Quadruple split

Chapter 1419 Patty’s Grudge Doll

one minute ago

[Phew, it finally triggered, it seems like my luck is not bad this time~]

In the airtight darkness, Gawen sighed silently in her heart, and began to control her newly generated body again. She immediately activated the effect of [Thousand Faces] amidst the severe stinging pain, turning herself into A petite dwarf girl was lying on the ground looking at the dangerous space around her——

【Paddy's Grudge Doll】


soul binding

Quality: Unique Epic

Requirements for use: Complete the epic quest chain——[Patty’s Curse]

Effect: When you receive fatal damage, there is a 3% chance of activating the [Paddy's Cursed Doll] in your backpack if your head does not fall off. After one minute, your body will be replaced with a hollow and inner doll. A wooden doll containing cursed spikes, and you will be resurrected and appear in the doll.


1. After resurrection, your health will be restored to 50% of the upper limit, and each curse spike will continue to cause damage to you. If you cannot break away from the puppet within one minute, you will die directly. Next For one hundred character creation sessions, you will permanently lose 10% of all attributes and 10% of physical growth.

2. You can try to remove the cursed spikes from the puppet, but you must be aware that you are 'squeezed' into the puppet, and any abnormality may attract the attention of the enemy. Not only that, when you leave the puppet Previously, you would take an additional 1000% more damage.

3. Before you leave the puppet, you will share your health percentage with the puppet, and it is extremely fragile.

4. After removing a total of ten cursed spikes, the puppet's seal will be lifted, and for each spike removed, you will recover health equal to 5% of the maximum health limit.

5. You can persuade Patty's ghost to let you go, but she has little patience with most people.

6. In any case, when you leave the doll, your highest-level profession will be deducted by 20 levels. If the level of the corresponding profession is less than 20, a corresponding amount of [negative experience] will be generated. Each level of [negative experience] will be generated. , your basic attribute points will be reduced by twice the growth attributes of the corresponding profession at each level.

7. After successful resurrection, you will be haunted by Patty's curse. If you are killed by Patty's curse, when you create a character again, she will find you in the shortest time. Patty will find you every time. When you are reborn, your resentment will fade by 10%. When you die at Patty's hands 10 times, you will automatically obtain a non-soul-bound [Patti's Cursed Doll] after creating a character for the 11th time.

[Note: Patty's eyes are screaming, echoing beside the hot wooden frame; Patty's heart is in the cellar, beating beside the frosted tomb; Patty's doll is screaming, and the memory is beside the embers; Di's soul is in the cellar, her mother's blood stains are eight lines, and her baby's tears are eight lines. 】

In the dull darkness, a small face stained with blood and with only two black holes for the pupils appeared in front of Jiawen. He smiled crazily. Drops of turbid blood and tears left where the pupils should have been, but where they should have been. Dissipated into the groggy darkness before landing.

"Hello, little sister Patty Margotello."

Jia Wen smiled at the young face in front of her that was very visually striking, but if you look closely it looked no more than 12 or 13 years old at best. She smiled in a very low voice that she couldn't even hear: "We should Is this the first time we’ve met?”

‘To be precise, this should be the first time you see me, Sister Gawen. ’

The little girl named Patty Margatro laughed strangely, and the clear and sweet voice sounded directly in Gawen's mind: 'I have been following you since a long time ago~'

Gawen blinked and asked curiously in a lower voice: "A long time ago, when exactly did you mean?"

'Probably, since you entered my village, drove my father crazy, dismembered my mother, and used the magic circle I gave as a parting gift to transform them into bloody, dirty, slimy monsters, It probably started after more than a hundred people in the village were slaughtered~'

The clear and childish voice of a child resounded in Gawen's mind again, and Patty's smile became more ferocious, and she said in a sleepy tone: 'They are all my cherished family members and friends! ’

"That's really hard on you. You trapped your cherished family and friends in a fantasy world for more than four hundred years, repeating the same nightmare forever. In the end, you even sacrificed your own soul to make them suffer for a few more years. Torture.”

Jia Wen showed a calm and indifferent smile, sighed in a rather cheerful tone, and then changed the topic and said softly: "But I am in a hurry now, if I want to chat, how about we do it next time?"

‘Not so good~’

Patty made a real face (she almost widened her eyes twice), and the voice echoing in Gawen's mind suddenly became cold: 'Sister Gawen, you have destroyed me. The most important pleasure in life is now trapped in my doll, and you have no right to bargain with me. ’

"It must be admitted that your pleasure is not only childish but also humble."

Gawen shrugged, then lazily held up his chin and said: "You know very well that you are not actually torturing anyone. The owner of those echoes had nothing left in the original nightmare except you. Apart from that, neither the joy of revenge nor the pain of emptiness exists in any corner of this world. Of course, I am willing to apologize to you, after all, I didn’t know that torturing those empty dolls would make you so happy.”

Two flashes of fire ignited in Patty's eyes, and the child's voice that echoed in Gawen's mind was cold and hoarse: 'Are you provoking me? ’

"I'm stating the facts, stating them as tactfully as possible."

Gawen corrected him slowly, and then said softly: "I reiterate, I am in a hurry now."

The fire in Patty's eyes grew stronger: 'So, you are begging me to let you out? ’


Jia Wen shook his head and said calmly: "I'm not begging you, I'm... ordering you."

‘Command me? Haha, hahahahahahaha! ! ! ’

Patty let out a burst of laughter that almost made Gawen's ears ring. The twitching corners of her mouth made her look a little hysterical: 'Don't make people laugh. You don't really think you can get out of here easily, do you? I know you can take on all kinds of shapes, and I know you have the ability to pull out those spikes, but you'll never find the tenth one, and without my help, you'll never... Ugh! ? ’

"The tenth spike you mentioned..."

Gawen slowly pulled her right hand out of Patty's mouth and smiled, gently shook the long bone needle about ten centimeters in her hand twice, and smiled playfully: "Is it this one?"

Patty: "..."

"Sorry, I don't have time to chat with you, so while haggling is a fun pastime, let's keep this story short."

Jia Wen glanced at the system time, then sped up his speech slightly, and said calmly: "If you don't cooperate with me, then I will commit suicide immediately, and will take you back to the Chauvin Empire as soon as possible and hand it over to me. The boss is frustrated."


"Yes, he is the most complex, patient, and simplest person I have ever met. If you have been paying attention to me in that doll since I completed the task, then you should not be disappointed. You must have met him before."

'Wait...wait a minute...the person you are talking about...is he the one wearing the mask...'

"Well, that's right, he's the man who always likes to wear a mask and has an unflattering personality."

'You want me to...'

"Well, I will hand you over to him, and I will also tell him that it was you who caused the failure of my mission this time. If you want to kill or behead you, I will do whatever you want, and you will do as you please."

'I do not want! ’

"All right."

‘Sister, you are not a bad person. ’

"Then I'll let you play with that old man. You should have the impression that Mr. Merlin always complains that there isn't enough material, but if it's you, I think you can at least survive in his hands..."

‘When will the seal be released! ? ’

Then the little girl named Patty interrupted Gavin with fear and roared in a soprano voice that almost deafened the latter: "Now? I can!"

"Oh? No more pretending?"

Gavin blinked and said with a smile: "Little sister Patty Margatro? Or... Her Highness Saint Patty Halse?"


"Okay, okay, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it later. If you want to make a deal, you can mention it later. Now, tell me the locations of all the cursed spikes. I need to restore some health points."


Just like that, half a minute later, Jiawen, who could move relatively easily in her previous 'vest' due to her extremely petite figure, successfully pulled out all the cursed spikes and restored her health to 100%. The theoretically cruel torture was so easy that it made people want to yawn with the help of the wraith himself.

This is not surprising. After all, although Patty thinks she is definitely not a good person, in her eyes, the human man wearing the mask and the gentle-looking dwarf old man are monsters that are completely beyond her common sense. They are demons in human skin...even scarier and more terrifying than the so-called demons.

So Gawen's threat just now was very effective.

All in all, it only took less than two minutes for Jiawen, who had just died from [Killing Sword·Bloodshed], to completely complete rebirth in his own 'corpse'.

It is worth mentioning that although Gawen successfully completed the 'resurrection' with the help of some kind of props, this does not mean that the cost of resurrection in the Innocence Realm is very low. In fact, this is simply difficult for ordinary players to achieve. , even if you can do it, I'm afraid it's not much better than dying directly.

For example, the epic quest chain called "Patty's Curse" is about three times more difficult than "Blood Resentment". Not to mention that if you are not careful, you will be thrown into the street. Ordinary players will go through all kinds of hardships. Wan Ku has completed the mission and reached 100% completion. He will only get a few pieces of epic equipment and a large number of [Nightmare Priest], a rare profession. As for [Patty's Cursed Doll]... that is a mission completion rate of more than 150%, and all hidden items must be collected to perfectly unlock the truth of the nightmare.

Not only that, the first characteristic of this item is enough to scare most players. You can imagine that you are squeezed into a 'shell' of the same size as yourself. Not only is it extremely weak, but there are ten people inside the shell. A ten centimeter long spike, and you need to pull them all out within a minute.

Theoretically the best solution is to negotiate with Patty and ask her to remove the puppet's seal before you are stabbed to death, but Trait 5 also clearly states that Patty has no patience with most people.

Without Patty's help, the usual solution is to directly pierce the spike into the body, then break it off with force, and then bite out the spike hidden in Patty's ghost body, and finally Escape using a method that is infinitely close to that of John Kramer (the first protagonist/villain in the Saw series).

Seriously, it hurts just thinking about it.

Not only that, if the player accidentally (or rather naturally) dies in this link, then under the penalty of "permanent loss of 10% of all attributes and 10% of physical growth value", his subsequent 100 characters will basically be counted. It's all ruined.

That's not all. Even if they all choose the optimal solution, players still need to face 'struggle to escape from the scene where they just died', 'be haunted by Patty's ghost after resurrection', 'even if they escape, their strength will be greatly reduced. After being accidentally killed, he will have to face a series of extreme conditions such as Patty's ghost in the next ten new characters.

To be honest, if you think about it carefully, life is really worse than death.

But if you think about it more carefully, in a game like [Innocence Bound] with extremely serious death penalties, it is not incomprehensible that something like this, which can be regarded as a 'resurrection prop', would be so abnormal.

Anyway, Jiawen understood it, and she also felt that this thing was very compatible with her.

First of all, [Thousand Faces] is enough to get her out of the dilemma of being 'squeezed in her own body', and her understanding of Patty also gives her the confidence to convince the other party. As for being haunted by resentful ghosts, she can Her eyes were similar to those of 'usually chatting with multiple people'. After all, she had even met Mo and Merlin, and she was not a simple character, so she really wouldn't be frightened by such a trivial matter.

So after going around and around, the most difficult part for Gawen turned out to be that this thing only had a 3% trigger rate.

However, difficulty is relative. For the first person in this game who has mastered a useless low-level profession like [Juggler] to the full level, he has obtained [Destiny Dice], [Angel's Dice], and [Devil's Dice]. For Gawen, who has three skills, as long as she is willing to use this probabilistic skill, even if it cannot reach 100%, it is not difficult to increase its trigger rate from 3% to about 60%.

So [Paddy's Grudge Doll] was triggered, Gavin did it in a desperate move, and won the bet.

Forced into a desperate situation, she once again got a bargaining chip to continue the game.

Chapter 1,410: End

In fact, I updated twice yesterday

But one of the chapters is ‘Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred and Eleven’, so I’m afraid you have to go back to see it.

The specific reason is that I didn't pay attention when I should have passed 1311, so I passed 1312 directly, skipping a chapter.

All in all, yesterday was 2022.03.17. If you have seen that place before that day, you can go back and take a look at Chapter 1311.

All in all, I’ve added more~

It's gratifying, it's gratifying

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