Quadruple split

Chapter 1678 A little passion

A loved one? wrist? pride? What is he saying?

Gawen blinked in a rare daze. For a moment, she didn't realize what Arthur meant by what he just said. But after all, she was a girl with a smart mind and quick thinking that was a little crazy, so it only took two seconds. It didn't take long for him to realize the meaning of what Arthur had just said.

"Could it be that……"

Before Arthur could explain further, Gawen, whose pupils shrank violently, raised her head in astonishment and looked at the white king in front of him who not only showed no signs of panic, grief, anger, despair, etc., but even had a proud smile on his face. 】: "Gaweil Logan actually has no intention of marrying that Fast Howard. The so-called engagement is just a temporary measure. The purpose is actually to reduce the pressure on our side and at the same time, let the Howard family actively cooperate with the royal family during the war. Ideas.”

Arthur nodded approvingly and grinned: "Very smart, Ms. Gavin, but I didn't guess until now. Isn't it a bit below par for you, the 'chief manager'?"

"Yeah, after I reacted, I realized that it wasn't that difficult to guess."

Gawen knocked her forehead helplessly and sighed: "If you think about it carefully, the purpose of the Griffin royal family from the beginning was to eliminate those great nobles who were regarded as thorns in their eyes and thorns in their flesh. In their ideal future, In the plan, even if some aristocratic forces will be left behind for institutional reasons, they will never include the titular behemoths like the Howard family. In other words - "

Arthur smacked his lips and said in a brisk tone: "It is almost impossible for the Logan family to have even a little bit of goodwill towards the Howard family, so at least from the perspective of those of us 'informed', the motivation for this marriage is absolutely It won’t be pure.”

"Yes, this is not politics, this is conspiracy."

Gawen nodded slightly, with a flash of alertness in his eyes: "If you think about it carefully, I didn't realize the fundamental reason behind this meaning. I'm afraid it's the matter of 'Gaweier Logan proactively proposed to be engaged to Fast' Thing, I...yes, I didn't expect that person to act like this."

Arthur smiled and asked curiously: "Do you know Gaweier?"

"It's not really an acquaintance, but as you know, I quickly became friends with the second princess after I sneaked into Griffin, and then I frequently went to various occasions with her."

Jia Wen pursed her lips and said in deep thought: "During the process, I did meet with Her Highness Gaweier and said hello several times, but at that time, the feeling she gave me..."

"Beautiful, pure, lovely, kind, gentle, lovable."

Arthur praised his sweetheart in a singing-like tone, and after this rainbow fart with 120% authenticity, he said sternly: "Yes, this is everyone's impression of her, you know Gaweier , Ms. Gawen."

Jiawen twitched the corners of her lips and laughed dryly: "No...you are the one who understands Gaweier."

"Yes, I think so too."

As a result, Arthur calmly accepted this complaint and said calmly: "I know Gaweier Logan. Although we have not met many times and have never been together for a long time, I I still think I know her better than her brother, sister, and of course passers-by like you."

Jiawen spread her hands and said in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, I haven't met anyone who can be happy with each other in my short life, so I don't really understand your nonsense."

"Well, I'm not showing off to you."

Arthur touched the tip of his nose and explained: "I just want to say, whether it is the Blood Lion Emperor Chiwetel, or the unfathomable Eliza of the city, or you, the eternal It is difficult for an incomprehensible counselor to believe that Gaweier will completely step out of her delicate and fragile ivory tower, but I am different. I know her, and I know very well that she will never fall in love with anyone except me. , let alone want to become a political victim for no reason and marry someone like Fast Howard."

Jia Wen raised her eyebrows and said very pertinently: "Your speech is somewhat shameless..."

"That's exactly what it sounds like~"

Arthur laughed, changed his posture and leaned comfortably on the back of the large chair, but if he looked carefully, there was no smile in his eyes: "It's a pity that this is a fact that none of us can deny, Song Weier is deeply in love with Arthur Bohe, who fell in love with her at first sight. Oh, by the way, Ms. Gavin, do you still remember the last conversation between the two of them?"

"Of course, at that time I was imprisoned on the cross by Her Highness Eliza, and that was simply the best viewing seat."

Jia Wen nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "I remember you first told Gaweier to contact the boss and them to stabilize His Majesty William, but she asked you to speak for yourself."

Arthur rolled his eyes: "It's not this part. Going further back, Arthur Bohe at that time thought Lord Sin was his good friend."

"If we go further, Her Highness Gaweier will say..."

Gavin whistled frivolously and looked at Arthur with affectionate eyes: "I am willing to marry you to Chauvin."

"That's right."

Arthur, with his eyes lowered, didn't even notice that the other party was teasing him. He just smiled bitterly with a slightly complicated expression: "And I went to make her forget those things and said that I was just teasing her. Do you know why? ?”

Jia Wen blinked and guessed casually: "Because you didn't know you had a chance to be resurrected at the time, so you didn't want to delay others? Do you want her to give up on this idea?"


As a result, Arthur did shake his head and said softly: "The reason why I said that is because the look Gavel looked at me at that time made me know that no matter what I said at that time, she would not be driven out of my heart. That's why I changed the sentence 'You must remember, you must stay a widow for me' to something that sounds very selfless and generous."

Gavin raised her eyes and looked at Arthur, saying bluntly: "Scumbag."

"I don't deny this unkind-sounding comment, but I still insist that I don't want the person I love to forget that love is when I am with someone else."

Arthur looked at Gawen seriously and said in a deep voice: "In my opinion, the so-called love has never been a purely positive emotion. Although it has a beautiful side, it is only one side. And what I said before Ugly thoughts are also part of love."

Gawen rolled her eyes and said dryly: "I'm not interested in hearing your views on love. Arthur, don't you think the topic has gone too far?"

"No, no, no, the reason why I talk so much nonsense is just to explain this wonderful conspiracy based on Gaweier's attitude towards me."

Arthur laughed jokingly and said with cold eyes: "I know that Chiwetel cherishes his two sisters very much, so this proposal naturally comes from Gaweier herself, and on the premise that she cares about me whether she lives or dies. Even if you are engaged to someone else, it is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, this time will be postponed to the fourth day of Song Moon Prayer nearly half a year later. On the surface, it may be because this date is very important in the concept of you people from other worlds. Romance is a meaningful exotic custom, but in fact, Fast Howard may never be able to wait for that day."

Gawen nodded slightly, pinched his eyebrows feebly, and said with unconcealable frustration in his tone: "From our point of view, this is not actually a complicated conspiracy, but for Gaweier Luo But the human impression makes it impossible for me to think of her as the initiator of the conspiracy, so I came to you in a hurry... Phew, I am really defeated."

"Don't talk about you, I actually panicked at first."

Arthur smiled bitterly and shook his head, sighing with a subtle expression: "To be honest, even now I find it hard to accept that Gaweier could come up with such a plan."

Jiawen raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Do you think Her Highness Gaweier's abilities are limited?"

"How can it be."

Arthur laughed dumbly and said softly: "Chiwetel Logan is a talented and ambitious monarch. If it weren't for the bloated and mind-numbing cancer of the Griffin Dynasty, he would have created countless things that ordinary emperors would be unable to complete in their lifetimes. and although Eliza Logan has a bad personality and cynicism, as far as I know, she has been the chief staff of the Blood Lion Emperor for many years, and is in charge of more than 90% of the royal family's power 'off the table' , is an unfathomable opponent, with such a brother and sister, how can Gaweier be any worse?"

Gawen fiddled with a strand of silver hair beside her ear noncommittally, and said lightly: "That's not necessarily true. My brother is a waste."

"It's not uncommon for an excellent person to have a mediocre blood relative. It's just as reasonable that Gaweier may not be worse than her brother and sister."

Arthur smiled lightly, and then suddenly sighed tiredly: "What I can't accept is the fact that Gaweier is willing to step out of her ivory tower. You should understand it just like me, Gawen, The outside world is so cruel, and she has never been the kind of person who is willing to deal with intrigues."

Gawen calmly looked at Arthur's slightly painful eyes and said expressionlessly: "People will change, even in their essence."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"It turns out that I am also a person who hates intrigue."

"Sorry, I believed it."

"Very well, in that case, I'll take my leave."

Jiawen stood up, adjusting her cloak, and said in a brisk tone: "After all, I made such a trip specifically to prevent you from acting impulsively after receiving this news. Now it seems that I was overly worried. "

Arthur also stood up and said with a smile: "I appreciate your professionalism, Ms. Gawen. To be honest, I don't actually hate chatting with you, even though you killed Arthur Bohe."

"I don't hate chatting with you either, even though I don't like your personality, Mr. Bai Wang."

Gawen smiled brightly and winked at Arthur: "Excellent and dedicated men are always annoying."

"Let's go out together."

Arthur walked slowly to the door of the handsome tent, gave Gawen a gentleman's salute, and said with a smile: "I'll give it to you."

The latter immediately shook his head, waved his hand and said: "No need, I am a fairly pragmatic person, and I always save on this kind of superficial skills."

"It's just along the way, not superficial."

Arthur patted the [Lion Oath Sword] carefully crafted by Merlin on his waist, and showed a refreshing and bright smile to Gawen: "I am about to meet the advance troops sent from Rhinoceros Fortress, so Although we are not in the same direction, it is still okay to send you outside."

Jiawen was immediately stunned and repeated: "Are you going to meet the advance troops sent from Rhinoceros Fortress?"


Arthur nodded his head and said cheerfully: "Didn't I just say that there were two advance troops of about 3,000 people who just started marching here not long ago? That's them."

Jia Wen continued to frown and asked: "Then you plan to...as you said before, have a little contact with them and then retreat to the east?"

"No, I suddenly felt that it was a bit boring. Life needs a little passion, let alone a hard-won second life?"

Arthur rubbed the semi-finished sword scabbard [Avalon] that Merlin had just given to him some time ago, and smiled gently: "So I just thought about it and thought I might as well just leave those people behind. After all, they are here. .”

Gawen twitched the corner of her mouth and glanced sideways at Arthur: "I thought you were not affected by the news just now."

"I was just not blinded by the illusion. How could I not be affected at all?"

Arthur shook his head, and the curve of his mouth became colder: "Chiwetel and Eliza's blueprint cannot shake Gaweier. What really made her decide to do something is probably to survive this storm. The weak jingoistic empire is, to put it bluntly, because of the lingering ghost of Arthur Boho."

Gawen narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "So? Are you going to vent your emotions in this irrational way?"

"Look what you said."

Arthur chuckled and shrugged: "Gaweier has done too much for me. After the Howard family and the others have no chance of going south, the only thing we need to face at this stage is the new Valyrian family." It’s just the 19th legion. Believe me, Ms. Gawen, although the opponent’s advance army is indeed large in number, it is far from threatening me.”

"Sorry, I can't believe you now."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Do nothing, just convey your words to the boss unchanged."

"No problem, please."

"I'm already doing that."

"The results of it?"

"Looks like he's not here."

"But I don't intend to delay it any longer."

"So I sent the same content to Silent Prayer again."

"Does she understand?"

"I don't understand it as much as I do, but she can be responsible for your actions without being held accountable too much."

"I see."

"Okay, she agreed, then, I wish you good luck in martial arts?"

"I'd like to lend you some good words."

Chapter 1,169: End

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