Quadruple split

Chapter 1844 Interlude

Chapter 1844 Interlude·Departure

"What's that look in your face?"

Mo Tan showed a smile that was four parts uninhibited, three parts cold and two parts contemptuous, and a few careless smiles. He glanced coolly at the dumbfounded Futaba: "Are you scared?"

The latter took a while to recover, and then cast a look that was four parts scary, three parts painful, two parts disdain, and a little bit nauseating to the proud man in front of him, and said sincerely: "No, that's not the case. It almost scared me to the point of peeing.”

"Give up. I've tried it before. I can't urinate at all in the game. If I push too hard, it's easy to be ejected by the system. It's no fun at all."

Mo Tan complained dissatisfiedly, lazily pressed the temples of the girl lying on his lap, and asked nonchalantly: "Where are you and Mu Xuejian? How's the record?"

Futaba shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Neither of us has been on the popular broadcast in the public space."


Mo Tan immediately understood and nodded without continuing to ask.

After all, anyone who has carefully read the hundreds of thousands of words of the [Hyperlink] [Hyperlink] knows very well that in the auditions, when two contestants with enough weight are assigned together, there will be There is a high probability that the system will be included in the "Focus Battle" sequence, and both parties will be notified during the preparation time. Specifically, they will be asked if they want to be on TV. If both parties agree, it will be broadcast live in a public space. The two can also get a considerable amount of 'points' after the game.

These 'points' were actually mentioned before. They are the special currency in [Innocence Realm·Public Space]. They can only be exchanged through real currency and cannot be traded, given or taken to any place outside the public space. Application The field is very wide. Not only can you buy a lot of things at very low prices, but those gadgets are almost indistinguishable from genuine products except that they are not real objects. Some consumables may even be more effective than genuine products because players do not feel full here. .

Including but not limited to various themes and components of private spaces, high-definition copyrighted works without advertising, comics, magazines, drinks, cigarettes, etc. No one knows how many licenses [Innocent Company] has in its hands. Anyway, just from this Judging from the sales revenue in the past six months except for the [Game Cabin], the 'Points' project, which accounts for 80% of the company's total profits, is definitely a great success, but I don't know if it has paid back.

The reason why I say this is mainly because the licensing fees for many things in the mall will be very expensive just thinking about it, such as cola and instant noodles among consumables; such as home game consoles, movies, comics, dramas, and reading materials among entertainment products ; For example, a large amount of music used as BGM in private spaces; such as star jerseys or brand linkages in paid appearances, these add up to an absolutely astronomical number.

In this era where copyright awareness is very high, if [Innocence Bound] dares to use any elements that have not been authorized by the creator, given its popularity, I am afraid that in less than an hour, countless lawyer letters will fall from the sky like snowflakes. Well, in fact, a profession that specializes in finding infringing content in major virtual reality products has gradually emerged, and you can earn a lot of money for not doing much. It has been quite popular in recent years.

Of course, these are not things that Mo Tan and Futaba need to worry about. They have already guessed that this game is not simple. They have stopped trying to attack [Innocent Company] as 'Black Sun'. Neither of them are fools. I had already had a vague feeling in my heart that if I went too far, my water meter might be checked the next day. In this situation where the company has a close relationship with the government, I wisely chose to have fun with those private companies, foreign companies or shady companies. .

And the reason why they pay so much attention to the 'hot broadcast' has little to do with the points. After all, if the two of them really want to make money, they will definitely not be wronged anyway. So in the final analysis, these two guys are just showing off.

Although Motan and Futaba are respectively seriously mentally ill and serious social terrorists in reality. Simply put, they don’t like to appear in public, but in [Innocence Boundary] they have gone to the other extreme, even if they are both a certain person. The person in charge of an underground charity organization, who changes his waistcoat so frequently that he barely reveals his true identity, and who never stops causing trouble in the City of Miracles, far away from the world.

There is no need to mention Mo Tan, everyone knows this guy's ability to cause trouble and look for trouble.

As for Futaba, even though she has stayed in the City of Miracles for most of the past few months, she has not restrained herself because she is surrounded by senior technical geeks. On the contrary, at this moment, she has already relied on several articles The shocking papers have become the favorites in the eyes of uncles, aunts, uncles and aunts. Up to now, she has been invited to participate in more than 30 large-scale projects, and there are countless medium-sized projects, and those funds or institutions It was a small project with a limited quantity, and she was too embarrassed to even send an invitation.

One theory is that Diana’s brother, [Sage of the Mist Moon] Kenneth A. Achizolti, announced that he was Futaba’s sponsor when she first entered the City of Miracles. Otherwise, those I am afraid that talented tech geeks have already started fighting over this girl with a promising future and a huge brain.

Of course, despite spending most of her time in Kenneth's mage tower, Futaba did not refuse all the olive branches. In fact, she has accepted as many as eleven projects, three of which are even promoted on a yearly basis. Long-term research, not only that, Futaba did not simply "name" in any research. Although she rarely appeared in the project, she has been steadily contributing her smart mind and fantastic ideas, even if there are many It may not directly promote the project itself, but it can broaden the horizons of colleagues, which can be said to be very welcome.

And we all know that although Futaba is very capable, she is definitely not the kind of person who likes to pursue the truth, benefit the world through her own research, and promote the progress of the times. In fact, she is very similar to Mo Tan who has a chaotic neutral personality. They are similar. They are all extremely egoistic. Naturally, it is impossible to pretend to be good in front of a bunch of old-timers without getting any benefits.

As for what Futaba wanted, Mo Tan could come up with the answer without even turning his head - connections.

Compared with the latter's mixed and chaotic wide social circle since entering the trap, Futaba has taken a completely sophisticated route, and its target group is still the most influential Miracle City in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that , if you only look at the average strength, with the Mage Guild cut off, the level of Miracle City is definitely one of the best even in the entire continent, and the difficulty of getting into the eyes of these people is naturally ridiculously high. .

In short, although Motan and Futaba under the chaotic neutral personality are the same kind of people, they are two extremes in terms of game routes, and the [Harlequin Card] is a subtle balance point that allows both of them to exert their strength at the same time. .

Mo Tan is not a philanthropist either. His willingness to give up the ace status that symbolizes the highest status of the Harlequin Card Theory to Futaba Half naturally has his considerations, and one of the core of this consideration is that Futaba can effectively serve this too grassroots. The organization needs to get some fresh blood with a higher style.

To give an example, the [Harlequin Card] needs more members from the superstructure, such as Evie Lehman or Lian Yuanrui, whom Mo Tan unexpectedly gained, otherwise it will be difficult to expand its influence in a short period of time. to a satisfactory level.

And this task is just right for Futaba, because she happens to be at that level. Although she can't see it now, when she leaves the City of Miracles, the connections gathered in her will soon be able to Play a very powerful role.

Not to mention anything else, the major families, forces, organizations, and chambers of commerce that are qualified to associate with the Archizolti family are all elites. Just based on Futaba's relationship with Diana and Kenneth, those Who among the children of a wealthy family would not give her face? And among those talents who give her face, if there are one or two who can enter the [Harlequin Card], it will have a huge positive effect on this organization.

This is a necessity!

For a top-heavy organization that is unwilling to go through a transition period and a settling period, it is necessary to increase its foundation by absorbing new members with foundation, otherwise...

"I can't afford it."

Mo Tan sighed, looked up at the beautiful white-haired girl who was meditating in the middle of the school ground in the distance, and whispered to Shuangye: "Let's talk about our girl Mu, you don't know how outrageous this girl's request is, I The girl in charge of coordination is almost dying of worry..."

Futaba frowned and asked in a low voice: "Aren't we worried about money? Why can't we support it?"

"Is that a matter of money..."

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The eldest lady wants resources, sparring partners, and various channels to improve her swordsmanship. I can see that, she was used by me back then. The pocket money was smuggled into the organization simply because the material desires of our ancestors were not satisfied. Now that we are better, we have grown up, and we have begun to pursue those abstract things."

Futaba shrugged and said in a brisk tone: "I don't care anyway. You are responsible for the people you cheated into, and I am responsible for the people I recruited."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "I'm warning you, woman, if you keep acting like this, I will..."

"Oh, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I know what's going on."

Shuangye raised her little hand and pinched Mo Tan's face, and said with a smile: "I've been preparing for the [criminal debate] recently. When we finish this period, I will definitely find a few good ones for you. Come in, be a good boy."

Mo Tan sighed silently, then continued to massage Futaba's temples, and casually changed the subject: "So you two have won every ten battles, and you haven't met even half a master?"

"I definitely haven't encountered them. Every one of them is worse than you."

Shuangye yawned, then closed his eyes lazily, and said hummingly: "But Mu Xuejian met a professional. Although she was killed by her in just a few moves, her gold content was still quite high. Enough."

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "I was killed in a few moves. Is it still valuable enough?"

"You can't say that. After all, they are also heroines on the home page like us."

Futaba shook her head, patted Mo Tan's arm to signal him to increase the strength, and then breathed a contented sigh of relief after Mo Tan increased the massage strength, and then gently spit out a name: "Rebbe Hopkins" .”

Mo Tan was stunned immediately and reacted for several seconds before saying in shock: "Who!?"

"Rebbe Hopkins, the girl who was ranked 19th on the personal list before it was closed."

Shuangye pinched Mo Tan's thigh, and after the latter continued to hold her head up, she said leisurely: "I heard Mu Xuejian give a brief description, and it was confirmed that she is the number one in the United States that we had guessed before. Professional female gamer, Rebecca Hopkins.”

Mo Tan immediately smacked his lips when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth curved into a playful arc: "That's really... fate."

"Who says it isn't?"

Futaba also showed the same smile and said happily: "In short, the good news is that the foreign girl is deeply impressed by our Mu Xuejian. This way, I will have no shortage of entry points when I go to communicate with her. As for the bad news, ...Well, the 'impression' Mu Mu left on her was a bit scary, as if she was being treated for autism."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and analyzed very objectively: "There is nothing wrong with her. After all, she is the strongest female gamer in the United States. After being eliminated by our domestic middle school girl with a few tricks, anyone who is not heartless will be relieved. close."

"Actually, her strength is not weak, at least Mu Mu thinks she is not weak."

Futaba raised her hand to fiddle with Mo Tan's bangs and said casually: "It's a pity that Rebecca's weapons are double swords. As you know, anyone who uses swords will basically be like a sword before the beginning. If she loses half of the battle, if she changes her weapon, she might be able to have a back-and-forth fight with Mu Mu, and no matter what, she won't be killed as soon as she forces out the sword in her left hand."

Mo Tan said 'hmm' indifferently and said casually: "It's a good thing anyway. You should find time to get in touch with him in the past two days. Don't wait until after the game is over, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"I know~ I know~"

"Well, by the way, are you a little different from usual today?"

"Have it?"

"Yes, I feel weak. If I didn't know, I thought your aunt was here."

"What a coincidence, I am really my aunt here. Well, or maybe she hasn't left. If nothing else happens, today should be the last day."

"Good guy, do you really have this ability?"

"Yes, although I don't really want it."

"Well, my condolences anyway."

"That's it? Will everything be fine with just one sentence?"

"if not?"

"Help this beautiful girl solve her problems."

"more specific."

"Can you let me paddle in the group battle later?"

"How to row?"

"Lie flat and paddle~"

"Okay, let's line up now."


Chapter 1835: End

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