Quadruple split

Chapter 148 What should be done?

About two hours later, Prince Kunda woke up from his light sleep, subconsciously glanced at the sky outside, and smiled at Luther, who just turned to look at him: "I don't seem to have slept for long."

"A little over two hours, my highness, you should rest a little longer." The high-level mage with short gray hair was currently sketching a magic circle with a large number of geometric figures of different colors and shapes intertwined on it. , they kept changing their positions, emitting a hazy light, but did not produce any magic fluctuations.

"What are you doing?" Kunda frowned and sighed softly: "I hope you can preserve your strength as much as possible. We are still a long way from the Emperor's Thorn Castle."

Luther took out a short black staff from his cuff and waved it twice, completely hiding the magic circle in front of him. Then he slowly walked to Kunda and spread his hands: "This is a necessary precautionary measure. Since we are very safe now, It may have been targeted, so this kind of preparation is necessary from any angle. Although the [Grand Occult Obscuration] I just arranged is considered a high-level arcane spell, the consumption is not actually large. It’s just that The requirements for theoretical knowledge are slightly higher, so you don’t have to worry.”

Kunda nodded. Since Luther has said this, he really has no reason to worry anymore. You must know that although the mage beside him has always regarded himself as an apprentice, this does not mean that his How low his strength is. After all, in the Chauvin Empire, it is definitely a privilege to be the apprentice of Farah. Even those highly respected great magisters will respectfully call him 'Master' or 'Senior' when they see Farah. However, …

【That has become a thing of the past. 】

Kunda's eyes were a little dim, but then he quickly cheered up and smiled at Luther beside him: "Being able to cast the most difficult high-level arcane magic in the magic field so lightly, your accomplishments are indeed very impressive. Awesome, he is worthy of being Grandpa Ossis’s favorite disciple.”

There was no compliment at all, he was speaking from his heart. Among the many types of magic, arcane magic requires the most knowledge from the user. Kunda still remembered Farah teaching him about it when he was young. What I said during my magic theory...

Unlike wind, fire, water, earth, thunder and other schools that rely on the power of the elements themselves, arcane magic is the most versatile, has the most changes, and is the most difficult to learn. Taking the lowest-level attack magic as an example, most mage apprentices want The time it takes to master arcane missiles is usually two to three weeks, but if you switch to magic such as fireball or rockfall, this time will be shortened by at least 70%.

This point alone is enough to explain the problem, but since if we explain it more, I am afraid that this chapter will have to be explained here, so we will not analyze it further for the time being.

Back to business...

After hearing what Kunda said, Luther shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Although I appreciate your compliment, I am not the teacher's favorite student."

"Oh?" Kunda was a little surprised. After all, as far as he knew, Farah's official apprentice was only Luther, so he couldn't help but curious: "Who is that?"

Luther hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "Batgaros, Grand Magister Duke Bartgaros, he is the teacher's most proud disciple."

"Garros..." Kunda was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to say something, but found that the door of the wooden house was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and his face turned pale.

But when he saw the person clearly, his heart suddenly dropped.

That was a dark elf girl who looked somewhat familiar. If Kunda remembered correctly, she should be the one who stayed here with the human aunt when he first came here, even though she belonged to a relatively rare race in the Chauvin Empire. , but not a dangerous person.

"Hello, two adults." Jiawen bowed slightly to the two of them, and carried a bucket full of water into the house with great difficulty. Then she took off the cloth bag behind her back and took out a lot of lavender fruits. Da Wen smiled: "There is nothing good here, but Sister Daisy told me before that these fruits growing in the south of the town can relieve fatigue, so I went to pick some and brought them back."

To be honest, if it was Kunda a month ago, he would inevitably have a lot of 'thoughts' when faced with this tall, pretty girl who is still full of charm even though she is dressed in simple clothes, but he is really not in the mood now...

"Luther, why is this girl here?" The somewhat upset prince waved his hand to the girl casually, then turned back to Luther and asked, "What does she do?"

The latter immediately explained: "It's like this. I asked the town citizen named Daisy while you were resting, and I found out that this girl Gawen has actually been living here during this time. She seems to be She has amnesia. She can't remember anything except her name, and there's nowhere else to go, so I took it upon myself to let her stay here. Not only can it provide us with a cover, but it will also provide us with a safe place to go during this period. I can take care of your daily life..."

There is obviously nothing wrong with Luther's idea. After all, Kunda is a prince of a country. Even if he is not as dissolute in nature, he is still a pampered nobleman. He usually has a lot of guards and guards at all times. The kind where maids surround you, so it's always good to have someone there to take care of you.

And the girl Gawen, who seems to be inexperienced in the world, has a simple personality, and has a gentle temperament, is naturally a good candidate. What's more, she has been living here before. Not to mention anything else, she can at least take care of Kangda's life simply. daily life.

As for more, it depends on what His Highness the Prince thinks...

However, Luther is more or less an upright person. If Kunda really wants to force this girl to do something, he will definitely not just sit idly by and ignore it. However, His Highness the Prince probably won't be that interested at this time.

"Well, I understand." Kunda nodded slightly, obviously not having any objections to Luther's arrangement, but he was still a little worried, and asked Luther hesitantly: "Is she...safe?"

Luther nodded: "I have used magic to detect it several times. This girl Gawen is just an ordinary girl. She is ordinary in all aspects. She does not have any magic props or the like. You can rest assured. .”

The conversation between the two did not mean to avoid Gawen at all, but the latter did not care. He just placed the washed fruits on a small wooden plate in front of Kunta, then bowed slightly and picked up the fruit. A rag was used to continue the unfinished cleaning work.

"The work is quite fast." Kunda was relieved now, shrugged and smiled at Luther: "I am too fussy, after all, I am just an ordinary girl."


Gawen's thin shoulders shook slightly.

Luther shook his head and sighed: "No matter how vigilant we are in this situation, it is not surprising. Your concern is normal."

"Haha." Kunda laughed dryly: "I hope my guess is wrong. To be honest, if Grandpa Ossis is really treason... maybe I can feel more relaxed."

Luther nodded silently and did not answer this sentence.

[Osis...Fara Osis? The Dharma God of the Chauvinist Empire...treason? 】

Gawen, who was wiping the floor with her back to the two of them, couldn't help but analyze subconsciously. Although the purpose of playing this game was entirely to relax herself, she couldn't even control this instinctive behavior.

Even though he has never left this town, Gavin will remember some things unconsciously when he listens to the people around him chatting after dinner. Pharaoses, the imperial magic god who everyone knows, is here. in these contents.

"But I can't help but doubt it." Kunda didn't notice the flickering eyes of the inexperienced girl. He just picked up a piece of fruit and stuffed it into his mouth. He shook his head at Luther and said, "Don't worry, I don't care. I didn’t mean to doubt you.”

Luther nodded: "I know, but Your Highness, is it really right for us to leave the capital? Not to mention myself, even if there is something fishy in this matter, your safety should not be affected... …”

"I know." Kunta raised his hand to interrupt him and said solemnly: "But you have also seen those knights. What I am worried about is not that they want to harm me, but the power hidden behind all events. Trying to control my freedom, after all, a prince’s right to speak is not small, even if it’s just a useless prince.”

Luther seemed a little unresponsive.

After all, he is just an academic mage, and his sense of smell in certain fields is far less sharp than Kunda's.

"I have expressed my doubts about this matter before, whether in the military camp or the palace, and because I didn't think too much about it at the time, my attitude was a little too firm." Kunda explained: "If the person behind the scenes wants to give Osi If Grandpa Si is convicted, then I will be a big obstacle. In addition, after I left my brother's place and went directly to the Mage Tower, I'm afraid..."

He didn't finish his words, but Luther had already reacted.

Gawen also reacted...

[Pharaosis is treason...convicted...military camp...royal palace...mage tower...then this Mr. Luther is...or the knight mentioned before...could he be referring to the Knights of the Sword of the Tsar? 】

The dark elf girl was not thinking very carefully.

"After successfully escorting you to Emperor Thorn Castle, I want to go to the great church of the Kaguya Sect in the north." Luther said with burning eyes: "I have met several Kaguya Archbishops with my teacher before. Didn't they also do it before? Have many priests been sent there to support? Everyone knows that such a thing could never be done by the teacher. I heard that the land over there has finally become more than just a cursed land, with that kind of weird power This is something that teachers absolutely don’t have!”

Kunta nodded happily: "Well, I'll leave it to you then."

[The priests of the Kaguya Sect...the Cursed Land...is it something over in Banser City? In this case, Pharaoses's treason is...]

Gawen thought of the topic about the Kaguya Sect when she was chatting with Aunt Daisy, and also thought about the incident of 'Banse City turned into a dead place' that caused a lot of heated discussion in the town not long ago.

An hour passed...

Kunda and Luther continued to chat. Although they both had some reservations in their words, they did not avoid Jiawen who was serving tea and water at the side. You don’t need to think about the reason. They did not think that Jiawen, a non-threatening 'village girl', would pose any threat to them.

I have to say that this is indeed a big mistake. After all, if you calculate it carefully, the timing of Jiawen's appearance here is still very subtle. It happened to be a few days after Banser City was massacred. If you think more carefully, If so, there is a possibility that she has ulterior motives...

But luckily she didn't have any ulterior motives.

Not only that, Jiawen, who had made some guesses based on the information obtained just now, wanted to help them.


"I suggest you two adults to leave immediately." When Gawen placed two cups of steaming crude tea on the small table between Kunda and Luther, she said softly: "It is best to leave immediately after dinner."

Kunda immediately looked at the 'village girl' in front of him warily and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Jiawen smiled apologetically: "I overheard the conversation between the two adults just now. I think this situation is very unfavorable for you two. It would be fine if you were in the capital, but you have now left the capital. Some people’s vision, so…”

"That's enough." Kunda interrupted her rudely and waved tiredly: "Do you want to drive us away? Don't forget that this is not your home. Mr. Luther and I are already very tired, no I feel like you are making some random assumptions here."

Because of some preconceived notions, Kunda had no intention of continuing to listen to Gawen's analysis. He just waved his hands impatiently as if to ward off flies: "Just do what you should do. Now go and help us cook." , and boil some more hot water by the way, we won’t stay in this place for too long.”

"But..." Gawen wanted to say something else.

But the exhausted Kunta had already stood up angrily and walked towards the bedroom.

"Miss Gawen." Luther, who was also slightly tired, shook his head at Gawen and said softly: "There are some things that you don't need to consider, so just do what you should do. With your Identity…it’s best not to go too far.”

Jia Wen nodded silently, with a helpless expression.

【Just a girl...】

[Just do what you have to do...]

[There are some things you don’t need to consider...]

【In your capacity...】

When I hear this kind of words, I always feel a little bit unhappy...

[But it doesn’t matter, anyway, I’m just ‘on vacation’ in this world. Even if something happens, I can just create another character~]

Gawen shrugged, said goodbye to Luther and went to prepare dinner.

The girl's thin back is a little desolate...

at the same time

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Chapter 145: End

I have a cold~So, the update is late~Hmm

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