Quadruple split

Chapter 512 Minority Gathering (I)

Game time PM13:18

City of Light, Zhongcheng District, Sunchaser Sun Chapel, underground

In the spacious and bright prayer room, the sacred and majestic statue of the Sun God Tissuna emitted a shimmering light and stood in front of a huge golden holy emblem. Opposite the statue, there was a low-key and luxurious phoenix wood long table. It was already surrounded by people, all wearing dark golden cloaks and hoods with the sacred emblem of the sun printed on them. Their faces hidden underneath were blurry.

This is the 174th 'meeting' of the minority group in the church, and this spacious underground prayer room is the venue.

This chapel named "Sun Chaser" was built forty years ago. The presiding officer was a highly respected patriarch. He changed a total of three batches of craftsmen during the construction of the chapel. The reason was to allow more People have the opportunity to gain the glory of dedication to God, but in fact, in addition to the reasons on the table, another reason for frequent changes in construction personnel is to build a room that only exists 'under the table' and is only for the gathering of minorities. Large prayer room for use.

The so-called 'minority' is actually an open secret within the Sun Sect. However, because only those who have reached a certain religious level are qualified to know about it, although other sects in the Holy Religion Union have heard about it, they do not know it. Very understanding.

The minority of the Sun God Cult, as the name suggests, is a group of people who also believe in the sun god Tisu, but whose ideas are different from those of most of their colleagues. The position of the minority is not fixed, because when they successfully become the majority, The former majority will become a minority.

Compared with other churches, this system seems a bit strange, but in the eyes of the parties involved, it seems very normal. Even the leader of the majority of each generation, that is, the Sun Pope, has never thought of abolishing this tradition, even if there is no agreement between them. The position is very contradictory. Even though the leaders of the minority have been threatening their position, they have never thought of abolishing the minority.

Of course, there have been changes. For example, six hundred years ago, there were nearly ten factions within the Sun Sect, including the majority led by the Pope. However, after various compromises, fusions, and disagreements, now Today, the Sun Sect has only two factions.

There is a majority led by the pope, and a minority whose leader is one of the ten patriarchs but whose identity is unknown.

Today, there are only two positions left in the Sun Sect.

"Then, I declare that the one hundred and seventy-fourth rally will now begin."

A voice so distorted that even the gender could not be distinguished sounded. The minority leader sitting at the head of the long table lightly tapped the table, then turned to the thin figure on his left and asked softly: "Have you brought anyone here?"

The latter nodded slightly and replied in the same distorted voice: "Bring her here, but her condition is not very good. We may not be able to conduct questioning for too long."

"It doesn't matter. In order to understand the 'threat' in the future, I will find a way to make her survive."


"Bring the people up."


The thin and hunched figure slowly stood up and slowly left the underground prayer room under the gaze of others.

A few seconds later, a tall figure whose outline looked like either an ogre or a mammoth orc sneered: "Our newcomer seems to have not figured out his position yet."

"You'd better say less."

The woman opposite who didn't hide her soft voice at all covered her mouth and smiled softly, and said quietly: "Since he has passed the examination of the leader, that person's faith is firm enough."

The burly figure shook his head, spread his hands and said: "We all know that the problem lies in stance rather than belief. His Majesty the Pope's belief is firm enough, so..."

"So are you questioning my judgment?"

The person sitting at the top turned to look at him and asked slowly: "Do you think I'm dim?"

"Sorry, I definitely didn't mean it."

Although he didn't know which imam the other party was, this did not prevent the big man from quickly lowering his head.

The others just looked on coldly and did not speak.

two minutes later

The thin and rickety man returned here again, and behind him was a stretcher that was held in mid-air by divine magic.

Sleeping on the stretcher was a fair-faced blond woman. She was a young human of about twenty-four or five years old. Her face was very pale, and her thin lips had almost no color at all. She was wearing a large nun's robe with the Holy Emblem of the Sun printed on it. Apart from the cheeks, the exposed skin on the neck, wrists, ankles, etc. were almost all covered with bandages, with faint traces of blood oozing out of them.

She is still alive, but only just alive. With such a degree of injury, it is almost the limit for her to be able to take care of herself. Even those high-level or even more powerful divine spells or magic cannot stop her. Complete recovery.

"Wake her up."

The dean at the top of the long table tapped the table twice.

The rickety figure hesitated for half a second, then nodded slightly, raised his hand and gently brushed the woman's forehead, a burst of not very bright but extremely warm golden flames flashed, and the latter soon fell into a daze. He opened his eyes and whispered subconsciously: "This is"

"This is the underground prayer room of the Sun Chaser Chapel. I am one of your deans."

The unknown dean gently raised his hand, and the stretcher floating in mid-air was erected. At the same time, several rays of light appeared out of thin air, binding the other party's body gently but firmly, ensuring that she was with him. They won't fall down while looking at each other.

Of course, for a seriously injured person, this feeling is definitely not comfortable.


The woman who was imprisoned on the stretcher screamed in pain, then reluctantly raised her head to look at the 'priest' in front of her, who was covered in a cloak and hood, and asked extremely weakly: "Why should I believe you?"

The latter took out a badge decorated with nine dark golden gems from his cuff and 'lit' it with the pure power of the sun. Suddenly, nine blazing sun shadows appeared on the long table between the two. .

"Do you believe it now?"

"Salute to you, Your Majesty the Master. May our Lord bless you."

The woman lowered her head with difficulty.

"And may my Lord bless you."

The dean drew an imaginary sun emblem on his chest and said in a deep voice with his extremely distorted voice: "Well, Knight Dorashka, I want to ask you something."

Dorashika is a very ordinary name, and the owner of this name is a very ordinary knight.

She was born in a devout family in the western part of the sanctuary and has believed in the God of the Sun since she was a child. However, unlike her parents, Dora is not a very fanatical believer. Rather than reciting the name of the god when she encounters difficulties, she prefers to rely on She solved the problem with her own efforts, so after a lot of hard work, the girl who had been talented in martial arts since she was a child became a trainee paladin belonging to the Sun Sect three days before her nineteenth birthday, and used the church's With generous subsidies, he moved his parents to the City of Light.

Two years later, she became a low-level paladin and was incorporated into the Preparatory Order of Knights.

If she develops according to the normal trajectory, relying on Dora's not-so-great talent, she will probably be promoted to an intermediate level before the age of thirty, and become a high-level paladin in ten to fifteen years. If If she is lucky, during this period she can find a man who is better than herself in all aspects, start a family, and then lead a life of training newcomers, giving birth to children, raising children, working, spanking children, working, spanking children, and retiring. A second-tier happy life.

In fact, after settling down with her parents, this was indeed Dora's life plan, and except for not meeting a good man, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

However, her life eventually derailed.

A plague that was not taken very seriously broke out in Misha County. Perhaps this was the reason why the Dawn Sect planned to gain more achievements for its new saint. Her Highness Xia Lian, who was quite famous in the City of Light, actually personally Rushing south to Misha, she and nearly a hundred of her fellow reserve knights were incorporated into the entourage, and together with low-level paladins from several other sects, they formed a temporary knighthood of five hundred people. Go to Misha County.

Then, things got out of control.

Before the strange plague that could not be effectively eradicated by divine magic or magic had been contained, a monster called a mutant quickly turned the entire Misha County into a hell on earth.

Five hundred paladins, including himself, plus the seriously injured Saint Xia Lian, turned out to be the only fighting force.

Although she did not show it, Dora was almost desperate at the time. In her opinion, the only way to survive was to defend the northern blockade, cover the evacuation of all uninfected civilians, and then abandon the entire Misha County and wait for the army to attack.

This was what she thought at the time after risking her life with Xia Lian to explore the situation in Nan County.

Then, the ordinary priest named Hei Fan broke into everyone's sight, because he was from the Dawn Sect, and he seemed to have some kind of ambiguous relationship with the newly promoted saint, so although he didn't say it, But no one had a good impression of the guy who was suddenly labeled as a commander, including Dora.

As a result, everything has changed since the Black Van priest took command.

Unknowingly, he expanded the effective force of only 500 knights several times. After stabilizing the situation in the north, they were named the Misha County United Forces and actually penetrated the center in one go. The dense plains are a new front line that continues to exterminate the mutants in the south. In the process, everyone's view of that person changed from disdain to surprise, from surprise to shock, and finally to shock.

And Dorashika was naturally deeply shocked by the commander who continued to create miracles, and even developed an emotion called longing, so much so that she even deliberately retained her strength during the battle, just to enter the main battle. Only those who are strong enough will be assigned to the Commander's Guards.

She wanted to protect the man who seemed so weak but could make everyone feel at ease.

But even Dora herself knows that this relationship is unrealistic, not only because the two are not in the same sect, but more importantly because of the partner of the other party that everyone loves from the bottom of their hearts, Chen Wang of the Dawn Sect. Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady.

Those two people were a match made in heaven, even their approachable temperaments were exactly the same.

But if you can.

At least I want to be that person's guardian knight.

This idea has come to Dora's mind more than once, but it is also unrealistic. Not to mention that almost all guardian knights of the opposite sex throughout the ages have some kind of charming relationship with the ones they are guarding. From the perspective of strength and potential, He was definitely not worthy of the talented commander who was destined to become famous.

So Dora has always kept this wish in her heart.

It wasn't until the Requiem Project kicked off, and she was ripped off her horse by dozens of mutants after fighting desperately, and although she barely managed to save her life, she could no longer hold the sword again, did Dora confide in that person. A person with a discerning eye can see that he is comforting himself.

but that's enough

After giving herself a hope that could never be realized, Dora survived tenaciously and was sent to the ship together with dozens of other seriously injured people. The first group returned to the City of Light and wrote intermittently. After writing a report, he has been resting in a small church in the outer city until now.

"Please tell me."

In front of the dean, Dora bowed her head humbly.

"The low-level priest of Dawn Sect named Hei Fan, who was your commander-in-chief when you were in Misha County, do you have any impressions of him?"

The dean tapped the table lightly, his eyes under the hood staring intently at the useless 'former paladin' in front of him.

"Lord Heifan?"

Dora was stunned for a moment, then endured the painful wounds on her body, nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, I have an impression of him. Ahem, he is very good, and he will definitely become the most dazzling one in the United...ahem. He is the best commander I have ever seen."

"Haha, that's it."

The dean chuckled lightly and nodded: "I have read your report. It is said that you have served as a guard for the Black Van priest and participated in most battles. So, if you don't mind, Knight Dora, , can you tell me more about Black Brahma?"


Dora looked a little hesitant because she felt that both the other party's questions and the surrounding environment were too weird.

"Of course, if possible, please keep our conversation confidential in the future."

The dean didn't seem to see the hesitation in her eyes, but said to himself: "After all, I think Pastor Hei Fan has great potential, and the only people here, including me, who hope to recruit him~"


Dora's eyes suddenly lit up and she said loudly: "My subordinates must keep this secret."

twenty minutes later

"I didn't expect that she could really persist until the end."

The burly attendee looked at Dora, who had fallen into a coma, and shrugged his shoulders.

The dean sitting at the top, after a moment of silence, gently waved his hand and let the stretcher and the people on it fall to the ground.

"Okay, you know everything you need to know, let's deal with her."

Chapter 509: End

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