Quadruple split

Chapter 1823 Sacrificing a City

【All finished! 】

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Epic

Content: Before the main mission is completed, work with your comrades to achieve complete victory in this clearing mission. This mission will only be settled when the completion reaches or exceeds 100%. Any regular target that leaves [Pato City] will be causing the task to fail.

Success reward: highest level career level +2, epic quality random weapon that matches current strength and occupation*1, epic quality random armor that matches current strength and occupation*1, epic quality random consumable that matches current strength*1, Obtain the buff effect [High-spirited III], which lasts for three hours of game time or the end of the game. During this period, all basic attributes are increased by 30%.

Additional rewards:? ? ?

Failure penalty: None

[Note: This is an ill-fated city, and you have the opportunity to be a part of its redemption. 】

【Eliminating evil】

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Legend

Content: Annihilate all regular targets and five special hostile entities in the target area. If any of the above units leaves [Pato City], the mission will fail.

Success reward: Special mission [completed! ]’s rewards are doubled, and the legendary level quest chain [? ? ? 】The first ring - [Walking Corpse], the epic level professional mission [Undertaker], obtain the buff effect [Shura IV], which lasts for one hour of game time or the end of the game, during which all basic attributes are increased by 50%, and the skill cooldown time is It is shortened by 40% and the critical hit damage is increased by 40%.

Failure penalty: None

[Note: Kill them all! All must die! ! ! 】

While hunkering down on his horse and driving away, Kevin, who was distractedly looking at the task bar, laughed twice, and finally let out a long sigh. The reward was very tempting, but looking at it horizontally or vertically, it had nothing to do with him. Large task panel.

This special task did not surprise him. In fact, in Kevin's previous three auditions, he had also received similar limited tasks of [Inquisition and Debate] and completed two of them. Because of this, he has a relatively objective understanding of this thing.

To sum up, if your ability is 50, then in most cases, the difficulty of a task with [ordinary] quality is 25-30, [excellent] difficulty is 35-60, and [exquisite] difficulty is 50-70 , and although he has never seen [Epic] level special missions, there must be 70-100 if nothing unexpected happens.

As for the legend...Kevin hadn't even thought about it.

To sum up, Kevin gave up the idea of ​​doing [Eliminate Evil] as soon as he received these two special tasks. He only took a look at the panel just to satisfy his eyesight by taking a look at the reward content. There was no need at all. Wanting to challenge him, he felt that if everything developed according to the normal process, the five so-called 'special hostile existences' would most likely have the strength to kill him with just a fart, and the realm of innocence One of the most unreasonable things about this game is that it can really make tasks that are tantamount to fantasy and stuff them for you, as if you can possibly complete them.

In short, Kevin, who has a clear self-awareness, has no intention of having anything to do with that legendary mission.


There is a saying, that one is called [All ends! 】The epic quality mission really made him a little tempted.

Compared with the legendary mission that was tantamount to death, Kevin felt that although this mission was a bit difficult, it was still within the scope of common sense and it was not completely impossible for him to complete it.

And his confidence is not groundless. In fact, Kevin actually knows a lot about the so-called [regular targets] that need to be annihilated in the mission description, because when the captain gave the mission for the last time before departure, he already understood What did my group of people come here to do?

To put it simply, in a place called Pato City not far away, there is a group of evil beings. Those people used to be believers of the Blood God, but they went astray in the process of following the footsteps of the god. , it became an existence that even the Blood God Sect on the 'chaotic' side could not tolerate, and issued a pursuit order.

It is true that the relationship between the United Holy Church and those sects that are too 'chaotic', 'evil' or too 'neutral' is relatively general, and can even be said to be rigid. Among them are the [Dawn Sect] and [Dark Night Sect]. They are sworn enemies who want to spread the ashes of the immortals across from them, but on the stage, they are both serious believers of gods, and they don't want to beat each other's brains out when they meet (if they meet in secret, they might).

But even so, in principle, the Holy Religion Union will not have any big reaction to the arrest warrants from organizations like the [Blood God Sect], let alone cooperate with them to arrest those prisoners who have nothing to do with them. but--

This group of seriously misguided Blood God believers are no longer as simple as 'apostates' who simply oppose the sect. To put it bluntly, their existence is no different from what Kevin understands as [terrorists].

"Terrorists" outside the game are punished by everyone. They are the enemies of all countries and even civilizations. Naturally, "terrorists" in the game are not exempt from this. Therefore, after the Blood God Sect made things clear, the Holy Religion united with the surrounding Several forces are already in a state of "helping even if they want to help, and helping even if they don't want to help". Compared with those forces that are committed to protecting themselves, the Holy Religion Alliance is still very resolute in the face of such big issues of right and wrong.

And Kevin's team is the complete embodiment of the "vigorous and resolute action" of the Holy Religion Alliance.

Although like all organizations, forces, and institutions, all kinds of dark things inevitably breed within the United Holy Church, but what we have to admit is that they are indeed representatives of the 'lawful' and 'good' side. .

"Let us carry out punishment on God's behalf and give judgment to those heretics."

After saying this, the captain with an upright Chinese character face took the lead in getting on his horse, swaying the reins and galloping out, leading everyone to start rushing towards the destination.

According to the information given by the tribunal, in the past month, the blood god believers, which numbered about a hundred people and looked like terrorists, had gradually infiltrated into the city. Although they had been They have always behaved themselves and look no different from normal people at first glance, but if the news is reliable, they will hold a huge blood sacrifice at ten o'clock at noon tomorrow.

"They drained an entire city of people and donated blood just to please their scarlet-loving god..."

A horse galloped beside Kevin. Although his face could not be seen because of the mask, the impartial knight, whose voice was only twenty-three or four at most, tightened his reins and roared in a low voice, not high-pitched: " These damn beasts."

Kevin sighed silently and said in a voice that was not too high: "But the problem is that they are probably just wishful thinking. I have read records about the Blood God Sect before, and it clearly states that their teachings The most core one is to 'turn the blood of the wicked into nectar to quench the thirst of God'."

"I understand that the emphasis in this sentence is 'evil people' rather than 'blood'. I also know that if the nature of the Blood God Sect is really that cruel, even if they believe in the true God, the Holy Religion must have long ago ruled them as heretics. .”

The knight of justice next to him said this in an angry voice, gritting his teeth and said: "But you have to admit that this kind of ambiguous doctrine can easily breed madmen and paranoia."

Kevin twitched his lips and nodded: "Yes, otherwise everyone wouldn't have to work so hard."

"Sigh, I already regret applying to join this army that specializes in wiping butts, and may not be wiping my own family's butts."

The young man on the horse next to him sighed heavily, and then extended his right fist to Kevin: "My name is Tychus, Tychus Folsom, the squire knight of the Justice Sect."

"Kevin De Bruyne."

After casually announcing the name of his father's favorite player, Kevin gently punched the young man next to him named Tychus: "A high-level paladin of the Dawn Sect."

Tychus smacked his lips and said with some envy: "That's great. I am also a high-level person like you, but I have never been able to pass the test to become a full-timer."

"Maybe it's because my mentor is more prestigious. It's quite easy for me to change from a follower knight to a full-time paladin."

Kevin smiled slightly, and obviously didn't mind chatting with this friend who had a somewhat careless temperament, but felt quite friendly. On the one hand, Tychus made him feel better than the one just now, although he was not annoying, but Ms. Hong Jiu, who has a weird look all over her body, is much better. On the other hand, Kevin, who is very aware that he is in a weak position in this game, hopes to have a good relationship with his partners. If it can be good enough to be able to fight with Mo Huo, It would be better if you consciously rush forward to block the knife.

"I really envy you for having a good mentor."

Tychus, who looked very talkative, sighed and shrugged: "Needless to say, you know the style of our Justice Sect. It's hard enough not to be played to death by those old bastards. If you want to pass the assessment led by them, Even a shameless person like me doesn’t have much confidence.”

Kevin laughed dryly: "I think the old-timers just want to train the young people more..."

"Bah, fuck training. If I'm going to be used as an animal for training by those old ghosts, I might as well run out and train myself, earn enough merits, and then go back and become a full-time employee."

Tychus spat on the ground, shook his head and said, "If I were as lucky as you and could find a good mentor to protect me, I wouldn't have to suffer in a place like this."

Kevin just smiled decently and didn't say anything, "Actually, I'm not that lucky" to show his modesty, because he was indeed lucky, so at this time, he just had to frankly accept the envy of others, and say no more. Everything is pretentious.

"Hey! By the way..."

And Tychus did not continue to talk about the topic just now, but lowered his voice and asked with a wicked smile: "What is the situation between you and the young lady from the tribunal?"

Kevin was immediately stunned and said in astonishment: "Did you see it?"

"I saw it accidentally."

Tychus admitted it frankly and asked happily: "So what is your situation? I have heard of people falling in love with girls from their own court, and I have also heard of people falling in love with girls from other people's courts. Yes, but falling in love with a girl from the Grand Inquisition... Gee, this is really the first time I’ve seen it.”

Because not only is this not the real world, it is not even the serious [World of Innocence]. Kevin has nothing to mind and just replied calmly: "You misunderstood. She and I just met today. So you are willing to chat with me, maybe it’s just because it’s my first mission and I seem a little nervous.”

"Oh, that young lady is really gentle."

Tychus smacked his lips and sighed: "It's so irritating to compare people to each other. Why haven't I seen this kind of thing before... Hey, it seems we are here!"

Kevin immediately raised his head. Soon, after everyone quietly completed a climb, a city that, although not brightly lit, was still very 'dazzling' under the night, was quietly sitting in the sky. not far away.

【quietly? 】

Kevin suddenly frowned, and almost at the same time, the just knight named Tychus stood upright and whispered softly: "Something's wrong."

"Something's wrong!"

The next second, the captain's serious voice came from not far ahead: "Everyone, speed up, something happened in the city, those damn heretics have already taken action!"

In the next few minutes, under the leadership of the captain, more than a hundred people, including Kevin, gave up their covert maneuvers and launched an attack on the city that seemed to be normal but made no sound. They started charging, and behind them, the almost invisible black shadows suddenly accelerated, passing through the air without anyone noticing, and shooting out like crossbow arrows.

a moment later

"The guard guarding the gate is gone, and there are no signs of fighting around."

The captain with an angular face tightened the reins, briefly observed the surroundings and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone, take out the map and conduct an investigation in groups of ten based on your current position in the team. Each team is responsible for I have marked the area for you in advance. Please note that a communication magic circle must be set up before in-depth inspection. Once in danger, immediately call for reinforcements through fireworks or magic circle. The guerrillas led by me will arrive as soon as possible. , now, act!”

After saying that, he and a few people around him rode into the city, and the others gathered with their partners according to their positions in the team, and entered the city one after another to prepare for the search.

But Tychus, who was originally supposed to be put into the previous group, dragged a certain knight of justice and said something, then rode his horse to Kevin's side, blinked and said: "I told my buddies from the same sect. Now, it’s your group."

"Ah? Why?"

"Because I think your friend who works at the Grand Inquisition may always pay attention to you, so the safety factor must not be low if I follow you."

"You are thinking too much..."

"Haha, even if you think too much, there is nothing to lose, right?"

"That's right, let's go, everyone is already going in."

"Well, let's walk."

Chapter 1814: End

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