Quadruple split

Chapter 147 Awakening

Let us temporarily move our gaze away from Mo Tan, who is on the way with Wenqiu, and Yu Chen, who is worried about one of his talents every day, and turn to another place...

Game time PM13:05

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the chaotic and evil Gawen, who will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

The southeastern continent of the Innocence, the edge of Prince Kunda's domain in the Chauvin Empire, Phantom Town

A girl named Bai Fujin, no, now she should be called Jiawen, appeared in a small wooden house.

The environment here is very ordinary. Although it is spacious and clean, both the architectural style and the furnishings inside are quite simple. No matter from which point of view, it is just an ordinary big house, unlike any other house named by Gawen in reality. No mansion can compare.

But she didn't care about this at all. In fact, on the contrary, Gawen liked this place where she lived in the game.

At least she can relax her body and mind without any pressure in this place, temporarily forgetting the intrigues in reality, ignoring the pressure that makes her breathless, and not having to think about how to prove or develop her own value and talents...

This world is pleasant.

After learning about the Realm of Innocence through various channels, Gawen came to the above conclusion.

"It's obviously a mental simulation device, but it doesn't affect the quality of rest or mental state. It's a bit weird." The dark elf girl in ordinary cloth cleaned the room skillfully, with a pretty face that was exactly the same as in reality. With a peaceful smile: "I never even thought about this kind of 'luxury' vacation~"

From a certain perspective, it is true...

You can spend some leisurely time here every day, occasionally running errands for Father York, washing clothes for Aunt Daisy, taking care of the children for someone's parents, and looking after a stall for someone's boss. For Gawen, It can indeed be regarded as a luxury.

While fighting against the cruel reality, it’s not bad to be able to enjoy the life of ordinary people in this place~

With such thoughts in mind, Gawen hummed and shook her head while wiping the cabinet, leisurely and comfortable.

What she told A Qing before was the truth. Apart from having [Chaotic Evil], which is a very small faction among the player group, Jia Wen is just an ordinary casual player.

Whether it is talent, basic attributes or abilities in all aspects, they are very ordinary.

She has not even left this quiet and peaceful town for even half a step, nor has she painstakingly studied how to make her character stronger. She has just stayed here as a wandering dark elf with amnesia, enjoying every calm day.

Every day that can play the role of ‘Jiawen’, not the value of Bai Fujin.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the door from outside. Jiawen quickly put aside the half-washed rag in her hand, straightened her clothes a little, stood up and said with a smile: "The door is unlocked, Aunt Daisy."

"You girl, how many times have I told you to call me Sister Daisy!"

A short, fat human woman with a kind face opened the door and walked in. She pretended to be angry at the girl in front of her: "Do I look that young?"

Gawen pursed her lips and smiled: "I know I was wrong, Sister Daisy~"

Daisy pretended to roll her eyes, then stuffed a small basket full of bread into Gavin's arms and hummed: "Take it, your Uncle Hans baked too much, and the child can't eat so much. I just brought some here, I didn’t leave them for you specially!”

To be honest, if this Aunt Daisy were more than 20 years younger, the above-mentioned textbook tsundere would be quite cute.

"Thank you, Sister Daisy." Gawen did not refuse. After politely thanking him, he placed the small basket of bread on the wooden table behind him, and then asked softly: "The priest of the Kaguya Sect has not come yet. What?"

Daisy's face darkened, and she shook her head with a wry smile: "No, it is said that because of the incident in Banse City some time ago, many clergymen from nearby churches were recruited there. I don't know when. Only then can I come back.”

"In that case, little Wendy's legs..." Gawen sighed worriedly, and after pondering for a moment, he whispered: "How about I go to the northern city and ask, it's not a good idea to drag it around like this. Method."

Daisy chuckled, waved her hand and said: "No, no, no, that kid broke his leg because he was dishonest. It doesn't matter if he has to suffer for a few days and learn a lesson. You girl is in a daze and doesn't know anything. I'm traveling alone." Don’t worry, just stay there and I’ll ask Hans to find some people to build you a house next to my house after a while.”

Gawen nodded lightly: "Thank you, Sister Daisy, but there's nothing wrong with living here~"

"It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate." Daisy shook her head like a rattle and said earnestly: "Since you plan to live in the town for a long time, it's best to have your own home, and you have to pay every month for living here. That person sent money to the landlord in the royal capital, and you won’t be able to save any of the pocket money you usually earn from working for us.”

Jia Wen shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

"You, a little girl with a weak brain, can't do it without some money." The aunt continued to mutter: "And if you stay here, you have to clean all day long, how tiring it is!"

"Yes, yes, I know, Sister Daisy." Gawen put her hand on Daisy's shoulder and promised with a smile: "Everything is up to you!"

Daisy glanced at the other party's weak and boneless hands, and suddenly sighed: "Oh, you said that if my child had been born ten years earlier... tsk, tsk, what a pity."

Jiawen blinked, then covered her mouth and chuckled: "Yeah, what a pity."

Aunt Daisy rolled her eyes at her and was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by a rapid knock on the door...

"Is anyone here?" someone outside asked cautiously. The voice sounded like it should be that of a man of considerable age.

"Who is it?" Daisy was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly with her trademark loud voice: "Who is knocking on this little girl's door!"

"Little girl?"

The man outside seemed a little confused, and then he muttered something softly. Two seconds later, a round purple ball of light appeared in the large wooden house and spun around twice.

"What is this!" Aunt Daisy cautiously took two steps back, while not forgetting to grab Gawen.

Then the door opened, and a human man who looked about fifty years old and wore a robe appeared in front of the two people.

"This is the Arcane Eye." The man looked a little tired, but he still pointed at the purple ball of light in front of him and explained to the two of them: "The primary use of arcane magic is reconnaissance and pathfinding, and it has no offensive power. of."

Gawen nodded with interest, feeling that the spell effects in this game were pretty good, but he didn't have any other ideas.

But Daisy was extremely nervous and asked the other party tremblingly: "You...who are you?"

"Who am I?" the other party repeated softly, and then smiled: "It's not impossible to tell you, but before that..."

He casually drew two triangular element symbols in front of him, and then lightly snapped his fingers at Daisy and Gawen.

"Powerful detection technique."

A hazy white light swept over the two of them.

"Evil surveillance..."

Hazy golden light spread out from the other party.

"Hostile resistance..."

A diamond-shaped light pink elemental symbol dissipated out of thin air, turning into a light curtain and passing through the two people.

Nothing happened.

"I'm sorry." The man who didn't notice anything strange nodded with satisfaction, and then smiled apologetically at the two of them: "Sorry, my name is Luther King, a high-level arcane mage."

Daisy was immediately startled, and then quickly pulled Jiawen to salute: "Hello, respected...respected mage."

Although I don’t know exactly how powerful the high-level mage is, he must be very powerful!

[The NPCs in this game...are too intelligent...]

Jiawen sighed in her heart for the unknown number of times.

Luther nodded, then turned his head to the door and said softly: "It's safe here, Your Highness, you can come in."

Aunt Daisy was completely stunned...

Your Highness? What Your Highness! ?

The next second, a man in a golden-red robe walked in from outside the house. His face was pale and his expression was sluggish. He looked much more haggard than Luther next to him, but he still had some innate energy. With his noble temperament, just standing there made Daisy, who had been a commoner all her life, feel a lot of pressure.

"Hello..." Kangdabohe casually glanced at the two people in front of him and said absently: "I am Kangdabohe, the prince of the empire. I plan to rest here for two days. By the way, this house is here. It's in the name of one of my housekeepers."

"Kang...Prince Kunda?" Daisy's eyes widened, and she asked with a trembling voice in extreme shock: "Your Majesty... Your Highness, why are you here?"

Kunta sighed: "It's a long story, so I won't go into it."

Luther and Kunda set out from the royal capital of Trenn last night and did not even close their eyes once before arriving here. This kind of thing is not a big problem for the former, who is a disciple of the God of Law, but for the pampered person, It was really not easy for His Royal Highness. The long journey and lack of sleep almost cost him half of his life, but there was nothing he could do about it...

They're being targeted!

Kunda, who hurried to the Osiris Mage Tower at that time, had just told Luther the bad news about the death of the Dharma God. The latter, who had partial authority over the Mage Tower, suddenly discovered that there were several more Tsar Knights nearby!

Those heavily armed knights seemed to be just strolling around, but they never left the range of the mage tower, and it was not until a few hours later that they left in batches in the direction of the military camp.

During this period of time, Kunda had also told Luther about Farah's 'treason' and Marshal Galahad's attitude. The latter swore that his teacher would not be killed in the half month before the incident in Banser City. He never left the Osiris Mage Tower, because he was doing an important magic experiment at the time!

Luther had no reason to lie...

And this matter itself is too strange!

After a little summing up, the two came to the same conclusion, that is, there is a 90% chance that the Empire's God of Law, Pharaoses, did not commit treason...

If this is the case, then there is definitely something wrong with Marshal Galahad and Duke Garros, two people who are also completely trusted by Kunda!

And Kunta had already found Galahad before, and then went to see the emperor, and now he also came to the Osiris Mage Tower to find Luther...

If there is really any problem behind all this, then there is absolutely no way the other party can just sit idly by and ignore his actions.

In fact, there was indeed no such thing as ignoring them. The few Tsar Knights almost followed Kunda's footsteps and appeared near the Osiris Mage Tower.

He has been targeted.

Kunda and Luther both felt the vague murderous intention at the same time...

After the knights left, Kunta accepted a short-range communication crystal given to him by Luther, and walked to his mansion tremblingly. Then he saw several knights of the Sword of the Tsar at the door of his house again. members of the group.

He had the illusion that there was a pair of cold eyes staring at him from high in the sky.

So Kunda did not go back, but immediately took out the communication crystal and contacted Luther, and then the two of them met at Troon's north gate a moment later, relying on Luther's relatively advanced magical attainments to secretly After leaving the royal capital, he rushed to Kangda territory without stopping. Kangda Bohe's own territory!

No matter if you are neurotic or fussy, no matter what, you must return to your core territory alive, and then as a prince, publicly question the 'Pharaosis treason'!

This prince who usually seems to only know about eating, drinking and having fun is far from being as simple as he seems.

As he said to William before, he was just 'doing what he had to do. ’

He also has the right to inherit the throne, but he thinks he is not qualified enough to shoulder the duties of a prince of the empire.

That is to make others feel that they are special idiots, losers, and playthings...

Anyway, the empire already has the excellent William Bohe, the powerful Dharma God, the powerful marshal, and the Duke of Garros and other outstanding and loyal nobles, so there is no shortage of an excellent prince. In fact, the empire needs a whole God knows that Kang Da Bohe is useless from any angle.

Because he inherited the royal bloodline, even if he is equally 'excellent', he must be less 'excellent'. This is right.

As for whether he would become a stain on the empire in history books and leave a bad reputation, Kunda didn't mind.

Such is his awareness of being a member of the chauvinist royal family...


Things are different now!

The city of Banser suffered bad luck, and all life was in ruins...

The fallen Dharma God was charged with treason...

The Marshal of the Three Dynasties insists that his friend of decades is guilty...

Silent royal brother...

[For the sake of this country, even if I am really just a loser, I can only cheer up at this moment...]

Kunta smiled mockingly to himself, ignored the curious glances of Daisy and Gawen, and fell asleep leaning on the chair with deep thoughts...

Chapter 144: End

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