Quadruple split

Chapter 41 Villain

Accompanied by a burst of cheers, Bishop Mofu of the Holy Union of Pato City strode to the temporary altar, raised high the monster head that Dave brought back, and said with a smile: "Praise everyone god!"

After a short silence, overwhelming cheers came from all directions. The people were all excited at this moment. After all, the rumors of a murderous monster outside the city had frightened them for several nights, and at this moment, that once One of the monsters who brutally killed four young students only had one head left, which was held high in the hands of the respected bishop!

This is undoubtedly a huge encouragement to citizens.

What's more, Dave has personally confirmed that there are no other threats outside the city except for the two redback beasts that have been decapitated. This is simply the best news!

"Praise the gods!"

"Praise the gods!"

The influence of the Holy Church Alliance in this small town is undoubtedly huge, not to mention the popularity of those holy priests who have been dedicated to saving lives and healing the wounded for many years. Even the Knight Academy that everyone is proud of is a Holy Church. It was established with joint help, so almost 100% of the people here are believers of the holy gods. It is natural to praise and praise the glory of God at this time.

No one noticed the sarcasm in Lord Lang's smile, who was standing quietly behind the city lord, and no one noticed that there was a pool of water at his feet that was slowly seeping into the ground.

Of course, even if they saw it, everyone would probably think that a certain housekeeper peed on the spot because he was so excited, and would use it as a topic to pass the time in the coming days.

Anyway, no one would guess that it was the water of the gods originally used to baptize ‘heroes’...

"There is such a young man~" Bishop Mofu said to everyone as if he was talking to everyone: "He lost his happy family since he was a child. He grew up alone in the church. Although he was accompanied by many devout people, he was not interested in a child. To me, this cannot be said to be such a happy childhood.”

Everyone slowly became quiet.

"Praise the gods, the tragedy of the past did not leave an indelible shadow on this child." Mov smiled and glanced at Dave: "He still grew up healthy and strong."

Some people quietly shed some tears, not sure whether they came from the heart.

"His name is Dave, Dave Sager." The bishop stretched out his hand to Dave under the altar: "Once, he was a second-year student at Padin Knight Academy, and he was also a man of courage and justice. A devout believer of God, yesterday, he was awarded the title of Templar Templar. He went outside the city alone to face the brutal murderer. Come here, child, let everyone take a good look at you."

With a shy smile on his face, Dave walked up to Bishop Moff.

"And today!" The bishop grabbed Dave's right hand: "He is a person favored by God. His character and belief have been recognized by everyone. He should be awarded!"

"He is our hero!!" City Lord Naji roared loudly, then scratched his neck in confusion and giggled at the people who responded enthusiastically to him.

The bishop looked solemn and said softly to Dave: "Your God is watching you, kneel down, child."

Dave got down on one knee obediently.

"What you have done is worthy of your heart, worthy of God, and worthy of those partners who took the first step." Mofu said with a smile: "So I think you should be able to bear some heavier honors, are you willing?"

"I do." Dave nodded firmly: "To prevent more tragedies from happening, for all innocent people, and for my own beliefs."

A burly little priest walked over and respectfully presented a crystal bottle to Bishop Mofu, muttering softly: "Gods above, I'm so damn envious. "

Almost half of the people in the square heard it...

However, the Bishop just thought he was deaf, took the bottle of 'Water of the Gods' with a smile, and said loudly: "Then... I will grant it to you..."

when! ! when! ! when! !

The deafening bell rang loudly, and at the same time there was a burst of laughter full of sarcasm and teasing.

"You will grant him the honor of a Holy Knight!" The voice came from the air not far away: "And let this animal suspected of deliberate murder laugh crazily at the blind gods in his heart~~~"


The scene was in an uproar, everyone froze on the spot, and a huge noise suddenly sounded. Everyone wanted to know who had the courage to slander their new 'hero' and the gods in the sky!

"Who!" Bishop Mofu shouted with a livid face: "Who dares to blaspheme God in public!"

"There! On the bell tower!"

Some sharp-eyed people in the crowd had already seen the snow-white figure.

Everyone looked up at the same time.

"Good afternoon, everyone." Standing on the clock tower built in the center of Pato City next to the main square, Mo Tan took off his hat to everyone below, although he was not wearing a hat: "I am very happy to be here to give Let’s all join in the fun~”

Mofu looked at him coldly: "In the name of the gods, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course~" Mo Tan held his chin with his right hand. There was a magic pattern on the snow-white gloves that Lei Duo had applied the amplification spell. He replied with interest: "Those people who are always flattered by you in various names." The gods will thank me, after all, I am about to destroy a heretic with a great future~"

Dave suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily: "Who do you think is a heretic!?"

"Well, it seems that you like to kneel down and chat with others." Mo Tan spread his hands, his eyes full of viciousness and coldness: "Of course I'm talking about you ~ Classmate Sagar, after all, he personally killed his comrades from the same college. Isn’t this kind of thing contrary to your status as a believer of the God of Courage and Justice?”

Everyone was stunned. What was this crazy-looking guy talking about?

Kill a friend from the same college?

Dave Sager?

What the hell! ?

"Nonsense!" Dave stood up with a livid face and shouted angrily: "You are questioning the lofty faith of a man who has dedicated everything to God!"

"No, no, no~" Mo Tan shook his head: "I'm just questioning whether your brain has been hit hard by something hard. As for your belief, I don't question it, but that will be a topic for a while. Now …”

He stood on the high bell tower, his white robe fluttering in the breeze, and said with an evil smile: "Let's talk about how you drove those two lovely pets to kill Lorna Yuehui and pierced it with your own hands. He must have found Radadona’s heart, and thought he had killed Korshurun ​​and the clergyman Ivanye who also belonged to the Holy Religion Union~”

These four names that have become familiar recently have undoubtedly caused an uproar among the crowd. Everyone knows that they are members of the Nuanyang Team, and they are also the driving force behind classmate Dave's quest to seek revenge on those two monsters!

What is that person saying?

It was Dave...who killed them! ?

"That's nonsense!" Bishop Mov's beard stood up in anger: "Templar! Give him to me..."

"Wait a minute!" Unexpectedly, the person involved who was "maliciously slandered" suddenly said: "I am willing to confront him!"

【Sure enough, it’s him! ! 】

However, Dave, who said these words righteously, still looked a little pale. He was now almost certain that this guy was the person who met him in the forest last time. Naturally, this was the first thing he had done since he came back. Time told Lang En, but after interrogating the conversation between the two in detail, the housekeeper, who was far more powerful than Dave's classmate, had already thought of several backup plans for him, but he didn't expect them to be used. !

"I want to know, do you have any evidence for slandering me like this?" Dave raised his head and said solemnly to Mo Tan: "If this is just a prank, now I am willing to forgive you in my own name, but you still have to bear the responsibility for God. Di’s rude words will cause a one-on-one duel with me!"

Bravo! Pure man!

The people who were eating melons felt helpless at that time, and the bishop also showed a smile of relief.

After all, unlike Dave, they don't know the depth of Mo Tan's strength.


"Evidence?" Mo Tan nodded and said, "Yes, didn't I say before that two of the four people you intended to kill are still alive, and I happened to save them. As for the prank..."

He turned his back to Dave and folded his arms behind his back.

There was a loud fart!

The popping sound emitted by the crushed small air bag in the sleeve resounded throughout the square under the influence of the amplifying magic pattern.

"This is a prank~" Mo Tan turned around, grinned, and shook his finger: "That's not what happened just now."

The eerie silence lasted for several seconds...

"You guy!" Dave finally calmed down: "If my friends are really rescued by you, then where are they?"

If Lang's judgment is correct, this guy once said that it's almost as good as the two people are not dead. He shouldn't be able to come out to testify for a while. As long as today is over, everything will be settled. How to deal with the rest of the matter? Everything is easy to handle!


"It's hard for them to come out now." Mo Tan chuckled and said, "So you are going to deny it to the end?"

This sentence immediately caused a commotion, and many people started shouting, "He'll die"...

Unexpectedly, Dave shook his head: "I have nothing to deny. It doesn't take so much trouble to expose your malice and lies."

He took a step forward and Bishop Mauve said in a deep voice: "Please allow me to request baptism for myself in advance, so that this person's lies will be immediately exposed!"

The Lord Bishop reacted immediately, Fu Xu chuckled and said: "That's fine, then let's all witness it together with the gods."

But Mo Tan took half a step back, raised his hand to point to the crystal bottle in Namofu's hand, and said stumblingly: "This... this is..."

"Water of the Gods." Dave said solemnly: "I am a believer in the God of Courage and Justice. If I had really done the despicable thing you said, not to mention that I should have been punished by God long ago. At least I will be punished for blasphemy during the baptism, but if you lie..."

He knelt gently in front of Bishop Mauve and closed his eyes: "Then when I become a real Templar, I will definitely punish you!"

"Wait a minute!" Mo Tan exclaimed with a pale face, "Wait a minute! I...I still have something to say!!"

But no one is willing to wait for him...

Dave seemed to be as stable as Tarzan, but inside he was so panicked that he lowered his head and signaled to Moff that it was time to start.

The holy water of the gods sprinkled from the crystal bottle, soaked Dave's hair, and slipped from his forehead...

"God will take care of me..."

The next moment, there seemed to be a hymn coming, and a snow-white halo with several rays of red light lit up from Dave's body. This was the unique divine light of Heimer, the God of Courage and Justice!

At the same time, a red divine emblem consisting of a long sword and a scale lit up behind him, and then integrated into Dave's body within a few seconds.

The bandage in his hand fell off, and Dave's heavily injured arm was completely restored to its original state. Even the few unhealed scars on his face were slowly disappearing...

The one favored by God! ! !

A rare favored person from God!

In an instant, cheers erupted from countless corners of the square, and the crowd was excited. They seemed to feel that they were witnessing history. No one thought that Dave would inspire all the characteristics that all God's favored people should have under this baptism... …

This was originally supposed to be something in the story!

"Praise the gods!" Bishop Mauv shouted: "Praise the gods!"

Dave smiled too, very happily.

Lang En also laughed, even more happily, and while laughing, he stared at the man in white standing on the clock tower like a clown like a viper.

"No!" Mo Tan yelled, covering his face in despair, "It shouldn't be like this! I...I still have something to say! Yes...yes...I still have something to say!"

"You bastard!" the Chief of Internal Affairs yelled, "You have no chance!"

Lang stepped onto the altar and shouted to the countless people in the square: "Please forgive me for going too far, but, my dear people, what did you just witness?!"

"The one favored by God!!!"

"Yes, God's Favored One!" Lang nodded: "Not only that, he also killed the threats outside the city for us! Maintained our safety! Am I right?"


"That's right, Lord Lang!"

“That’s right!!”

Everyone responded with a roar.

"While he was still seriously injured, he still wanted to avenge his companions with his own hands!" Lang said with great emotion: "And he succeeded, and he was recognized by the gods!"

Dave looked at him and smiled.

"He is our hero! Our hero in Pato City, hero and role model for countless colleges at Patin Knight Academy!" Lang said loudly: "Are you right!?"


The people responded wildly.

In most cases, they are so easy to be incited, so easy to change their stance, so cute, so...stupid...

"And our hero..." Lang said sadly: "At this time, he is being slandered and slandered by a blasphemous villain! Can we forgive that person!?"


Mo Tan's face became paler...

"Soldiers!" Lang waved his hand: "Get him!!"

"Templar!" Bishop Mauve also appropriately found a sense of presence for himself: "Enter!!"

Suddenly, seven or eight city guards and three Templars, amidst the roar of the people, immediately drew their weapons and rushed to the bell tower, striving to make the villain who had already lost everything receive the punishment he deserved.


Bang! boom!

Two loud noises erupted under the bell tower, and the first few people flew out like kites with broken strings and fell hard to the ground.

"What's the hurry..." A middle-aged man wearing blood-red heavy armor and messy hair wandered out from under the bell tower: "Didn't they already say it? I still have something to say~"

The two giant hammers hit the ground with a bang, causing two pits to appear on the thick salt crystal stone.


Mo Tan, who was originally pale on the clock tower, suddenly showed a wicked smile: "I still have something to say~~"

He snapped his fingers lightly...

"Xiao Ai! Wash our 'hero' again~"

Chapter 39: End

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