Quadruple split

Chapter 499 Rise up

No matter what, Yaya is a very well-behaved dog. Although she likes to act cute most of the time, and occasionally her temper will become extremely hot, and she will beat Jadka if she disagrees with her, but this is still There is nothing that can change the fact that she is very well-behaved and obedient.

This stupid girl who is still animalistic, has chaotic outlook on life, is gluttonous and fun-loving, has no opinion, has almost zero social knowledge, has extremely poor language talent, and makes people stunned when she first appears. She is extremely dependent on these friends around her, no matter from the beginning It was Mo who helped him, and later redeemed himself, or the father-like Jadeka who stayed with him the longest and never got angry no matter how much he was cheated (or beaten), or the father-like Jadeka who later Sister Ye Ge whom she met in Dragon Soul Town, and even Dabus who occasionally gave Chinese lessons to herself and Anthony, Ya Ya liked them very, very, very much, and did not want these people to be harmed in the slightest, even if they were so violent that their sex was as fierce as fire. In this state, this fact has never changed. At best, he just behaves more arrogantly.

Because Yaya is really well-behaved, she has always kept in mind what Mo Tan and others have emphasized countless times, that is, never use the combination of Madness + Wang Zhizhi rashly, which will overload her.

But now it was obvious that it was no longer a matter of disobedience. When she slowly woke up from her coma, what came into view was Anthony Dabbs who fell to the ground, Jadeka whose life and death were uncertain, and Ji who was stained with blood. Xiao Ge, and even though their appearance had changed, the smell that she remembered the most was Mo Tan, who was being pressed and beaten by that snake merchant guild.

She wants to stand up and protect everyone, she must stand up and protect everyone.

Protect these people who give you the warmth of home and prevent them from being killed by the hateful bad guys.

Yaya tried to stand up with red eyes, but the internal organs that were severely injured by Sergei did not cooperate. They continued to convey strong pain, trying to use this self-protection mechanism to keep the girl lying on the ground peacefully.

The girl did not give in...

Even if her vision was blurred, even if she was unconscious, even if the pain reached her bone marrow, even if she was on the verge of death, she never gave in. Now that she had survived the first, second, and third times... the 475th time, The 476th and 477th times, then naturally I can survive this time.

"This level of pain, ahem."

Yaya stood up unsteadily, coughing up black blood and muttering in a daze: "It's far from enough, it's not good enough, it's not strong enough!"

Compared with what I have experienced before, such a small thing as having my internal organs shaken into a mess is simply a level of difficulty.

The next second, as if a switch somewhere was turned off, Yaya's pain was 'shielded'.

The next second, the internal organs in Yaya's body that had been severely damaged by Sergei's dark energy were suddenly covered with a layer of dark red mist, and after some strange and rapid twisting, they returned to their original state. They were so healthy that they could no longer be healthy. .

In the third second, the girl's consciousness regained clarity, and the pain returned to her body, but the extremely severe internal injuries and pain had disappeared.

At the fourth second, with a deep roar, a dragon shadow seemed to flash behind the girl, and the Dog Whispering Magic Paw's Claw was activated.

At the fifth second, the seemingly light and large iron box behind Yaya suddenly fell to the ground.

At the sixth second, the two-handed warhammer, inlaid with willow, full of reeds, full of violent beauty, and with several dark red lines flowing on it, was suddenly inserted into the iron box lying quietly on the ground.

At the seventh second, the half-human-high drill bit flashing with a cold light was firmly stuck at the end of the long handle, making this wild weapon even more ferocious.

At the eighth second, Mo Tan was hit in the chest by Sergei and fell heavily to the ground.

At the ninth second, Yaya roared and rushed out. Ji Xiaoge tried to activate [Revisit Qingren Country] for the fourth time, triggering the system prompt for the fourth time.

At the tenth second, Sergei was hit on the head by [Altaïr's Giant Smasher], which had gears and electric drills at both ends, and its weight and impact force more than doubled. He fell to the ground in embarrassment, and his mouth was filled with tears. A streak of blood.

"I'm here to help you, Mo."

Ya Ya, who was blocking Mo Tan's body, swung a heavy hammer again, hitting Sergei's forearm that was folded in front of his forehead. He turned around and made a face at Mo Tan: "You're pretty cool like this now." He's handsome, let's get along."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly rushed to Yaya, grabbed the opponent's frail little shoulders and threw him to the ground. Almost at the same time, Sergei himself and two identical afterimages appeared at the same time. He slapped his palm and blasted out three pillar-shaped green qi energy that were at least two levels more destructive than before. At first glance, it looked like a poisoned turtle qigong.

It was the Gang Qi transformed from the compression of Nian Qi. It didn't have any fancy skills, it was just a quick, accurate and ruthless move. If Mo Tan hadn't pushed Ya Ya down in time just now, the girl who turned around while distracted would definitely have been seriously injured by one move. .

"Thank you~"

Ya Ya, who exuded the aura of a little girl, smiled, grabbed Mo Tan's wings and pulled him up from the ground, and snickered, "I thought you couldn't wait to date me."

Mo Tan coughed dryly, turned around and blew dragon's breath at Sergei who was jumping towards him, and said to Yaya with lightning and thunder in his mouth: "I think you definitely have some misunderstanding about the word 'intercourse'."

Yaya rolled his eyes, split his [Altaïr's Blade Titan Crusher] from the middle with a click, weighed it in his hands and transformed it into [Altaïr's Blade Bruiser] and [Altaïr's Blade Cleaver] The reporter] picked up the one-handed hammer and one-handed drill, curled his lips and said: "I was just joking. Of course, if you really want to have something happen with me, I don't mind..."

"The joke will be on later."

Mo Tan ducked in front of Yaya, flapped his wings violently and punched Sergei who had dispersed the dragon's breath. For a moment, he felt the breath surge in his body, his mouth was sweet, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He is not being arrogant or trying to be brave, and he has probably judged that Yaya's situation at this moment is pretty good, but this is different from whether the latter can withstand Sergei's fierce attack, because he had previously fought with Fury and Wang Zhi in Tianzhu Mountain. He had fought side by side with Fang Ya with fully opened claws once, so he knew the latter's physical fitness very well. Although he was stronger than himself when fighting those chickens, from a physical point of view alone, this girl was different from the one with [Reverse Scale] turned on. Compared to his own condition, he was still in a worse state. Faced with Sergei's relentless attack, he was likely to be hit hard with just one move.

"I'm not here to hold you back, squat down first!"

Ya Ya bared his two small fangs, jumped up suddenly on Mo Tan's broad back, and smashed the Torturer and Flesh Splitter in his hands against Sergei's head at the same time.

Bang! Bang! !

Two shock waves visible to the naked eye spread out, and Sergei, who tried to use his strength to relieve the force, suffered a small loss. Although he relied on his strong hand speed to successfully knock off the heavy hammer with three blows, But Yaya slowed down the hand that swung down the 'Flesh Splitter' bit by half a minute, causing it to hit the hammer hard after Sergei blocked the first blow, instantly shattering the latter's body. The layer of protective Qi on the surface knocked him back several steps.

"I'll try my best to contain him, Yaya, you try your best to roam and attack."

Mo Tan took a breath of dragon breath at Sergei, and then rushed forward following the lingering flames in the air that had not yet dissipated.

He was not afraid that Sergei would hear it, because even if he did not tell the other party about this crude tactic, he would be able to guess it. With his relatively strong physique and the explosive acceleration provided by dragon wings, he could face the enemy head-on, allowing someone who was armed with heavy weapons and was good at strength to face the enemy head-on. The rabid fangs are waiting for the opportunity to attack and strike hard at every opportunity. This is the most powerful way of fighting at the moment. Even if Sergei, who is one against two, knows it well, he will not be able to break this simple tactic in a short time, because no matter what Whether it was Mo Tan or Ya Ya, both of them had initially acquired the ability to hurt him at this moment. Unless Sergei was willing to risk his own injury or even serious injury to forcefully kill one of them, there would be no way to break this tactic, and he was obviously not the one. The kind of person who is willing to put himself in danger.

Compared to the all-out [conspiracy] that he used when he was 'Tan Mo', the current personality of Mo Tan is better at using the royal method of [conspiracy] to deal with various situations.

As for him in the state of absolute neutrality, he is neither a trick nor a king. In most cases, he just follows the trend and uses whatever comes to mind without violating his own principles. He has no special characteristics.

Ya Ya immediately understood and began to use continuous movement to constantly find blind spots in Sergei's vision and attack.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, faced the enemy head-on as before. He was not afraid of death at all, because in the [Reverse Scale] state, his health would not be reduced below 1%. It must be said that this was almost His heaven-defying qualities are truly daring.

All in all, after Yaya joined, the battle situation finally changed a little. To put it simply, it changed from Sergei fighting Mo Tan alone to Sergei fighting Mo Tan and Yaya...

This is also natural. If Yaya in a rabid dog state joins in and can change the situation of the battle, then Mo Tan won't have to work so hard before.

Strong is strong, and Sergei's dominant strength has not changed.

But it’s finally not as one-sided as it was just now…

Ji Xiaoge breathed a long sigh of relief and turned her attention away from the talent of "Looking at Qingren Country Again" for the fourth time. Although she didn't think too much about it at the beginning, when the situation calmed down a little, this The girl is actually quite naive. After all, the system of the Innocence Realm is famously intelligent and humane. It will not give the same reminder over and over again. Even before, Mo Tan repeatedly sexually harassed her (actually it was (covering her mouth to stop her from laughing), the system thoughtfully asked if she wanted to add this person to the whitelist, instead of repeatedly asking if she wanted to report this shameless pig to justice.

From this, it can be seen that the talent of [Looking at Qingren Country Again] is indeed a bit weird...

[Also, the way he looked at me just now...well...although it's not obscene, it still makes people's faces burn. Mo, this guy doesn't really want to have an online relationship with me or something, he can't, he can't, he can't , Definitely not, he should be the super innocent type like me. Let alone whether I can accept it, my father and Xiaodao will definitely fly over along the WIFI and kill him, right? ! 】

Selectively forgetting that he had made several small and medium-sized jokes with the other party before, Ji Xiaoge was thinking about it in a hurry, and irresponsibly put his own father and sister into the relationship with Sadako. Following the cute things that invaded the otaku's screen through various electronic devices, he drew an equal sign. After thinking about it for a few dozen seconds, he tied back the hair tie with a simple style and color, and then patted his cheek gently. , forcibly stopped his thoughts from running rampant.

At this moment, a dry palm quietly appeared behind Ji Xiaoge and gently patted her thin shoulder.


The girl exclaimed and subconsciously took out a tea egg from her bag, pretending to throw it away.

"Don't panic, it's me."

Jadeka got up from the ground at an unknown time and coughed twice with a pale face. He leaned on his smoky staff and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that scumbag to be so cruel. He just killed him with just one move." I was beaten to the point of losing my breath, and now there is no part of my body that is not in pain, and at least 20 bones have been dislocated."

Ji Xiaoge's eyes widened and he asked with concern: "Ah, it's so serious, so now..."

"It's okay, just take a breath and it'll be fine."

Jadeka gently pushed away Ji Xiaoge, who was trying to support him with one hand, shook his head and said: "I have already recovered all the misplaced places. Fortunately, he hit me with that move. If it had been you or Yaya, It is estimated that two lives are not enough to die.”

Ji Xiaoge swallowed hard and couldn't figure out how to continue.

However, Jadeka didn't seem to want her to continue. He just turned his attention to Motan, Yaya and Sergei who were fighting not far away, and said in a deep voice: "We have to help them, otherwise that Once the monks have the idea of ​​killing them even if they are injured, Mo and Yaya will be in trouble."


Ji Xiaoge subconsciously thought of his talent that he had repeatedly tried to activate without success, and asked with some embarrassment: "How can I help? People of my level can't make any difference at all. It would be a waste not to help."

Jadeka was stunned for a moment, and then rolled his eyes with a particularly energetic look: "Well, I'm not talking about you, Yege, you are really a bit presumptuous. From a certain point of view, you are the most lethal among us. It is you."

Seeing Ji Xiaoge's face turn red, he immediately added: "I'm not making fun of your food, I'm telling the truth, so quickly pick out the food to see what can poison or explode that person." dead."

Then the old man began to recite the mantra silently and recite the mantra.

"You did it on purpose!"

Although he knew that Jadeka didn't mean this, Ji Xiaoge still glanced at the old man with a fierce expression, then sighed with authority and started to rummage in his luggage.

"Tea eggs, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, pies, noodles, sesame paste, bean buns... useless."


Ji Xiaoge muttered something, but Jadeka failed to cast a spell.

"Stock, tenderloin, ribs, sauced meat, meatballs, French fries, flour... useless."


Ji Xiaoge's face was as dark as water, and Jadeka failed to cast the spell.

"Biscuits, gluten, MSG, cakes, chopping boards, chili noodles, kitchen knives... useless."


Ji Xiaoge was dejected and Jadeka failed to cast the spell.

"Frying spoon, pickles..."

"Wait a minute!"


"What did you bring out just now?"


"no no!"

"This frying spoon?"

"No, no, keep going!"

"You want to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

"Is this the cold joke you told before?"

"It can't be this bottle of chili pepper..."

"Yes! That's it!!!"


Chapter 496: End

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