Quadruple split

Chapter 1677 For Beloved

Game time PM19:03

Northwest continent, northern part of the Chauvin Empire, seventy miles west of the fortress [Avalon], the first headquarters of the Ebon Blade Chapter

[White King] leaned lazily on the large black high-backed chair in the center of the handsome tent. His eyes looking down at the tactical map in front of him looked a little careless. His temperament was similar to that of Arthur who was very good at leading troops in the Chauvin Empire. · Bo He is exactly the same.

But everyone, including himself, knew very well that [White King] Arthur and the Crown Prince Arthur who was already in the Griffin Dynasty were not the same person, just like the [White Bishop] was not the same person in the past. Farrah Ossis is like his apprentice Luther King.

They just look the same as the original person, but at their core, they have completely transformed into another kind of 'person'. According to Arthur's previous explanation to Merlin and Gawen at the top of Avalon City, it seems that they are some kind of 'person'. Something "essential" has changed.

The memory has not changed, the personality has not changed, the habits have not changed, the preferences have not changed, and of course the sexual orientation has not changed.

But some things that are invisible and intangible, similar to instinct, have been completely changed by the disturbance of certain phenomena.

"It's so weird..."

He casually pulled out the invisible sword from his waist, which was surrounded by a twisting wind. Arthur raised his left hand, put his index and middle fingers together and gently stroked the looming sword edge, and murmured in a low voice: "But What's even more strange is that I don't feel any sense of violation... Hehe, forget it, instead of having a headache on this unsolvable problem, I might as well think of something good. For example, the straight-line distance from here to Brorid should be longer than Ava. The Long side is much closer.”

At this moment, a breeze seemed to blow through the curtain door at the entrance of the handsome tent, and then, a tall warrior wearing gray heavy armor with a large number of black irregular lines and the same type of face-covered battle helmet appeared. He strode in, then respectfully knelt down on one knee in front of Arthur and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, the First Adjutant wishes to see you."

"As I said, there is no need to call me Your Highness. I am not the Arthur Boho you know."

Shaking his head helplessly, Arthur put his sword back into its sheath and waved his hand with a complicated expression: "Forget it, let her in."


The [Black Frontier] warrior in front of him, that is, the [Hidden Frontier] warrior who had passed the 'test', bowed his head and obeyed the order, and then retreated quickly. From the beginning to the end, he did not answer the suggestion about the title that Arthur had just made.

So, five seconds later, a slim figure wearing a slim and beautiful female deacon's uniform, with the lower half of her face hidden under the hood, walked into the tent, and casually dusted off the dress decorated with snow-white Behind the fur-edged ink cloak, he smiled at Arthur: "Long time no see, Your Highness [White King], how are things going?"

"Which situation are you referring to?"

Arthur had no intention of getting up. He just sat in his chair and said in a bored tone: "If you are talking about the first battle group of [Black Blade] that has completed the transformation, the answer is 'very good'. If it is referring to my personal situation, , also 'very good'."

Gawen nodded slightly, then sat on the chair opposite Arthur, and chuckled: "It's good news anyway, it sounds pretty good."

"I'm not done yet."

Arthur raised his eyebrows, leaned forward slowly, picked up the quill on the table and drew a circle somewhere on the tactical chart, and then briskly took the circle as the center and drew two circles to the right. An arrow came out and he said calmly: "Two hours ago, I received news from the scouts that the Rhinoceros Horn Fortress had sent two advance troops of about 3,000 people to march eastward at a constant speed. If nothing unexpected happens, tomorrow morning Before the sun rises, they will arrive at this fragile little station."

Jia Wen casually pushed away a strand of silver hair from his forehead, tilted his head and glanced in the direction of the door of the handsome tent, and said jokingly: "So weak? My dear Prince Bai, if I hadn't revealed my identity immediately when my infiltration failed. , I'm afraid he has been hacked to death by those 'weak' warriors under your command."

"That's unreasonable!"

Arthur immediately slapped his knees hard and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely teach those guys a lesson when I get back."

Jia Wen blinked her beautiful crimson eyes and said happily: "Teach them a lesson? Teach them to be more decisive next time? You are a grown man, do you have to be so petty?"

"First of all, I have a strong objection to your obviously sexist remarks."

While stroking his sparse stubble, Arthur said angrily: "Secondly, I'm not complaining about your plan to kill me. I'm just unhappy with the way I died. To be honest, although I'm not that handsome, It was so tragic, but in terms of appearance alone, it must be better than a guy like Mo who can't be found in a crowd, right? What was the result? When I died in Gaweier's arms, I looked like a deformed person. It looks like an undead creature, all its teeth are missing!!”

Gawen frowned and nodded: "I understand, so the focus is on the teeth, right?"

"The point is that it's ugly!"

Arthur stood up suddenly and shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's so ugly! What kind of impression did you make me leave on her in the end!!!"

Gawen chuckled, as if she was the master here, raised her hand and pressed it down to signal Arthur to calm down, and said in a soft voice: "Calm down, my dear, you should also know that that scene was quite unpleasant. The separation of life and death is not the last meeting between you and Her Highness Gaweier Logan. In fact, the reunion between you is just around the corner. If you think about it carefully, the straight-line distance from here to Brorid should be longer than that of Avalon. Much closer, right?”

"You are really considerate. Oh, by the way, please don't call me honey. Even if I messed around behind Gaweier's back, I would definitely not choose a woman like you."

Arthur sat back on the chair with a smile on his face. After briefly controlling his expression, he asked in a business-like manner: "So? Why did you come here all the way? Is there anything Mo wants you to bring?" give to me?"

"Unfortunately, although I also look forward to more and more lively interactions between you, the boss doesn't seem to care much about the current development. In fact, I haven't seen him much in the past few days."

Jia Wen shrugged, and the corner of his mouth suddenly turned up in a playful arc: "In other words, my coming here this time was not ordered by the boss, but with the acquiescence of Sister Ji Prayer, I sent you a piece of information on my own initiative. "

Arthur frowned, his eyes slightly focused and asked: "So, what information is it?"

"Griffin royal tidbits."

Gawen did not show off, but stared into Arthur's eyes and said bluntly: "According to reliable information, just this morning, the Blood Lion Emperor Griffin met with Duke Howard, the leading nobleman in the empire. We had a brief and in-depth exchange of views on some issues and opinions.”

Arthur was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "That old Howard? I've heard of him. He can basically be said to be a representative of the Griffin dynasty's decadent aristocratic system. If I remember correctly, the Howard family, and Another elf family called Xinglan has been giving Royal Logan a headache, and the relationship between the two parties is far more tense than it seems. What can he and the Blood Lion Emperor have to talk about?"

"It's nothing. It's probably just some nonsense about starting a war. After all, the wealth of the Chauvin Empire is here, and the power gap between the two sides is also here. There is no reason why the Howard family shouldn't get involved."

Gawen folded her legs gracefully and said calmly: "You should also know that the new 19th Chapter with independent command stationed in Rhinohorn Fortress belongs to the Valyrian family. They started from the day they became rich. Since he is the most loyal direct vassal of the Howard family, he naturally won’t mind if the latter takes a share of the pie.”

"Will the Blood Lion Emperor agree?"

Arthur narrowed his eyes and looked at the northernmost end of the tactical map in front of him, where the Griffin Dynasty and the Theocracy of Dreams bordered: "I have read your report over in Academy City. According to you and that Elisa ·The result of Logan’s discussion is that the biggest flesh-and-blood millstone should be the Griffin North.”

Gawen nodded slightly and said calmly: "That's right, we don't want Shavin to bear too much pressure at the beginning. Eliza thinks it will be difficult for us to carry only the 19th Chapter, and I also don't want to." She seconded the proposal based on the principle of taking advantage of it, but the guarantee she gave me was still 'not sending the main battle legion directly under the royal family' and 'trying to prevent the power in the hands of the great nobles from flowing to the south.' You should know What does 'try your best' mean?"

"Yes, of course I do."

Arthur didn't seem to have any obvious mood swings. He just leaned over and looked at a few key strategic points and said calmly: "So? That Duke Howard insists on sharing a piece of our chauvinism? So much so? Did Chiwetel Logan personally go out to negotiate with him? What was the result? If the Howard family wants to cooperate with this side, I will have to adjust my plan a little..."

Gawen smiled and said in a playful tone: "The result was pretty smooth. Although the Howard family really wanted to send people over, they should all be inferior private soldiers who made up the numbers. Although the quantity would not be small, the standard would definitely not be up to par. After all, in their opinion, the newly formed 19th Chapter is enough to defeat Chauvin, who has weak military strength."

"Haha, this is the first time I'm happy because my country is looked down upon."

Arthur also laughed and said in a brisk tone: "It seems that whether it is the Howard family or the Xinglan family, they will only arrange some third-rate troops to come here specifically to make money. Since In this case, I will keep the original plan and move the battle line back after a little contact, after all..."


Gawen suddenly interrupted Arthur and raised his eyebrows: "In fact, after a long conversation with Emperor Chiwetel Logan, Duke Howard has given up the idea of ​​sending people south to support Rhinoceros Fortress, and even persuaded the Star Blue Family Along with him, he stood still, and not only that, he also sent some of the most elite private soldiers under his family to rush to the north to warn the Dreamland Theocracy, which we all knew would definitely take action."

Arthur suddenly raised his head and said in shock: "What? Is that old Howard crazy? Or is Chiwetel Logan his illegitimate son? As one of the leaders of the aristocratic faction, he is really willing to be raped by the royal family Is it so manipulative?"

"Unfortunately, although Chiwetel Logan has nothing to do with the Howard family, but..."

Gawen leaned forward slightly and said softly: "I'm afraid it's unknown whether the next generation of the Logan family will have the blood of the Howard family."

Arthur was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly and asked: "Does Chiwetel plan to marry a Howard family woman to be his queen?"

Gawen shook her head.

"That's right. I remember that there are only two legitimate daughters in this generation of the Howard family, and the eldest one is only ten years old."

Arthur stroked his chin and murmured: "Could it be that Eliza wants to marry that Fa... Fa... Uh, Fa what?"


Jiawen reminded her thoughtfully.

"Oh yes, Fast Howard, that notorious fool."

Arthur clapped his hands suddenly, and then laughed happily: "That's good, your good friend is not a simple person. That woman who is full of evil thoughts should be able to control Fast very easily, tsk tsk , I remember that guy was a standard silly guy, the kind who had trouble reading. Old Howard even wanted to pass the title directly to the next generation for this reason. If he thought so, the two of them just hit it off, haha. , having said that, the Second Highness is really open-minded. How can I put it, she is worthy of being Gaweier's sister. I am a little impressed by her. Uh, or Eliza Logan herself does not agree. Chiwetel Force her to..."


Gawen calmly interrupted the man in front of him, whose smile became increasingly forced, and said in a soft tone: "You should have noticed it yourself, you talk more."

"Huh? What did you say? How could I..."

"You should be able to guess that there is no way Eliza Logan would like that Young Master Fast, and the Blood Lion Emperor would never force his sister on such a matter."

"Gawen, what do you mean by this..."

"It means that the result that you least want to face has come true. As far as I know, the eldest daughter of the Griffin Dynasty, Gavel Logan, took the initiative to propose a marriage and wanted to marry that Fast Howard , just this morning, the royal family and the Howard family have signed a contract, and the two will get engaged on the fourth day of the Song Moon."


"I'm sorry, Arthur, but I feel that as your colleague and a partner in the same workplace, now that I know about it, I have an obligation to tell you."


"Also, I don't want this matter to interfere with your rationality and judgment, so I will stay here for a while. If I find that you have... Why are you laughing?"

"Shouldn't I laugh?"

"Should you laugh?"

"Of course I should laugh~"


“Be proud of the wrist of your loved one.”

Chapter 1,668: End

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