Quadruple split

Chapter 185 Dangerous Breath

【Instant Shadow Leaving Traces】

School of Cunning active skills

Mastery requirements: Possess the profession ‘Shadow Dancer’ and complete the mission [Nightingale Leaving Song]

Consumption/limitations: 1%-100% physical energy, 1%-100% acuity, 1%-90% health, equipped with melee weapons.

Effect: Instantaneous - instantly moves behind the designated target within 10 meters, causing double weapon damage and having a very high probability of triggering the 'chain' effect. After hitting the target, this skill is converted into: Shadow within three seconds; Shadow - the distance is no more than Up to two targets within 2 meters will cause a critical hit damage at the same time and have a certain chance of triggering the 'chain' effect. After hitting the target, this skill will be converted into: stay; stay - teleport to behind any target within 3 meters. Execute a bare-handed chokehold, 100% causing a silence effect, and a lower chance of triggering a 'chain' effect. After hitting the target, this skill will be converted into: Mark within three seconds; Mark - sneak into the shadow, causing a radius of 1.5 meters in the specified direction. Straight-line cutting damage, the distance depends on the comprehensive value consumed when the skill is activated, 100% triggers the blood wound effect, and has a very low chance of triggering the 'chain' effect. After hitting the target, this skill is converted into: Shadow within three seconds; triggers 'Shadow' ', 'Leave', and 'Trace', if it cannot be released within three seconds, the skill will be reverted to: instant, and the cooling time is 12 hours.


1. The health you consume will give you an additional damage bonus in proportion.

2. The acuity you consume will give you an extra critical hit bonus in proportion.

3. The physical energy you consume will give you an extra defense bonus in proportion.

4. Each time the chain is triggered, a new effect will be added to the next instant: the cooldown time for one trigger is reduced to 6 hours, the cooldown time for two triggers is reduced to 3 hours, the damage is increased by 5%, and the cooldown time for three triggers is reduced to 1 hour. Restores 10% of maximum health and acuity when activated, triggers four times, reduces the cooldown to 10 seconds, and increases damage by 1.5 times.

[Remarks: Tears are silent for a thousand lines, the blood is not cold yet, resentment fills the windows, silently singing tragic songs, laughing at eternal sorrow. The remaining bones are built with green frost, don't praise it, don't be sentimental, hate that the feathers are separated from the branches, and the lingering sound echoes around the beams. 】

This is a powerful skill...an extremely powerful skill from any angle...

Even though it has an extremely long initial cooldown time and a rather eye-catching chain mechanism, these still cannot conceal the horror of the [Instant Shadow Remains] skill. Yuying just killed six mutants in an instant, which is the best. Proof!

Even if these enemies are not too powerful, even if Yuying is lucky enough to trigger the 'chain' three times in a row, and even if those mutants don't know how to protect their vital parts, they still can't cover up the set of combos just now. The domineering!

[Instant Traces] comes from a hidden mission chain that Yuying received not long after she entered the world of innocence. Although the series of dangerous and depressing missions made her stay in the dark underground palace for three days ( The game time) is long, but the final reward is also extremely generous. Not only does it directly give her this skill with great potential, it also directly allows Yuying to unlock the [Shadow Dancer] profession. The starting point alone is higher than most players. A big chunk.

This special skill consisting of four independent moves can be said to be tailor-made for assassin-type players. It has controllable damage and consumption, sharp additional status, and strong instant explosive power. If the skill also has quality, it will be light. These few points are enough to make [The Remains of a Shadow] rank among the epics.

If you add a piece of luck that is definitely worthy of Cordoba, well... that would be a bit scary.

Of course, no one will be so lucky, so just now was the first time Yuying used the entire set of skills of 'Instant', 'Shadow', 'Liu', and 'Mark'. She had used this skill three times before. The first time it was broken at 'Shadow', the second time was broken at 'Stay', and the third time it was after using 'Instant' that the next blow was not fired.

"Ha, what is this?" Yuying, who had lost her physical strength, smiled bitterly and shook hands, but was trembled by a strong pain: "It's like this and it's just a 'simulation'. How can it be put into reality?" It’s not a shopper level. Well, speaking of shopper, I remember that Xiaoxi Jewelry Store seems to be releasing a new model tomorrow..."

Two howls sounded from not far away, suddenly pulling the girl back from her thoughts that had started to wander.

"Damn it, it couldn't be those guys with broken legs crawling over. Wouldn't it be nice to debut as an idol with such strong arm strength!"

Yuying gritted her teeth and murmured in a low voice, her body trembling...

Wait, trembling?

The girl blinked her eyes in astonishment, feeling that she shouldn't be that cowardly.

【Could it be that? ! 】

Yuying tilted her head with difficulty and put her ears to the ground, and then as expected, she heard a series of roaring sounds that were getting louder...

"This is a horse? Four hundred and fifty people...the Knights?!"

The stones on the ground also trembled, and the uniform sound of horse hooves like drumbeats could be clearly heard, but the howls not far away were getting closer and closer.

"Compared to having his head bitten off~" Yuying expressionlessly began to roll in the direction of the sound of the horse's hooves. Yes, he rolled straight like a human stick. As he rolled, he muttered: "I would rather die of garbled code." .”

Quite cute...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

At this moment, a 'mutant' with his legs broken at the knees suddenly rushed out from behind the bushes nearby. The blood on his body had dried up, and his white and black arms were covered with scratches and wounds. In some places Even the stubble of bones was exposed, but the monster seemed to have no idea what pain was and continued to crawl towards Yuying with its arms upside down... at a speed of at least twenty miles!


Yuying, whose rolling speed did not exceed two steps, sighed and closed her eyes subconsciously.


She felt several strong winds passing by her side, and then heard a powerful shout, that was a human voice!

"In the light of day, that evil is worth fighting!!"

"In the name of the God of Justice, let's go together!"

Crackling, clanging, popping, popping...

Yuying heard a not-so-pleasant sound coming from not far away, and then found herself being helped up by a pair of warm hands.

[I hope he is a young, handsome, well-spoken, polite, a little bad, wealthy, human or elf riding a white horse...]

The girl quickly recited her wish when she was five years old in her heart, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"Yo!" The other party raised his hand to greet her kindly, and asked with a smile: "Were you calling for help just now?"

She was an elf woman wearing a gorgeous priest's robe and carrying a cross behind her back. She had a beautiful smile, and the hand on Yu Ying's shoulder exuded golden mist.

Not far away, there were at least ten sturdy Chinese-character faces chopping around a mutant. They were wearing heavy armor, holding broad swords or cross swords, and their faces were generally square.

Yu Ying nodded, and then sighed silently. She felt that she had thought a little too much just now.

"I am Xia Lian Zhuye from the Shuguang Sect. I just met a group of civilians who were said to be being chased by monsters not long ago." The elf woman narrowed her eyes slightly and pointed at the animal not far away that had almost completely turned into pork belly and tenderloin. , ribs and other parts, the mutant asked Yuying in a deep voice: "Is this it?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "Are you Xia Lian Zhuye? Saint?"

Xia Lian nodded: "Do you know me?"

"I don't know you, but there is a very important piece of information that I must tell you." Yuying, who had recovered some physical strength, slowly stood up and looked back at the monster that could no longer be seen in human form: "There is something about them. intelligence."

ten minutes later

A temporary station located two kilometers away from the ‘battlefield’

Seventy-two anxious civilians in Bunis Town were receiving treatment. Yu Chen, who had turned on the aura of calm, stood timidly in the center of the crowd, constantly soothing their bodies and minds with divine magic, and occasionally looking apologetically at those around him with a grimace. The Hei Fan applied a healing spell, and then continued to softly comfort the surrounding townspeople.

Priest Furman and a few paladins were making soup for the refugees not far away, while hundreds of other people were neatly surrounding the station on guard.

"It would be better if you came earlier." The female assassin wearing a long red scarf (spare) squatted on the top of the carriage and sighed with a complex expression.

Xia Lian, who was squatting next to the former, nodded slightly: "Sorry..."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to blame you. I'm just stating the facts. Let's continue with the previous topic." Yuying waved her hand, turned to the saint beside her and said in a deep voice: "Those monsters have no consciousness. They are incapable of fatigue and have no humanity. Even if they are theoretically severely injured, they will hardly lose their combat effectiveness. In addition to cutting off their heads, even if they are pierced through the heart, they may not be 100% able to kill them."

Xia Lian nodded, and then asked softly: "Did you just say that they were still alive not long ago?"

"Not all, but I saw with my own eyes three ordinary civilians suddenly turned into monsters." Yuying shook her head, frowned and replied: "We were originally a team of more than a hundred people, but in a few hours Suddenly there were three people in front of me who looked like that. After I killed them, I led everyone towards the direction of Hofer City. As a result, I met about ten more people on the road. Judging from their clothes, they must have been human before. .”

Xia Lian's eyes narrowed, and she immediately raised her head to confirm with the girl in front of her: "That means that not only the people in Bunis Town will become like that, but other people may also transform into that kind of crazy monster for some reason, right? "

"That's right." Yu Ying nodded slightly, and then said uncertainly: "I personally think that those who become monsters have one thing in common."

Although she didn’t know what the conditions of the monsters she encountered later were like when they were alive, she knew everyone in her team very well, and including Marcus’s wife, the three second-stage transformed people seemed to... …

Xia Lian thought for a moment: "They are all infected with the plague?"

"Okay, I forgot, that's two." Yuying was stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "That's not what I want to say, but that those people are very weak...the kind of weakness that is terminally ill. "

The elf saint tugged her ears thoughtfully, and then motioned for her to continue.

"There are three people who have turned into monsters. Among them, Mr. Marcus's wife is in the most serious condition. She seems to have been in poor health to begin with, and she was one of the first people to be infected with the plague. She has been so weak since the day before yesterday that she even I can't even walk." Yuying paused here, then suddenly lay down on her back, closed her eyes and continued to recall: "And Gates, the carpenter, has been vomiting blood since this morning. The man who was originally at least 160 The over-10-pound uncle lost at least half of his weight along the way. His whole body was covered with sores and he couldn't even lie down when sleeping. He was a hard-working and good man. Every time the team was stationed, he would carefully check every tent and return the tents. The children made many toys...I cut off his head with my own hands."

She suddenly fell silent.

"May the goddess protect their souls." Xia Lian took off the scripture hanging from her waist, held it in her arms, bowed her head and prayed, then looked at Yu Ying apologetically: "I'm sorry... although I don't want to Forcing you to recall those sad things, but..."

Yu Ying shook her head: "It doesn't matter, I'm not that sentimental... The last one is an orphan without a name. Everyone calls her Lingdang, so I don't know her very well. The child who doesn't like to talk has been suffering from a high fever since the day before yesterday. He was not very strong after he turned into a monster, and he never stood up after being pierced through the heart."

[The side mission has been completed, with a completion rate of 130%. Obtained 2000 assassin experience points, 150 reputation of Dawn Sect, and +60 reputation of all neutral organizations except Tianzhu Mountain]

"I understand." Xia Lian stood up after being silent for a long time, gestured to Taylor who was standing not far away, and then turned back to Yuying and asked: "Hover City has been sealed off, but we will Escort the surviving townspeople to Mida City, do you want to join us? We are short of scouts."

Yu Ying stretched, sat up, shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll just treat you as a favor."

five minutes later

"The specific situation is probably like this. Taylor led 30 people to escort the civilians of Bunis Town forward slowly." Xia Lian stood in front of the 480 holy knights who had lined up neatly, and slammed her heavy cross on the ground. : "The rest follow me."

Mo Tan frowned and sat on Xiao Bai's back, sorting out the information Xia Lian had just told everyone.

Infected people who are as inhuman as zombies and only know how to attack indiscriminately...

His habits are unknown, his causes are unknown, he has no obvious weaknesses, and although he is not strong, his strength and speed are far beyond those of ordinary people...

The situation that was gradually being brought under control became turbulent again.

Is it another alienation of the plague? Is it the Dark Goddess's secret revenge?

Or is it something new?

Mo Tan didn't know this clearly, but at least he understood one thing...

[The city of Meda, surrounded by plague-infected people, is very dangerous! ! 】

Chapter 182: End

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