Quadruple split

Chapter 63 It’s dark

Mo Tan's mood at this moment is hard to describe. He is also flustered, confused and at a loss, but time is running out. The almost unsolvable strength in the class is obvious to all, and Salazar cannot erase it no matter how much he delays. The absolute strength gap between the two, the threat of death has never disappeared, and its temporary slowdown will only make people more shuddering.

If Ned had not said what he said before, maybe Motan would have chosen to stay and face the former like Futaba, but after learning that the other party wanted to make the information recording the crimes of the Marshall family public to the world. , he finally decided to choose the 'right', even though it was cruel...

It is not cruelty to those left to die, but more cruelty to oneself.

It often takes more courage to force yourself to let go of your companion's hand and leave alone than to step forward regardless.

Mo Tan actually didn't know what he should do. After all, like most of us, he was always so vacillating and could be shaken by too many things, so he forced himself to think differently...

If it were you at other times, how would you judge?

If you were in another state, what decision would you make?

He came up with the answer and didn't hesitate any longer.

"We have to leave!" Mo Tan pulled Futaba's slender arm hard, trying to make this girl who had lost control of her emotions regain her sense. He originally thought that this girl would be calmer than him, but he did not expect the other party's reaction. The heart hidden behind the codename 'SUN' is far less strong than that outer shell.

Futaba broke away from his hand and shook her head desperately: "I don't want to leave. I've had enough. Really, run away..."

[I can’t go on like this, I must find a way to let her leave together, but it’s hard for me to convince her in a short time now. If it were me at that time... If I were good at guiding or confusing other people’s emotions I……】

Mo Tan resisted a sudden feeling of dizziness and tried hard to think and feel what he would do at this moment if he were in the state of another personality.

At the same time, we must maintain our current ‘self’.

You must know that it is not difficult to put yourself in someone else's shoes, but it is not easy for Mo Tan to simulate another's own thoughts...

Even if he is judged to be in a combat state by the system, he cannot forcefully exit the game. If he is kicked offline due to personality change, the consequences will be even more disastrous. You must know that there is no way for the player to disappear reasonably in front of two NPCs. Hei Fan's body Most likely, they will stay in the game under the protection of the system like the character who used 'Mo' before. You must know that that kind of protection is only effective against harassment and other bad behaviors, and it is impossible to prevent death...

Otherwise, wouldn't it be great to lose the connection whenever life is in danger?

Although I have never experienced it personally, I should be able to guess it even if I guess...

Therefore, you must still be the 'Black Brahman', and you must not be disconnected due to personality changes, and you must also think in the thinking mode of other personalities in this situation!

It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible, if you do it yourself…

If it were the most ordinary version of myself now, the one with no characteristics or ‘personal style’ at all, I should have a chance!

The painful time is always extremely long. When the dizziness that seems to have lasted for a long time subsides, the time in the outside world is actually only a few seconds.

There seemed to be a system prompt sounding in his ears, but Mo Tan didn't pay attention to it. He just shook his head gently at Futaba, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"It turns out you're only at this level..." His slightly raised tone was full of sympathy and harsh malice: "Hypocritical, impulsive, childish and ignorant. Gee, I'm almost moved to tears by this innocence. Already~"

Futaba was unmoved at all. He just pulled out two scrolls indifferently and turned his back to him: "Whatever you say."

"Well, you are so noble. This is what is called sacrificing your life for righteousness, right?" Mo Tan lazily released the holy healing spell and the prayer of perseverance on Ned and Yinna respectively, and kept talking in Shuangye's ears. He murmured: "One mouthful of data, AI, etc., but in the end you are worse than these guys, or is it just because you think you are a superior 'player' that you choose to make their deaths meaningless?"

"Stop talking..." Futaba covered his cheeks with his sleeves and choked in a low voice: "Leave me alone."

"Don't be so sentimental, I don't want to worry about you." Mo Tan couldn't help but sneer, and he leaned closer to Futaba and whispered: "I just feel that those smart data that died in vain are a bit pitiful. After all, these days it's a waste of paper that has been blowing its nose. They can all create some value, but Crabbe and Salazar, well, and Ned, who decided to stay here to die, have been rendered meaningless by you."

Shuangye turned around suddenly, staring at Mo Tan with red eyes, her voice was a little hoarse: "They are not meaningless..."

"Their existence is meaningless!" Mo Tan interrupted him coldly: "As weak people who can be bullied at will, as data that will be thrown into the recycling bin after death, as desperate people, What’s the point of little people who work hard but can’t make any waves?”

He secretly made a gesture to Ned and Yinna, who were looking over here, telling them not to speak, and then continued to look at Futaba with cold eyes.

"You leave immediately, and then find that thing and give it to that chief!" Futaba, who fully understood the meaning of Mo Tan's words, loudly said: "Everyone will not die in vain!"

"Yes, I do plan to do this." Mo Tan rolled his eyes, turned around and walked away, without looking back, and said with a smile: "Of course you might as well do some calculations and think about whether I can survive What are the chances of survival, and are there any other options... that can make those sacrifices somewhat worthwhile..."

Are there any other options?

Just thinking subconsciously, Futaba immediately came to the conclusion that it was the best choice for the two of them to leave together and then escape separately. As long as one of them could survive, they didn't even have to get rid of the class completely, as long as one of them could escape from the battle. The status is successfully offline... Then it is successful...

Only in this way can the data, AI, and NPCs of Crabbe, Salazar, Ned, and Yinna become valuable...

"I'm sorry." Futaba said softly to Ned and the two of them: "I may not be able to accompany you until the end..."

"Thank you." Ned smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Let's go, time is running out."

Mo Tan, who was walking alone, heard a sound of footsteps behind him, and finally showed a tired smile. He knew that the girl had finally figured it out.

"Go a little further, let's escape separately." Futaba, who caught up with the former with the help of acceleration magic, said quickly: "I will use magic to create a lot of traces on the road. You move as straight as possible. If I If the estimate is correct, we will be out of combat status without being attacked for about ten minutes, and we will be offline as soon as possible."

Mo Tan laughed sarcastically and touched his hair: "Thank you very much, but I can't leave traces..."

"I'm better." Futaba waved his staff lightly to increase Mo Tan's movement speed, while shaking his head and said: "That bastard should be more concerned about me. It can be seen that the previous scroll seemed to have a lot of psychological impact on him. The theory is He will choose to come to me first. Of course, if he wants to leave me to be the last one to deal with it, I will ask you to help buy time."

Calm, alert and rational, that hard shell has obviously returned to Futaba.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Mo Tan nodded, and then said with some embarrassment: "Well...what I just said seemed a bit..."

Futaba glanced at him: "He was quite handsome just now, although I just wanted to tear your mouth apart."

Mo Tan smiled dryly, assuming that the other party was praising him.

Three minutes later, Futaba refreshed another acceleration spell for Mo Tan and then ran to the east without looking back. Small fireballs or ice picks continued to fly out from her staff, creating chaos around her. With lots of traces.

It's like provocation.

Mo Tan began to leave in the opposite direction of Futaba. According to the previous plan, he needed to walk as much as possible and go offline as soon as he was out of combat.

My physical fitness level has almost reached its limit. The slight delay before was not meaningless. If it hadn't been for that stay, I might not even be able to walk now...

Futaba's situation should be similar...

Having said that, I actually did it, thinking like another personality. Although I was still very uncomfortable during the process and felt quite uneasy, it seemed that the effect was pretty good...

But, that's it?

Only you survive?

Although this is still correct, if Futaba is caught by that guy, she should be tortured to some extent. Although the pain in the game is not strong, for a girl...

Is it appropriate?

Unknowingly, Mo Tan began to think from another angle...

The conclusion is of course - inappropriate!

He stopped and calculated the time for a moment. At this time, it was still five or six minutes before Futaba judged it would be enough to break away from the battle. If he was risking his life, would he be able to survive under his subordinates?

Impossible, but Futaba should still be moving at this moment... Thinking about it this way, it's not hopeless...

He has some treatment methods, and the healing potion he got at the beginning has not been used. From this perspective, players who can directly restore health have an advantage over NPCs who need to let the potion take effect slowly.

It’s a gamble, if Futaba can survive...

Anyway, at best, it’s just a new account. No matter how miserable I am, can I still be worse than Cordoba?

Having made up his mind, Mo Tan stopped moving forward and slowly walked in the direction he came from.

What he didn't notice was that at this moment, his health and stamina were recovering at an extremely fast rate...

Another minute passed...

Mo Tan, who had just walked not far away, suddenly stopped and found a black shadow falling rapidly towards him from mid-air.

He turned sideways subconsciously, and then he saw...

A bloody corpse, with a face stained red by blood, was clearly Ned, who was smiling freely and lightly not long ago...

A spy who cooperates with the Fire Claws, a victim of the Marshall family's evil deeds, and the leader of Fenrir's team.


No miracles happen, no twists and turns...

He died in a reasonable and expected manner, and his body, which was still flowing with blood, lay limply at his feet. His expression was full of calmness and indifference, with a trace of nostalgia in it, and he didn't know that. Is it reluctance to give up on life, or...

"Killing that elf didn't take much effort, but in the end, this loser died first, haha~" A sharp voice laughed playfully from above, and Ban Nei, who was covered in blood, turned over and fell from the air lightly without making a sound. He grinned at Mo Tan: "Don't get me wrong, this is not my blood, but I just went too far~"

Mo Tan did not answer him, but squatted down and gently closed Ned's eyes, which were still open angrily. Then he lowered his head and prayed silently. He did not involve any gods, but just hoped that this 'little man' could find some peace... …

"Boring priest." Bennet walked up to Mo Tan solemnly: "I have tortured this poor spy as much as possible. His death was long and painful. It would not be surprising even if he turned into an undead creature~"

"What's this..." Mo Tan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and murmured in a low voice: "I still can't do anything."

"You can go accompany him." Ban Nei rubbed his shoulders with an impatient look on his face: "I've almost finished playing. Before I go to find that little girl to complete the final torture, I ask you to die first. Bar……"

"I can't understand the meaning of your life in this world." Mo Tan stood up slowly, looking at the demon-like murderer in front of him, preparing to fight for the last time.

At the same time, he was also trying his best to suppress his emotions that were starting to get more and more out of control. If he suddenly disconnected at this time, the class would most likely catch up with Futaba before she left the battle...

But the effect of the strong control is still not significant...

"Meaning?" Ban Nei sneered and shook his head: "Only the weak need meaning to maintain their lives. I don't need that kind of thing."

His smile is ferocious and sick, and his body is covered with the blood of innocent people...

His sins are too ugly to look at...

Mo Tan was in a daze for a moment, as if it was difficult to accept that everyone died at the hands of such a person...

This world is really hopeless...

My head is a little dizzy, but my consciousness is clearer than ever...

【Ah...that's it...】

【It’s so ugly that it couldn’t be more ugly...】

[This reason is even worse than no reason at all...]


"Are you strong?"

Mo Tan, who originally had clear and bright eyes, suddenly lowered his head listlessly and murmured softly as if gibbering.

But Ban Nei no longer wanted to say anything more to the guy in front of him. He raised his hands full of blades and leaned forward to kill, hoping to kill this boring prey in front of him as soon as possible!


He was gently pressed in place!

The unspeakable fear and pressure almost suffocated the class. Buffy, who had once made it impossible for her to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, was simply worse than an ant compared to it. This assassin who is well-known among the top leaders of the Violet Empire actually had something in his mind at this time. It was completely blank. Even though every cell in his body was trying its best to resist, he couldn't move his footsteps at all!

His soul has surrendered...

"Then can you tell me now?" The 'priest' in front of him raised his head, and his eyes as calm as the abyss blinked slightly.

"As a 'weak' person, what is the meaning of your existence?"

it's dark.

Chapter 61: End

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