Quadruple split

Chapter 242 A little trouble

two days later

February 6, 2049

Game time AM01:13

Misha County, outside Hofer

Ben Foster, who had just been awakened from his sleep by his companions not long ago, was patrolling along the city wall. He is a young paladin who believes in the goddess of fertility. He just celebrated his nineteenth birthday two days ago. As this One of the youngest among the Paladins, he is not as rigid as his predecessors. He can even be said to be a bit too lively. He just leaves his post without permission to help the civilians in the city with their reconstruction work. No less work.

So he was ordered to watch the second half of the night every night.

"But Mr. Anton really takes good care of me~"

Ben scratched his big nose with a smile, and then turned down the power of the fire element lantern in his hand. He hugged the lampshade to keep warm while sighing: "No monsters have come here since yesterday. The senior who came from Mida City to deliver the letter smiled so happily when chatting with Anton-senpai. No matter how you think about it, it was good news. Plus, Anton-senpai, who was most worried about me, suddenly asked me to come and watch him in the middle of the night. It was obvious that It just means 'it won't be that dangerous'!"

He has always been a very smart young man, otherwise he would not have passed the Paladin selection when he was just an adult. Therefore, although the Paladin named Anton did not reveal a word to him, Ben still guessed accurately. The situation has definitely improved by now, and Hofer City has probably become much safer than before!

But even so, Ben, who was keeping vigil at night, did not slack off at all. He was always observing the surroundings vigilantly, and his right hand was always pressed on the cross sword at his waist, maintaining a state of being able to cope with any situation at any time.

Safety is always relative. This is not a comfortable and comfortable City of Light. As long as the threats of plague and mutants are not eliminated for a moment, he will not be negligent...

Ben suddenly grinned. When he thought that the people in the city behind him were sleeping peacefully under his protection, he was sincerely glad that he could become a Paladin~

However, in the next second, he suddenly stopped while he was enjoying himself. Then he extinguished the lantern in his arms as quickly as possible and leaned down cautiously.

The young paladin felt an aura that was not very obvious, but filled with evil and death.

[This is definitely not what those monsters called mutants can radiate! 】

He swallowed nervously, then concealed his breath as much as possible, and quietly moved forward.

Two minutes later, Ben, who was hiding in the grass, raised his head, and a petite figure standing quietly in the moonlight came into view.

That's a girl...

She had two long twin ponytails and was wearing a priest's robe that was specially cut to be small. She was sitting quietly muttering something quietly.

Although he could only see the girl's back, Ben still recognized her immediately...

[Xiao Wenqiu! 】

The young paladin's eyes widened in astonishment. He subconsciously wanted to rush out and protect the little girl who asked for candy from him. Then he quickly sent the child back to the chapel and called the other paladin to go out of the city to look for the suffocating girl. The evil power, but forcibly curbed this impulse in the next second.

The reason is very simple. The newly activated magic - [Detect Evil] is frantically warning Ben, telling him that the source of the 'suffocating evil power'... seems to be the child in front of him.

【How can this be? ! 】

For a few moments, this low-level paladin almost suspected that there was something wrong with his magic, because that innocent and lively person with pink makeup, always smiling, always blinking to say hello to everyone, There is no way the little girl has anything to do with words like 'evil' and 'death'!

But the muttering petite figure actually exuded an extremely disturbing aura. He didn't know what it was, but his body was already trembling slightly. He ran away and cut with his sword. These two impulses almost drove the kind young man crazy.

A strange hostility and anger gradually grew in his heart. Some inexplicable intuition told him that the child in front of him was not innocent. He was the enemy of order and justice, the crazy and sinful God of Death, and...

【enemy? 】

Ben was confused.

He was not affected by any spiritual magic, nor did he experience any hallucinations, but that inexplicable intuition was not accidental, because any normal person would have this reaction when facing a being with a crime value exceeding five digits. If the person who accidentally met Wen Qiu here today was not Ben, but a random civilian, he might have been frightened by the unspeakable sinful atmosphere and collapsed.

"Hehe, I feel much more comfortable after running out~" The girl with her back to Ben smiled and shook her head, playing with a few withered grasses at hand with interest, and whispered in a low voice: "Choose to let It's so wise for Brother Gaheres to take care of me. He seems to be quite busy in reality. After Sister Wangyu left, the time spent online every day began to be erratic... Well, is it studying... is it working... ...Or is he also as sick as Yu Jing?"

【Reality? online time? Who is Yujing? 】

Ben thought with some confusion, unwilling to believe that Wenqiu might be some kind of terrifying existence. He wanted to listen carefully to what the other party was saying, but he did not understand the words in the girl's mouth that he had never heard before.

"The Land of the Gods is very uncomfortable. Even when you are well-behaved, you feel so uncomfortable. Well, why did that short-breasted saint sister create such a thing? To punish Xiaoyujing? But Xiaoyu Jing is not a bad boy!" The girl lowered her head sadly, and gently clenched her white and soft little hands, and then slowly released them: "Hey, I suddenly feel bored. This place is not fun at all. Brother Fan is also running around. Really, he doesn’t cherish lolita enough! Aren’t they said that lolita are rare resources? If they are rare, they should be kissed and hugged while they are still young! Well, If you think about it carefully, you might as well forget about the kiss..."

Wenqiu started splashing without warning. She threw herself hard on the ground, and then started to roll around with her teeth and claws. Well, just rolling around.

[What is this... mess? What is a loli? 】

Ben was completely confused, but he gradually began to feel relieved, because Wenqiu's obvious and pure behavior as a little girl had nothing to do with evil or anything like that.

"It's so annoying! I want to leave! Although I'm a little reluctant to leave here, Yujing still wants to see more things. I can't stay here all the time~" The girl seemed to be tired, so she lay on her back on the ground. He muttered softly to the waning moon in the sky: "Because Yujing's time may be running out, and his health has become worse again, and he doesn't want to return to reality less and less. Uh-huh, he is such a squeamish bad boy..."

[She wants to leave here secretly! ? 】

The young paladin was immediately shocked. After sorting out his thoughts, he felt that this girl would definitely die if she left secretly like this. Not to mention the aura he just felt, even those mutants could easily End her immature life!


Ben took a deep breath, and then prepared to get up and take Wenqiu back to Hofer City. He felt that he could not delay like this any longer.

But the girl's next words made him freeze in place.

"And it's impossible for me to follow Brother Hei Fan to the City of Light. I heard that there are very powerful magicians everywhere there, and they might be discovered~" Wenqiu sighed in distress, with a somewhat childish voice. It was still crisp and sweet, but her words made Ben who was not far away feel cold all over: "After all, I accidentally killed tens of thousands of people. If I were discovered, it would be troublesome. Even if I apologize and act cute, I may not be easily forgiven~"

[Killing...tens of thousands of people...Who...asked Qiu...? ! 】

Ben felt like his brain was almost shutting down.

The girl was still shaking her head and continued to mutter: "Anyway, everyone can't feel how uncomfortable Yujing is. Those plagues are only painful and itchy, so it's fair to say that Yujing has always been uncomfortable. Don't you understand?" Come on, everyone died, but Yujing didn’t, eh, eh, it’s fair, fair!”

【She...she is...】

Ben swallowed his saliva, quietly blessed himself with two magical spells, and then stretched his hand tremblingly to the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Everyone is complaining~ Complaining and complaining is really noisy. It will be much quieter if you die! Anyway, you are going to die sooner or later, and Yujing is also going to die, so you can die or be killed No matter whether you kill others or not, there is no difference at all. Everyone is so strange~"

【She is the real murderer! She is the instigator of everything! she……】

Ben gripped the cross sword tightly, gritted his teeth tightly, and stared at the petite back not far away without blinking, and then...

"Are you right?"

Wenqiu suddenly turned around and gave Ben a sweet smile: "Brother Foster~"

Uh-huh! !

A sharp sword light struck the girl head-on, and it was covered with a thin but thick layer of divine power. He had no idea when he was exposed. At this moment, Ben only had one thought, and that was to kill the cute girl in front of him. Save the innocent people who are suffering and avenge those who died inexplicably!

But when facing the opponent's innocent and charming face, Ben's sword inevitably hesitated for half a second. The sword light struggled to change its trajectory in mid-air, from a straight strike to an oblique strike.

[She doesn’t know what she is doing, she...she is just a child, I...]

Such an idea flashed through Ben's mind subconsciously, and then he began to think about whether it would be better to take Wenqiu back after his sword attack seriously injured her.

Even though the sins committed by the child in front of her were enough to kill her ten thousand times, the young and kind-hearted knight still did not have the courage to kill him.

Of course, it's useless even if he has it...


Three pale bone spears flashing with a cold light appeared out of thin air beside Wen Qiu, firmly blocking the sword light that had been weakening again and again.

"This is……"

Ben quickly took a few steps back, placed the cross sword in his hand across his chest, and looked at the smiling girl in front of him with a serious face, as well as the three bone spears exuding strong death aura: "Undead magic! !”

"Huh? What is undead magic?" The girl blinked blankly, stretched out her little hand and tapped her lower lip: "Brother Foster, what are you talking about? Qiu Qiu doesn't know anything~"

Ben looked at her deeply, gritted his teeth and said, "Come back with me, Xiao Wenqiu, otherwise I will have to..."

A shrill whistling sound suddenly sounded, and the three bone spears were seen neatly making a circle in the air, and then suddenly shooting towards the paladin in front of them!

【So cruel! 】

Without thinking, Ben raised his head to avoid the bone spear pointed directly at his eyebrows, and quickly swung out two sword rays to cut off the remaining two spears that targeted his throat and heart, and a drop of cold sweat slowly slipped down his forehead.

"Where did you learn such a terrible spell!" He yelled, then silently recited the name of the goddess of fertility and quickly cast two low-level magic spells to increase physical fitness, staring at Wenqiu's pure and bright eyes. His big eyes asked in a deep voice: "Do you know what you are doing?!"

The girl tilted her head, frowned and thought for a while before playfully sticking out her tongue: "I don't know~ Ah, Brother Foster, watch your back!"

A tall skeleton warrior appeared behind him like a ghost. He was wearing a rusty light armor and an old helmet that could no longer tell the age. He held a small round shield and a long sword in each hand. The knife's eyes were burning with blue flames, and the exposed bone stubble was covered with dirt and blood, filled with a strong aura of death.

Ben's reaction was not slow at all. The moment the former appeared behind him out of thin air, he ducked and avoided the powerful and heavy knife. Then he stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the skull of the skeleton warrior. Go up and shout loudly: "Resist evil!"

An orange-yellow light lit up in his hand, and then quickly swallowed up the two soul flames in the eye sockets of the skeleton warrior. This is a universal magic for all believers of gods from the 'good' camp, and it is effective against anything containing negative energy and death characteristics. The enemies are all extremely lethal.

"I'll say it again!" Ben slapped the 'dead' skeleton warrior into bone fragments with a backhand sword. He turned around and shouted to Wenqiu: "Go back with me, otherwise you will have to die here!"

"Well... although it doesn't really matter if you die here, but... hey, that's right!"

Wen Qiu smiled troubledly, and then suddenly jumped up and clapped her hands: "Let's make a deal ~ Brother Foster!"

Ben cautiously and slowly approached the girl, while gritting his teeth and asked: "What deal?"

Wenqiu chuckled: "Let's go back to the city together, and then you pretend you didn't see anything, and I'll pretend I didn't see anything, okay?"


Ben paused for a moment, then suddenly rushed towards Wenqiu and shouted loudly: "It's not good at all!"

At this moment, the distance between the two was less than five meters. Ben was confident that he could definitely catch Wen Qiu before she cast any weird magic!

Then he hit at least a dozen bone spears hanging upside down to the ground!

"Oh, I see."

Wenqiu's helpless voice came from in front of her. She stretched out her little foot and kicked the dirt in front of her, seeming a little frustrated: "That's such a shame."

Ben, who was blocked half a meter away, widened his eyes: "What..."

Chunk, chugging, chugging, chugging! ! !

The next moment, hundreds of cold, pale white bone spears fell like rain.

Five seconds later, a twitching arm hung down softly, and drops of bright red blood soaked the devastated earth.

Not far away, a petite figure was running towards the city gate.

"If you are too willful, you will have no choice but to be killed...ah, we still have to clean up the scene!"

A crisp clapping sound suddenly sounded, and countless groups of 'eyes' burning with blue flames lit up in the darkness.

Click... click... click click...

Chapter 239: End

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