Quadruple split

Chapter 1418 Bloodline Inheritance

"Ah, trouble..."

Mu Xuejian lowered his head and glanced at the corpse in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and muttered in a low voice: "It's troublesome in every sense of the word."

It wasn't that she was worried about her own safety. In fact, the moment Jiawen fell, Mu Xuejian's health had stopped declining, even though at that time she had only less than a third of her health left. Yes, but the opponent's [life-sacrifice blow] failed to produce full damage.

In other words, if Mu Xuejian had not been able to kill Jiawen immediately or eat her for just a few seconds, she might have been the one who fell to the ground now.

At that moment, there were only two choices before Mu Xuejian, either Jiawen died or he died.

Although she had not considered another option, in the end, the girl decided to fight back through some means, and the result of the fight was this scene.

Mu Xuejian believed that although he accepted this task, after all, he had promised to 'do his best' before. However, in the situation just now where he could not avoid [a life-threatening blow] and had to fight to the death, he had to fight to survive. Behavior that only kills the opponent shouldn't be a problem.

To sum up, killing the opponent by mistake should be just a small trouble. The man should not be too serious, and although he has a bad personality, he should not deduct his pocket money casually... Well, monthly salary , if it really doesn’t work, just act coquettishly and ask him to treat you to a meal or something, but don’t let him hold hands.

Her long, slender straight white eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she lowered her face and thought about it in her mind for a long time. After a while, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that her mistake this time would most likely be forgiven.

But there's still a big problem...

Mu Xuejian pursed his lips and looked down at the visually impressive sword in his hand. Compared with before, the sword had an extra layer of faint snow patterns, and there was a faint mist-like sound near the blade. The hazy light circulated, and it seemed to be a little shorter than before——

【No frost】

soul binding

Weapon Category: One-Handed Sword

Quality: the only legend

Attack power: strong

Attributes: Strength +35%, Dexterity +50%, Constitution 20%, Intelligence +20%


[Wushuang]: Ignore 50% of armor, ignore 50% of total resistance

[Muxue]: When hitting the target, there is a 5% chance of causing an additional penetrating damage.

[Sword Soul]: This weapon will never wear out.

[Sword Soul]: The effect of your sword skills is increased by an additional 30%, and the cooling time is reduced by 30%.

[Sword Heart]: You cannot use any non-sword weapons.

[Sword Courage]: When using sword weapons, you are not affected by any mental attacks or illusions.

[Hewi]: Opponents whose sword specialization is lower than level 45 cannot analyze Wushuang's sword path.

[Aloof]: Until you completely tame [Wufrost], you will suffer a constant physical energy consumption at a frequency of 0.5%/s when using it.

[Dushang]: When fighting sword weapons, if the opponent's quality is \u003cLegendary, each hit will have an additional 1-5% durability damage effect. If the opponent's quality is \u003cEpic, each hit will have a 2% chance of damage. Directly cut off the opponent's sword weapon, and the durability damage is irreversible.

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

Equipment requirements: Mu Xuejian,? ? ?

[Note 1: [Sword Emperor] Nangong Mu’s symbolic power is embodied. Although he rarely had the opportunity to appear twenty years ago, and his status was even threatened by stainless steel kitchen knives after his master transformed into a full-time wife, this power still exists. In the body of Nangong Xue, who inherited the bloodline of [Sword Emperor]. 】

[Note 2: Nangong Xue’s real name is Zhao Xue, and her registered name on the resident ID card is also Zhao Xue. However, because her surname is not fashionable enough, she has used her mother’s surname Nangong since the fourth grade of elementary school and calls herself Nangong Xue. After almost all her pocket money was deducted, After repeated admonitions, he still refused to change his name, but refused his frustrated father's proposal to change his name on the resident ID card and household registration book. He said that he only used Nangong Xue as a pen name and liked to use pen names. 】

[Remark 3: Zhao Xue once had her scores in six subjects invalidated in a certain exam because the name on the test paper did not match the name on the admission ticket. 】

"I always feel like I should call the police."

Mu Xuejian, who was directly disturbed by [Wushuang]'s remarks and felt a little bad, clenched her fists and muttered in a low voice. This was not the first time that she felt that the game "Innocence Realm" had Problem.

In fact, when she was still in poverty and could only make a living by selling sword manuals, a kind-hearted player girl sent her a message after learning [Seven Absolute Sword Qi]. Notes 2-6 on that skill, although the content above was insignificant but definitely related to privacy issues, it immediately shocked Mu Xuejian.

From that time on, she suspected that the game Innocence was abnormal, but she really liked this game that was extremely realistic and even allowed her to create her own sword moves, so she did not report it to the government agencies and prosecutors. The agency wrote a letter to report the innocent company for stealing players' privacy, etc. They just wrote an email to the official mailbox in a relatively obscure tone, reminding them that it was not good to do so, and then they stopped caring.

After all, this girl has no sense of legal protection, and she doesn't think she has any shameful privacy. In short... good children, don't imitate her. You must take measures as soon as possible after discovering that personal information is leaked.

However, the Innocence Company did not give any feedback, and Mu Xuejian quickly forgot about it. Until today, two exaggerated remarks were slapped directly on her face.

You must know that since high school, even Mu Xuejian’s best classmates thought her name was Nangong Xue instead of Zhao Xue, so after excluding the class teacher, dean and the like, they had no time to report to the Innocence Company. After this possibility, she could only conclude that there was definitely something wrong with this game.

However, Mu Xuejian still has no intention of going offline to file a report or anything. After all, she has vaguely noticed now that it seems that there is something wrong with more than just the game...

For example, my mother, who was called the 'Sword Emperor' in [Wushuang]'s notes, may have some problems.

This matter is complicated to talk about. Since time is tight now, we will keep it short.

To put it simply, although Mu Xuejian is a bit of a middle-schooler, she is actually a very smart child. For example, she often finds that her mother, who is obviously a full-time housewife, will disappear inexplicably for a period of time, which can be as short as tens of minutes or as long as Sometimes even for half a day or one night, if she bumps into her when she comes back, she will say that she went out to buy groceries, even if she doesn't have half a vegetable in her hand.

This has been true since childhood.

A few years ago, Mu Xuejian had doubted whether her mother had accidentally deviated from the track without paying attention, but after careful observation for a few years, she found that this could not be the case because the relationship between her and her father was really good. , and most people don’t come back covered in blood after going out on a date.

That's right, Mu Xuejian could have sworn that he once again bumped into his mother who was covered in blood walking into the hall. In the blink of an eye, he found that the latter's body was clean, not to mention the blood, not even a wrinkle. .

This is very abnormal, because my mother does not know how to iron clothes.

Since this girl has a bit of a middle-class tendency, she even suspected that her mother might be a housewife on the surface, but actually a superwoman who saves the world secretly.

Later, she fell into the realm of innocence, and after playing this game for a few months, Mu Xuejian gradually began to doubt... that she was right in her suspicions.

Having read more than 1,400 chapters, everyone must have guessed that Mu Xuejian's composition is definitely not simple. In other words, like Yi Dong and others, she has a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in her family.

And we all know that superheroes are easy to hide from the media, paparazzi, passers-by, colleagues, and leaders, but it is more difficult to hide it from your own family, especially active superheroes who have not retired.

Yi Dong never found any clues because his parents both had a tendency to be middle-class in their eyes. Occasionally, he heard his mother say to his father, "Honey, I went to the Fifth Ring Road yesterday to pick up a fierce ghost." Its authenticity will be considered.

Yuchen didn't realize it because her mother was originally a super career woman. Although she spent time with her children, as a famous surgeon in S city, it was not normal to go out for a day, when there were many surgeries. Maybe half a week was spent with only red envelopes and no one around. At that time, most of her best friends went to Yu Chen's house to accompany her.

Ji Xiaoge didn't notice because this girl had a carefree personality.

Ji Xiaodao might have seen something, but he didn't say anything or think much about it.

As for Kang Lan, Wan Yang, and Cui Xiaoyu, the situation is similar. Kang Lan is good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, Wan Yang is not in a hurry when he goes out to play every day, and Cui Xiaoyu is easy to fool.

But Mu Xuejian is different. Although this girl looks a bit bored, her observation skills and intelligence are not low, and she also knows how to act stupid depending on the atmosphere. In addition, her mother has the title of 'Sword Emperor' His personality is off-kilter, and he always subconsciously treats Mu Xuejian as a child, and the clues in his life become more and more obvious.

And in the fourth month after Mu Xuejian entered the realm of innocence and discovered that she was extremely talented in swordsmanship, she just came out of the game cabin one time and was rubbing her eyes and walking into the restaurant to have breakfast. She could feel the sword intent from her mother.

she! From her mother! On your body! felt it! Sword intent!

Moreover, it was a sword intention that made Mu Xuejian's hair stand on end and made him almost collapse to the ground.

However, in stark contrast to Mu Xuejian's schedule, her mother, who was cutting tofu shreds at the time, seemed not to notice any problem at all and just asked her to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Two seconds later, her mother, who was about to pour oil into the pot, put down the kitchen knife, and the sharp sword intent that almost made Mu Xuejian faint also disappeared.

You must know that at that time, Mu Xuejian, who had just broken through to the high level, had already ranked among the top 50 in the personal strength rankings. He had created a large number of sword moves without a teacher, ignoring that there were only ordinary female students outside the game. Regardless of his quality, his level of sword is already not low.

It is precisely because of this that Mu Xuejian, who originally felt nothing, felt the power after his mother picked up the kitchen knife and almost fell to the ground.

So from that moment on, this girl knew that her mother was not simple, and [Wu Shuang]'s system notes proved this even more.

"So you are my mother's sword?"

The girl held [Wushuang] in front of her, looking at the cloud patterns on the sword with a smile, and gently brushed it with her left index finger, and then——

Bang! !

[Wushuang], which suddenly became heavier, slipped from Mu Xuejian's hand and hit the ground directly. At the same time, the system prompt sounded in her ears——

[System prompt: Because your strength cannot match the profession [Sword Emperor], this profession has been rolled back to [Sword Crazy]. As compensation, all experience gained before you obtain the epic level profession will be doubled. 】

"Oh, I knew I wouldn't be able to use it after reaching the Wushuang realm."

Pouting his little mouth and squatting down, Mu Xuejian first drank a bottle of healing potion (specially provided by [Harlequin Brand]), and then laboriously took out the rune bandage and wrapped it around the sword until [Wushuang] was completely wrapped Finally, the [weight] that was almost unbearable for Mu Xuejian disappeared like an illusion.

[Not only have the targets that need to be controlled been killed, [Wushuang] can no longer be used. The loss this time is too great...]

The girl reluctantly carried Wu Shuang behind her back and sighed quietly in her heart. Then she opened the message board and sent a message to the player named [Maleficent Lolita Special Type], asking her to talk to that player. Heart, who is also an ACE with him, shouted hello and told the other party that he accidentally killed the target by mistake.

During the process, Mu Xuejian even hummed a song quietly and seemed to be in a good mood.

It is true that after the quality of [Wushuang] was upgraded, she could no longer use this beloved sword, but while paying the price, Mu Xuejian did not gain nothing. In fact, from a long-term perspective, I'm afraid what she gained was much more than what she lost.

First of all, although she has temporarily lost [Wu Shuang], it means that after Mu Xuejian is promoted to epic, she will directly get a legendary weapon. Just one of it is enough to make countless players drool with envy.

Not only that, the career rollback compensation given by the system also indirectly significantly reduced the time it took for Mu Xuejian to reach epic level. Although the process of going from high level to epic level includes strength, opportunity, realm and other qualities, this has left her with less time. Many detours were taken.

And the most important thing is that in those five minutes, Mu Xuejian, just like Ito who participated in the attack on Futaba before, briefly experienced the [Epic Level] profession, and it was an Epic Level profession that matched his own profession!

She even managed to master an epic skill that Futaba dreamed of - [Killing Sword·Bloodshed] in the process.

The price was only to have a weapon temporarily blocked and to kill someone by mistake...

【! ? 】

Mu Xuejian, who was sending a message, suddenly lowered his head.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but just at the last moment, she seemed to see the finger of the 'corpse' on the ground, and it suddenly twitched!

Chapter 1,409: End

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