Quadruple split

Chapter 143: Slow to grab

"Who do you think you are?!"

The goblin nicknamed "Acupuncture" obviously didn't have a good temper. After hearing the other party's "third-rate thief", his expression suddenly changed. He flicked his hands hard, and two dark iron boxes popped out from both sides of his wrist guard. Several grooves were filled with long blue needles, which were pointed steadily at the human man in the room. He said in a cold voice: "I'll give you a chance to change your mind, otherwise... hum."

Muse did not stop his companion this time. Of course, this was not because the slightly rampant words of the man in front of him had brought him any unhappiness. This elf with a deep city just wanted to let the four people behind him (no Acupuncture, which is by no means weak (including Cole), is just testing the opponent.

This is necessary.

If it is not difficult to discover the opponent's strength, even if he is not killed immediately due to various concerns, at least it can set a tone for the subsequent communication, a tone that is more favorable to one's own side.

But what he didn't expect was...

"Okay, I apologize."

But the other party bowed slightly to Zhenli and gave in without hesitation.

[Could it be that my judgment was wrong? 】

Muse was a little surprised to think that, after all, according to his previous analysis, the person in front of him definitely should not be a timid person, otherwise he would not have used Cole to demonstrate to the Thieves Guild using the slightly cruel method.

But that’s not a bad thing!

Muse adjusted her mood slightly, then turned around slowly and shook her head at Zhenjie and said, "Be careful when speaking..."

"What he said makes sense." The man standing in the room calmly interrupted the muse's indifferent scolding, with a half-smile expression on his face: "My wording just now was indeed ill-considered. , it’s also appropriate to apologize to this Mr. Goblin.”

Muse frowned, and then said softly: "Okay, since you are like this..."

"So I want to correct it now." The man's voice suddenly turned cold. He casually glanced at the confused muse, but his gentle voice sounded particularly harsh: "You are the only one who is considered a third-rate thief. , as for the others... I'm sorry, I mean the other trash fish, they are all inferior garbage."

Acupuncture suddenly became angry. He took a step forward and shouted angrily: "What do you mean!"

"Literally." The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious. He said softly: "If you have any objections... do you want to try to take a step forward?"

"You...what are you doing!?"

Acupuncture, filled with shame and anger, was about to rush forward and slap the opponent with a poisonous sting in the face, but found that Hua She, Xue Lian and Ye Yin were grabbing hold of him at the same time. He immediately turned around with eyes wide open and shouted: "Let me go!"

"Although I don't know why I feel this way." The lizardman Blood Chain clutched one of Acupuncture's arms tightly and whispered in surprise: "But I think if you take this step, you may die. …”

The tree elf Flower Snake also pulled Acupuncture's shoulders hard, and her little mouth painted with lavender lipstick pursed nervously: "I don't care if you die alone, but don't hurt us!"

Ye Yin, who had been hiding his figure, only said three words: "It's very dangerous!"

As for Cole and Muse…

The former also looked horrified on the surface, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The feeling just now was too familiar. He had experienced the cold, dangerous, sharp, frightening, blood-smelling, and purely staged murderous intention many times.

The man in front of him, who could intimidate several thieves guilds just by standing here, this mysterious man whom he had no memory of, was undoubtedly Mr.

【Stimulate! It’s so exciting! 】

The pale-faced little thief couldn't help but think to himself, and secretly made up his mind that he must practice hard in the future and master the two skills of "dressing up" and "face art" as soon as possible... No, it's art!

That's right, the man in front of everyone who seems to be full of flaws that even the Muse can't see through is Mo Tan.

But Kerr knows this, Mo Tan knows it, I know it, everyone here knows it, but Muse doesn’t know it...

The second leader of the Thieves Guild in Black Tower City, who was extremely powerful, scheming, wealthy and capable, was inexplicably panicked!

Although Mo Tan might not even be able to take one of his moves, this kind of reaction is not a very stupid or embarrassing thing.

Thieves have always been a profession based in the shadows. They are good at disguise, deception, assassination and pickpocketing. It is difficult for a mature and excellent thief to trust others, because these people themselves are professional liars. They gain the trust of others, disguise their own strength, and They have seen and done too many things like setting traps in places where people are least prepared.

Even if we all know Mo Tan's current strength, let alone these individuals, he may not be able to defeat even the No. 3 chicken in Tianzhu Mountain, but Muse and the others don't know.

They don't believe that the other party is only as simple as what they see. They don't believe that there are no traps under the seemingly undefended appearance of the other party. Even if they use something like a detection scroll on Mo Tan, and there is feedback from above, They couldn't believe the information about this guy.

They only believe in themselves, their own observations, their own intuition, and their own judgment.

That's why Mo Tan successfully frightened Muse and others.

Of course, nothing is absolute. If Muse sent an acupuncturist to deal with Mo Tan today, the latter might have jumped on the street or ran away by now.

It's a pity that Muse came in person and was fooled by his own vigilance. The other mainstream thieves such as Flower Snake, Blood Chain and Ye Yin were also suppressed, and they also grabbed the only one who looked like a child. , a famous thief whose intelligence is lower than ordinary people - Acupuncture!

"I'm sorry, sir." Muse's voice, which had been cold before, suddenly became extremely friendly, almost not like a thief: "Acupuncture's temper is not very good, but since you also know that he is just a 'bad guy' level, please don’t worry too much.”

Mo Tan snorted lightly, then pointed lazily at himself: "Link Zelda."

Muse immediately smiled and said: "My name is Muse, and I am the vice-president of the Thieves Guild of Black Tower City. These guys are..."

"I know who you are and the purpose of your coming here." Mo Tan yawned lazily and waved his hand: "As for those trash fish, I'm not interested. Come in and talk."

In fact, he didn't know who Muse was at all, and the previous sentence of 'I've heard of your name for a long time' was naturally nonsense, but he knew that the Thieves Guild would definitely not send some inconspicuous person over to negotiate.

Muse nodded, slowly walked into the room with all his senses activated, and then...

"You can just come in as a third-rate person." Mo Tan suddenly turned around and whispered to Cole, Zhenji and others who were about to file in: "As for the brats and low-ranking ones, they are all waiting outside. I think it's dirty."

The expressions of several people froze, and then they saw Cole quickly take two steps back as if he remembered something terrible, and looked at Mo Tan warily: "You..."

"Haha~" The latter smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, as long as you don't come uninvited like before, I won't do anything to you."

Colton, who had always been cool from the beginning until now, fell silent.

The other few people looked at Muse hesitantly.

"That's it, you guys wait outside while I talk to Mr. Zelda alone." Muse said softly, and then made a few hidden gestures.

Acupuncture and the others immediately nodded with understanding, and the tree elf woman named Flower Snake obediently closed the door from the outside.

one minute later

Muse and Mo Tan sat opposite each other at the small round table in the hall of Room 11.

"Sorry to bother you." Muse took the lead in starting the conversation.

Mo Tan just shook his head noncommittally, absentmindedly took out a bottle of seemingly expensive red wine from under the table, pulled out the cork and took two gulps.

Muse: "..."

He has lived for more than four hundred years and has never seen anyone drink red wine like this.

To be honest, he was a little worried that the other party would poison the wine and then give him a full glass or something. Now that he thought about it, he seemed a little pretentious.

"Let me ask you a question." Mo Tan crossed his legs and shook the wine bottle in his hand at Muse: "Have you ever heard of The Legend of Zelda?"

What legend is stuffed?

Muse was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the other party's name - Link Zelda. He thought that the legend must have something to do with the human being of unknown origin, unknown identity, and unknown strength in front of him, so he quickly thought about it in his mind. I searched and then...

"I've never heard of it." Muse shook her head sincerely.

"Oh." Mo Tan took another sip of wine in a particularly generous manner, raised his hand and pointed to the door: "Then there is nothing more to say, get out of here."

From this moment on, all the initiative in this 'negotiation' was officially in Mo Tan's hands.

The face under the Muse mask was already sweating a little. He felt that the difficulty of the guy in front of him seemed to be far beyond expectations. It stands to reason that since the other party had obtained the information box of the God Destroyer Society, he also knew that he was here this time. purpose, then he should have already started planning to blackmail the Thieves Guild, but why did he start driving people away without even a few words? !

What about negotiations? What about transactions? What about the sky-high asking prices? What about a big fight? What about breaking up?

"Hey." Mo Tan began to urge impatiently: "Are you deaf, a third-rate person? I tell you to get out."

Muse coughed dryly: "Actually, the purpose of my coming here is..."

"Is this right?" Mo Tan rolled his eyes, and a small box suddenly appeared in his left hand as he tapped the table.

There was a burning sensation in Muse's chest. It was the resonance of the 'key'!

[It’s the real deal, it’s really this guy! 】

His pupils suddenly contracted, and then...

"If you dare to reach out." Mo Tan smiled slightly: "I will chop off your hand and destroy this thing."

Muse's slightly trembling figure immediately stabilized, and he chuckled softly: "You are overthinking. I just want to make a deal with you this time."

But despite what he said, the moment the box in Mo Tan's hand appeared, Muse was already murderous!

Of course, he is not stupid enough to think that the other party has no ability at all, but the vice president of the Black Tower City Thieves Guild is not naive enough to think that the 'Link Zelda' in front of him will definitely be better than himself and Acupuncture. People are stronger together. Now that we have determined that the thing is in the opponent's hands, we must take action when we have to take action!

but not now……

If this guy who he couldn't understand at all could still barely communicate, Muse was not willing to take this extra risk.

But he has begun to seriously think about whether the other party is really strong enough.

"It's a deal." Mo Tan, the old man, smacked his mouth comfortably, then shook his head slightly and said, "I don't deal with people who are insincere."

Muse immediately said: "I am very sincere!"

"Is your sincerity just to let those low-ranking people make some 'small preparations' outside?"


Muse was a little surprised. The gestures he made to Zhenji and others were extremely hidden, just like many of our usual habitual actions, but they were still seen by the other party!

"I apologize." He stood up neatly and said: "I will let them now..."

"No need." Mo Tan smiled jokingly, shook the bottle in his hand, and said drunkenly: "Looking at your good attitude..."

Muse stared at the box with burning eyes: "You tell me."

"Six hundred thousand gold coins, it doesn't matter whether they are clean money or not." Mo Tan said softly, and then he flipped his left hand gently. The box had disappeared, and the 'key' on Muse's chest immediately lost its temperature.

Six hundred thousand! !

Muse smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Mr. Zelda, although we are indeed very sincere, the number of 600,000 is really a bit..."

"Seven hundred thousand." Mo Tan gently placed the wine bottle in his hand on the table, smiled at Muse and said, "I'm a very talkative person."

【You are so damn good to talk to! The effort in two sentences has increased by a hundred thousand! 】

The corners of his mouth twitched under the muse mask. He forced himself to calm down, and then said in a deep voice: "Five hundred thousand, of which four hundred thousand is clean money. This is our greatest sincerity. You must know that our previous reward amount was only two fifteen……"

"You have 400,000 clean money?" Mo Tan suddenly interrupted with interest: "Really?"

Muse, who had given up the idea of ​​'testing his strength' at some point, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, nodded vigorously and said, "That's right, four hundred thousand clean money!"

"Okay, then it's settled." Mo Tan clapped his hands happily, and then when Muse suddenly began to think about 'Am I being cheated?', he added with a smile: "In that case, then It doesn’t matter if the other four hundred thousand is not clean.”

Muse was immediately confused: "You...what did you say?"

Mo Tan, who was leaning back on the chair, smiled kindly...

"I think you're a nice person. I'll bring you nine hundred thousand gold coins and take away your things."

"You might as well go and grab it!"

"It's so slow~"

Chapter 140: End

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