Quadruple split

Chapter 1504 Core Goal

Today, if the busybodies are asked to evaluate the secret service of the Violet Empire, which is an organized and structured special work system, then anyone who pays more attention to the situation on the mainland or the internal affairs of the Violet Empire will blurt out the regent without thinking. The [Female Bee] was formed by one hand.

Although she has been invisible for the past ten years, the [Female Bee] has already stood on the stage and has become a majestic sharp blade in the hands of His Highness Hugh Bresne, cleaning up with incredible efficiency. All filth within the empire, or what the regent defines as filth.

If the regent at this moment has already dominated the daytime of the Violet Empire, and other lords are embracing the coming dusk, then the elusive and omnipresent [Female Bee] is the ruler of the night.

The night is not scary, but the night that is absolutely loyal to the day is enough to scare anyone with evil intentions.

Under Xiu's instructions, those ubiquitous bee stingers took just a few months to wipe out all the forces that had shown clear hostility to the Violet family throughout the empire. Even the old Emperor Clerval had to give some thin-faced people, and a few months ago they could still show off in front of the Prince Regent. One or two of them would disappear every day when the sun rose, and they would never appear again.

In this way, after hundreds of years of accumulation, the various factions and forces, headed by the first eight lords of Violet, were gradually developing into the Griffin Dynasty, and they were dispersed like smoke in just a few months. And the nutrients contained in it are filling the 'treasury' not belonging to the Violet family, but to the entire empire at an extremely fast speed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the regent was willing, he could even use money to smash Duke Hussein to death. Of course, he did not choose to do this, but he did not hesitate to use the accumulated wealth that had just been transferred to his hands. In a short period of time, he squandered it to benefit the citizens of the empire through various channels, and almost doubled the happiness index of the vast majority of the citizens.

The world is dominated by those who win people's hearts. Water can carry or capsize a boat. This saying is really very vulgar. Like all wise sayings, it is so vulgar that just hearing this statement makes you feel like you can smell a pungent smell of earth.

The reason why famous quotes are famous is that they are correct and reliable in most cases.

The regent is not Mu Xuejian. In his opinion, as long as it is a method that can help him achieve his goal, it doesn't matter how low its intrinsic fashion value is, as long as it is easy to use.

It is worth mentioning that the beneficiaries we just mentioned are 'citizens' rather than 'subjects'. In other words, no matter in the core circle of the Violet family's power centered on the royal capital Salamun, Still in the territories outside that area, the regent has provided a lot of support in the name of the Violet Royal Family, including but not limited to people's livelihood. It even made others think that my brother was crazy. After all, even if the treasury was indeed strengthened a lot, looking for He can't stick to this corrupt method for a few years.

To give a random example, the Hussein family, the richest family in the era of the Eight Lords, spent all the money they spent on their own people in the previous twenty years, but it was not as strong as the regent's support this time.

Of course, not to mention other people, anyone who has experienced the previous turmoil will not think that Hugh Blaise is a saint with a somewhat serious head. On the contrary, everyone knows that His Highness has never been He will do things that are not good for himself, and his moral level will never be high.

After that, time has indeed proven this. Take the current time as an example, firstly, the public opinion in the Violet Empire has gradually begun to tilt towards the royal family, and then the first level was 'compassion for heaven and compassion', and the second level was After the end of the livelihood support at the first level of 'teaching people to fish' and the fifth level of 'absorbing labor force', an average of more than 40% of the citizens in the Violet territories have started working for 'state-owned enterprises'. In view of the details, it is relatively Complex, we might as well understand it as 'planting fields of violets in Hussein's territory', 'catching fish for violets on the seaside of Dantes', 'feeding horses to violets on the pastures of Baroka'.

And all of this was due to the fact that the Marshall family had just been destroyed and everyone was sharing the cake. The regent made a concession under pressure, that is, he agreed to allow other families to exchange for market shares in some areas and reduce the actual control of Violet, which has the smallest territory here. The proportion of sharing in the gluttony.

In this regard, Her Royal Highness Fairy Graham, the Saint of Fortune who is the most unwilling to suffer losses in Motan's social circle, quoted a common saying from outsiders in a very down-to-earth manner - it is terrifying to think about it.

Obviously, if nothing else goes wrong, the Violet Royal Family should win this time.

Under this premise, the [Female Bee], which was almost spread over the entire empire by the regent, naturally became the most powerful secret service agency. In fact, when His Highness Xiu stopped hiding his clumsiness and walked to the front desk, he received a large amount of resources tilted towards [ The female bee] is indeed the first among violets in terms of overall strength.

However, the [Bauhinia Guard], the [Black Sheep] of the Dantes family, the [Dusk Blade] of the Simon family, and the [Tin Coin] of the Hussein family, which were originally similar institutions under the royal family, still maintain a level of neither high nor low. The level and business capabilities are far inferior to [Female Bee], a rising star that was founded less than 20 years ago.


Although [Female Bee] has now become the strongest secret service agency in the entire Violet Empire, it is not the strongest in terms of scale and coverage area.

It's the [Night Hunting] under Fire Claw Grand Duke Rhino and Blood Axe, which has only been established for less than a hundred years!

This may seem unreasonable at first glance. After all, the Fire Claw Territory is a place dominated by orcs, and the average level of this race is actually not high. It would take a hundred dark elves to be an elite agent. One, if it were a human, it would take five hundred. As for the orcs, one in a thousand would be good.

However, under this situation, Grand Duke Xiluo forcefully spread this special organization called [Night Hunting] across the entire continent. There is only one reason, and that is to find out the people who have been missing at a high rate in the Fire Claw leader over the years. the truth.

Based on the characteristics of the victims, Rhino has already focused his attention on the right direction of 'slave trade'. However, the Viper Merchant Guild and the Whispering Sect are hidden too deeply, and [Night Hunt] does not have a Wanderer's Inn or a Thieves Guild after all. So powerful, so there has been nothing gained over the years. In the end, it was only Ned who finally found the truth.

But even so, the [Night Hunt], which was originally sent to various places to establish strongholds and intelligence networks in order to find out information, and spread across the entire continent, should not be underestimated.

To give the most intuitive example, there are a total of three [Night Hunting] teams in the Free City, including Elma's side, but the [Female Bee] stronghold only has one Crystal Flower Club.

This is not a secret, at least it is not a secret to His Highness Hugh Bresne, so the regent obviously hopes to eat [Night Hunt] into his mouth.

But at least for now, the Fire Claw Territory still maintains its independence. However, due to the fact that Xiu played a lot of role in destroying the Marshall family, although Grand Duke Rhino is not as direct as Dantes and Crystal Wolf. On the other hand, he was willing to be controlled by the royal family, but he did not show any hostility. Generally speaking, the two parties had been getting along relatively peacefully and happily in recent months.

However, although the two parties get along very harmoniously at the political level, and have recently launched many mutual exchange projects, for the 'members of the system' in [Female Bee] and [Night Hunt], getting along with each other is difficult. It's rather embarrassing.

Just as the atmosphere between Ophelia Laurel and Irma Heche was awkward.

So the question is, why did these two people show a considerable degree of cooperation with Mo Tan at the same time?

The reason is simple. The latter does not follow one channel, but two.

Both of these are not difficult to guess. The first is Mo Tan, who has always been in contact with Xiu. He approached the former after the battle to suppress the hermaphrodites in Academy City and bluntly stated that he planned to set up a branch in the Free City. The stall needs your cooperation, His Highness the Regent.

And Xiu, who had treated 'Tan Mo' differently from the beginning and even regarded him as a confidant, was also a happy person. He immediately agreed and said that we are all brothers and it would be boring to be too foreign. Well, I will ask the [Female Bee] people in the Free City to fully cooperate with you. You are the type who works so hard that your brains are ruined. Then you can give me two or three percent of the profit from the soda sale. That's it.

Mo Tan also immediately wrote back that the matter was easy to talk about, and asked about the power of [Female Bee] in the Free City.

The regent was loyal and honest, so he told Mo Tan the actual situation. Simply put, it was a [Crystal Flower Club], plus all the employees in this club, as well as an intelligence network established with this club as the core.

After Mo Tan made a brief assessment, he only replied to Xiu with four short words - Fuck you.

His Royal Highness the Regent was not someone to be trifled with. He immediately righteously condemned this unscrupulous friend, and finally asked Mo Tan what price he could offer.

In the end, after some wrangling, Mo Tan paid the [Harlequin Card] to provide free services to the Violet Empire 5 times/quarter, and successfully asked the regent to fully cooperate with him in commanding the Free City, and will A number of front-line personnel with extremely high comprehensive quality were sent to assist in the work.

That person is Ophelia Laurel.

As for the help of [Night Hunt], the promoter will naturally not be 'Tan Mo' who has no friendship with the Fire Claw Leader, nor can it be someone who has some friendship with the Fire Claw Leader but will cause a big disaster if his identity is exposed. Black Van'.

That's right, the person who took the initiative to negotiate terms with Grand Duke Xiluo this time and strived for the full cooperation of [Ye Shou], whose power exceeded [Female Bee] outside Violet, and finally promoted this long-term cooperation at zero cost, is the person who has recently I customized a double leaf of the tarot card [The Fool] in [Strange and Weird City of Miracles].

This is easy to understand. After all, according to research, the fifty-third card JOKER in the playing cards is most likely to come from card No. 0 in the Tarot, which is the ‘Fool’ in the Major Arcana.

In view of the fact that JOKER, the ghost card in poker, is regarded as a wild card under many rules, and ‘The Fool’ just means infinite possibilities, so the term JOKER = Fool is the most widespread.

Futaba, who had automatically become the [Ghost Card] when he joined the Harlequin Card, the supreme planner, organizer and helmsman, found the Rice brothers as soon as he returned to the City of Miracles, asking him to The two people who Tan greeted in advance customized a [Highest Authority].

Because JOKER has a special status among the clown cards, even though everyone else has the same style of special playing cards, the two as ghost cards do not need to abide by this rule. For example, Mo Tan holds a production number zero. lighter, so Futaba chose a No. 0 tarot card.

By the way, whether it’s Motan’s lighter or Futaba’s tarot cards, the colors and styles are all very bright. In a word, you’ll know it’s a king when you see it!

All in all, just like in the real world, although the two people are always fighting each other online, they still maintain an anonymous hacker organization like [Black Sun], [Harlequin Card] is the same thing in the eyes of Mo Tan and Futaba, that is, it is used to Toys for fun and fun.

Therefore, even though she knew that [Harlequin Card] was very likely...or must have participated in his previous assassination, Futaba still contacted the Fire Claw Leader without hesitation, hoping that the latter could cooperate with her plan to take root in the Free City. 'industry'.

Considering that Futaba can be said to be the great benefactor of the Fire Claw Territory, and [Night Hunt] happened to have no clear purpose after the Marshall family was destroyed, Grand Duke Rhino made the decision immediately after receiving the news, without asking for any benefits.

Therefore, the seemingly hard nut to crack before, Irma Heikiri has been on Mo Tan's side from the beginning, and is even more trustworthy than Hermes.

"Sir doesn't like to waste time, so he won't stay in the Free City for too long."

After drinking the last sip of soda, Xiao Ai broke the silence with a smile and said softly to the three of them: "And he doesn't want us to waste time, so I'm afraid we don't have time to play the upgrade game step by step and down-to-earth, so..."

When he said this, Xiao Ai paused slightly, and his eyes as calm as water slowly swept over Hermes, Elma and Ophelia.

The three of them immediately straightened their backs subconsciously and looked solemn.

For some reason, these three, who were well-trained secret agents in every sense of the word, trembled covertly when the young, harmless girl in front of them looked over.

"The core goal is tentatively to make Countess Lessa the consul here in the shortest possible time."

Xiao Ai stood up, raised her skirts to the three of them, then covered her mouth and coughed lightly——

"Then, please trouble the three of you to mobilize all your resources to investigate [Black Curtain] and Father Lorenzo. That person... is not simple."

Chapter 1,495: End

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