Quadruple split

Chapter 1822 Red Nine

【? ! ? ! 】

Although out of politeness and fear, Kevin did not show too much shock on the surface, but his thoughts seemed to be overwhelming at this moment, and goosebumps were all over his back.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the woman in front of him looks weird from her voice to her appearance to her dress, so even if Kevin knows very well that the NPC cannot do the "kiss" thing to a player of the opposite sex with a normal sexual orientation. Despite this behavior, he still felt his stomach twitching heavily, as if he was suddenly clenched by a cold hand.

In fact, although this woman who calls herself "Red Nine" exudes a strange aura, she is not ugly. Although there is no hair on her head under the hood, even though her eyes are sewn together with silk threads, Her skin color is frighteningly white, but her facial features are all above average. Even when combined together, they are above average. Not only are they not ugly, they are even quite attractive.

Kevin could imagine that if she could open her eyes, if she had hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows, and if her face were more rosy, she would immediately become a woman with beautiful eyebrows, even if not stunning. 'woman.

In fact, in many horror-themed film and television works, the female actors who play Piao are generally very eye-catching, and the reason why people are afraid of them is mainly because of their weird makeup and explosive sound effects.

At this moment, although Hong Jiu's image can basically be equated to the makeup of the Apiaos in ghost movies, given that there is no weird stereo BGM around to enhance the atmosphere, Hong Jiu's own voice is considered soft, so even if Kevin's courage It’s not too big, and it’s not like I’ll lose my composure again.

Especially when he has vaguely guessed the identity of the other party——

"Ms. Hongjiu, are you... a member of the Grand Inquisition?"

Kevin did not answer the other person's question just now about whether he could 'tweet' himself, but asked in the calmest and most natural manner possible.

Hong Jiu, who noticed that Kevin did not show any obvious resistance, nodded happily and said, "Yes! I am the walking corpse priest of the Grand Inquisition! Can I kiss you?"

"Okay...Walking Corpse Priest..."

Kevin awkwardly repeated a term that didn't feel positive. In order to prevent the other party from temporarily forgetting the idea of ​​kissing him, he quickly interrupted: "Well, this is my first time with a partner from the Grand Inquisition. When talking, I always... always feel that you are working very hard."

Hong Jiu tilted her head and asked curiously: "Don't you want me to kiss you?"


Seeing that Kevin still couldn't escape the topic, he could only nod and say in a way that wouldn't hurt the other person's feelings: "That's right, because I'm relatively shy, um, relatively shy."

"Oh! Oh too..."

Hong Jiu nodded, then removed the cold little hand on Kevin's shoulder, hugged his knees and sat next to the latter, resting his head on the latter's shoulder: "Is this okay? Will you be shy too?"

Kevin opened his mouth, turned his head stiffly and looked at it for a while. He put his head on his hard shoulder pads, and a faint arc of red was drawn at the corner of his mouth. In the end, he still couldn't say the rejection, but seemed a little bit concerned about this. The woman who lacked common sense nodded and said: "This... is better."

"Well! I don't want to be disliked by you!"

Speaking of some weird grammar, Hongjiu shook his body slightly and said with a smile: "As for whether it's hard work or not, I don't know. After all, I don't know when I will die, so I don't usually do it." I’ll think about that.”

Kevin's expression froze and he said dryly: "It feels... it's a very dangerous job. If something can happen so easily, have you ever considered doing something else, like a nun or something? I heard that besides the sanctuary, there are many There is a serious shortage of nuns and priests in the area."


Hongjiu shook his head and asked after a while: "Kevin, do you like nuns?"

"Well, it's not a matter of whether I like it or not."

Although in principle he was just saying some words to deal with the situation, Kevin still said seriously: "I am willing to apologize if it offended me, but from a personal point of view, I feel that since the mission of the tribunal is so dangerous, , then if possible, why not change to a slightly easier job? If you want to make a contribution to the gods, being a nun, a priest, etc. is actually the same."

Hong Jiu did not answer immediately like she did before, but tightened her red hooded cloak and asked in a hoarse voice whose weirdness was gradually fading: "Are you worried about me?"

"We are all compatriots of the Holy Religion Union... Well, I can't seem to say that. After all, the Inquisition is also an institution of our union."

Kevin scratched his hair and thought for a few seconds before he helplessly spread his hands and said: "Okay, I don't know what to say. In short, I don't want you to die one day like I said before. Right? Maybe I will say this to other members of the tribunal I know, but I only know you now, so I will only tell you."

Hong Jiu nodded as if understanding, and then asked: "Then, if everyone listens to you, wouldn't there be no one to do those tasks?"

"Well, I just think that I may not know a few people like you, Miss Hongjiu, so I dare to talk nonsense here without shame."

Kevin smiled coquettishly, shook his head and said: "To put it bluntly, I don't understand the nature of your work at all. Those words just now are just some layman's opinions that we take for granted. I'm sorry, you should forget those weird words."

But Hong Jiu shook his head: "No, I want to remember."


Kevin, who suddenly felt like a scumbag, didn't know what to say.

"I remember that Kevin cared about me, and I remembered that Kevin liked nuns."

Hong Jiu tilted her head and did not look at the embarrassed Kevin anymore. Instead, she said to herself: "I know what Kevin means, but I'm not the kind of judge who can be a nun. I'm good at it." The Corpse Priest is a person who cannot bathe in divine grace. He is a victim whose soul can only return to the kingdom of God through death. He is a martyr who lays the foundation. Even if his faith is forgotten, even if his faith is forgotten, he must sink the heresy into the tomb. The Undertaker.”

Kevin's pupils suddenly shrank, for no other reason than that the phrase 'even if you forget your faith' is nothing short of rebellious to a clergyman. Once said, it would not be surprising to be judged as apostate. .

"Yes, Kevin..."

Even though he didn't look back, even though his eyes had been sewn shut with silk thread, and even though he had never tried before, Hong Jiu still murmured as if he had seen through the other person's thoughts: "I have forgotten my beliefs, I have forgotten That noble name has forgotten its return journey...I'm sorry, you must think I'm strange and disgusting now, but I..."

Although I felt that I could quickly get rid of her entanglement as long as I let Hong Jiu finish what she said, but maybe it was because I had read more positive literary works, or maybe it was because the other party's naked affection made me feel at a loss. After all, Kevin raised his hand to interrupt the woman's sigh, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I really can't find anything disgusting about you. If it's strange...well, it's a bit, after all, I haven't seen you many times. You are a person who can sew your eyelids together, but that doesn’t stop me from finding you very respectable, Ms. Hongjiu.”

Hong Jiu's seemingly fragile shoulders shook slightly, and after a while, he murmured without looking back: "Respect...?"

"Yes, although I don't know much about the walking corpse priests, at least one thing I know is that you have been guarding the Holy Union in an invisible place."

Kevin rubbed the tip of his nose and shrugged at Hong Jiu who turned around suddenly: "I know what you want to say, but in my opinion, it doesn't matter even if you forget your faith, as long as your actions do not betray Him, I don’t know if God will blame you, but I certainly won’t.”

Hong Jiu seemed to be stunned, and after a while he muttered in a low voice: "You... put yourself together with God?"

"how come."

Kevin smiled slyly, shook his head and said, "I just feel that even the great gods won't care about trivial things that a mortal like me can think of, so you just need to accept my respect calmly."


Hong Jiu pursed her lips, and after a while, she slowly stood up. While adjusting her cloak, she whispered softly: "You are about to leave."

Kevin turned to look at the center of the open space not far away where nearly a hundred people had gathered. He also stood up and asked Hong Jiu curiously: "What about you? Aren't you coming together?"

"Together, but usually we operate out of sight of you."

Hong Jiu walked slowly to the side of Kevin, who had just breathed a sigh of relief. He stood on tiptoes and whispered in the ear of the latter, who was half a head taller than him: "Please pay attention to safety, Kevin, this mission is not easy. The degree of difficulty is unusual, and the probability of encountering danger is very high."

When talking about the latter part, Hongjiu's originally weird voice with a hint of ignorance of the world became extremely serious, and every word he said was extremely serious.


Although he knew very well that the fate of the two sides was only one game, Kevin still nodded gratefully to Hongjiu: "I will pay attention to it, and you should also pay attention to safety."

"Are you careful about your safety..."

As if hearing an unfamiliar word, Hong Jiu lowered his head and was silent for a while before raising his head and showing Kevin a slightly weird, but very soft smile, and asked: "Do you think... the walking dead have turned back into humans?" Is it possible?"

Kevin, who knew exactly what the other party was asking, didn't hesitate at all and nodded immediately: "Of course, I think nothing is impossible."

"Even if..."

Hongjiu pursed her lips and asked again: "It has never actually had the experience of becoming a human?"

"About twenty-five years ago..."

Kevin, who is twenty-six years old this year, laughed, raised his eyebrows and said, "I have no experience of becoming a human either."


Hong Jiu covered her mouth and laughed a few times, took two steps back with her hands behind her back, and said softly: "It's time for you to go, Kevin."


Kevin, who had already heard the first round of assembly calls, nodded slightly and said to the woman who was no longer weird and scary in his eyes: "Then I'll leave first. We both need to work hard."


Hongjiu pulled down his hood and covered his eyes that were sewn together: "Look forward, Kevin. At least tonight, you don't need to worry about your own back."


Kevin was slightly startled when he heard this, and then found that the woman in front of him had disappeared at some point, and was replaced by the captain with the Chinese character face who was striding toward him from a short distance away.

ten minutes later

After getting a war horse that was said to be 'him', Kevin and a total of 104 people around him galloped on the wilderness under the night as a commando team. The target was the distant place where the night had darkened but the lights were still there. A transparent city.

And in the darkness that they couldn't see, dozens of looming shadows were swimming in the air like smoke and dust, and a dark red among them always maintained the shortest relative distance to Kevin at the end of the team.

"Hong Jiu..."

A harsh, hoarse, familiar and friendly voice penetrated into those dark red ears, low and sharp: "You seemed to have had a nice encounter just now. Do you mind sharing it with me?"


One of the lower level tools of the Grand Inquisition replied in a concise and concise manner.


The voice came in again, sounding unusually happy: "You have thought, you have been shaken, and you want to accept the [trial], right?"

"Even if I have this idea, it will only happen after I go back."

The clergyman, who had been dubbed the 'Walking Corpse' for as long as he could remember, replied calmly.

"Very good, really good. In fact, I have imagined you living in the sun countless times in the past ten years."

The voice that was no longer so harsh spoke leisurely, with an obvious smile: "I want to know if you take off that cloak that smells of decay and blood, take off that aesthetically pleasing hood, and replace it with hundreds of What does the pleated skirt and sandals look like? I want to know what you look like when you open your eyes again and grow your hair long. I want to know what you look like walking through the streets and walking in the green fields. I am really curious... Hongjiu, what would it be like for you to have a normal life?"

"As someone who has lived that kind of life, I thought that rather than being curious, you wanted to go back to the world that I had only seen in books and poems."

"No, no, no, man, this world is fair, some people are awake, some people are sinking, and I am the one who doesn't like to bask in the sun."

"Red Five..."

"Okay, just concentrate. If you don't take good care of your little boyfriend, you will lose him."


Chapter 1813: End

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