Quadruple split

Chapter 1700 [Guards Regiment]

"Are you worried internally..."

Mino pinched his eyebrows, and after a long while, he said to Mo Tan seriously: "If Lord Hei Fan, you are referring to our entire 'Dumbuya Garrison', I think that although everyone's attitude is not particularly positive, It’s definitely not an ‘internal concern’.”

Next to him, Raymond also nodded and agreed: "Mino is right, Your Excellency Hei Fan, although I admit that everyone has some criticisms about rebuilding the garrison system and even canceling the designation on a large scale, but that is only under radical measures. It's just a reasonable backlash. To be fair, everyone has a good impression of you and are willing to obey your orders."

"Well, I know exactly what you two want to express."

Mo Tan smiled casually and said to Mino and Raymond in a reassuring tone: "I have always been a timid and fearful person, so I am so eager for quick success and quick benefits that I will not hesitate to put myself in danger. 'Things like this rarely happen to me. As for the attitude of the soldiers towards me... To be honest, I am very grateful and touched. After all, for a young man like me who has just arrived, even if I have just handed over a It’s quite satisfactory, and there’s no reason for everyone to tolerate my unreasonable demands like they do now.”

Upon hearing this, Raymond and Minuo both breathed a sigh of relief. They had to say that they were indeed a little worried that Mo Tan would choose to use some overly radical methods in order to achieve his goal of 'reform' as quickly as possible, such as Those harpies that have been dismantled to their core purpose, and the original intention is probably just to "harass" them all in one fell swoop.

"Of course, I don't intend to seek quick success and quick success. It doesn't conflict with my desire to catch all the bad guys who come from afar."

As if he could read minds, Mo Tan suddenly changed the topic and said leisurely: "To put it bluntly, I think this is a good opportunity for you to have a clear understanding of the future."

Raymond frowned and rubbed his chin, repeating: "The future?"

"Yes, the future."

Mo Tan nodded, breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly: "First of all, I must emphasize that I personally hate vanity, formalism and useless work very, very, very much. In other words, I don't know how to do it. I deliberately change for the sake of change, let alone mobilize troops for my own status and influence. To put it more bluntly, I don’t value fame, fortune and status.”

On the other side of the long table, 'Romeo and the Pig Spend the Night', who was crossing his arms and crossing his legs, immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Hey, if these words come out of other people's mouths, I promise to be the first, Lao Luo." If you don't believe it, you may even have to spit behind your back and curse "hypocrisy". But if it comes out of your mouth, Brother Hei Fan, you have to believe it if you don't believe it. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why you said " The credit for Sumir's work has been handed over to others."

Raymond and Mino were both stunned, and then they showed a look of surprise. The reason was just as what Lao Luo said just now, if Heifan is even a little interested in things like fame, wealth and status, he will never It may be that they took the initiative to hide the credit for coordinating the overall situation and defeating the cultists in Sumir not long ago. The reason why the Dawn Sect did not rely on that incident to expand its influence is that, apart from "I am unwilling to cooperate", the other reasons may be that it is infinitely close to zero.

"Actually, I'm not as low-key and free-spirited as I show, but...you all know that I am a 'foreigner', so I don't mind using fame, status and a series of other derivatives to support myself. Seeking benefits, but those are things I would only consider in my original world, but here..."

Mo Tan crossed his hands in front of him, gently raised his chin, and said to Raymond and Mino with burning eyes: "I will be more casual and willful. Rather than bothering to worry about gains and losses, I will More inclined to solve problems in a relatively straightforward way, like the practice battle that night."

"Ahem, that's almost it."

At this moment, Shalia suddenly coughed lightly, turned to Mo Tan and said: "As an old comrade of Mino and Raymond, I can confirm that their 'temporary trust' in you has increased to a considerable level. , so let’s just get straight to the point.”

Mo Tan immediately nodded obediently and cut to the 'topic' without hesitation before others could react. He smiled and said: "Very good, first of all, Mr. Raymond -"

Raymond, who is quite popular among the garrison in Doumbouya City and is very trustworthy in terms of character and strength, blinked in a confused manner: "Huh?"


Shalia handed a small stack of parchment to Raymond and said concisely: "Look."


Raymond didn't say anything, and immediately lowered his head and started reading. In less than five seconds, his handsome face with sharp edges froze, and he raised his head in shock and asked Shalia Said: "What is this?"

"This is the list of [Guards] that I compiled according to His Excellency Hei Fan's request."

Shalliya shrugged and said quickly: "This is a list of eight hundred people including you [Captain of the Guards]. Is there any problem?"

Raymond opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, but looking at his expression, you could tell that the problem was definitely not a small one.

"Let me see……"

Mino tilted his head and looked at the pieces of parchment in front of Raymond. He only glanced at it twice and then frowned and said, "Why are there people from all sects?"

"why not?"

Mo Tan answered casually and said to Mino calmly: "In my opinion, our armies under the Holy Religion Union have always had a drawback, that is, they have never truly 'unified', because no matter what Whether it was the Northern Expedition that I followed when I was an army chaplain, or the Doumbuya city that I am now in charge of as the general leader, everyone is clearly organized into sects as units, although they also know each other. Doesn’t anyone find it strange that we work together, but that is not so much ‘cooperation’ as it is an intimate ‘diplomatic’ activity?”

Although they were from different sects, Raymond and Mino had a very good relationship with each other. They looked at each other and neither saw anything 'strange' in each other's eyes.

"Look, although you legitimately regard each other as partners, you have never truly 'distinguished each other'. In fact, we warriors of the Holy Religion Union take 'distinguishing each other' very seriously."

Mo Tan slowly placed a black alchemy chess piece and a white alchemy chess piece in front of him, and said calmly: "Mr. Raymond, as far as I know, although your [Tiger Roar Chapter] is composed of mist, justice, It is composed of members of three different sects, Sun and Sun, but the interior is still neatly divided into three parts, and the 'Sharp Knife' unit you are in is composed entirely of soldiers from the Mist Sect, right?"

Raymond nodded slightly and replied honestly: "That's right."

"Then the question is, although everyone knows that Raymond Hunting Roar is very powerful and is the core character and the best choice for attacking difficulties, the fighting style of the Mist Religion itself is not actually suitable for becoming a 'sharp knife'."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, and while playing with the chess pieces in front of him, he said calmly: "As far as I know, whether it is the paladins, priests, priests of the Mist Sect, or your heresy judges, they are even more powerful. It is suitable to be a coordinator and disruptor, not an attacker. So the question is, you [Tiger Roar Chapter] are obviously the strongest and most elite first combat order elite in Doumbouya City in the past. Why don't you want to make them more suitable for attack? What if the Justice Sect and the Sun Sect become part of the sharp knife?"

Raymond suffocated slightly under the sharp gaze of Pastor Hei Fan: "This..."

"This is because the core of the [Tiger Roar Chapter] is you, Raymond Hunting Roar."

Mo Tan took out two more black chess pieces and slowly placed them next to the black alchemy chess pieces he placed in front of him. He said calmly: "And you are the Templar of the Mist Sect. That sharp knife is centered on you. It must be composed of believers of the Mist Sect, so your battle group will add two additional troops composed of believers of the Justice Sect and the Sun Sect, because they have to make up for the frontal attack power of the sharp knife... Ha, 'make up for the frontal attack of the sharp knife' 'Strength to attack fortress', how ridiculous this sentence is, you must know that the reason why a sharp knife is a sharp knife is precisely because it is the sharpest, sharpest and most powerful part."

It was the first time in his life that he thought about this issue, and for the first time he realized the unreasonableness of Raymond's face turned pale. As the leader of the [Tiger Roaring Group], he instinctively wanted to refute something, but in Mo Under Tan's gaze, he couldn't say a word.

The reason is very simple. Raymond Hunting Roar has already admitted in his heart that there is nothing wrong with what Pastor Hei Fan said just now. The real problem is the system that has been used by the Holy Religion Union for countless years.

"Do you understand? In fact, the problem has always existed, but everyone has become accustomed to it and acquiesced, so they silently followed these "common senses" that are obviously inconsistent with common sense."

Mo Tan sighed softly, spread his hands and said: "This problem does not only exist in the [Tiger Roaring Regiment]. In my opinion, every number and every team under our Dubuya garrison has the same structure. It's weird, contradictory and unreasonable, and this is the core reason why I made up my mind to rebuild the garrison."

Raymond pursed his lips and asked weakly: "Isn't this a bit too exaggerated..."

"Oh, it was never my idea that was exaggerated, but the 'rules' that our Holy Religion Alliance has always followed. Only the same sect can get together to keep warm. Even though the conditions are already difficult enough, we still have to insist on that. A meaningless 'line' itself."

Mo Tan sneered, pushed a few chess pieces in front of him, and said lightly: "I don't expect everyone to understand the seriousness of this matter, but you must understand that if we want to make changes, we must You must sacrifice something wrong, because it is wrong, so no matter how much you have feelings for those wrong conclusions, you must let it go, do you understand?"


Lao Luo patted his chest hard and responded loudly.

After Raymond lowered his eyes and was silent for a long time, he raised his head and said to Mo: "So, from now on I will..."

"Commander of the Doumbouya Garrison [Guards Regiment], Raymond, you and your 799 people, including Philip, the temporary deputy commander, will be the ones I use in this battle. All frontal combat power.”

Mo Tan looked at Raymond calmly and said sternly: "Xia Liya has notified those who have been classified under your command to assemble. If nothing else happens, you can be on the school field after you leave this conference room soon. See them, and the first task I give you, the [Commander of the Guards], is to convince your soldiers."

Raymond's face froze: "But even if I can understand it, I'm afraid everyone will..."

"I'm afraid it's hard to accept that the rules that we have followed for several, ten, or decades have been overturned overnight."

Mo Tan interrupted Raymond with a chuckle, and then turned to look at someone who had remained silent for most of the time after entering the room: "I know this very well, so I asked Your Highness Philip to go and give it. You will be the 'temporary deputy leader', and at least in the next battle, this noble Holy Son of Abundance will fight under you, the Templar of the Mist Religion, and obey any of your orders."


His Highness Philip Tolan, who had already made up his mind to cooperate unconditionally with Pastor Hei Fan, immediately responded, then turned to Raymond with a dull expression and smiled: "Please give me more advice, Captain."

"Your Highness Philip..."

Raymond shook his head vigorously, and finally gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. He shouted to Mo Tan at a high decibel level as if he was trying to brainwash himself: "I will try my best to convince everyone!"

As a result, the latter shook his head and said softly: "I don't need your efforts, Raymond. At least on this occasion, I'm not asking you to do anything."


After a few seconds of silence, Raymond Hunting Roar, who looked a little pale, actually laughed, and then stood up suddenly and saluted Mo Tan: "I will convince them, Your Excellency."

"Thank you, man."

Mo Tan also smiled. He first raised his hand to motion for Raymond to sit down, then turned to Mino who was studying the list and said: "As for you, Mino, I hope you can cooperate with Raymond and his Warrior, to serve as overall commander when those harpies attack later."


Mino was confused at the time and said in shock: "Why me?!"

"Why is that you?"

Mo Tan first repeated his question, and then said with some uncertainty: "Well... maybe it's because you are an excellent commander?"

"But it's far worse than you."

"That's possible, but you are more than capable of dealing with an opponent of this level who is far worse than me."

Chapter 1691: End

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