Quadruple split

Chapter 40 The ceremony begins

When Motan went online again the next day, a certain piece of news had spread in Pato City as expected. It was not difficult to guess. After all, this small town with no cares had no big news all year round. The topics basically revolved around the recent business, climate and harvest, as well as the Knight Academy that everyone was proud of.

But gossip that is hot enough is limited after all, and in recent years there have been very few stories about which couple secretly went to a hotel owned by someone else, which teacher kept the stove open for students until early the next morning, or which pair of good brothers explored the woods late at night. After all, as the eyes of the people become more and more discerning, the counter-espionage capabilities of relevant people are gradually increasing...

But just yesterday, Pato City finally ushered in a huge event that was unique in recent years. Dave Sager, a second-year student of Patin Knights, returned to the city with a ferocious and terrifying monster head!

In less than half a day, almost everyone in the city knew exactly what this pious young student had done.

He was one of the members of the Nuanyang Team who was wiped out some time ago. He was the only one who survived the claws of two monsters that appeared outside the city for no reason. Many people even witnessed Dave falling bloody at the city gate. The scene before.

He is a devout Christian who was adopted by the Holy Religion Union since he was a child and believes in the God of Courage and Justice.

In the eyes of others, he is a diligent disciple, a kind senior, a kind classmate and a loyal young man.

After the incident, many people were worried about Dave's condition. Not to mention that he was so seriously injured, just imagining the scene where he shed blood and tears and howled that he could not save his companions made others feel heartbroken for him. .

At the same time, I am even more worried about whether the two terrifying monsters outside the city will rush into Pato City one day and start killing...

But now, everything is solved.

It wasn't until he returned to the city that everyone knew what happened. It is said that after Dave's injury improved slightly, he immediately ran to the bishop to beg, hoping to be allowed to avenge his companions and find out why there were redback beasts. The reason why he appeared nearby, and refused to be accompanied by anyone else, was determined to do it all by himself.

"Death or pain is far less cruel than mental torture. I should have died there with them. I hope you can forgive me for my willfulness. I have already written a suicide note. If I am destined to return to the embrace of God, I hope I can take it with me." Fall with glory."

For some reason, these words he said before leaving were spread, and became a positive teaching material used by a large number of parents when educating their children. However, most of them would add the following sentence at the end: "My child, if this kind of thing happens in the future, If this happens to you, we have to run away!"

Poor love for parents in the world...

Back to the subject, it is said that the Bishop of Pato City immediately rejected Dave and asked him to recover from his injuries. After a while, the United Holy Church and the Knight Academy jointly sent people out of the city to check with him.

As a result, Dave made the declaration in front of the statue of God in the chapel, and was recognized by the God of Courage and Justice.

In the end, just as Mo Tan had speculated, these magicians were too superstitious. When they saw Dave's body filled with divine light, they immediately changed their attitude and temporarily canonized him, allowing Dave to Carrying out revenge as a Paladin Knight is, on the one hand, a reward for his brave and fearless act, and on the other hand, the Paladin Knight will have a divine power bonus when carrying out actions such as 'revenge'.

A little more chance of survival is also good...

And after thinking for a long time, the bishop also asked a few templars to dig a grave behind the chapel. It can be said that he was completely prepared.

As a result, in the evening, Dave actually came back alive, and he also brought the head of one of the redback beasts, and said that there were no other dangers outside the city except for the two monsters, which made the masses very relieved. Take a breath...

The United Holy Church almost immediately announced Dave's miraculous victory and attributed 80% of the credit to the gods. By the way, the hole that had just been dug in the backyard of the chapel was filled in.

Dave Sagel, became a hero.

To the common people, his righteous deeds are talked about; to the Knight Academy, he is the bravest student and role model in the past; to the Holy Religion Union, he is a devout believer who is favored by God.


"So the youngest Templar Knight in this place will be born." Mo Tan chuckled softly: "No matter how many worries he has, he will not miss such a great opportunity, even if he has to take some risks for it."

At this time, he was in a room on the second floor of Linju Tavern, surrounded by Cole, Xiao Ai, and Mrs. Lei Duo. Just now, Cole had told Mo Tan the general situation, and the content was completely It didn't surprise him.

"Then let me confirm it now." Seeing that none of the three people meant to say anything, Mo Tan shook his index finger and continued: "Do you remember everything I told you yesterday?"

He was on the line with Lin Ju yesterday. Before changing numbers, he had already told Cole and others about his guesses and plans in general. The situation was indeed exactly the same as what he had guessed before, so there was no need to make any temporary changes. place.

Cole nodded with a stern look and said solemnly: "I have no problem."

The little priest Ai on the side also clenched his fists: "Me too..."

Mrs. Leiduo, the flower elf, hesitated for a moment, then finally shrugged and said, "I hope you are right."

"I have the same expectations as you, madam." Mo Tan gave a slightly exaggerated salute, then turned and walked towards the door: "Well, see you in the afternoon~"

At this time, there are less than seven hours left before Dave Sager's baptism ceremony. If nothing unexpected happens, he will soon become a real Holy Knight, and his religious rank in Pato City is only second to that of the bishop. Down.

Pato City, Thieves Guild

There are still five hours until the ceremony begins.

Mo Tan, wearing a white robe, walked out of it with a smile in his eyes.

Half an hour later, two thieves dressed as travelers quietly left Pato City, sweating profusely, and galloped towards the north.

Pato City, Central District

There are still three hours until the ceremony starts.

A petite figure appeared in front of the Holy Church Chapel. She first looked around and found that there was no one familiar nearby. Then she took out a coat of arms of the Sun God Tisu and pinned it on her chest. Then, when the two Templar warriors were curious, He walked in with his eyes lowered and his head lowered, taking small steps.

Pato City, Central District

There are still two hours until the ceremony starts.

A young man dressed as a civilian came to the square between the city hall and the Holy Church. He squinted his eyes slightly under the dazzling sun, found a stone chair and sat down on it. After a while, he dozed off. .

Pato City, Linju Tavern

There are still two hours until the ceremony starts

Lei Duo locked the store door tightly, walked to the innermost room on the second floor, raised her hand to unlock the magic lock on it, then pushed the door open and walked in.

Five minutes later, when she left the room, she had changed out of her previous casual clothes and replaced them with a set of emerald green robes, with at least three sets of enchantment fluctuations surging on them, and her pair of robes had basically been in recent years. The delicate hands that deal with plates, wine bottles and cups are currently holding a huge staff carved with seven crystal petals.

Sitting on the green wooden stairs dotted with flowers and leaves, Lei Duo suddenly smiled playfully and whispered: "Maybe I will fight side by side with you again soon. I always feel that my heartbeat... is a little fast..."

Pato City South District, Rye Hotel

There are still two hours until the ceremony starts

The middle-aged boss with a chicken coop on his head lay on the rocking chair and sighed deeply. Then he patted his cheeks, which were always red due to years of drinking, and stood up unsteadily, looking dirty. The big hand waved back hard.


A strong gust of wind blew by, and the wooden door that was always open suddenly closed and was embedded deeply into the door frame, which was more effective than any lock.

Cole's uncle, Bayeswinger, who was also the former deputy leader of the Night Owl Mercenary Group, remained silent for a while and walked into his small bedroom next to the counter.

When he came out, he had put on a blood-bronze battle armor that looked a bit old but still gave people a sharp feeling. At the same time, there were two giant two-handed hammers crossed on his back.

"God knows why that kid wanted to be a thief." Bayes poured himself a glass of low-quality ale awkwardly, drank it in one gulp, and was silent for a long time. Finally, he slightly clenched his fists: "Obviously, warriors are the romance of men, haha ...Although becoming a warrior does not necessarily make him a man..."

Pato City, central city, Holy Church Chapel

There's still an hour left until the ceremony starts

At this time, almost all the idle clergy gathered here, everyone was praying in low voices, and right in front of these people was a snow-white rectangular container filled with clean water.

Along with the prayers of a large number of devout people, this clear water gradually emits mist of various colors.

It is not difficult to make the water of the gods, as long as believers from different sects in the Holy Religion Union pray at the same time by making holy water. After all, this is only a symbolic existence, and it contains some magical power. It’s fake, but it doesn’t have any extraordinary effects like prolonging life, activating the muscles and activating the meridians. At best, it’s just... relatively healthy?

Of course, it is still quite lethal to (lawful/good side) blasphemers, necromancers, cultists, and believers of opposing pantheons.

After a while, Bishop Mauve announced the end of the prayer, then filled a crystal bottle of holy water with his own hands, and left the chapel with a large number of believers and Dave, who had been staying in the prayer room since last night.

Some believers filled a small amount of the remaining water of the gods in containers prepared in advance before leaving. After all, this thing is quite rare, and it is basically used to water flowers and the like. It would be a waste to have so much left. .

But one of the little girls actually had a big basin full of it, which was a bit scary.

"What, this sister." The 'little' half-orc priest with mammoth blood looked down at the unfamiliar-looking Sun God believer, and kindly whispered: "It's useless to take too much of this..."

The girl smiled at her and said, "This is a rare opportunity. I want to share it with my relatives and friends so that everyone can feel the glory of God."

"Tsk, tsk." The mammoth girl smacked her lips: "That makes sense. Oh, by the way, I remember that there should be two buckets for making tea in my room!!"

After saying that, he ran away with a bang.

Pato City, central square

There are still thirty minutes until the ceremony starts

Dave and Bishop Moff were chatting with the people who had arrived early. The former didn't speak much, and most of the time he just smiled shyly. His left arm was covered with bandages, and even the slightest trace of silk could be seen inside. The dark red blood was naturally the result of the previous head-on attack on two brutal monsters. It was a warrior's medal.

At this moment, the city lord Nagy and the housekeeper Lang also walked from the city hall under the escort of the guards, with enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

The Lord of the City was naturally happy. After all, the news about a big monster outside the city had kept him awake for several nights. Now not only had the monster been solved, but a classmate like Dave actually appeared during his tenure. A hero, how could he be unhappy?

Mr. Lang is also very happy. According to this situation, he is sure that he can eliminate this fat guy next to him within a year. If he cooperates with Dave, who is a Templar, he can make Pato City's Saint The United Church has become the home of the Whispering Sect!

As long as the disgusting bottle of Water of the Gods is replaced, it can basically be said to be done...

Otherwise, it would be great fun if Dave spontaneously combusts in public.

"Lord City Lord." Lang whispered in Najib's ear: "I think you should spend more time chatting with our hero now. After all, he is the future Holy Knight..."

Lang is absolutely right!

After Naji heard this, he immediately walked quickly towards the approaching bishop and Dave, opened his hands with a somewhat narrow arm span, and grinned almost to the base of his ears.

Lang En quietly came to the temporary altar on the other side and whispered something to the Templar in charge of guarding in front of him...

There are still ten minutes until the ceremony starts

A young man who was taking a nap outside the square suddenly found a large water bag at his feet. He immediately put it in his arms and quickly blended in with the surrounding people who came here to witness the ceremony, or rather It's a crowd that comes to watch the fun.

Central City, in a dark room

There are five minutes left until the ceremony starts

Mo Tan looked at a piece of black paper in his hand that was full of weird symbols, and laughed heartily. His eyes were full of pure joy and excitement. At his feet, a man dressed as a guard was lying in a pool of blood. , the eyes that were glued to the floor were blurry, but there was still a hint of confusion and pain inside.

Suddenly a bell rang not far away...

Mo Tan leaned over and pulled out the dagger from the back of the corpse, smiling and licking the corners of his mouth.

"The show is about to begin~"

Pato City, central square

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the christening ceremony of ‘Hero’ Dave Sager officially began!

Chapter 38: End

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