Quadruple split

Chapter 511 The worst plan

"This kind of thing"

Yuchen listened to Mo Tan's analysis quietly, tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked curiously: "Will it have a big impact?"

Mo Tan sighed, nodded slightly and said: "Sure, just imagine if you discovered that a large number of high-latitude lifeforms were mixed into your life in some way during a certain period of time, even though they seem to have nothing to do with us. They are different, but they are still real extraterrestrial beings, what do you think?"

Yu Chen blinked and replied without any time to think: "If it is a high-latitude life like Mo Tan, if it appears in daily life, it should become a good friend, right?"

Mo Tan: "."

"But, because I am more introverted."

Yuchen stuck out his tongue, and then added: "So you have to say hello to me first. Isn't that very representative?"

Several black lines seemed to appear on Mo Tan's forehead. He shook his head with mixed feelings: "It's not a matter of representativeness. Your mentality is quite weird no matter where you put it, okay?"

Then the girl lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Well, if everyone had the same idea as you, world peace would be easily achieved."

Mo Tan held his forehead and smiled bitterly, spreading his hands and saying: "Those who are not from my race must have different minds. This mentality is the common sense in the world. For the people on earth whose skin color difference can be used as an excuse to attack, if one day they suddenly discover Similar to the emergence of high-dimensional beings like the Innocence Realm, our players' first reaction will definitely not be to 'get along with each other' or 'wait for the other party to talk to us and then get along with them', but to arrest them 100% of the time. Various slice studies, of course, are based on the small gap in strength between the two sides. If the other party is far superior to itself in all aspects and is not hostile, a false peace may appear. After more than ten generations, the fake peace will become real. It’s not impossible to do it, but if the opponent’s hard strength is weaker than your own or almost the same...heh, 99% of the time, they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

"But... there are always other possibilities, right?"

Yuchen is not an idealistic fool, nor is she the kind of ignorant girl who lives in an ivory tower and doesn't hide anything from the world, but she still tries to think of other ways to deal with the situation besides blowing the opponent's brains out.

Mo Tan nodded in agreement: "Yes, if it appeared in Province G, it might have been served before being sent for research."


"Having said that, if you show up in Province F, you will easily be captured and cooked by people from Province G."

"Stop playing cannibal jokes all the time! Consider the feelings of people in Province G!"

Even a good girl like Yuchen was forced to complain.

"Ahem, yes, yes, I won't talk nonsense."

Mo Tan shrank his neck and said with a sneer: "How should I put it? Your previous idea is indeed not impossible, but...my holy lady, even if some ordinary people including us can accept it, and are even willing to talk to people who are not hostile, The other party is a friend, but we are not the ones who can influence the situation. The cold and sophisticated state machinery is the decision-maker. Those who are truly qualified to respond will not think like you and I. Taking a step back, if I Now that I am the head of a certain country, rather than a dead man waiting to die, I will also make a very rational and cold decision. As the saying goes, in order to pursue his own affairs, before making sure that the other party is not a threat, I must be vigilant and even inhumane. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance that the situation will get out of control, the superior will nip it in the cradle. This is the responsibility and obligation."

The girl was silent for a long time, then looked up at Mo Tan very seriously, her face full of seriousness: "I don't think Mo Tan is a bastard just waiting to die!"

Mo Tan: ".You held it in for a long time just to say this?"

Yuchen nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

"Well, in short, what I mean is that it is only a matter of time before we players are discovered by most NPCs." Mo Tan scratched his cheek and said softly: "Of course, this place is different from the real world after all. It is more fantasy after all. Setting, even the natives living on the Innocence Continent have many races, such as dwarves, elves, lizardmen, half-dragons, humans, goblins, dwarfs, dragons and even intelligent undead creatures, etc. They have built a We want to create a relatively harmonious social state that abandons racial concepts, so the rejection of foreign races is not too extreme, but foreign races and aliens are two different concepts."

Yu Chen didn't interrupt, just sat quietly next to Mo Tan and listened, with a peaceful smile on his lips.

She was smart enough to pick up on the latter from the start.

"The NPCs in this world are no less intelligent than our players, and some of them are supernormal ones who are far superior to most ordinary people." Mo Tan said softly, and Lu Weifei of Tianzhu Mountain flashed in his mind. Zirban, Hubresian of the Violet Empire, and others: "They are observant, thoughtful, and extremely intelligent. Although they are born one dimension lower than us, regardless of this gap, as long as the system does not impose restrictions, these people It is not very difficult to understand the 'players', and the system of Innocence Realm does not restrict them. On the other hand, most players will not deliberately do so in a virtual game. Under this premise, it is very difficult for those of us who say that we can disappear if we disappear, that we have room to store props no matter how poor we are, that we always say things that others cannot understand, and that we can even die without knowing it. Hidden."

Yuchen nodded slightly, looked at the passers-by on the square through the mist of the fountain, and said with a smile: "Mo Tan, you don't seem to treat people in the game as ordinary NPCs."

"Yes, maybe they have happened before, but after what happened in Misha County, who can treat them as a set of cold data?"

Mo Tan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "In short, what I want to say is..."

"I know."

Yuchen interrupted him softly and chuckled, "I'll be careful."


"Isn't that what you meant?"

The girl stood up and walked into the colorful haze. She turned back and winked at Mo Tan: "So I will be careful."

Mo Tan was stunned for a while, and then nodded silently.

So, the topic ended here. Mo Tan did not analyze the hidden dangers that a 'player' saint might cause, and Yu Chen did not explain his previous seemingly incoherent answer.

They just smiled at each other, silently putting each other at ease.

This feeling of saying everything without saying anything is quite subtle, and can even be said to be a bit ambiguous and charming. Perhaps, both of them were vaguely aware of something strange in the other's emotions. Perhaps, they both sprouted at this moment. They didn't know whether they were right or wrong, but until Mo Tan noticed that Yu Chen's robe was about to get wet and looked away awkwardly, they still didn't say a word to suit the occasion.


"Hey, I suddenly thought of a question."

After belatedly realizing that the robe was getting closer to her body, Yuchen jumped back like a frightened rabbit. While stretching out his long white index finger to lightly wrap it around his hair, he asked absentmindedly: "Motan Is this why you concealed my identity as a player before?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Because of the scene just now, Mo Tan, who was slightly flustered, replied without thinking.


The girl was stunned for a moment, then tapped her thin lower lip with her index finger, thought for a few seconds and then asked with a smile: "Do you want to tell the truth or a lie?"

Mo Tan, who knew it was hard to recover, gave himself a big blow in the bottom of his heart, and answered honestly: "If you say it at this stage, it's a lie."

Yuchen's eyes flickered unnoticeably, but he asked with a smile on the surface: "Then what is the lie?"

"If the players know your identity, even if it is unconscious, they will talk about 'Her Royal Highness' differently than when they regard you as an NPC. Under this premise, as long as you are willing to investigate, you will soon be It can be concluded that Chen Wangyu is both a 'foreigner'." Mo Tan coughed lightly and said without thinking: "Since you have not exposed your flaws, you have not been attacked by any NPC except Xia Lian so far. If you doubt it, then naturally the longer this period of 'absolute safety' is, the better."

Yu Chen raised his eyes in a rare move and looked at Mo Tan with a strange expression: "Such a reasonable statement, you tell me it's a lie?"

Mo Tan nodded stiffly.


Yu Chen made a face, and then suddenly mentioned something that happened a long time ago: "By the way, Mo Tan, do you still remember the topic when we had a good chat in the game for the first time?"

"You said you caught a monster, and it looks like me."

Of course he remembers the latter, not to mention that Mo Tan's memory (except for road recognition) is outstanding. Even if he has not deliberately practiced this aspect, he would never forget it because he would look through the chat history every now and then. What's more, at that time The topic was still bothering him like a stick in his throat. It was just because he didn't bother to study the series of events in detail some time ago. Finally, things were over in Misha County, but Yuchen fell down.

"Yes, that's the thing. I remember you were always paying attention to it."

The girl chuckled and said with some embarrassment: "I told you before that I would take you to see the City of Light as soon as possible after returning to the City of Light, but I was forced to faint. Now, I will ask Mr. Taylor to help me when I go back today. Make an appointment at the Small Inquisition, because the 'monster' is not very dangerous, so the procedure is easy to complete, and I can take you there at the latest tomorrow afternoon."

The girl's words played right into Mo Tan's hands. In fact, he had thought about this before when Yu Chen woke up. In the final analysis, it was necessary to confirm who the monster that looked similar to him was a long time ago. This is the key point of his meeting with Yuchen in the game. It is an accident that he leads the group in Misha County.

Ever since his first 'fragment' in the game, Mo Tan, no matter which personality he was under, had a strong sense of crisis. Although the memory of the early days of his life has been completely sealed up, after all, this It's just a wishful thinking of escaping. In this game that can make his 'illness' concrete, and even cause weird bugs such as one person with multiple characters, the blank period of several hours every day still makes him feel scared, and he recalls a certain time. Things he thought he had forgotten.

With Mo Tan's intelligence, he had naturally already made assumptions in his mind. After ruling out some specific diseases and hardware problems in the game cabin, the answer was already obvious.

‘That self’ seems to have a place in another world after falling silent in reality.

Although Mo Tan has become much more mature than before, he still shuddered at the moment he came to this conclusion and looked for all kinds of clues immediately.

Whether he is searching on the forum or investing in advance at the Wanderer Hotel, the largest intelligence organization in the entire Innocence Continent, he has only one purpose.

Just pull out that 'self', if he really exists, and then assess the situation.

He was even ready to give up this game. If the danger to 'himself' exceeded expectations, no matter how much Mo Tan liked the World of Innocence, he would give it up without hesitation.

Among the various clues so far, the information that concerned Mo Tan the most was also the most likely information. It was the 'monster' that Yu Chen said was captured in Saint Prey Town and had an appearance that was extremely similar to his own.

He must verify the authenticity of this matter, his priority trumps everything else!

Even if the possibility after verification is to leave this game and give up this world that can make 'himself' feel relaxed from the bottom of his heart for the first time in more than twenty years.

When he came back to his senses, Yuchen's pretty face was already close at hand.

"Um, Mo Tan, are you okay?"

The girl looked at him worriedly and said with concern: "I see your face suddenly looks very bad."

"I'm fine."

Mo Tan tried his best to cheer up and shook his head with a forced smile: "I was just wondering what the monster that looks so much like me looks like. Ha, do you think it will be a monster with white hair, black eyes, and pupils? A pale, blackened handsome guy who speaks in an electronic voice? His true identity is a collection of garbage data from the Innocence Realm. He has anti-humanity plots. At the moment of his birth, he found a handsome guy to copy his appearance. He is brewing a plot that can destroy the game world. A shocking conspiracy to turn all players into vegetative states?”

He deliberately said something that was both outrageous and in line with his worst guess, without leaving any trace, to build a psychological defense line for Yu Chen to prevent the girl from having wild thoughts after seeing that the other person was indeed exactly like him.

As expected, the girl immediately showed a narrow smile after hearing this. She suppressed her smile and nodded vigorously: "I believe it, I believe it~"

"Pull him down, your expression is obviously 'Did this idiot get hit in the back of the head by something before going online today?'"

"Pfft, hahahahaha~"

"Ahem, so tour guide, where is our next stop?"

“The steam fish pot in Zhongcheng District! It’s delicious, you must like it!”



"Nothing, I'll let you see my unique skill of eating steamed fish without spitting out grape skins in a moment!"

"Hey~ I don't believe it, how can you eat fish without vomiting!"


"I hate it!"

Chapter 508: End

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