Quadruple split

Chapter 241 Undercurrent in the Royal Capital

February 3, 2049

Game time AM11:37

Chauvinist Empire, the royal capital of Trone, a certain folk house

Liver Astor, dressed as a civilian, sat expressionlessly at the wooden table. The elegance and calmness in his gray eyes were gradually fading away, replaced by a burning passion like a flame.

This is not like the look that a trainee representative of Tianzhu Mountain can show, but more like a firm and stubborn martyr...

Li Fu stared at the steaming food in front of him in silence for a long time, then kissed the back of his hand tremblingly, and murmured in a low voice with an imperceptible volume: "Praise the sun for giving us food, freedom and pride."

After saying this, he slumped down on the chair as if exhausted, his fists clenched tightly, and the corners of his eyes became a little moist.

"too long……"

This human man, who looked to be in his thirties, chuckled like a child. The linen coat on his body was unknowingly wet with sweat. He was shaking with laughter and his face was red. Although The voice was extremely low, but there was no intention of stopping. The whole person seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, but the slightly narrowed eyes were full of calmness and indifference.

It's not that he looks crazy on the outside but has no troubles in his heart, it's just that Li Fut has developed many almost instinctive habits in the past few decades. It is precisely because of these habits that he can always hide in that hidden state. Stand firm in a place filled with countless secrets and filled with countless eyes.

Absolute calmness, absolute self-discipline, absolute obedience, absolute gentleness!

Even now that he has temporarily lost his restraints, Liver Astor is still subconsciously suppressing his emotions, although it only makes him look even weirder.

After a long time, he stopped laughing with his amazing perseverance, stood up and began to eat quietly.

In the process, Li Fu subconsciously turned himself into the indifferent and peaceful trainee agent, as if the inexplicable behavior before had nothing to do with him.

This private house located in the outer city of Tren was occupied by an elderly couple half a day ago, but Li Fu only paid fifty gold coins and the old couple happily packed up their belongings and moved out, promising to move out in the future. He will definitely not come back to disturb this 'Wandering Scholar' within two months.

However, Li Fu didn't really plan to live in this place for two months. In fact, he felt that he would only stay here for about a week at best, or even shorter. The previous explanation was just for safety reasons.

Twenty minutes later, after lunch, Li Fu simply cleared the table, then stood up and started walking around the small room.

This is not some post-meal digestion exercise, just some necessary preparations...

[Eternal Water——Warning Pattern]

[Dying Light - Dissolving Shadows]

[Vanishing Wind—Breathless Barrier]

[Gate of Dimensions—Peeping at the Abnormal Demon]

[Gate of Dimensions—Spiritual Compound Eye]

[Mystery of the Root—Detection and Early Warning]

[The secret of the root—Intelligence erasure]

A series of complex and mysterious talismans appeared out of the sky next to Li Fo, and then quickly integrated into this simple and plain house. In a short time, the security level here was armed to a level comparable to that of Emperor William's palace, and Li Fo His methods are extremely concealed, and no one except Farah's level of powerhouses can see the slightest clue from the outside. And the current Emperor Shavin no longer has a powerhouse of Farah's level.

After completing these preparations, Li Fu returned to the wooden table in the center of the room. He took out a piece of parchment that looked very ordinary, and then conjured a silver quill out of thin air and began to write on it. :

To the distinguished High Observer/Narrator Albus Deckard:

I investigated the southern part of Prince Kunda's territory a day ago and discovered the ruins of a small town called Phantom. People in nearby villages said that it was attacked by high-level monsters a few days ago, and the entire town of Phantom was destroyed. As soon as he was alive, the Knights of the Tsar's Sword of the Chauvin Empire have now intervened in the investigation.

I think you are right. This rather strange "Warcraft attack" incident may be related to the disappearance of the imperial prince Kunda Bohe.

After a preliminary investigation, I returned to the ruins of Phantom Town. Although I did find traces of the high-level warcraft [Barbarian Horned Beast] raging, I noticed some inconsistencies. The traces are too obvious, including footprints, feces and whereabouts. I don’t want to interfere with your judgment with my unnecessary guesses, so I will seal the scene in crystal and send it to you together with this report. .

Now that I have arrived at the royal capital of the Chauvin Empire, I will contact William Bohe in the near future. If Mr. Farah had revealed something about Tianzhu Mountain to the emperor during his lifetime, then this contact will definitely go smoothly.

After the first contact, I will begin to investigate the cause of the death of Lord Faraosis, and if possible, I will also visit the ruins of Banser City that have been 'purified'.

I will keep your warning in mind. Safety is the first priority during the investigation process, so please don't worry.

So this report ends here, I will contact you again in three days.

——Your loyal Li Fu Astor

Li Fu quickly finished writing the report, then took out an inconspicuous-looking square-shaped crystal, poured a little magic power into it, and placed it gently on the parchment.

The faint silver light flashed away, and the next second, the crystal and parchment had disappeared on the wooden table, leaving only a faint colorful haze.

Li Fu, who was expressionless throughout the whole process, stood up and walked around the house along the previous path again. With a series of crisp finger snaps, the series of defensive measures he had deployed before instantly collapsed.

There was a bad harp sound coming from the neighbor's house. The young couple next door seemed to be convinced that their daughter could become an artist. Li Fu felt that there was something wrong with at least one of the two guys' hearing and thinking, and of course it was possible that both of them had problems. have.

However, he did not express any opinion on this. Instead, he went out to find a brick with a calm face, and then...

Well, he didn't hit the other party's head with the brick or the second-hand harp. He just carried the brick back into the house with a normal expression, closed the door, sat down at the wooden table again, and then took out He took a long needle and wrote on it:

To my family

I am the soul of Abel who has been wandering in the abyss of despair all year round. I am very happy to be able to talk to you.

Please don't be wary of me. I have the same great and noble heritage as you, and I have the same hatred that overflows my soul.

Rejoice, my brothers and sisters, I have discovered that those abominable monsters still have something to fear.

It involved an interesting prophecy. I couldn't pry too much, but I still learned some useful information, and then got an opportunity...

I can't reveal too much, I can only pass on this ray of illusory hope to you.

Brothers and sisters, maybe one day in the future, I will need your help, but not now.

We must be cautious, we must be careful to hide, we must be conscientious, and it is not yet the time to make a sound...

But the day of liberation will come, and I will do whatever it takes to do it.

My fellow citizens, if you are still active in the shadows of this land, please pray for me.

Praise the sun.

——The nameless soul of Abel

After writing these contents, Li Fu put down the long needle in his hand tremblingly, then took out a short stick and tapped lightly on the brick in front of him. A silver clock phantom appeared on the table out of thin air, and then After turning counterclockwise a few times, it disappeared.

Li Fu smiled slightly, then raised his hand and pressed it on the brick, exploding it into a pile of small powder.

Game time AM12:00

A hooded figure appeared in a certain alley that could be seen everywhere. At first glance, this place didn’t seem like a special place. People would even come in occasionally to take out the trash or something, but...

If anyone had really studied it, they would have discovered that this location is at the top of the shadow cast by Kaguya Cathedral, the tallest building in the entire royal capital, at twelve o'clock at noon.

The visitor quietly kicked open a stone slab and carefully sprinkled a bag of powder underneath. Then he quickly covered the stone slab back, leaving an imperceptible sun disk emblem on it and never looked back. The ground left.

at the same time

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun, Crimson Garden

Futaba rarely went to the Magician's Guild today. She was sitting leisurely on a lounge chair in the middle of the courtyard eating snacks. Two small fireballs that continued to burn were floating beside her, working tirelessly for this special person. The talented junior mage recognized by the Lorne Mage Chapter provides warmth.

Cassie, who was standing behind Futaba, couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips. He felt that this girl who was always unpredictable could be ranked among the ranks of mid-level magicians with her ability to control magic with her hands.

[When did this girl improve to this extent? She was just a weak low-level mage in the Fire Claw Territory a few days ago, but now...]

The battle-experienced beast elf fell into deep thought, and then his face was washed away by a small water ball that hit him head-on.

"Don't be distracted, bodyguard sir."

Futaba looked back at him lazily and smiled: "Before the mission is completed, you must always ensure the safety of me, the key witness."

"Assassins' instincts don't respond well to people who are not hostile at all." Cassie said lightly and wiped his face casually: "But I was really absent-minded just now, I'm sorry."

The girl pushed up her glasses and shrugged with a half-smile: "Because you think it's redundant to be vigilant in such an absolutely safe place? Or is it because I am a little shocked by my spell level?"

Cassie subconsciously wanted to retort, but in the end she nodded slightly: "Both."

"Nowhere is safe." Futaba took a sip of juice with a small homemade umbrella next to it, lifted the blanket on his knees, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes: "Besides, even though I don't I deny that I am a genius, but there are many geniuses in this world. There is no need for you to be surprised by one or two magic tricks. Compared with those real monsters, I am still far behind..."

Cassie stared at the small fireballs floating on both sides of Futaba and whispered: "Your talent is not common."

[Yes, I also know that I am very good and powerful, but even so, I just managed to squeeze into the top thirty of those two rubbish rankings. Damn it, are those guys in front of me monsters? And that damn BLACK is actually ranked seventeenth on the overall list! This young lady is so generous that her quota is fully online every day, but in the end she still gets squeezed out...]

Futaba was thinking a little crazily, but on the surface he just smiled noncommittally: "Really?"

Cassie nodded solemnly.

[However, I don’t see that guy in the personal combat power rankings. Does that mean his hard strength has not reached the standard? Well, that should be it. BLACK should be unable to hide his identity like me. Otherwise, all I can see on the overall strength list is just a question mark. After all, with his bad character, he will definitely not kill him. I highlighted something threatening before, so in comparison, that guy's advantage should be connections or money or something like that? Oh, what a headache...]

Futaba was thinking quickly, while allocating a small amount of energy to maintain the two small fireballs around him, while continuing to chat with his cheap bodyguard: "You'd better not rely too much on your assassin instinct, Violet King This place is not like Fire Claw’s one-third of an acre. Something as vague as murderous intent to seek out enemies is too unreliable. I’m really very timid, so please be more serious even in my own territory, okay?”

"Don't worry." The beast elf bowed slightly and showed a wild smile that was a little handsome: "I don't want to lose Lord Xiluo's face. As long as I am still alive, I guarantee that no one can hurt you."

Futaba nodded with satisfaction: "Even if you are going to die, you have to work hard to create an escape space for me~"

Cassie: "..."

The girl pursed her lips and smiled: "It's okay, I was just joking, but you'd better take it seriously."

Cassie: "Okay."

At this moment, Lewin's hurried figure suddenly ran over from not far away, shouting as he ran: "Is Miss Futaba here? I just went to the Magician's Guild to take a look and she was not there..."


A ball of mud mixed with earth and water elements slapped the fox orc on the face, knocking him over.

"I've been waiting here for a long time, but you, a retarded person, actually went to the Mages Guild." Futaba muttered in a bad tone, then tried to straighten her legs and jumped off the couch (her feet could not touch the ground), and patted He clapped his hands to disperse the elemental mud on Lewen's face: "So, that guy is already here?"

Lewin blinked in confusion, reacted for a while before nodding vigorously and said: "Here we go, Buffy Marshall has arrived in the royal capital."

"What about the staffing around him?"

"One family member, five members of Buffy's Sword Knights, 20 ordinary guards, and a few not-so-core territorial officials."

Futaba nodded and showed a naughty smile: "Very good, it seems that he didn't find any clues~"

Levin glanced at Futaba with admiration: "Then let's do it next..."

"You go and say hello politely, and then we just sit back and wait for the meeting to start. I won't leave any time for him to react~"

"No problem, ma'am."

Chapter 238: End

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