Quadruple split

Chapter 142 Just a thief

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"What do you think of a giant dragon that can barely defeat a bamboo rat?"

[Reconnection begins...]

"Tsk, tsk, you are really heartless~"

[Connection completed, reading character information]

"I'm very curious. After all, even the NPCs here are so intelligent, so as a system..."

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Black Tower City, Room 11, Liuli Pavilion

"The loading speed this time is half a second faster than before..."

Mo Tan appeared in the lounge in the room with a smile on his face, smiled and murmured in a low voice, then walked slowly to the bookshelf not far away, took out a few pieces of paper and a quill, and leaned on the short floor. Something was written quickly on the table...

two minutes later

"Cole." Mo Tan put down his quill, snapped his fingers, and shouted outside the lounge: "Come in."

Cole, who noticed that Mo Tan had not dared to come in and disturb him since he came online, quickly opened the door and entered. His face, which was a little stiff because he had been training hard to 'pretend', twitched: "Sir, are you calling me?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "Are you deaf?"

Cole was stunned for a moment and shook his head in confusion.

"If you're not deaf, don't ask such nonsense. Time is precious, young man." Mo Tan stretched out, and a slender dagger appeared in his hand at some point, and walked to Cole: "Remember everything I told you before. Are you staying?"

The latter nodded vigorously: "Remember everything, I will do it well."

"Very good." Mo Tan patted his shoulder and chuckled: "Then, I wish you good luck..."

half an hour later

A staggering figure staggered into the Thieves Guild.

Then he ran into a tall orc wearing night clothes...

Although it was already midnight, it was the peak period of various activities for a place like the Thieves Guild. It was not strange to meet a few people at the door.

No one knows what their peers are doing, and no one is interested in this kind of thing. Every night is a short-term gift from the dark goddess Delia. Anyone who comes in and out here during this time does not want to go. Waste it.

But Scarface obviously doesn't mind wasting a little time, firstly because he doesn't have anything important at hand right now, and secondly...

He knew the young man in front of him who was covered in injuries.

"Mr. Cordoba?" The orc waved his arms exaggeratedly and laughed: "What's wrong with you? You seem to be in need of help. Do you need me to accompany you to the church?"

Obviously, he was not very interested in the mid-level thief in front of him who he had met once before, but even so, Scarface still reluctantly gave this cool guy named Cordoba a hand. Well, this orc with a somewhat hot temper is not so cold-blooded after all. Of course, it may also be because of the warning given to him by Tatami the Golden Tooth yesterday. In short, he did not throw away this young man who seemed to be in an extremely dire situation. No matter here.

How pessimistic are you specifically?

There were probably twenty or thirty wounds all over his body, and his whole body was like a moving fountain of blood. To be honest, if it were Scarface himself, he really wasn't sure he could sustain such a level of injury. Survive.

The scale of this bleeding alone is enough!

"Don't talk nonsense." Cole (after all, we all know he is Cole) shook his head with difficulty. His pale face was covered with cold sweat due to excessive blood loss. He stared at the scarred face: " Take me to see Jinya, now!”

The latter took a look at the shocking large wounds on Cole's body, and laughed dryly: "I would like to remind you that the first aid methods here are not very rich. If you don't treat it immediately with your virtue, there is a high possibility that you will be dead. oh."


A sharp short blade popped out from Cole's cuff. He glanced at Scarface coldly and said solemnly: "Take me to see Jinya immediately! I know where the things the guild wants are..."

"What did you say? Hey! Hey! Boy, are you okay!"

five minutes later

Thieves Guild, Shadow Hall, Lounge

Tatami glanced gloomily at Cole, who was unconscious on the bed, then glanced coldly at Scarface next to him, and said in a cold voice: "Are you sure this matter has nothing to do with you?"

"Sister Jin!" Scarface shrugged helplessly: "How many times have I told you, I just happened to meet this kid at the entrance of the guild, not to mention whether I can beat him as a middle-level thief. Pass him, look at those wounds..."

Tatami shrugged: "I've seen it. There are a total of twenty-seven wounds, all of which avoid vital points. They are all wounds from the sharp blade of the same short weapon. There are a total of twenty-seven attacks, and they can also make this little The guy doesn't even have a chance to fight back, and someone of your level really can't do that."

"You still know that I can't do it!" Scarface smiled bitterly: "Then why do you ask so many times!"

Tatami snorted: "Because you have never been a fuel-efficient guy, okay, get out of here."

Scarface smiled and quickly turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute." But Tatami stopped him again and said in a deep voice: "I almost forgot, please call Vice President Muse. I'll find him..."

"No need." A low voice sounded in the corner, and a slender figure slowly walked out of the darkness: "I'm already here."

Scarface immediately froze in place as if he was frightened, while Tatami immediately leaned over and saluted: "Lord Muse."

"Yes." The looming figure in the darkness nodded, then gave Scarface a gentle look and said softly: "You can go out first."

It was only then that the latter finally reacted, bowed quickly, and left the lounge without looking back.

Muse, whose whole body was shrouded in dark leather armor, walked to the unconscious Cole. The eyes behind the mask flickered slightly. She turned to the female dwarf beside her and chuckled: "You just saw it wrong. Quite an important point, Tatami."

"I'm very sorry!" Jinya apologized directly without saying a word: "Excuse me, what was my oversight?"

Muse stretched out a finger and gently scratched a wound on Cole's side, and whispered: "There are twenty-seven wounds in total, which is fine, but the person who attacked this young man did something Fifty-four attacks, using ordinary daggers that have not been enchanted or quenched. The size and depth of the wounds caused in the first round of attacks are exactly the same, and in the second round, a further two wounds are applied to the previous position. Destruction, depending on the location, instantly creates what you see..."

Tatami broke into a cold sweat immediately.

"It's hard to kill, but it's enough to make people miserable." Muse gently stroked the short blade on his waist and whispered: "And to be able to cause such an injury, the interval between the opponent's two rounds of attacks must be extremely short, as short as this The little guy can't react at all, haha... Not only is he a strong man, but he is also a strong man who is good at torturing or torturing his enemies..."

Tatami carefully glanced at the vice-president with unfathomable strength in front of him, and whispered: "Scarface told me before that this young man said before he fell into coma that he had found clues to that thing."

"Obvious thing." Muse waved his hand: "Go and inform Xue Lian, Acupuncture, Ye Yin, and Hua Snake to get ready and ask them to wait for me in the lobby."

After hearing these names, Tatami stayed in a daze for a long time, and then said hesitantly: "Call those four adults... all here?"

"Yes, they are all in the guild now." Muse looked back at her, a pair of eyes hidden in the shadows filled with coldness: "Since the other party spared this young man's life, it was obviously intentional. It’s directed at us, although I personally prefer to use money to solve the problem, but if the other party has bad intentions or the lion opens his mouth..."

He shook his head and did not continue.

Tatami didn't ask any more questions, bowed and left quickly.

five minutes later

Cole opened his eyes in a hazy green light, and then found himself standing in front of a stranger he had never seen before.

"Who are you? How did my injury heal?" He looked at the man warily, and slowly put his right hand behind his back, but it turned out to be empty.

The latter shrugged, pointed to the table piled with a full set of weapons and equipment, and said with a smile: "All your things are here, and they have not been touched at all, so please don't worry."

Cole stood up silently, clenched his fists in surprise, and found that all the large wounds on his body had disappeared, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Muse, and I am the vice-president of the Thieves Guild of Black Tower City." Muse said briskly, and then spread out his right hand. On it was a slightly dull green fruit: "This It is a Bigui fruit, which can effectively alleviate any injuries when combined with certain natural spells. It is a specialty of the forest elf territory and has been sold for 3,000 gold coins each on the black market."

Cole narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly: "I didn't ask you to save me."

"Of course, I was just answering your question about how the injury healed. I had no other meaning." Muse casually put the fruit into his pocket and said with a smile, "Of course, if young Cordoba Sir, if you can understand my good intentions, it would be best if I could bear a favor from the Black Tower City Thieves Guild."

Cole walked to the table in silence, put on his equipment slowly, and then turned back to Muse and said, "Very good, I took note of it."

Muse nodded.

"Want to know where your things are?" Cole put a dagger with numerous gaps in its sheath and asked Muse in a low voice: "You should be in charge."

The latter chuckled: "Of course, but if it is used to repay a favor, the weight of this news is really heavy."

"Then let's add the quota for the ruins exploration team." Cole was not polite at all, and directly forced the favor to be included in the originally agreed upon reward.

However, Muse didn't mind at all and nodded readily: "No problem."

"I think I need to remind you in advance." The corner of Cole's mouth pulled out a curve that should be a 'laugh', and said coldly: "That guy is not a character who can be taken care of casually. He is very strong. Very strong..."

Muse shrugged, and a pale golden note suddenly appeared in his hand: "This is a certificate from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce. There are two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins in it. I think this should be a satisfactory enough reward, of course... …”

He raised his other hand, and a silver-white short blade was spinning lightly on it.

"We are not philanthropists." Muse said softly: "Now, can you tell me the information you know? Mr. Cordoba..."

After one hour

Black Tower City, Liuli Pavilion

Muse, Cole, and four people dressed differently appeared outside Room 11.

"I should have said that it would be better to sneak here..." A tall lizard man with a blood-red iron chain on his hand held his forehead and sighed: "What have you done, Flower Snake?"

Next to her, a tree elf woman with a coquettish appearance, coquettish clothes, coquettish movements, and equally coquettish tone of voice pursed her lips and smiled, "This is my sneaking method, aren't you happy?"

"Such as poisoning all the witnesses?" A mean-looking goblin curled his lips and snorted: "If we are blacklisted, I will stab you to death!"

Mimi, the fourth level of alluring 'Flower Snake' glanced at him and smiled charmingly: "Yes, yes, your little needle can only 'prick' me to death, I'm so scared~"

"Are you looking for death?" Acupuncture's expression suddenly turned cold.


"You two~"

Muse, who was originally standing at the front, appeared behind the two of them at some point. Two dark daggers were gently placed on their shoulders, and he sighed leisurely: "If you want to die, it's not difficult at all. …”

Blood spattered, and a not-too-deep blood hole appeared on the sides of both men's necks.

The figure of Muse returned to its previous position at some point, and the pair of daggers were well inserted into his waist.

There was no sound at all in the previous series of movements, not even the sound of blood splashing.

"I knew..." A sigh came through the air, it was a nice female voice.

"In short, no one is allowed to do anything before I give the order." Muse said softly, and then smiled at Cole beside him: "Just kidding, this is the right place, right?"

Cole shrugged: "I'm not sure, but it's probably here."

"Let me give it a try, please step back a little." Muse whispered to Cole, walked forward and knocked on the door gently, and then...

The door opened.

[No lock? 】

The powerful vice-president of the Thieves Guild narrowed his eyes slightly and took a half step back warily.

Then a burst of joking laughter was heard coming from not far away.

"I've heard about your names for a long time, but today I met..."

The human man wearing a black robe and a stern face slowly turned around and whispered with a half-smile...

"It turns out he's just a third-rate thief."

Chapter 139: End

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