Quadruple split

Chapter 2321 Borrowing the Road

Game time AM03:25

Public space, Broken Wind Bird meeting room

"Tsk tsk, to be honest..."

Guo Shi Wushuang smacked his lips, sipped his tea, and sighed leisurely: "Brother Hei Fan is really a bit scary. You know, this scene was created by him with his eyes closed."

The ghost next to him turned his head to look at Guo Shi Wushuang, and couldn't help asking: "What do you mean? Why do you say it was created by closing his eyes and randomly A?"

"Same question."

Adu, the leader of the four kings of Changpan Studio, also turned to Guo Shi Wushuang, eating egg tarts and curiously asked : "We should have seen Hei Fan's order with our own eyes, right? The game was also going exactly as he planned. Why do you say he was just blindly fighting?"

Guo Shi Wushuang shrugged and said happily: "I said I was just guessing, do you believe me?"

"I believe it."

A gentleman with long black hair, who looked to be in his early 40s and was a handsome uncle like Lusel, walked over with his hands behind his back and smiled: "So Wushuang, do you mind sharing with us the process of your 'blind guessing'?"

"Haha, Valley Master is joking. You are not as good as me in making small calculations, but if you can match this scene 's great wisdom and strategy, you are an unparalleled senior. "

Guo Shi Wushuang laughed, shook his head at the Evil Valley Master 'Zang Yue' who had made him suffer a lot, and said happily: "So instead of letting me make a fool of myself, it's better for you to explain it."

Although he became the object of Guo Shi Wushuang's attention diversion, the Zang Yue Valley Master, who had more professional player experience than Lusel, Sakaki and others, was not annoyed, but just said: "If I explain, there is definitely no problem, but everyone must be willing to believe it."

"The Valley Master is joking again."

"No No matter who you believe, you have to believe the words of the Valley Master. "

"If you are willing to give me a few words of explanation, it will be much more convincing than Wushuang. This kid has too many tricks."

"Brother Wang is right."

"Well, then..."

Zang Yue shook his head helplessly and spread his hands and said, "If I have to give a reason, it is based on the observations of the previous few games. I instinctively feel that the state of the player Hei Fan in this game is "wrong", but it is not "wrong" in a derogatory sense, it is just a little... unusual."

Everyone around was stunned, only Guo Shi Wushuang, who had the same idea, sipped his tea leisurely.

"I'll tell you, this vague statement will make you feel that I'm keeping you in suspense, but this is really just 'intuition'."

Zang Yue smiled bitterly, tapped his forehead lightly, and said slowly: "For example, if I always think that Hei Fan is a very good superstar player who can almost hit the outside of his foot every time..."

Guo Shi Wushuang immediately raised his right hand and interrupted: "I don't watch the game, what should I do if I don't understand!"

"What if Hei Fan is a world-ranked Go master."

Although it was unnecessary, Zang Yue still changed the example and explained: "Then his current behavior, in my opinion, is 'playing chess'."

As a result, Guo Shi Wushuang shook his head again and said seriously: "I I think this example is wrong, after all, Gobang and chess are two different things, but he was actually directing in this game just like before, so... I think it should be a player who is very good at shooting with the outside of the foot, but he chose to shoot with the tip of the toe. "

Zangyue nodded slightly and echoed: "Wushuang is right (Adu and others booed), and another point is that the current situation is a melee in front of the goal, and there is not enough space to perform the outside of the foot shot, but it is a good time to shoot with the tip of the toe. "

Guijianchou narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "Although I don't understand football... I mean I really don't understand football, but I understand what the Valley Master means. "

"I'm afraid even Heifan himself , I don't even know how good my toe-poking skills are. "

The Holy Light King, who was able to keep up with the rhythm, laughed and sighed: "After all, he can usually shoot through his opponents with the outside of his foot, Xiao Fang, don't you think so?"


Although he was also sitting at the table, the Taoist priest who had always had a sullen face stared at everyone with gritted teeth and said unhappily: "I don't remember anyone inviting you here? Don't you have your own room to watch the game? Even if you don't have your own room, you can watch it in the public space!"

Adu immediately waved his hands vigorously and said repeatedly: "That won't work. I am the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings of Changpan. If I go to the public space, it will be strange if I am not surrounded by fanatical fans. "


Xue Ran, who was passing by with a plate of roasted pork belly, stopped in his tracks and turned to look at A'du with curiosity: "Uncle, are you popular?"

The leader of the Four Heavenly Kings of Changpan Studio froze in place as if struck by lightning, and repeated in a dry voice: "Uncle...Uncle!?"

"Yes, uncle, you are almost thirty, right?"

Xue Ran blinked, licked his fingers that were accidentally stained with cumin, and said vaguely: "I just became an adult not long ago. If I call you big brother, it will make me look old."

A'du: "..."

"Wait, Xue Ran girl!"

And the Holy Light Old King stopped Xue Ran who was about to continue jogging towards the girls, and asked seriously: "Where did you get the barbecue?!"

Xue Ran pointed in a certain direction and said casually: "Over there, Sister Yide bought a lot of meat and asked me to invite everyone over to grill it! This kind of food is delicious and will never be eaten in our home (club)... ...Well, although I now understand the truth of heaven and earth, I don’t think the food at home is so unpalatable.”


The pioneer sitting next to the alchemist's eyes lit up and he asked in a loud voice: "Do we also have a share?"

"No, Sister Yanren said, don't call me a man."

Xueran shook his head vigorously and said righteously: "That's why you are not allowed to go."


The alchemist who had just realized who 'Sister Yide' and 'Sister Yanren' were, slammed the table and said in a loud voice: "You should be more polite, kid! Our boss's 'Fei' is so beautiful that the whole house is filled with beauty." '! It's the 'Fei' who is so beautiful! It's not the 'Fei' of Xixiang Hou!"

"Don't listen or listen to the bastard chanting sutra——"

Then Xueran trotted over to the girl's side.

Alchemist: "..."

"Hey, Xiaofang, don't be like a child. Xue Ran still likes Mr. Zhang very much."

Pioneer patted the alchemist on the shoulder and said with a playful smile: "Speaking of which, you are so grumpy today, could it be because you just lost the game and are still a little bit upset?"

"Isn't it?"

The alchemist sneered and said angrily: "Unlike you, you have been eliminated by us for a while. It must be enough to adjust your condition."

Pioneer: "Fang, what the hell are you..."

At the same time, on the other side

"It's quite lively over there."

Lusail turned his head and glanced at the unusually noisy table in the distance, and said with some confusion: "But it seems to be a little off topic."

"It's lively because I feel uncomfortable."

Boss Sakaki snorted, his expression as calm and indifferent as ever: "Obviously this is the team battle that we professional players value most, but in the end it was two non-professional teams fighting in the finals. They didn't say anything, but they still felt embarrassed in their hearts. Ashamed.”

Lusel smiled casually and asked narrowly: "What about you? Can you do it too?"

"Yes, but it's not a big problem."

Boss Sakaki looked at the screen steadily and said without looking back: "After all, even the top players like [Pai Lao], [Wind-breaking Bird] and [Red Constellation] have been eliminated."

Lusail didn't say anything, just whistled loudly.

Xinglong on the other side touched the tip of his nose and said with some embarrassment: "Am I lying?"

"It doesn't count, because I'm just stating the facts."

Boss Sakaki shook his head and said seriously: "When everyone is eliminated, the professional players in our studio will hardly bear the pressure of public opinion. At most, they will just feel uncomfortable. But you are another matter. After dawn... verbal and written criticism are inevitable."

Xinglong frowned and thought for a while, then hesitantly said: "I think we should be okay. After all, we have lost to [Broken Wind Bird] in recent years. They actually lost to non-professional teams... and they were still crushed to death. of."


Lussail was shocked at that time and said angrily: "Xiao Li, you are such a thick-browed person, why do you come to squeeze on my brother?"

"Because I'm not convinced..."

Xinglong looked up at Yidong and Gu Xiaole, who had just met in the center of the screen, and showed a rare depressed expression: "I think if it were us, we would still be able to fight the [Haunted Church]."

Lusel rolled his eyes: "...If we work together, we won't have to fight?"

Xinglong curled his lips: "Didn't you watch the video after you lost?"

Lussail: "..."

Xinglong: "..."

Boss Sakaki was engrossed in watching the live broadcast and ignored them.

After a few seconds, the two people, who looked a little depressed, exchanged glances and suggested in unison: "Watch the game?"

"Kasena's death this time is a bit hurtful to [Sailor Moon]."

Xinglong, who quickly adjusted his condition, touched his chin and said sternly: "Although I'm not very good at tactics, I'm so weak...it's hard to fight."

"Yes, what's even more terrible is that we can see what they 'can't see'."

Lussail sighed and said with some regret: "To be honest, if I were a beautiful girl, I don't know how to deal with this situation. Obviously there is no headwind, but..."

"Stop dreaming."

Boss Sakaki interrupted Lusel and said calmly: "You will never become a beautiful girl in your life."

Lusel was furious: "What I'm saying is, if I stood in the position of [Beautiful Senjo Sentai]! I would be so confused!"

"I know, it was just a joke."

Boss Sakaki, whose expression and tone didn't sound like he was joking, said casually, his sharp eyes staring at the screen of Yidong and Gu Xiaole, who were about to join the army outside the city and lead all the elite forces under the Nightless King. Shen Sheng said: "The current situation is that although those of us who are watching the game know that [Haunted Church] has a trump card in their hands, we are unable to understand their current actions."

In the semi-finals, he was led by the nose and beaten from beginning to end, and finally lost humiliatingly to [Haunted Church]. Lusail, who has not completely recovered until now, sighed and said helplessly: "To be honest, although it is beautiful, There is no Kasena on the girl's side, but when this wave breaks out, why do I always feel that it is the beautiful girl who finally takes advantage? Not to mention anything else, the original all-out siege rhythm is completely interrupted, and the defenders also It didn’t get washed away at all, but what about the seven armies that were promised to be flooded?”

"No one told you to flood the Seventh Army."

Boss Sakaki glanced at the long-time friend next to him and said seriously: "But you are right about the rhythm. At least for now, the rampaging moat has completely cut off the battlefield, which is more beneficial to the defender. After all, It is only a matter of time before all the siege forces left under the city wall are killed, but the only defender outside is a flying dragon like Christina, so the possibility of being left behind is infinitely close to zero."

Lusail scratched his stubble and muttered: "Not only that, the spell casters on the siege side were very exhausted, and they could no longer suppress the defenders on the city wall with long-distance attacks. On the other hand, the defenders, They still have a lot of means at their disposal, not to mention the physical strength of the spellcasters, and there are also standard trebuchets and other things that can carry out ultra-long-distance strikes, but..."

“But we all know that [Haunted Church] can’t be that simple.”

Sakaki took over the conversation and said with a solemn gaze: "They have always controlled the rhythm, and they have created this situation single-handedly. If you have to say that they did something wrong to kill Kasena, then it is simply impossible. You’re just lying to yourself.”

Lusel twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "Then the question is, what kind of sinister conspiracy is brewing in the [Haunted Church]?"

"Is there such a possibility..."

Xinglong, who had remained silent since just now, suddenly spoke up and said in a question-and-answer manner: "There is no conspiracy brewing in the [Haunted Church]?"


Even a figure like Lusail, who can be called a 'wisdom and brave man', was stunned after hearing this sentence. After reacting for a few seconds, he asked the theoretical number one domestic professional player next to him: " How to say?"

"Like... they don't have any clever plans."

Xinglong looked at the camera on the screen that was always locked on Gu Xiaole and Yi Dong, and said softly: "The reason why the situation has entered this seemingly unfavorable situation for them is simply because..."

"Because of what?"

"Because they think they can overcome this so-called 'disadvantage.'"

Covered in tattered robes, the stooped necromancer staggered to the bank of the Samler River. The eyes under his hood, filled with gloomy will-o'-the-wisps, remained unmoved.

Holding a snow-white five-bone bat fan in her hand, the graceful girl walked briskly and stood beside her cousin with a smile like a flower.

"Stay away from me."

Yi Dong glared at Gu Xiaole coldly and said in a hoarse voice: "Hurry up."

"I know, I know~"

Gu Xiaole wrinkled his nose, then took a step forward and appeared dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.


The Necromancer opened his arms, surrounded by shadows.

The Great Onmyoji unfolded his white fan, and demons danced wildly behind him.

[Secret Technique of Spiritual Mediums·The Yin Soldier Borrows the Way]!

[Great Onmyoji·Hundred Ghosts at Night]!

As a result, the raging Samler River was forced to take a passage, thus making way for the two of them.

Chapter 2312: End

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