Quadruple split

Chapter 1505 Before Medical School

two days later

September 3, 2049 AD

Real time AM11:47

Tanhua University, Southwest District, corner of Taiping Square

"Ah...it seems to have turned into a chestnut cake..."

Mo Tan, who was sitting on the stone bench, tugged at the corner of his mouth and made a vague complaint. Then he lazily stood up and looked away from the teaching building not far away.

Someone at this moment should be in class in the building that Mo Tan was just looking at, and this small square is the place with the best view within a radius of 500 meters.

This is the sphere of influence of Tanhua University Medical School. Among the teachers and students there are countless interrogation experts who can stab people into pieces and only receive minor injuries. Not only that, most of them are suffering from insomnia. The incurable 'obsessive compulsive writing syndrome' simply means that you will put all the things that can be written in your field of vision into your pocket, but you can't get them out.

Since Tanhua University School of Medicine cooperates with several hospitals, and its No. 3 laboratory building, which also functions as a medical office, is the highest-standard hospital in the surrounding area, students here have almost had it since their freshman year. There are a lot of internship opportunities, and as long as you can get recognition from the Academic Affairs Office in the corresponding field, you won't have to worry about pocket money and credits.

Of course, the college will not use the method of forcing students to do internships to reduce the work pressure in the laboratory building. It will just make the credit card more difficult. To put it simply, all medical students, starting from the second half of the freshman year, The standard credits are basically equivalent to the sum of [zero absences] + [excellence in all subjects]. In other words... as long as you, as a medical student, dare to miss one class, it is basically impossible to meet the standard this semester.

Unless - go to an internship!

So in most cases, students who are unfortunate enough to study in this place start their internship from their freshman year and continue their internship until they graduate.

Therefore, in addition to having extremely rich theoretical knowledge, these people also have a considerable degree of practical experience. While many foreign students in the same major are still dealing with teachers of general surgery, students from Tanhua Medical College may have participated in several surgeries. .

In addition, they generally have developed calligraphy skills that are astounding during their studies. They have also been trained to wash their hands before going to the toilet, disinfect their mobile phones with alcohol every day, not to hold on to the handle when opening the door, and not to miss anyone. A pen, never let go of any pen, never let go of any pen, etc.

However, precisely because of this crazy education model, the students here generally have very good resumes when they first graduate, especially those who are the kings in the clinical field of surgery. They don’t have a few operating experience and are even embarrassed to raise their heads. .

All in all, Tanhua University, a medical school, is recognized as one of the more dangerous areas. There are almost no students from other colleges who come to hang out and have fun. After all, these people are always in a relatively nervous state mentally, although there are basically no There have been bloody incidents, but with the mentality of being afraid of anything, people will still try to stay away.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no mentally normal students in the medical school. It is just that normally mentally normal students will not appear here during breaks. After all, it is easy to cause PTSD, and whether they are students outside the break time or even during the break, Students who still linger around despite the time are more or less abnormal.

“Conventional incision at McFarland point is entered into the abdomen…Conventional incision at McFarland point is entered into the abdomen…1.7cm incision…Thyroid retractor…Thyroid retractor…Double-headed retractor is mostly used to retract the abdominal wall and abdominal organs…Single-headed retractor is mostly used for muscles Thick lower limb surgery...Fuck your mother...Fuck your appendix...Fuck your appendix...Fuck your mother...Thyroid retractor is a blessing from God...Amitabha...Amen...Fuck you mother...Who stole it from me? Pen...whose appendix did I steal again..."

A boy with a pale face and unkempt hair staggered past Mo Tan. While muttering a mysterious language as if he was talking in his sleep, he staggered towards the distance. The dark circles under his eyes that looked like smoky makeup made Mo Tan Tan felt that it would not be surprising if this person suddenly died on the spot the next second.

This is not an isolated case. In fact, at least 30% of the people around are in this state. And according to Mo Tan’s judgment, after the sun goes down, zombie-themed movies can be filmed here directly. Many people play Zombie sincerely. You don't even need to put on makeup.

[This ghost place is too dangerous...]

Mo Tan murmured something in his heart, and then quickened his pace to leave. He didn't plan to stay any longer.

The reason why he appeared here was to go to the laboratory building to visit Cui Xiaoyu, who was hit by Yi Dong and suffered a mild concussion. Of course, this was just the reason Mo Tan gave himself. He actually knew Cui Xiaoyu's The hard-working iron head is fine a long time ago. The reason why I have been hospitalized here these days is mainly because the little girls in the nursing department are good-looking, so I added some drama to myself without any reason, trying to pass this time. Encountered and completed the divorce.

It's not that Cui Xiaoyu wants to find a partner or a demon. In fact, the reason why his brother is so anxious to find a partner for him is that, apart from being a widower for too long, it's mainly because his father has given him a death order. , if you don’t find a partner, Cui Xiaoyu will earn next year’s tuition by himself!

Obviously, Cui Xiaoyu's demonic obstacles were put aside for now. His father, who had never met Mo Tan, seemed to have developed a strong sense of crisis. He felt that if he didn't push a little harder, that big man who failed to live up to his expectations would The son may directly let him die.

To sum it up, Brother Xiaoyu has actually stopped having trouble for a long time, but for the sake of finding a partner, he still decided to live in the laboratory building of the medical school. He only hopes that all grades will be majored in nursing, which has a high proportion of girls. Someone among them can take a fancy to himself.

Therefore, this person's physical fitness is almost three times that of Mo Tan. In order to stay in the hospital, he even sneaks to the playground to hit the wall every night to renew his concussion. He doesn't need to visit at all!

So why did Mo Tan come here?

The reason is very simple. Mo Tan, who has an absolutely neutral personality, was not here for Cui Xiaoyu from the beginning. Although he did go around the other party's ward just now, the visiting time was less than ten minutes, which was almost He took the word "perfunctory" to the extreme. Not only that, he even ate two bunches of bananas from the fruit basket next to Cui Xiaoyu's bed (given by Yi Dong).

After that, after finishing his banana, Mo Tan strolled out and sat down in a place called Taiping Square in front of the college building.

By the way, the reason why this place is called Taiping Square is because the first-generation dean of the medical school was very particular about his conduct and tried to make the specifications of the laboratory building the same as or even more comprehensive than that of a normal tertiary-level hospital. Except for the more basic internal medicine In addition to departments such as , surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, he also needs traditional Chinese medicine, psychiatry, plastic surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. He even needs to build a large underground blood bank.

The management of Tanhua University met these conditions without hesitation. The budget was given the green light, allowing the old dean to go ahead with it until... the old man applied for a morgue next to the blood bank.

Rao is the school director who is very good in both wallet and psychological quality. He was confused when he heard this request. After all, the morgue should not appear in the school, even if something happened. , in the end the person will definitely have to be taken to a hospital outside the campus, and it is impossible to keep him in here forever.

So the representative school director asked the old dean why he wanted a morgue, and the latter replied without hesitation - obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The school management was speechless for a long time and finally refused to agree. However, they did not want to offend the old leader who had finally been invited, so they came up with a compromise solution, which was to build a square in front of the college building. The official explanation of the name "Taiping" is "I hope that the years will be quiet, peaceful and peaceful, life will be prosperous, the phoenix will sing, the wind will blow thousands of miles away, the sea will be calm, the times will be harmonious and the years will be peaceful, and the dogs will not be startled when they bark."

In fact, it fulfilled the old dean’s dream of a morgue.

And the students are not stupid. Although they have not protested against the school, they know the origin of this square in their hearts. However, considering that the students of this college are people who are fighting on the front line of illness and death, everyone Not only did he have no objection, but he said, "I'll see you at the morgue tomorrow at noon" and "Where are you?" The phrase "I'll wait for you in the morgue" has gradually become popular, and has even become a fashion that students from other colleges cannot appreciate.

But to be honest, regardless of the name, the environment of this small square is pretty good. It is more than enough for roller skating and other activities, and square dancing is not a problem. It is open enough for expressing love, and the field of vision is very broad. .

Especially from Mo Tan's current angle, he could clearly see the classroom where Yu Chen's class was taking place.

That's right, the purpose of his coming here is actually to have a 'chance encounter' with his sweetheart, and if the other party asks, Mo Tan can definitely say that he just visited Cui Xiaoyu and is planning to rest here for a while and then find a place. have lunch.

If nothing else, Yu Chen, who knows that Mo Tan has a bad sense of direction, will probably offer to lead the way, and then Mo Tan will say that there is no way to repay the kindness, so why not treat you to something to eat, so that the two of them can go to each other smoothly? Let's have lunch together.

The reason why we want to have a meal together is because the 'Black Vatican Priest' in the game will leave for the city of Ten Thousand Doumbuya today. After that, it is estimated that the fake CP in the innocent world will have a lot of We couldn't meet each other for a long time, so even though Mo Tan knew that what he needed most was to keep distance from Yu Chen instead of working together, he still wanted to find some time to spend together in reality.

Mo Tan himself knew that his idea was very bad, but he still couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart.

Unfortunately, things went against his wishes. Before he could wait for Yuchen's figure to appear at the window, he fell ill...

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan, who changed his personality to 'chaotic neutral', muttered, 'It seems like he has turned into a chestnut cake,' and then he patted his butt and got up and left. That was so neat and tidy.

However, just when he was about to leave Taiping Square, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

"Hey, bad luck..."

Mo Tan took out his mobile phone and glanced down at the screen. First, he quickly changed the note of [A Yuchen] to [Yuchen]. Then he cleared his throat reluctantly, opened the voice answer button and used Without any evil spirit, he asked in almost the same tone as when he was under the 'Absolute Neutral' personality: "Hi, what's the matter?"

"Uh... I should be the one asking if you are okay."

The girl on the other side of the phone paused for a moment, then said briskly: "Look back to the second floor."


Mo Tan moved his facial muscles, and then looked back nervously at the glass on the second floor of the main building of the medical school. He soon spotted the girl standing on tiptoes waving to him in the middle, and quickly said in surprise: "Oh, what a coincidence. Are you out of class?"

Yuchen smiled calmly, nodded and said, "Well, get out of class is about to end. You wait until I get off."

After saying that, she hung up the phone and left the window, apparently going straight downstairs.

Mo Tan, who had missed the opportunity to leave, had no choice but to sigh helplessly, walked back listlessly to the marble bench and sat down, constantly complaining in his heart.

From his perspective at this moment, the mental state he was in just now was really a bit too embarrassing.

It's a pity that even so, he still has to deal with the aftermath for 'himself'. Considering various factors, Mo Tan must act with an 'absolutely neutral' personality with a temperament that is relatively mediocre in reality. This is what he can do It is a necessary condition to survive calmly in this society, so no matter how reluctant he is, he must work hard to show the unity of his painting style in front of acquaintances.


Soon, Yu Chen ran out of the college building with brisk steps, quickly came to Mo Tan and asked curiously: "I remember you only had one class this morning, right? Why are you here?"

"Check on Xiao Yu."

Mo Tan pointed at the college building not far away, scratched his hair and said, "But he didn't seem to have any big problems, so I didn't stay too long."

Yu Chen nodded slightly, then sat on the marble stool opposite Mo Tan and said with a smile: "So that's it. I asked a friend to read Xiao Yu's medical records before. It was a very mild concussion. In fact, even if he does it now It’s okay to be discharged from the hospital, so don’t worry too much.”

[I'll give that bastard a damn...]

While complaining in his heart, Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "That's not bad. Yi Dong has not been able to eat well and sleep well these two days. He is afraid that something will happen to Xiao Yu."

"Well, don't worry, I will ask my friends to help keep an eye on Xiaoyu before she is discharged from the hospital, um——"

Yu Chenping raised his hands and stretched out in a cute way, and smiled softly: "We are going to set off after playing the game today, right?"

"Yeah, wish me a safe journey."

"No blessing~"


"Let's wait until you get into the game~"

Chapter 1,496: End

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