Quadruple split

Chapter 184 Rushing to Rescue

The preparations were carried out very quickly. In less than fifteen minutes, 480 paladins had already gathered in front of the chapel. These pious and serious warriors had all left the Light together with Xia Lian not long ago. Although the elites who all go here are from different sects, they will not be separated at all under the premise of having a god's favored person as the supreme commander. The differences in beliefs will make this team more comprehensive and combat effective. It is even slightly stronger than a force of the same size composed entirely of a single sect.

In view of the fact that there are also many low- and middle-level priests or priests of various sects in Mida City, there are no other clergy following this trip except the four priests Xia Lian, Yu Chen, Mo Tan and Furman. There are exactly 484 people in the team. Except for Xia Lian who has not yet finished praying, the rest are all ready to go.

"You don't have to hide in the prayer room to eat if you haven't finished breakfast." Yu Chen leaned next to a carriage with the sacred glory of the Dawn Sect on it, and whispered to Mo Tan beside him: "Sister Saint is really... …”

She didn't think Xia Lian's behavior of carrying half a catty of steamed buns into the prayer room was very shameful, but she just felt embarrassed that so many people were waiting here.

"Actually, twenty minutes should be enough for her to finish breakfast." Mo Tan glanced at the orderly formation of knights not far away, which was as neat as a military parade, and shrugged: "It's just that these holy knights gathered a little too fast. "

Yuchen nodded slightly, then raised his little head and stared at the sky for a while, then sighed faintly: "It has been sunny here since yesterday."

Mo Tan subconsciously looked up and found that the sky in Hofer City was indeed sunny. Occasionally, there were a few "Black Brahma" birdsong that he had not heard for a long time, echoing under the blue sky. Such a peaceful and peaceful scene had not appeared in Mi for a long time. The land in Shah County is even more precious when compared with the gloomy and gray sky in the distance.

The world is like this. Only when everything goes bad, the scenery and daily life that are always ignored by people will become lovely. And when the peaceful life lasts for a long time, people will complain about why there are too many things. Always the same.

Of course, we never wanted to make everything worse, but most of the 'changes' often do not bring good things. After all, the probability of Sister Lin falling from the sky is smaller than being hit by a meteorite. too much.

Hofer City, which has become a place blessed by gods, is undoubtedly lucky, but in most cases, a ray of light in the darkness will only make other places appear darker.

"Thinking about Mida City?" Mo Tan blinked at Yuchen. He didn't know how to read minds. He just had the same thoughts as the other person when he looked up at the sky.

Yuchen glanced at him in surprise and smiled softly: "A little bit."

"Be open-minded. After all, no one can save everyone. This principle applies everywhere, so just do your best." Mo Tan made a face, spread his hands and said, "Anyway, I tried my best. Curse the bunch of costumers who worked at Versailles in the fifteenth century, none of them were good!”

Yuchen tilted his head curiously: "Why?"

"Because they are the ones who are suspected of inventing high heels." Mo Tan rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Pfft~ Ha, hahaha, stop talking, classmate Mo Tan, I have already forgotten~" The girl immediately thought of the scene where someone transformed into a cross-dressing boss yesterday, and couldn't help but laugh out loud. The unfounded haze has also dissipated a lot.

Seeing that Yuchen's mood had improved, Mo Tan quickly changed the topic: "Well, what about the brother named Gaheres before? I remember that he is your follower, so I won't follow you this time. Are you leaving?"

"Wenqiu is sick, so I asked him to stay and take care of the child." Yuchen shook his head and said softly: "The manpower is tight now. This time we have to take away most of the paladins and the remaining clergy. Not only do we need to maintain order, but we also need to appease the people, so I asked Gaheres to stay, and Wenqiu seems to like him very much."

Mo Tan scratched his cheek: "I wonder if Qiu is a player, what does it mean to be sick?"

Then Yuchen told him what happened after Mo Tan went offline yesterday, and thoughtfully omitted the details of Xia Lian hanging him on the cross and taking him back.

"I probably understand." Mo Tan nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and then suddenly asked after a long silence: "Is Gaheres a player or an NPC?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, and then whispered uncertainly: "It should be an NPC. After all, if he is a player, he shouldn't pay so much attention to the status of 'saint', but he is really pious, huh , but I didn’t ask specifically, so I can’t be sure.”

"I am also leaning towards the NPC guess." Mo Tan nodded, and then analyzed casually: "You just mentioned that Wen Qiu fainted in front of him once. I feel that this situation is a bit like being disconnected. Under this premise , it would make sense if Gaheres was an NPC, otherwise it would be a bit strange for players to be unconscious in the game for no reason, but there are still many doubts in it. For example, Wen Qiu said, "I am used to dozens of places." Pain, etc., I always feel that something is not right..."

Yu Chen smiled: "Classmate Mo Tan is a very serious person."

"Really?" Mo Tan scratched his hair in embarrassment and said with a smile: "I think I'm quite careless."

The girl stretched out her index finger and shook it gently: "No, I don't think most people would think of it so much, and even if they did, they wouldn't care much~"

"Maybe it's because I'm in the late stage of my secondary disease and have been taught to play the Realm of Innocence as a simple game." Mo Tan was silent for a while, and then took out four dog tags from his bag with a rather expression on his face. He smiled complicatedly and said, "Although it's all false in theory, I still feel like I've experienced a lot of incredible things."

Although Mo Tan is not a sentimental person in most situations, at least now he still has trouble letting go of certain things.

"Boys with stories are really handsome."

Yu Chen suddenly said this sentence.

Mo Tan turned his head stiffly: "Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, I'm kidding." The girl smiled, and then whispered: "But it's hard for me to regard this as a pure game world now. Maybe it was just 'playing' before, but since I came It’s hard to think like that after moving to Misha County.”

Mo Tan nodded: "I can understand."

"Then Mo Tan is not a chuunibyou." Yu Chen said seriously.

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "So?"

Yuchen thought for a while: "So he is indeed a very serious person~"

"Well, it's better to be a serious person than a nice person..."

"He's a good person too!"


"Just kidding."

"Not counting friend messages, you joke more and more."

"Well, is there any?"

"You can have this."

Five minutes later, Xia Lian, who had finished eating, appeared in the chapel square and announced her immediate departure.

"Although it is indeed a bit crowded, are you sure you don't want to ride with us?" Xia Lian frowned and asked Mo Tan: "Even if they are all in the north of the county, it is not close to Mida City. Everyone is One with a horse.”

Priest Furman immediately said: "I can run!"

"No need, I have a mount too." Mo Tan shook his head quickly, then blew the wolf whistle, and a few seconds later, Xiao Bai's figure emerged from the corner behind the chapel.

If Xiaobai is summoned in front of the NPC, then she will spring out of a certain place in a reasonable way instead of appearing out of thin air. This is something Mo Tan has experimented with implicitly before.

Xia Lian was confused at that time: "When did you get your mount ready?"

"I did a small favor to the chief of the Fire Claw Territory in the Violet Empire before." Mo Tan smiled, then turned to Yu Chen and winked: "I just came here as a white belt to ask Qiu, right? ?”

The latter nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, yes."

"Really? Why don't I remember seeing this wolf before?" Xia Lian glanced at Xiao Bai suspiciously, but didn't go into details. She just patted Mo Tan on the shoulder and said, "Okay, then you Take your time and don't collapse in the middle of the journey because you are weak or something."

Then he dragged Yuchen into the car.

Priest Furman hesitated for a moment, then quietly stuffed a bottle of potion into Mo Tan, and whispered: "It takes a lot of energy to travel. If you really don't want to be embarrassed in front of His Highness Wangyu, just take a sip of this."

Then he also got in the car.

Mo Tan lowered his head and looked...

【Pride of the Lion King Potion】

Quality: Excellent

Category: Consumables

Use: Restores 30% of your maximum physical energy within ten seconds. It cannot be stacked with other consumables with the same effect. It cannot be used again within sixty minutes after drinking.

[Note: Fatigue, sometimes after overexertion, feeling that your physical energy is exhausted? Want to make up for your overdraft? Please look for the Lion King’s Pride Potion, it’s good for you, and it’s good for you! 】

"Good for you sister!" Mo Tan raised the potion in his hand angrily, and then put it into his bag in the next second. He turned over with a sullen expression and let out a very realistic sigh: "Oh, for practicality's sake For the sake of..."

After all, he is now a 'Hei Fan' instead of a 'Tan Mo', and does not have a huge amount of money to squander, so after all, he is not willing to throw away such a good thing that can replenish physical energy.

A minute later, he rode Xiaobai and left the city of Hofer in parallel with the carriage, and galloped toward Mida City in the west with 480 paladins.

Game time AM11:27

A cold notification sounded in Yuying's ears...

[The number of survivors -1, the current number of survivors is 72]

"I'm not blind, I can see!" the girl complained angrily, and then panting, she held up the scimitar and rushed towards a 'mutant' not far away. For just a second, the clothes The ragged monster actually bit off half the head of Captain Hansen, who was the last survivor of the former Bunis Town Guards.

Of course, now he has become the last dead member of the Guards...

Yuying couldn't save the blond uncle who had the courage to break up with her. Her current health value was only 43%, and her physical strength and acuity were less than 20%. Although she still had a few bottles of healing potion, due to the short time After repeated use, its effect has diminished to an almost non-existent level, and the stingers and crossbow arrows in her bag have been completely used up, which means that she has completely lost the ability to attack from a distance.

If it hadn't been for Captain Hansen's desperate cover just now, Yuying, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, wouldn't even have been able to escape...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Annoying howls came from all directions, and Yuying's footsteps were delayed. The wrong attack she just made didn't break through the opponent's defense. In other words, even though she broke through the defense, she was stuck in the shriveled body of the monster. In stiff muscles.

A total of six 'mutants' staggered towards her like zombies, but their speed was not slow at all. In an instant, they had sealed all the gaps that Yuying could use to break through and dodge.

[Those townspeople are not out of the range of perception of these things. There are three monsters with broken legs behind them. It should not be easy to chase them. In other words, as long as these six are eliminated...]

Yu Ying quickly made some calculations in her heart, and in the next second she let go of the stuck scimitar, reached out and took out a long dagger from her bag, and at the same time jumped up suddenly, dodging several Withered hands coming through the sky.

"If this trick doesn't work, there's nothing I can do!" She gritted her teeth, and her whole body suddenly stood strangely still in mid-air for a second.


Cunning active skills

Mastery requirements: Cunning school level 7, dexterity 20

Consumption/limitation: 50% of the current acuity value, 50% of the current physical fitness value, more than 1 meter above the ground

Effect: Stay in the air for 1 second, and increase the damage of your next cunning active skill by 100%, with a cooldown of 120 minutes.

[Note: A sand sculpture once knocked me to the sky, and then he died. 】

Yuying used the airborne effect for only one second to avoid the subconscious scratches of those monsters, and in the next moment, he appeared behind one of the monsters that the system called a 'mutant' without any warning.


Two blurry shadows passed by, and a ferocious head rose into the sky, accompanied by pouring black blood.


The hearts of the two mutants were penetrated at the same time, and they staggered to the ground. They roared and waved their arms vigorously, but only caught half of the red scarf.



Two slender arms appeared on the side of a mutant's neck without any warning, and then effortlessly twisted it 720 degrees. The daggers and scimitars that slowly fell in mid-air disappeared at the same time as their owners before they even hit the ground. ,Then……


A flash of bright red blood penetrated the last two mutants and divided them into two parts.

And Yu Ying, who suddenly appeared in the center of the four monsters, had a bloody mouth open on his hands at the same time. His arms drooped down, and he fell straight to the ground in the next second.

"We've used up all our trump cards, and now there's only one last move left..." She smiled bitterly, resisting the disgusting smell around her and turned over, struggling to raise her hands and put them on her hands. mouth, took a deep breath, and then...

"Is there anyone? Help!!!!"

Chapter 181: End

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