Quadruple split

Chapter 500 Jadeka’s Beach

"This bottle of chili noodles?"

Ji Xiaoge, who took out the chili powder from his bag again, was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jadeka with an extremely enthusiastic expression in confusion, completely unable to guess why the other party was interested in this stuff.

In fact, Jadeka is not just 'interested' in this thing. When he saw this bottle of chili powder, or to be more precise, it was [purified chili powder], the old mage was trembling uncontrollably, like a A person who has trekked hard for three days and three nights in the desert finds an oasis. It is also like a person who has collected soap in prison for more than 20 years but still insists on being heterosexual. Suddenly he sees a beautiful girl. In short, he is excited. I forgot everything, and the whole person was not calm anymore.

As for the reason, let us first take a look at the specific properties of this bottle.

【Purified spicy charcoal powder】

Producer: Night Song, Luvi Fizilban

Category: Consumables

Quality: Limited to fine quality

Weight: 450g

Edible: Receive a lot of fire damage and be silenced for 15 to 20 minutes, with a very low probability of death.

Use: Seasoning, add [explosion] and [flame poison] characteristics to any food; greatly increase the concentration of fire elements in a certain area, and increase the effects of corresponding skills, props, talents, etc. by 25%.

Traits: Gathering Fire, Burning Hell

[Note: After Ms. Yege created some kind of mysterious crystal that is infinitely close to the source of inflammation, Luvi Fizilban further purified these things on this basis and strengthened them at the molecular level. The structure of these powders enables them to resonate with the surrounding fire element. According to experiments, rice sprinkled with a little purified spicy burnt powder exhibits high activity and high pleasure qualities, and in three tenths of a second Internally, it spontaneously combusts into a carbon-like substance that is of great scientific value. For details on the content and reaction process, please refer to "Good Disciple's Experiment Log 017". 】

Obviously, this is not a simple seasoning. In fact, this thing is so simple that it is a bit curious.

To be honest, in the eyes of most players, this bottle of [Purified Spicy Powder] is of little use. Although its item description looks fierce, in fact the practicality of this thing is particularly deceptive.

First of all, it can make the eater miserable, causing fire damage, damaging the upper respiratory tract, and causing death with a low probability. However, in order to trigger these effects, there is an extremely strict requirement, which is to eat it.

Let me ask, who would put something into their mouth that feels hot just by holding this bottle in their hands, and whose smell is so strong that just smelling it is enough to cause obvious discomfort?

The answer is no. Putting aside the existence of players who can read the description of items at a glance, even NPCs will not do such stupid things. Having said that, if there is such a person who doesn’t want to live, why bother letting him eat it? As for this, wouldn't it be easier to just let Ya find a place to hang herself?

Secondly, some people may say that this thing can be used to poison. There are many strong-smelling foods in the food. Isn’t it just a matter of mixing them in and serving them to others?

Well, strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, there are many strange foods even in the realm of innocence. But if people study the notes carefully, they will find that this kind of food can be easily cooked in less than half a second. There is no way to poison a bowl of rice by turning it into some kind of exotic substance.

Third, this thing can make the surrounding fire elements in a highly activated state, which looks quite cool, but for most players, the value of this effect is completely equivalent to zero, because even those who specialize in fire magic Spellcaster players also rely on their own 'magic value' to release skills, rather than how many fire elements are floating around them.

Of course, since it is the 'vast majority', it means that not everyone is like this. For example, Futaba, the enrichment of the surrounding elements will indeed have some impact on her, but people with this kind of talent that are infinitely close to MAX will not. This kind of thing will be needed, so it is still useless.

So, we can draw a conclusion.

Let’s not mention the NPC. Anyway, for players, this bottle of [Purified Spicy Powder] is completely useless. If it exists as a mission reward, it will definitely be the kind of product that is neither willing to sell nor used. The kind that is hard to see the light of day until you give up traveling.

But for some NPCs, this thing may not be of great use, such as Jadeka.

As we all know, Jared Kadisel is a very crappy mage. Note, not ordinary crappy, but very crappy. As for how crappy it is, to give a simple example, even a spell caster with almost no spells. If the talented bugbear with a public face has devoted himself to studying magic skills for more than seventy years, he can at least reach the level of a mid-level mage. And if he takes the warrior route that is relatively suitable for him, he can become a high-level mage no matter how hard he is. Level professionals may even have a chance to reach a higher realm.

As for Jadka, his race is a human being whose talents are stronger than bugbears in all aspects except physical fitness. His bloodline is the Diesel family who can kill at least three bugbears of the same age with one hand when he reaches adulthood. He His talent as a knight gave him a chance to become a great lord before he was thirty years old. His intelligence was not below average, and he was somewhat considered a smart man.

It stands to reason that even if he sacrifices the near and far, and becomes a mage instead of becoming a knight, no matter how bad these years are, it will be enough for him to become a high-level magician who cannot achieve anything, plus that very rare flame affinity. Together with physical fitness and specialization, it is possible for even a great magister to achieve it. As for the sage level that is on par with the great lord, although the hope is slim, it is by no means zero.

But the reality is that this old man has been studying spells for so many years, and the only result is that the success rate of low-level spells that was only 1% when he first became an adult has been turned into a success rate of about 60%. It must be limited to spells from the fire element school. As for basic element systems such as wind, water, and earth, even for low-level spells, Jadeka's spell casting success rate will never exceed 50%.

In other words, if you don’t count the explosive damage of his staff and the fighting power of his fists when he is forced to have no choice, Judd Kadisel’s strength is at best a magic apprentice, and he is still the kind of person who has just started. Months of magic apprenticeship.

This special thing is simply incredible and can be recorded in history.

It's as horrifying as a student with sound intelligence who has studied hard for seventy years and still fails in the primary school entrance examination with an average score.

He is not stupid, nor does he not work hard, but he just can't achieve results.

This situation has always made Jadeka very distressed, but no one can help him, because even the poorest magic apprentice cannot empathize with him.

He even had the shamelessness to consult one of the strongest people in Anka Market (with the secret help of Chris), the president of the Anka branch of the Adventurer Guild, that is, the Great Sage of Starlight. It had no effect. After all, it was precisely because of that consultation that the success rate of Jadeka's (low-level fire system) spell casting was only more than half, but there was no more gain.

The profession of mage is not suitable for you.

I don’t know how many people have advised Jadekar in this way, and he himself knows it very well.

At the age of thirty, if he gives up becoming a mage and returns to the way of a knight, he can still reach the top of the world's power pyramid.

At forty, too.

At the age of fifty, with his extremely strong talent, he might not have no chance.

At the age of sixty, not to mention the great lord, if you look back, at least the knight lord second only to the former can definitely do it.


To this day, Jared Kadisel is still a poor mage apprentice who claims to be a junior mage.

This is ridiculous, just like God not only opened a door for you, but even helped you smash half of the wall, but you did not choose the sunny avenue and desperately tried to drill into the mouse hole in the corner. It is ridiculous and pitiful.

Lao Jia is such a ridiculous person.

A poor man who can barely sense the elements but wants to become a mage.

That's right, he can't sense the elements, although it's not 100% insensible, but in Jadeka's world, the so-called elements are like a few loaches put into a big bathtub, they are rare and hard to catch.

This is his only shortcoming, and it is also his most fatal shortcoming.

As for how short, it is as fatal as the lame leg of a man who wholeheartedly wants to be a football player.

Mental strength, creativity, magic, hard work, and talent, these five points are the foundation of being a mage. There is also an additional question about physical fitness. As long as you have two or three of the above, you can become a good mage. .

And how does Judka perform on this?

Let's put it this way, if mental strength, creativity, hard work, magic, talent, and physical fitness are all 100 points respectively, Jadekar's average score can reach more than 85 points.

And what is the concept of eighty-five? To put it simply, as long as you can successfully live to the age of sixty, you can basically become a single-line sage.

Of course, his 100-point physique and hard work may indeed be a bit unconventional, but this still cannot hide that this old man is indeed a good prospect.

So, if that's the case, what if it's slightly worse in elemental perception? After all, this is not included in the threshold.

Wrong, very wrong.

Elemental perception is not included in the basic conditions, not because it is unimportant, but because it is the basis of the basis.

To give a simple example, a football coach gives a lecture at a sports primary school, and then explains to everyone what qualities are needed to be selected for the team, which may include endurance, mentality, speed, explosive power, shooting accuracy, diving realism, and attack. Strength, marksmanship, etc., but I would never say "being able to walk on two legs" as a threshold.

The concept of 'element perception' is similar to 'being able to walk on two legs'. It has nothing to do with whether you are a mage. In the world of high magic in the Innocence Realm, as long as a normal person can use magic, he will definitely Being able to perceive the existence of elements is the same as the fact that most people have five senses such as smell, hearing, and taste.


Jadeka can't do it. Although I don't know why he can't do it, he just can't do it.

After decades of continuous meditation, he has never stopped for a day. His magic power has been accumulated to a depth that cannot be deeper. However, these magic powers are difficult to transform into 'spells'.

Take the simplest [Fireball] as an example. In the player's mind, the only requirement for this thing is that you have 50 magic points, and it does not require your elemental perception ability. If a player has an innate problem, For certain problems, the system will definitely give a passive talent similar to 'the success rate of casting any spell is reduced by 50% and the magic power consumption is increased by 300%'. In addition, 50 magic points is all that is needed for a fireball spell. .

For NPCs and some game experts (such as Futaba), there will be an additional link.

First, the caster needs to use 50 magic points to arrange a fireball magic circle that is only visible to himself in most cases, and then guide about 30 units of fire elements into this magic circle. After filling, the magic circle is constructed Finished, specify the direction, and the fireball flies out.

Because the requirement of thirty fire elements is too low, it is like asking you to grab a handful of sand on the beach, so the casting time of this spell is zero, which is what we conventionally call a 'quick spell'.

There are two situations for chanting spells. One is that the amount of elements that need to be guided is too large, just like asking you to grab sand with your bare hands to fill a bucket. The time of this process is the 'chanting process', and the second is Not only does it require a large amount of elements, but the construction of the magic circle is also very troublesome, and the process is the same.

For most players, the entire process will be reduced to 'mana consumption' and 'chanting time'.

For most NPCs, although there is one more link, it won’t be much trouble.

But for Jadekar, it is a different concept.

A fireball spell, which consumes 50 mana points, is just a drop in the ocean to him, and he can do it casually. He is also familiar with building a magic circle, it is very simple, but when it comes to filling the magic circle with elements,

To use the example just now (I feel like there are so many examples in this chapter), if others are grabbing a handful of sand from the beach, Jadeka is collecting a handful of sand on the floor of a germaphobe's living room.

These are completely two levels of difficulty, so even if he casts a hundred spells at the beginning, he may not be able to succeed even once.

His elemental perception ability is about 3% of that of normal people, and less than 0.1% of that of some geniuses.

Therefore, no matter what the circumstances, from a data point of view, Jared Kadisel's spell casting success rate is 3% of that of ordinary people. If others succeed in casting a spell a hundred times, he will succeed three times in a hundred casts. kind.

However, under this situation, the old man practiced his low-level fire spells to a 60% success rate.

So what if one day, he can perceive the same amount of elements as normal people?

He had had such a dream before, and he had been having such a dream since the first time he cast the spell.

However, today, a bottle of red chili noodles appeared in front of Jadeka.

Let the old master see the "beach" for the first time in his life.

Chapter 497: End

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