Quadruple split

Chapter 1699 Internal Troubles

Game time AM12:07

North of the Sanctuary, in front of the main campus of Doumbouya City, the third conference room

This is the place with the weakest religious atmosphere in Doumbuya City. Although the holy emblems of the major sects are still everywhere, compared with the first conference room located in the center of the second floor of the cathedral and the second conference room in the atrium of the first floor of the West Dormitory , the third conference room, which was in the worst condition in comparison and was usually only used for temporary gatherings of troops and even leaked during the rainy season, was chosen by Mo Tan as the location for his first 'meeting'.

As for the reason...

"As I said before, rather than being a believer in any god, I hope everyone will regard the 'Dumbuya warrior' as their first identity."

Mo Tan sat on the old chair that Yi Zuo had just cleaned. He raised his head and stared at the flag embroidered with the 'Nine Holy Emblem' directly in front of him. He said in a calm tone: "Looking at the entire Doumbuya, there is only one Holy Saint here. The emblem is the bleakest, and if possible, I hope that everyone can forget those troublesome beliefs for a while."

The female knight, who was standing beside Mo Tan with her hands folded, touched the tip of her nose awkwardly and whispered: "Senior...Senior, although I can understand what you mean, it's better not to speak too bluntly for a while. after all……"

"Don't worry, I still have this sense of propriety."

Mo Tan smiled and gently comforted this nervous junior: "In the final analysis, I just hope that everyone will not think about those far-off lords. I have no intention of disrespecting the gods, let alone let them Others have this illusion, after all, I am a devout believer in our goddess of dawn."

Yi Zuo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head gently twice and said in a rare and weak voice: "Senior said yes."

Obviously, although this girl admires her senior Hei Fan very much, she has a hard time convincing herself that the latter is a devout believer.

About five minutes later, Mino Paladin, who returned to the dormitory for a brief shower and changed into clean clothes, was the first to open the door and walk in. He was holding a rather heavy stack of topographic maps in his arms. After entering the conference room, he spread the parchments on the table, which mainly described the details between the Blood Feather Terrace and Doumbouya City. Then he pulled out a chair and sat down, frowning. Suo took a quill pen and scribbled on a defense zone map, looking as if no one was around.

After a while, Mo Tan's adjutant and the priest of the Knowledge Sect, Shalia Ayin, who was also the general person in charge of intelligence and logistics in Doumbuya City, also opened the door and walked in. She nodded feebly to the former: "Already in accordance with the regulations The list I made before has been notified one by one."

"Thank you, sit down."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said this casually, while Yi Zhao pulled out the chair to the left of his senior for Xia Liya.

"Thanks, Jileite."

Shalliya patted the back of Yi Zou's hand, and then sat down next to Mo Tan, flipping through the roster in her arms at an incredible speed, which had obviously been bound not long ago and still exuded a faint fragrance of ink. Checking something.

After that, another two minutes passed, just when Shalia started to flip through the booklet in her hand for the third time, and Mino almost painted the defense zone map in front of him black, the door of the conference room was opened again. The outside opened and two tall figures walked in one after the other.

Shalia and Mino put down what they were doing at the same time and saluted the young man with a gentle temperament at the head: "Your Highness Philip."

"They are all our own people."

Philip Tolan, Holy Son of Harvest, immediately waved his hand and said seriously: "Don't be so polite just because I am lucky enough to be a favored person of God. At least in this city, my first identity is not Holy Son of Harvest, or even a follower of Harvest. , but part of the garrison in Doumbouya City.”

Upon hearing this, Yi Zou immediately looked at Philip with admiration. For no other reason than that His Highness understood the thoughts of his seniors so well.

It can only be said that the reason why His Royal Highness the Holy Son is His Royal Highness the Holy Son may indeed be chosen by his own god because of good luck, but this luck may not be 100% accidental. At least in the history of the Holy Religion Union, every god The favored ones are all extremely outstanding people without exception. Even if they are not outstanding for a certain period of time, sooner or later they will amaze everyone at some point.

In other words, ‘the condition for being favored by God is never luck, but many excellent qualities and outstanding talents’.

"You heard me."

Mo Tan smiled at Mino and Shalia who were sitting at the table, as well as Raymond Hunting Roar, who walked in right behind Philip: "Don't be too polite to the two Holy Sons in the future, and try not to bully them as much as possible. Let’s live in harmony.”

"Easy to say~"

Shalia nodded as usual, and apart from her, both Mino and Raymond twitched their lips subtly, obviously shocked by what Mo Tan had just said.

"Well, everyone, please wait a moment, there is another necessary participant who will be here soon."

Mo Tan gently rubbed his eyes, which had been in a trance due to sending a message a second ago. After saying this, he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest, while Shalia handed one to Phillip and Raymond respectively. Opening the parchment, the two of them just lowered their eyes and glanced twice, and their expressions became serious.

Obviously, although they had guessed that something big was going to happen, no one expected that the harpy would go south to attack such a big thing.

After a while——

"Haha, sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, a middle-aged man who looked a little strange not only to outsiders like Yi Zou and Philip, but also to locals like Mino and Raymond walked in with a smile and pretended to everyone. Yi Yi: "I am really flattered to be able to attend a leadership meeting of this level."

Mo Tan laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "You don't have to force yourself to be so polite. Anyway, you should introduce yourself to everyone first."

"It's easy to talk about."

This human man, who looked about forty years old, tall and thin, with an unshaven beard and a mess of black hair, smiled kindly and patted his chest twice: "I call Romeo to spend the night with the pig. I am a just man." Templar warrior of the sect, mid-level warrior, deputy captain of the third team of the sixth scout brigade in front of Doumbouya City, please give me your advice."

Holy Son of Fenggrao blinked in confusion and asked the middle-aged uncle with a somewhat cunning temperament in front of him: "What...what do you call me?"

"Romeo spends the night with the pigs."

The middle-aged man grinned, and then added: "You can call me Romeo, um, or Lao Luo."

Phillip pursed his lips, but finally felt that the person in front of him was a bit incompatible with the word 'Romeo', so he nodded and said: "Nice to meet you, Lao Luo."

"Me too, Your Highness."

Lao Luo smiled smoothly, and then sat on the chair near the door at Mo Tan's signal. He seemed to be anxious and curious: "So... Brother Hei Fan, you asked me to come here because..."

"We'll talk about this later. Now, I plan to clarify the theme of our meeting."

Mo Tan didn't let him finish what he said, he just knocked on the table lightly, coughed lightly after Xia Liya handed a briefing sheet to Lao Luo who couldn't stop laughing, and said calmly: "I think everyone already knows Yes, according to reliable information... that is, the [organ] of our Doumbouya City stated that the Blood Feather Platform, which has just quelled the civil strife and elected a new king, is planning a revenge-style attack against our Doumbouya City. The main force is no less than a thousand harpies, a group that the new queen has high hopes for, wanting to rectify the name of the Blood Feather Platform and announce their re-emergence."

Phillip, Raymond, Mino, and Lao Luo nodded at the same time with serious expressions, while Shalia controlled the quill with divine power and recorded the meeting with the same efficiency as Mo Tan's speaking speed.

“Let’s talk about the more pessimistic ones first.”

Mo Tan leaned forward slightly, while looking around at the people at the table, he said calmly: "We have reason to believe that those harpies who have just ended the civil war on the Blood Feather Terrace, all those who survived are Elites with considerable strength, and as the direct troops under the victor, the thousand-man harpy will be the elite among the elites, and in our city of Doumbouya, although a certain nominal person in charge is grateful for his love He had gained a certain amount of trust, but it was difficult to establish absolute prestige in a short period of time. Not only that, he even tried to disband the long-standing names in the Doumbouya garrison and let him go against all opinions at this juncture. Don’t let a stable situation become even worse.”


Shalia said casually, and then continued to write furiously on the parchment.

Mino and Raymond did not support the casual cancellation of designations and the overthrow and reorganization of the entire garrison system. The people who stood up after the break exchanged a look with subtle expressions.

"So, in addition to the more pessimistic content above, I would like to say a few details that are slightly more powerful for us."

Mo Tan did not pause for too long, and soon continued with a normal expression: "First of all, the Blood Feather Terrace has just experienced a protracted civil strife. In addition, in the process, it was destroyed by the Guillotine Cliff, the Gray White Plains, and the Steel Mane Tribal Nation. The other forces took advantage of the fire and added insult to injury, and their comprehensive strength has fallen to the last one among the blood barbarians. On this basis, according to the intelligence in our hands, it can be seen that the victors in the civil war on the Blood Feather Terrace did not choose to recuperate, but worked non-stop. The implications of sending an army to attack us... are worthy of scrutiny."

When Lao Luo heard this, he immediately blinked and asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

"This means that her rule is not that stable. In other words, for the current [Deathclaw Queen], the hidden dangers from within put her under great pressure, so she used the method of 'revenge against Doumboua City' way to divert internal conflicts and consolidate one’s position.”

Mo Tan glanced at Lao Luo and continued in a calm tone: "I have every reason to believe that the apparent significance of this attack is far greater than its actual significance. In fact, I even feel that this is not an attack, but a kind of attack." 'Posture' is a gesture that is shown to others, so I think that as long as we symbolically let the other party take advantage, or even just let them 'seem' to take advantage, that team will definitely get better and run away. As fast as you want."

Raymond frowned when he heard this, shook his head and said: "I don't think the blood barbarian has such a good temper..."

"This has nothing to do with their temper. Man, I know very well how evil, crazy, and cruel those blood barbarians are, but it is precisely because of this that they cherish their feathers especially, because their strength is their ability to carry out evil. The only capital of the industry.”

Mo Tan smiled at Raymond and said calmly: "Then the contradiction arises. Why is the new king of the Blood Feather Terrace who should be recuperating the most, so anxious to allocate his troops when his vitality is greatly reduced? , what about attacking our city of Doumbouya?”


Lao Luo looked curious.

"I don't know either."

Mo Tan shook his head, then changed the topic, narrowed his eyes and said: "But the most likely possibility is that the new king and many internal troublemakers who are inferior in comparison are still influential enough. ' An agreement was reached, that is, as long as she sends people to teach the magic sticks in Doumboua City who once severely wounded the harpy, everyone is willing to recognize and support the new king."

Lao Luo frowned and asked again: "Then what kind of good news is this for us?"

"Of course it counts."

Mo Tan laughed slyly and gently shook his right index finger: "Because as long as the new queen is not a fool, she will never let herself fall into a defenseless state at this moment. On the contrary, I think she I will definitely be extra vigilant and place the strongest force in my hands around to prevent others from taking advantage of us. In other words, the quality of the troops sent to attack us may be somewhat unsatisfactory. .”

Mino and Raymond, who had rich experience in actual combat and knew enough about blood barbarians, were both stunned when they heard this. Then they lowered their eyes and seriously considered the possibility of what Mo Tan had just said.

The conclusion... is naturally 'quite big'.

Compared with a thousand elite harpies who have experienced hundreds of battles and are in perfect condition, the more they think about it now, the more they feel that with the current situation of the new queen of Blood Feather Mesa, let a bunch of useless remnants come to fight. The possibility of autumn wind is much greater, and under this premise...

"I believe that even if we...or 'I' don't do anything extra and just symbolically shout 'Hold, hold, hold' twice after they arrive, the city of Doumbouya will soon be out of danger. In fact, The more embarrassed we appear, the faster the threat will fade away, but..."

Mo Tan suddenly raised his quill and drew a big red cross on the topographic map in front of him about twenty miles north of Doumbuya City——

"My mood now is the same as that of the new queen. I really want to use that power that is not difficult to deal with to solve my 'internal worries'."

Chapter 1690: End

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