Quadruple split

Chapter 62 A home called Fenrir

Thirty seconds!

I have already bought thirty seconds... Ned and the others should have run some distance by now...

Salazar, who could no longer hear the sound of his teammates running, grinned. He felt that he did a pretty good job, at least he was much better than that idiot Crabbe. If he had known this, he might as well have rushed ahead of that guy. Go up and tangle with this monster for a while~

But it seems that it has almost reached its limit...

The lizard man with dark blue scales tried to raise his left hand, but there was no response from his body. However, this was expected. After all, almost all the muscles were torn apart and the tendons were also severed. If he could It would be unusual to lift it up.

He was blind in his left eye. He had just slightly deformed his movements due to severe pain, and his pupil was directly poked out by the guy in front of him. Fortunately, he raised his neck in time, otherwise he might have collapsed ten seconds ago.

The field of vision became blurry, and the figure that was shaking slightly in front of him was completely unclear. Joking laughter sounded from all directions. This was not because his perception was in chaos, but because of some deceptive footwork or other moves. , in short, there is no way to judge the enemy's position properly now...

"Hey, little lizard, do you want to discuss this with me~" A figure in the class suddenly approached and far away said: "You let me go, I will keep your whole body."

Thirty-five seconds...

Salazar desperately widened his only remaining right eye, which was already covered with blood. He blinked slightly, locked the position in the class again, and laughed hoarsely with his voice that was almost cut off several times. : "Keep me intact? Haha, if you say let me live, you might consider it."

"Okay." Ban Nei agreed happily. He looked very strange when he spoke, which also caused the sound that should have sounded directly to be slightly delayed and seemed a bit erratic: "But I can't guarantee that I will not be able to do it." We will settle accounts later in the year."

Forty seconds!

Salazar took a breath and tried to adjust his breathing. At this moment, any trace of strength seemed precious, but even the monk with the most obvious passive recovery ability had his limit. His body was originally like an arm and a finger. His 'qi' has been completely disordered. Although he still insists on repairing his broken body like a broken doll, the effect has been infinitely close to zero.

But fortunately it is not zero after all!

Feeling the slightest bit of strength that could be lifted, Salazar slowly tilted his neck towards the class: "Settling accounts after the fall?"

It was only forty-five seconds, and the distance was still too dangerous. At the speed of this monster, it was even easy to catch up with others, so we had to delay a little longer, even if it was only for one second! The more seconds they have, the safer they will be!

"Want to delay?" Banai raised his hands again, six seemingly inexhaustible blades appeared in his fingers again, and said coldly: "You have one second left to think."

Salazar sighed: "Okay, I've thought about it..."

puff! !

However, the three silver sharp blades instantly pierced through his left chest, and then twisted it around fiercely. The gloomy whispers from the class sounded in Salazar's ears: "Sorry, you spoke a little slowly~"

It was not without reason that he was delayed here with Salazar for nearly a minute. Although the team could kill the blue-skinned lizard man instantly if they wanted to, he had always been a little afraid of someone who was even a junior martial artist. A move that even a monk can master.

Such as the touch of karma!

On the premise of being prepared, he can feedback the damage to the opponent in a certain proportion, and at least retain most of the strength. However, there are assassins in the class whose own strength and physical fitness are not balanced, although he is not afraid Salazar's attack cannot ignore its own lethality.

He had already made up his mind to kill all these unsightly fish, so he had no intention of bypassing Salazar and directly chasing Ned and the others. Besides, although the latter was not very strong, his reaction speed was not. Not slow...

But the most important thing is that the class is enjoying the current cat and mouse game. This feeling of watching the prey die in despair one after another is never boring at all!

When they know that those bonds are meaningless and those struggles are worthless, the despair they feel is no less than a glass of ice-cold dragonberry wine under the scorching sun!

But it was almost time. This short one minute had already pushed the lizard man to his limit, and it was enough for the few little mice that were desperately trying to escape to see a glimmer of hope.

All that's left is...shred them!

Whether it's the lizard in front of me who can no longer concentrate, or the hope of those little mice!


"No, you shot too fast."

Salazar, who should have had his heart broken, did not fall down. Instead, he firmly grabbed Banai's left wrist.

"You!" Ban Nei's reaction was not unpleasant. He almost shattered the blood-stained claw the moment Salazar grabbed his wrist, but under the other's deliberate and unintentional premeditation, in the end, Still a moment too slow!

A burst of energy filled with purple lightning, like electricity, spread from Salazar's chest to Bennei's body, causing his movements to slow down for less than a second due to paralysis.

"Cyclone blast!"

No part of Salazar's body was intact, and countless blood sprays burst out almost instantly. This almost self-mutilating technique can be said to have immediate results. The moment it was activated, it almost completely tore the user's body. Body.

Cyclone Explosion is not a difficult skill that is difficult to master. Its principle is very simple, which is to detonate the energy that is pulled or inspired outside the body, so that it can burst out with strong impact while also having a whirling blade-like effect. Spreading splash damage.

But what if the energy that detonates is that of the monk himself, rather than the very small part that was inspired?

The answer is obvious……

The violent and out-of-control Qi will destroy all the places containing 'Qi' in the monk's body in the first burst, and then destroy it a second time and spread to the surroundings!

Banai, who had been delayed twice, finally failed to dodge in time. Under Salazar's almost self-destructive attack, he was swept away by the cyclone that exploded like a furious wave...

Salazar, whose body was almost blown to pieces, fell straight to the ground. Under him was a spiral of blood, like a blooming scarlet flower, sad and gorgeous.

I can no longer feel the pain, and my whole body feels light...

Did Crabbe feel the same way before finishing the job?

Well, not too bad.

Tsk tsk, did you think that everything would be fine if you attacked the vital point... We had shocked our hearts to one side long before you took action. Although we would be dead right away, we could still recover after being stabbed to the core. You can also play a big one.

It’s not a loss, trading a fatal self-mutilation for a few seconds of extra life, and then trading the life you’ve already fought for for a self-destruction, it’s such a bargain...

The sky is so blue~

It’s so strange, even though I don’t feel any pain, I can still feel the comfort of being blown by the warm wind...

I really miss sunbathing with everyone, even though I have always been quiet and was called an atmosphere killer or something...

Salazar grinned, and slowly closed his eyes.

His hands hanging by his sides curled up slightly at the same time, and finally stretched out his thumbs at the same time, pointing towards the place where Crabbe fell and the direction where the rest of Fenrir's team left...

Stopped breathing.

After half an hour...

Bennei stepped out from a group of black shadows and walked over with a ferocious expression. Then he kicked Salazar's body several meters away, raised his head, drank a bottle of lavender potion, and wiped it. He gritted his teeth and said, "The useless struggle... will only make the death of the partner you want to protect worse!"

Salazar fought for a total of three minutes

During this period of time, Ned, Yinna, Motan and Futaba all kept running in the opposite direction of the Marshall Territory without saying a word. Everyone was trying their best to endure in silence, not knowing that they were enduring the constant attacks. The sadness, or the urge to go back and live and die together with your companions...or both...

As for fatigue and fatigue, these things that are obtained at the expense of other people's lives do not require patience.

No one spoke on the road. The scene of Crabbe falling was still lingering in front of his eyes. Salazar, who was left alone to tangle with the class a few minutes ago, had almost no chance of surviving... no, If you think about it rationally, it's zero...

But even the two most rational players, Mo Tan and Futaba, are not willing to think about the scenery left behind them for even a second now.

"Stop for a moment..." Ned, who was the first to break the silence, suddenly stopped in front of a giant tree. He put the long sword full of gaps in his hand on the ground and looked at the three people who also stopped one after another. Suddenly Smiling slightly: "I'm a little tired."

Yinna immediately stretched out her hand to pull him: "Captain, you..."

"So you go first." Ned actually sat down on the spot: "I'm really tired~"

Mo Tan walked up to him and said softly: "Do you want Crabbe and Salazar to die in vain?"

Futaba did not look back, but whispered: "Who do you think they are for...Get up quickly, I still have a few scrolls in my hand..."

"They will not die in vain." Ned interrupted with a smile: "Two kilometers south of Dieyan City, there is a section of path that was abandoned many years ago, because the village on the other end of the road has been deserted for a long time. Yes, the magic crystal lanterns along that stretch of road have been abandoned a long time ago. One of the lanterns with three notches on the bottom contains something. I want you to survive, find it, and then give it to the chief of the Fire Claw Territory."

Yinna was slightly stunned: "That's..."

"Information and evidence about the capture and trading of slaves." Mo Tan sighed softly: "That's right, right?"

Ned nodded, with a faint smile still on his face: "This is the last wish of Crabbe, Salazar, and me, who you are willing to believe at all costs..."

"I understand." Yinna, who had almost lost control of her emotions, suddenly calmed down and said softly: "Your wish will come true..."

After that, the beautiful elf girl stuck out her tongue at the two players: "You guys should leave quickly."

"You!" Ned was about to speak, but suddenly felt a slight chill on his face, and was kissed gently by Yinna.

"If you want to be the last victim of this tragedy." Yinna smiled softly: "At least let me accompany you. Don't refuse, otherwise it will be too rude for a girl."

Ned didn't know what to say for a moment...

Mo Tan gritted his teeth and then grabbed Futaba: "Let's go!"

"What are you doing!" The latter resisted desperately, his raised face was covered with tears, and his eyes were red and he shouted: "I won't leave!!"

There is an enduring saying that tells the beholder to be clear...

When we watch movies or many literary works, we always curl our lips when we see many characters who say they want to leave and others say they won't, and then secretly curse "idiot" in our hearts. After all, since those who voluntarily stay have planned to personally Going to death to buy time for lovers, companions, relatives, etc., then it stands to reason that the latter should cherish this sacrifice and make a firm and decisive 'correct' decision, rather than procrastinating and wasting the former's good intentions...

But this is all ‘reasonable’, ‘sane’ and ‘correct’.

But these are often contrary to the so-called "human nature"...

Human beings have never been rational creatures, and they have never made only the right choices. It is these 'foolishness' that make our human identity complete.

Readers can be rational…

Audiences can be rational…

Passers-by can be rational…

Because the people in those stories have nothing to do with us, they are just names, faces of movie stars or a few simple and pale words.

In the final analysis, no matter how we enter the play, we cannot be immersed in the scene and feel the emotions of those characters.

So aren’t the characters involved stupid?

No, they are still stupid, impulsive and incorrect, but this may not be because they are ignorant or unreasonable, but because something called 'emotion', 'belief' or 'principle' is at work.

Mo Tan can understand because he has experienced a lot... Even though his personality is not unique at this moment, he can still think about problems rationally.

But no matter how smart Futaba is, no matter how talented she is, no matter how talented she is in psychology...

After all, she is just an introverted, closed, and withdrawn girl.

She is rational enough and at least tried her best...

But there is a limit after all. In front of these NPC companions who are no different from real people, she is no longer willing to continue to 'escape'. Even if she is deceiving herself and others, she wants to live and die with everyone.

In the past, the girl who was only accompanied by the slightly clumsy artificial intelligence every day and had almost no contact with the outside world felt a warmth that she had never experienced before in this place called Fenrir Team.

At this moment, this warmth is gradually leaving her...

Therefore, this all-powerful legend in the hacker world, this truly talented girl, this guy who keeps talking about ‘AI’ and ‘data’, is now just like an ordinary girl——

Don't want to leave...

I don’t want to leave this Fenrir home that is slowly falling apart...

Chapter 60: End

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