Quadruple split

Chapter 165 Pros and Cons

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time PM15:20

Tianzhu Mountain Arena, [Mo]’s room

Mo Tan was in a very bad mood when he logged into the game again, and the reason was self-evident.

Although he has gradually become accustomed to the "interruption" when logging into the game every day, it is still difficult for him to find reasons to comfort himself.

Now Mo Tan is willing to understand that others break promises and breach of contract due to various involuntary reasons, but he always has higher requirements for himself, although due to some well-known reasons, this kind of thing is not uncommon nowadays. But he still couldn't be content with the situation.

Even if the other party says they don’t mind...

‘I guess you may have encountered some unexpected situation, so I took the first step and just say hello to me when I get back online~’

Mo Tan saw Cordoba's message to him, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky that he didn't send a message to the other party before disconnecting. Then he returned from the door to the room, sat on the chair and began to think with a sad face. .

He didn't reply to Cordoba's message immediately. He hadn't thought about the reason yet, but more importantly, Mo Tan was worried that he would be disconnected again in a short period of time.

Maybe he is just a little sensitive now because of what happened before, but the more reason is that Mo Tan feels that he should think about this issue carefully now.

No matter what personality state Mo Tan is in, he feels that the realm of innocence is a very interesting game. There is no doubt about this, so giving up is impossible.

It will not take up daytime, will not put a burden on the body, a complete world view, highly intelligent NPCs, a game cabin that has exceeded the return period, software and hardware that far exceeds the average level of the times, a more direct game with SUN, and is complicated and confusing. The operating company and the system that seems to be able to directly 'diagnose' himself are all motivations for Mo Tan to continue playing.

This is also a rare thing that can make him more enthusiastic in any personality.

But if you want to have fun, then there is a problem that is unavoidable...

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect]

Now, whenever Mo Tan thinks of this sentence, his brain hurts.

Although in a sense, the fact that personality switching = disconnecting and changing characters can be said to be a benefit, in many cases it also makes people feel that reading... I mean, the game experience is extremely poor.

The advantage of being able to share knowledge, experience (no value), intelligence, and even connections is certainly enviable, but there are also various drawbacks, both of which will quickly amplify as Motan's game time increases.

The first is the advantage. After gradually getting deeper into this game, Mo Tan, who is evenly distributed (?) on the Innocence Continent, will have at least three times more knowledge than ordinary people, and will gradually establish his own plural circles. These two The points have begun to show up now, such as a very detailed understanding of Tianzhu Mountain, Sun Dynasty, Misha County Plague, Whispering Sect, etc., such as the Dentures Group, Luluzi, Cordoba, etc. that he met during his time as Mo Mo. Ji Xiaoge, Huo Yanyang, Lu Wei, Yuchen, Shuangye, the top leaders of the Fire Claw Leader, and the Great (Li) Saint whom they met when they were Black Fans, Jun Wu and Wei who made a deal with them when they were Tan Mo Yang, as well as Cole and Xiao Ai who are very useful, this is obviously a good thing.

And because Mo Tan’s three characters have different career systems, although there is not much difference with others in terms of experience accumulation in a single career under the same conditions, they are better in all aspects. This may not be an obvious advantage now. But in terms of potential, it is extremely worth looking forward to.

Under the premise that everyone can only create one character in principle, if Mo Tan is a normal person who can freely control multiple characters of his own, then the above two advantages are undoubtedly terrifying.

Even though he only has a limited time of twenty-four hours a day, it is not too difficult to make a perfect time allocation plan with his wisdom.

But assumptions are just assumptions after all. In fact, we all know that Mo Tan is not only not a normal person, but also abnormal and unconventional.

So a bunch of very bad drawbacks appeared...

Of course, there is only one exact character, and that is his frequent passive personality transformations during the game.

This situation is no different from the real world, but the problem is that in real life, Mo Tan will not fall into the trap after changing his personality, but in the game, he will be offline.

The most troublesome thing is the "fragment" time of about four hours a day. Although it is not too long, not even a quarter of the total game time, Mo Tan has no memory at all during this time. This also means that even if there are any emergencies that must be dealt with, he cannot go offline and forcefully change his personality.

Unfortunately, for the current Mo Tan, the above situation is basically "unsolvable". The most he can do is to find out as much as possible whether he is still in the game during that "fragment" time, and if so, what kind of situation it is. State, there is really nothing else you can do.

[Looks like I have to go back to Yuchen and ask carefully about the 'monster' who was escorted to the City of Light. If possible, I'd better go and confirm it myself. After all, it's just that the appearance matches the time several times. It doesn't prove anything. 】

Mo Tan subconsciously tapped the armrest and thought to himself, then temporarily put this problem aside and thought about the next equally bad problem.

[So how to solve the 'normal' disconnection problem? 】

He rubbed his forehead in distress. Although in the real world, he was lying quietly in the game cabin, this did not prevent Mo Tan from feeling a headache...

The World of Innocence has been open for more than half a month now, and most of the problems that can arise have already appeared. So since there are no plans to abandon the game, we must find solutions as soon as possible, otherwise it will only get worse. The more trouble.

Today's involuntary 'breaking of appointments' is secondary. Mo Tan feels that if this situation does not change, then it is very likely that he will fall behind at many critical moments in the future.

Whether it turns into white light and disappears silently, or whether it snaps away during combat or under the gaze of some NPCs, it is obviously not a good thing.

Just imagine, he was fighting in the arena under the name of the [Wang Wang] team, and suddenly he jumped into the street with a loud bang.

Or maybe he was rescuing lives somewhere, and suddenly he threw himself into the street with a loud crunch.

Or maybe one of his personalities was executing an important link in an unfortunate plan, and he crashed into the street again.

Just a few random assumptions that are very likely to become reality, which are very, very bad...

What's more, there are far more accidents that may happen.

But Mo Tan couldn't think of any solution for a while, which was natural. After all, if he could come up with any plan casually, he wouldn't have to worry like now.

Finally, after rejecting a lot of assumptions, he began to think about an idea that he had just entered the game not long ago.

"Can this place be like in reality..."

Mo Tan paced back and forth in the room a little anxiously, murmuring in a low voice: "Buy me a few minutes of buffering time or something?"

[Five-minute buffer technique]

Fine points active skills

Mastery requirements: Mental illness, perseverance

Consumption/limitation: passive triggering of fine points

Usage: When you passively change your personality in public, you can forcibly retain some of your previous personality traits. This will last for five minutes, so that your speech, behavior, and behavior will not appear extremely abrupt at a certain moment, greatly reducing the risk of being sent to another place. Possibility of authorities or mental hospital.

[Note: When the brakes fail, wouldn’t you let go of the accelerator? 】

"Ha, if there really is such a skill in the game, it would probably look like this." Mo Tan, who was thinking about it, was amused by himself, and then he rolled his eyes and sighed: "How is that possible... "

Indeed, the ‘five-minute buffer technique’ we mentioned a long time ago is basically impossible to achieve in the game because the nature of the two is completely different.

You must know that the prerequisite for Mo Tan's trick to buy himself a five-minute buffer time in reality is 'personality transformation'. It can basically be understood as making a reaction at the moment when the scene appears, and then through a certain sense of déjà vu, which is generally difficult to understand. The feeling expressed in words forcibly retains some of the previous state.

It's the same as releasing the accelerator when the brakes fail. Although this behavior won't make you stop immediately, at least it won't BOOOM or drive all the way to the horizon...

Mo Tan has never understood similar scenes in many old TV series. Because the car's brakes were tampered with or malfunctioned, the car owner would drive faster and faster, for fear of dying. It's not fast enough. Even if there are a lot of other problems at the same time, let's explain it at least - not only the brake fails, can't downshift, the handbrake is stuck, but even the accelerator is stuck in and can't be pulled out, right?

In short, although there are a large number of processing methods, in many "artistic works", no matter whether it is an old driver, a new driver or an old Si Ji, they have never used them. They are always full of passion for the "plot development" and follow the best. The rhythm of the car is driving towards death, and in the end, either death, emotion, or love are gained, or death and emotion, emotion and love, death and good guy card, etc...

However, if Mo Tan's situation is compared to a brake failure, then the situation in the game is basically that as soon as the brakes fail, he rises to the sky, and as soon as he closes and opens his eyes, it is another him.

Because it was disconnected at the moment of personality change, it was impossible to get any buffering opportunity...

[Hmm, was there really no sign at all in the moment before the connection was disconnected? 】

Mo Tan suddenly thought of this, and then began to hold his chin in thought.

As a result, he didn't think about it until Ji Xiaoge opened the door and entered the room.

"Huh?" Mo Tan, whose thinking was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, couldn't help but be slightly startled. He looked at the winged beautiful girl in front of him with an extremely puzzled look carrying an iron bucket, and asked in particular confusion: "You How did you get in?

"I came in by swiping my card." Ji Xiaoge waved a crystal card in his hand with a smile and stuck out his tongue playfully: "I just said I wanted to come to the arena to play with you. Teacher Lu Wei gave me this. He said He presided over the design of the entire arena back then. Although it can't give me any convenience in battles or matches, it can easily handle things like entering and exiting the living area."

Mo Tanqian laughed: "Does this kind of private space count?"

"Yeah!" The girl fluttered her wings twice, spread her hands and said, "I can go to the rooms of you, Yaya and Jadeka at will, but they are NPCs, so I will definitely not mess around. You are different. "Click~"

Mo Tan blinked twice and pointed at himself: "How am I different?"

Ji Xiaoge took out a large crystal comb from somewhere, and while combing his wings, he casually replied: "You are a player like me. Players won't sleep here, and they can't take off their clothes." Light, so it doesn’t matter.”

Mo Tan: "..."

"Ah!" the girl said, waving her hands quickly, scratching her hair in embarrassment and smiling: "Sorry, sorry, if you mind, I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"That's not true." The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched: "I'm just a little curious how you know that players can't take off themselves in the game... well, take off their clothes or something."

In the end, Ji Xiaoge just shrugged his wings: "Because I tried it in the women's bathhouse in the previous town, and the result was that I could only take off my underwear at most, and..."


Mo Tan immediately interrupted the other party's explanation loudly, shook his head with a red face and said: "I understand, you don't need to explain it so carefully."

"Oh." The other party nodded obediently and said with a curl of his lips: "But it's really a pity. I thought I could soak in the hot springs in the game..."

Mo Tan coughed dryly, and then quickly changed the subject: "Well, by the way, what is that in your hand?"

"Oh! This one." Ji Xiaoge happily raised the iron bucket to Mo Tan's eyes and said with a smile: "This is my newly developed dish, open it and take a look!"

Mo Tan nodded and reached out to pick up the lid.

Then I saw a bunch of...

"Huh?" Mo Tan grabbed some of the soft stuff inside and asked curiously: "Why do I feel like this is a bit like a sponge?"

The girl shook her head vigorously: "No, this is the safety prepared by the teacher for this dish... Well, it is a safety anyway, the thing is down there!"

Mo Tan shrugged, grabbed a few more 'sponges', and then saw a bunch of dark red, fist-sized oval objects neatly placed at the bottom of the barrel.

"what is this?"

"Tea eggs!"

"It looks like it to me, but... why does it say [for human use] on the item information?"

Chapter 162: End

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