Quadruple split

Chapter 1845 Snake Cat Raccoon

"Only three wins..."

Mu Xuejian looked at Mo Tan with a frown after finishing his 'entering trance'. After being silent for a long time, he asked with a complicated expression: "How did you do it?"

The latter happily patted his chest and said proudly: "Strong will and unparalleled wisdom."

"So what you're saying is that you have major flaws in your will and wisdom?"

Because she was dissatisfied with the weak performance of the leader of her own underground organization, Ms. Ace of Spades, who was less likely to target Mo Tan compared to Futaba, also complained sharply.

Mo Tan grinned and said noncommittally, "Maybe that's true."

"You know, this idiot is letting himself go because he is sure that he can advance no matter how rough the audition is."

Futaba interjected lazily and kicked Mo Tan angrily: "With this record, you should have checked all the items in the game rules, including some that normal people can't find. , which is not mentioned in the text.”

Mo Tan shrugged and said nonchalantly: "More or less, but they are all things that may help a salted fish like me go further, but they may not be of much use to thick thighs like you." value."

"My legs are not thick."

Mu Xuejian retorted, but the aggression in her tone had disappeared. It was obvious that Futaba's explanation for Mo Tan just now was very helpful to her, and she thought that this behavior was in line with the personality of the leader of her own underground organization. By the way, I also imagined several cool plots in which Mo Tan pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

"Whether it's thick or not, I still have to hold it before... Oops."

Motan, who had his instep stepped hard by Futaba, feigned a scream, then coughed slightly and said sarcastically: "It's already eleven o'clock, so if there's no problem, let's start the queue, right? Although at most We can play three games, but for our team, one game is enough.”

Mu Xuejian nodded first, and then asked: "Are you sure you don't need to play a few more games to get familiar with it?"

"No need. Although there are some differences between [Inquisition of Crime Debate] and [Inquisition of Crime Simulation Battle], it is not to the extent that we need to adapt again."

Mo Tan immediately rejected the proposal and said calmly: "Don't forget, aside from me as a parallel importer, even for the two of you, the probability of getting the top three or even the championship among individuals is too small, but we The team is quite competitive in team battles. In this case, if you want to charge for the championship, you must not provide too much information to potential opponents in the early stage. In other words, it is the game record left behind. The less the better, the more you fight, the greater the possibility of others noticing, and the greater the possibility of encountering a strong enemy and leaving a deep impression on the opponent. Don’t forget that this game is all about indiscriminate matching. It may not be impossible to meet opponents in the later stage of the knockout stage in the audition.”


Mu Xuejian nodded slightly. She actually understood this quite a bit. After all, she was the one who had just killed Rebecca Hopkins in a personal battle.

three minutes later

Game time AM11:08

[About to enter the [Crime Simulation Battle-Audition] sequence]

[Please register the team name——]

"Harlequin card."

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"you guess?"

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"System-chan, you still don't understand me~"

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