time, in the game world, three hours have passed since the Fenrir team was completely wiped out, and fifty minutes have passed since the Sin Lord entered the capital of the Chauvin Empire.

Mo Tan, who transformed into Tan Mo, appeared on a small road in the eastern part of the Innocence Continent. The half-elf's slender figure was reflected very long in the moonlight.

"It seems that the two times I went online were at night~" He smiled softly at his own shadow, then rubbed his forehead as he took a step forward, and continued to walk forward along the path under his feet.

It looks relaxed and comfortable...

But that was not the case. He did not stand still and meditate just because Mo Tan wanted to use his time rationally, and he was also confident that he would not fall down because of thinking while walking, but this did not mean how leisurely he was.

"It's a blessing that humans have not integrated eyes, brains and limbs into one organ during the evolution process." Mo Tan sighed after stepping over a branch that was blown from nowhere, and then suddenly laughed out loud: "Haha~ In that case, it would be just a ball, with a big eyeball embedded in it."

The surroundings were quiet, and no one responded to his somewhat humorous remarks, but Mo Tan didn't mind. After all, he only wanted to please himself now, not others. If he found it interesting, he would even be happy to do it. Tell a joke or two in the air.

The stage does not necessarily need an audience, unless the audience is also part of the stage~

He obviously doesn't want anyone to disturb him now...

"The memory is blank again, but the previous problems are more than that." Mo Tan suppressed a smile and murmured in a low voice: "It seemed that something terrible happened to me at that time..."

He began to carefully recall the experience he had not long ago when he was a 'Black Brahman'. It is undoubtedly quite dangerous for us normal people to think deeply and rush on the road at the same time. After all, although we may turn a corner and bump into someone if we are distracted, A girl who happens to be going to school with a piece of bread in her mouth may still have a certain chance of seeing the color of her partner's panties under her miniskirt, but that is a very rare case after all. In most cases where the prerequisites are the same, it is still the same as the ground or telephone poles. Creatures such as , strong men and the like are more likely to be exposed.

But Mo Tan doesn't need to worry about this. If he had to explain the reason, it can only be said that he is used to multitasking, although he has never challenged "eating while going to the toilet", which requires extremely strong psychological quality. It's a fantastic skill, but low-end operations such as reading books, watching movies, playing games, and making phone calls at the same time are no problem at all.

The reason why he quit the game immediately after his memory went blank was because he was not sure how much he was affected, especially mentally. Although Mo Tan only vaguely remembered what happened before the 'fragment', he still I was very worried about whether it would affect my physical and mental state in real life, but fortunately, except for giving myself a cold sweat, everything was normal.

Naturally, returning to the game immediately after confirming that he was fine meant that he wanted more time to think, and he could also catch up on his journey.

While strolling around seemingly carelessly, Mo Tan began to fall into memories.

The result was very unsatisfactory...

Although he could be sure that he was still himself before he was officially disconnected from the 'Fragment', his memory after throwing Ned's body in the class was still very blurry, just like the mention of a pen that always happens to ordinary people. It was the same phenomenon as forgetting words. He knew clearly that he remembered it, but those fragments were as hard to touch as if they were separated by a layer of water.

"In short, the conclusion should be that I...killed the useless assassin in the squad, and finally I seemed to have killed the orc intelligence officer, or spy, who exposed Ned." Mo Tan frowned slightly: " Try recalling it from the beginning again..."

In order to protect Ned, everyone ran away together. At the same time, Banai, who finally used his true strength, followed. Then, Crabbe was killed first...

[That guy is like a fool, but I have to admit that he is a fool that makes me want to applaud him. 】

The escape continued, and Crabbe did not delay for long. Banai, who quickly caught up, kept adding wounds to everyone like a cat and a mouse, and then Salazar took the initiative to stay behind.

[There is no hope of survival. If that Mensao wants to escape by himself, there is no chance, but he has no such choice. In this case, even if he dies, there should be no unwillingness. 】

The time Salazar delayed should not be short, but Ned also planned to stay and buy time. He told the hiding place of a lot of dark information from the Marshall Territory. Yinna was willing to stay with the former, but Futaba did Made the most irrational decision.

[The clues I got in Pato City before were indeed correct. A large number of ritual sacrifices in the Whispering Sect were obtained from the Violet Empire, but I didn’t expect that they were actually from the Marshall Territory. Haha~ One in nine possibilities It was such a coincidence that he was hit directly. I originally wanted the girl who was online around the clock to look for him, but she was immediately locked. 】

Mo Tan remembered some of the information he had found in the Whispering Sect stronghold before. The information had been burned when he left, and the more valuable contents had been recorded in his mind. He was very fond of this sect. He was very interested in both the scale of the cult that seemed to far exceed that of conventional cults and the 'evil god' they believed in.

This was also the main job he planned to let Cole and Xiao Ai do, and it was also the reason why Futaba paid attention to the 'slave trade' before... But he didn't expect to catch the Marshall family so quickly, and what surprised Mo Tan was It was a certain girl whose heart was far less strong than he thought before...

"Wait!" Mo Tan suddenly paused and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I remember that time..."

The memory was very clear at the time, but the content is very, very strange when I think about it now!

Futaba insisted on staying, and to put it bluntly, she was going to die. Mo Tan, who still maintained his rationality, tried to persuade her to leave, but the effect was not obvious, and then...

[I was still ‘Hei Fan’ at the time, and I knew very well that I couldn’t get rid of that girl quickly, so I…]

Mo Tan suddenly grinned and whispered: "I wanted to simulate the current 'me', but I also had to maintain the state at that time to ensure that I would not be disconnected. And the facts proved that that whimsical idea was successful!"

He clearly remembered that he, who was still 'Black Brahma' at that time, had no choice but to try to imitate this thinking mode at this moment to convince Futaba. After all, whether it was 'Tan Mo', 'Mo' or 'Mo' No matter Hei Fan', it's all Mo Tan himself after all. Although the difference is so unnatural that it has broken through the normal category, if you are willing, self-imitation is not impossible, at least it is better than imagining yourself as someone else. Come easily.

For example, when we pretend to be our parents, boss, relatives, or colleagues, we may look nothing like ourselves, but if the person we imitate becomes ourselves a few years ago or at a certain time, we should be able to do it.

Although our thoughts and opinions at this moment may have changed long ago, the time we experienced personally is real. What happened at that time, what we thought, and how we viewed the things around us, it is known.

"Is it because of this that I succeeded easily?" Mo Tan shook his head: "No, if it is really that simple, then why do I have to train myself to save a few minutes every time I change my personality? Buffer time to make the transition..."

You have to practice it!

As soon as he thought of it, he executed it. Mo Tan, who suddenly became more interested in studying himself, immediately stopped and stood there trying to think about his thoughts and psychology when he was in an 'absolutely neutral' personality, and tried to substitute it into his current self. .

Two minutes later...

"Boring! Boring! Boring! Nonsense!" Mo Tan rolled his eyes desperately: "I can't do it at all! The thought of me having the kind of moral character of just eating and waiting for death makes me angry. I want to live my life like this. Is it the rhythm of having a cold cup for free!?”

After a moment of silence, he hesitated and said to himself: "How about I try to simulate 'that'?"

Ten seconds later...

"Ugh, no, I hate myself so much, I want to commit suicide!" Mo Tan suddenly knelt down in an exaggerated manner and made a vomiting gesture. After spitting out his tongue for a long time, he stood up unsteadily, his eyes as if he had entered the sage mode. Wu Shen: "I feel like my three views are about to explode, although I don't seem to have any three views at all..."

Obviously, he couldn't do it at all. No matter how he imagined himself as one of the other two characters, he couldn't hold it, and both attempts made Mo Tan very unhappy at the moment.

Maybe it was out of inner resistance, or maybe it was because he knew it was futile when he tried to heal himself in the past, but in short, Mo Tan didn't continue trying.

[I will think about this later when I log in as Hei Fan next time. Anyway, I successfully made the 'SUN' lady change her mind at that time. Wow, what a waste of emotions. The ancients are right. Sitting on the computer Before, we didn’t even know whether there was a human or a dog on the other side of the screen. It’s a waste that I always cared about you~]

The slander in Mo Tan's heart at this time was naturally due to his dissatisfaction with Futaba. After all, he had thought that 'SUN' who could give him a headache was very interesting before, but he did not expect that the other party's heart was so fragile. This was simply It made him feel a little unreasonable...

But Mo Tan takes this for granted. After all, no matter how smart Futaba is, no matter how special she is, she is just a girl under twenty years old, a little autistic, and less than 1.6 meters tall. After all, she He is not a psychopath. You must know that not everyone is like a certain guy who started causing trouble since he was a child. He has basically done good, bad, exciting, inexplicable, thrilling, and illegal things... What does it mean to have a full life experience? of……

This comparison is too unfair no matter how you think about it.

However, Mo Tan didn't care about Futaba's situation, so when he recalled this, he casually opened his friend bar, which prompted new messages as soon as he went online...

Sure enough, there was a message from Futaba inside.

Different from the bombardment of messages in the past, this time she sent only one message to 'Tan Mo'.

'I went back... I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say. I find that I am much more fragile than I thought, and it's very uncomfortable... If you are here, it's okay to laugh at me. . ’

This is the only piece of news that makes people confused.

If Mo Tan was just 'Tan Mo', he should have really started to laugh at this opponent who suddenly seemed a little nervous.

But he wasn't. He could probably guess the mood Futaba was in when she sent him this message.

She did not go offline immediately after leaving the battle, but suddenly turned back for some reason. Then she would definitely find Ned's body and realize that the 'Black Van' was offline. If she went back again, she would also find Silver. Na, Salazar...

At least in his somewhat vague memory, Mo Tan saw their bodies.

They were all dead. Except for the two players, none of the other four members of Fenrir's team survived...

Although they are data, AI, and NPC...

Although now Mo Tan can completely understand and accept this result, he can even still smile and walk under the night...

But this does not mean that he has forgotten every bit of his time in Fenrir Team.

It is true that, unlike when he was Black Brahma, Tan Mo may be a madman or a fanatic.

But even if you are a fanatic, you will not ignore those people and things...

His emotions may not be touched, and his heart may not be disturbed...

But he remained silent for a long time with a smile and then let out a faint sigh.

And with that rare serious expression, he replied a very unserious message to Futaba.

"Is your aunt here?"

Chapter 64: End

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