Quadruple split

Chapter 2320: Division

The Samler River burst its banks!

As the waves, which were unmatched by human power, rushed in and smashed the three long bridges around [Black Onyx City] including the ‘Samler Bridge’, the defenders inside and outside the city were immediately in a short circuit state. They turned their heads mechanically and stared in disbelief. They couldn’t believe that the moat that was drying up rapidly a second ago had become so turbulent and... aggressive!

Because of this, not to mention the small-scale elite troops of Kasena who had not yet started to cross the river, even the siege troops in the south and east of Black Onyx City at this moment were also divided into two, so that the dead soldiers on the opposite side of the river bank became an isolated army, and the troops that had not yet crossed the river were forced to reorganize on the spot, and could only use rain of arrows and crossbows to cover their colleagues on the opposite side of the river.

[Hmm? Rain of arrows and crossbows? 】

After realizing that Kasena, who was not at the epic level and could not confront the forces of nature head-on, had almost no hope of survival, Lucy, who had returned to the eastern wall, had a slightly condensed gaze, and in an instant she had realized a crucial detail -

"There are many fewer spellcasters."

Because the large number of soldiers who had been bullied to the wall attracted most of the attention, it was not until this moment that Lucy realized that the number of spellcasters outside the city, which originally had a considerable proportion, had been reduced by more than half without her noticing, and those mysterious side professionals who were still in the position, all collapsed to the ground at this moment, with pale faces being covered at the back, trembling and looking as if they were scared out of their wits.

However, Lucy, who was also a spellcaster, realized at the first time that it was not because of fear, but because of exhaustion!

Because the magic power in the body was emptied in a short period of time, so that even meditation could not be done, the "exhaustion" state was also an extreme situation that most spellcasters could hardly experience until they died.

After all, whether it is a physical or mysterious profession, it is difficult to fight to the point of exhaustion of physical strength or magic power in battle, because in a normal life-and-death battle, there is no need to exhaust one's energy. As long as one party falls into an absolute disadvantage, it will basically be killed directly within a few moves.

Even academic spellcasters or scientific researchers who study day and night rarely use up their magic power in experiments, because in this case, the strong headache and detachment are enough to interrupt all logical thinking, making people unable to do anything except "rest", and "not being able to work" is what such people can't stand the most. Take Lu Wei and Mu Changchun as an example. If you let these two work hard for three days and three nights without sleep or food, they can basically do it for you as long as they can stand it; but if Master Lu and Merlin in the game are allowed to idle for an afternoon and not do anything or think about anything, and can only eat, drink water and bask in the sun, then you are probably going to die.

Moreover, for the caster, once the magic power that can be used at will emerges, it will become a "basic element" in a short time, which is equivalent to the "lungs" of a baby after the umbilical cord is cut and the first cry is made. In this case, the difficulty of the caster to exhaust his own magic power is only slightly lower than the outrageous operation of "strangling himself to death".

However, these casters who were left outside the city did it. With the determination to die, although they could not rush to the top of the city and fight bloody battles like their colleagues who were good at swords and fighting spirit, they also completed the difficult mission set by the Nightless King, that is, to use a large number of low-level and easy-to-intercept spells to drain the magic power in a short time, and then cover up the fact that the remaining two-thirds of the casters left quietly.

And the purpose of those casters' departure has already jumped out in front of people at this moment.

The Samler River is running wild!

A man-made and premeditated dam burst!

Because of Mo Tan and Lucy, both the [Haunted Church] team and the [Sailor Moon] team have a considerable amount of background information. In addition to humanities and politics, this information naturally also includes some geographical knowledge, and the Samler Dam that still exists in the Violet Empire is naturally among them.

In the eyes of countless viewers, the Nightless King... that is, the [Haunted Church] side completed three integrations and three divisions in the preparation stage, that is, the period when the war situation was still tepid after both sides entered the game-

The first integration was the large assembly of the three elite troops of the Black Crow Guard, the Iron Cavalry and the Tiger Fang Army from the rear of the position.

The second integration was the autonomous reorganization of all the reserve forces before being deployed to the front line and launching the final offensive.

The first division was the independence of the spellcasters in the Black Crow Guard and the Tiger Fang Army.

The second division and the third integration were that all the mysterious professionals except the spellcasters directly under the King Wuye withdrew to the rear against the reserve team and joined the group of elite spellcasters, allowing the King Wuye's personal mage consultant to dispatch them.

The third division was that Yi Dong and Gu Xiaole, who were included in the same lens of the system, parted ways with the upper reaches of the Samler River. After completing the [Five Ghosts Moving the Mountain] and building a temporary small dam to cut off the moat, the former led the spellcasters all the way west, aiming directly at the Samler Dam.

Everyone has seen the subsequent development. Gu Xiaole and others, who led the entire Iron Cavalry Team and most of the Tiger Fang Army and the Black Crow Guard, successfully occupied the quarry. Moreover, Yi Dong, who happened to be stuck in another lens, completed the "Moving the Mountain" and built a temporary dam, which made the system prompt sound of [Sailor Moon] double the bad things.

At the same time, Yidong led almost four-fifths of the spellcasting force under King Wuye and rushed all the way to the Samler Dam where there were almost no people stationed, and then began to cast spells jointly.

As we all know, 'dam breach' is not common outside the game. After all, the biggest feature of dams is that they are firm and solid. In the era of rule of law, where human damage can be almost ruled out, only severe natural factors such as concentrated rainstorms, large typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, etc. can cause dam breaches, which in turn lead to destructive disasters. To this day, dam breaches rarely occur. Even if emergencies occur, the disasters are almost suppressed within a very small range.

In the [Realm of Innocence], countless spellcasters who can drive magic and manipulate elements can simulate a large number of natural disasters. Apart from other things, the [Flowing Flame Dance], [Heavy Rain], [Ground Crack], and [Vacuum Storm] in the mage system are infinitely close to natural phenomena, and the shaman priests' [Lava Eruption], [Lightning Storm], [Hurricane], and [Turbulence] are more realistic natural disasters in a literal sense!

In this way, although these high-level spellcasters at most could not cause a big flood, earthquake, or catastrophe, they could still make the Samler Dam burst under joint spellcasting.

So, when Gu Xiaole led the elite to chase after Kasena and others, Yi Dong also completed the task at the right time, leading to a wave that not only broke the temporary dam he built with [Five Ghosts Moving Mountains], but also directly turned the moat of Black Onyx City into a raging torrent. Although it was far from enough to destroy this majestic city, it also made "crossing the river" a fantasy.

Unfortunately, if there were more than three epic-level spellcasters with deep attainments in the water elemental school, there would be a chance of causing a small-scale flood. Even if the city could not be destroyed, it would not be difficult to flood it by three points. Unfortunately, at that time, as long as an epic seedling appeared in the three marquis families, he would be directly recruited into the Violet Family, so that in addition to the few attendants who stayed with the other two marquises, the only epic-level strongmen on the rebel side were King Wuye and his personal mage consultant.

However, these two people were replaced in the instant after the game started, and Mo Tan and Gu Xiaole took their place, which directly reduced the number of epic strongmen on the [Haunted Church] side to zero.

However, the same is true for the [Sailor Moon] side. According to historical records, because the lady Diana Blaisen was not actually imprisoned here, there were also only three epic masters, and they were the blood seeker ancestor of the Hopkins family, the former's dragon partner, and the chief guard officer of the city lord Samuel Hopkins. Their identities were replaced by Lucy, Christina and Kasena, and the number of epic masters was also zero.

Of course, even if there are really epic masters active on the battlefield, their help to the battle situation is limited. For example, Philip, the son of abundance, defeated a large number of harpies in the city of Dumbuya by himself, but the price paid was also huge. Although it helped his side gain a huge advantage, it did not have a decisive effect.

As for the legendary masters... this can definitely be decisive in most legion-level battles, but these monsters that are almost equivalent to nuclear weapons in reality do not want to risk being attacked by the world, so there are few records of their appearances in public.

In short, despite the title of epic level, when Kasena noticed that the moat had become so turbulent, she immediately sentenced herself to death in her heart.

Under the "attention" of Yu Gu Xiaole and the elite around him, forcing the river to cross the river was definitely a joke of seeking death.

If she didn't cross the river, at least she could bite off a piece of meat from the opponent!

[At this point, if she can drag a few scapegoats away, she can drag a few scapegoats away. At least it can help the three of them reduce the combat power of the opposite gang. ]

It took less than a second for Kasena to make up her mind. Then, against the background of the rolling torrent, she turned around and raised her war hammer [Overlord Roar], and then swung it heavily, aiming it at the enemies not far away who had completed deceleration and formed a battle formation, ready to fight.

Although she didn't say a word the whole time, the leadership charm of this kind of person is completely unreasonable, so that after she swung the war hammer, the elite defenders behind her who turned around with Kasena rushed up and roared to kill the enemy.


Gu Xiaole walked out of the battle formation, covered her mouth with her black five-bone bat fan [Black Hina·Zhanshi Luejue], and sighed: "Is Big Brother trying too hard?"

"What kind of a name is Big Brother..."

Kasena rolled her eyes, and then leaped up with the force of thunder, jumping and slashing at the Great Onmyoji who had probably consumed a lot of energy just now, while the latter had no intention of fighting against him at all, and actually ran towards the enemy on the other side——

[Onmyoji——Ice Curse·Cold Pond]

[Onmyoji——Fire Curse·Candle [Rong]

[Yin Yang Technique - Thunder Curse·Zhen Zhe]

[Yin Yang Technique - Wind Curse·Yao Yun]

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiaole held [Black Young·Zhan Shi Lue Jue] and used various large-scale Yin Yang Techniques with different effects to contain the enemy. Although the elite troops who left the city with Kasena were strong and well-equipped, they were powerless to turn the tide in the face of overwhelming numbers. After a few short rounds of fighting, they began to die in large numbers. Although Kasena was a one-man show in terms of momentum, Gu Xiaole was still one level stronger and suppressed the former steadily.

In the end, Kasena made no further progress after the other side fought a war of attrition with him in order to reduce the casualties. After finally leading his men to kill several heavy knights, he was hit by a total of 17 weapons at the same time, and his life was reduced to zero and turned into white light and disappeared.

After a while, the elite defenders sent out of the city by Lucy Ai to follow Kasena were also slaughtered. Although the casualty ratio was very outrageous, Gu Xiaole was still not satisfied after counting the number of people at high speed.

The reason is that these elite defenders who were sent out of the city to carry out the quarry recapture operation with Kasena were too few. You must know that in Mo Tan’s ideal estimate, the number of people in Kasena’s team should be at least not much different from Gu Xiaole’s group, and at least two-thirds of this number!

As a result, when the fight started, Gu Xiaole found that the number of the other side’s troops was not large, and the strength was only above average, which meant that the defense force in the city might be stronger than the ‘ideal state’.

But she was not in a hurry. After all, this flexibility did not exceed the range given by Mo Tan, and she successfully completed the combat goal of the current stage, that is, to successfully eliminate the members of [Sailor Moon] who were mostly Kasena, and strive for a head advantage.

As for the reason for striving for a head advantage...

[Of course, it is because someone has to take the initiative to die. ]

Gu Xiaole smacked her lips, sighed in her heart, and led the three elite troops behind her to gallop to the side and rear. According to the route, she seemed to want to meet up with her brother who had just withdrawn from the Samler Dam at the place where the small bridge used to be.

In this way, a few minutes later, the Nightless King completed the fourth round of integration, that is, Yidong, who led the spellcasters to complete the artificial breach of the dam, and Gu Xiaole, who successfully defeated the Kasena tribe after occupying the quarry, completed the confluence at the temporary dam that was originally shaped into a small miracle by [Five Ghosts Moving Mountains] and was eventually directly washed into muddy water.

"How was it, did it go smoothly?"

"Not bad, but you seem to be having a hard time."

"The heart is not bitter, but the life is bitter."

"Haha, there is more bitterness to come, right?"

"Who says it's not."

"Then let's go and suffer!"

Chapter 2311: The End

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